Friday, February 8, 2013


(My original has many pictures and illustrations.  Please excuse this installment until I am able to complete it.)

1942         1942         1942         1942
German Plans to invade the United States nonexistent:  Germany never wanted to fight the United States, let alone conquer it for its own territory, as it never wanted to fight Great Britain.  But when the United States was dragged into the War, of course Germany wanted to stop their entrance.  There were some plans for disruption.  The obstacle of the Atlantic Ocean was tremendous.  All stories submitted to the American People were simply Propaganda to inspire fear and the will to fight.
In 1942, when America and the Soviet Union were allies against Nazism, Archbishop Francis Beckman of Dubuque warned that "the Christ-haters (Jews) of Moscow and their international brethren… may well take note of the Church Militant when she becomes aroused." The True Holocaust - During most of 1942, RAF bombed Germany’s civilian cities nightly.  Estimates of 1,500,000 children and adults are killed by bombings throughout war.
Yad Vashem memorial to Holocaust is planned.  This is proof of a Zionist fund-raising scheme even before rumors of camp deaths.  Shmuel Krakowski, archives director of the Jerusalem Yad Vashem, considered in 1986 that of the 20,000 testimonies he had on hand from survivors of the holocaust, "most were untrustworthy, fraudulent, lacking support or in some way untruthful". 
Nazi War Poster Allied bombing of German cities had increased to the level that children in cities were being sent to the countryside for safety. The German term Kinderlandverschickung translates as “sending children to the countryside.”  The poster encourages parents to register their children aged 3-14 for the program, which was not compulsory. Storm Trooper Emblem
German Posters: (The Allies certainly had their Posters!)
1.Nazi Production Poster2.Nazi War Production Poster3.Nazi air raid warden poster4.Hitler Poster5.Hitler Poster6.Nazi Recruiting Poster 7.1933 Nazi Agricultural Poster
1. “Unshakable, determined to fight, certain of victory!”
2. “Labor Comrade. You work with us. Keep up your strength!”
3. A poster to recruit air raid wardens.
4. “Adolf Hitler is victory!” (withdrawn after the defeat at Stalingrad)
5. “Be true to the Führer.”
6. “Infantry: The Queen of the Services.”
7. The Allied blockade of WW I had seriously hurt Germany: “Farmer! You are a soldier in the battle of production.”
8. Nazi war veterans' poster
8. This poster promotes the NSKOV, the Nazi organization for veterans. The caption: “Comrades at the front — Comrades for life.  Advice and assistance in all areas of need.”
Germany’s Mission Distributed throughout Europe to remind Europeans that the War was a Crusade against Bolshevism.
A Poster Campaign in Austria: 1942

Nazi poster
This poster introduced the two characters: Frau Keppelmeier and Herr Semperer. “Sempern” is slang for ‘complain.” The poem runs:
Frau Keppelmeier, as one can see,
Is deeply troubled as can be.
Herr Semperer, on the other hand,
Eagerly hears the rumor she tells.
Nazi poster
Herr Semperer is not eager to donate to the Nazi Party’s charity, the Winterhilfswerk, or WHW:
Herr Semperer, it’s very clear,
Makes his “sacrifice” so dear.
“Hey,” he mutters, “I gives ma share!”
Two cents is all that he can spare.
Nazi poster
Frau Keppelmeier commits the crime (and it was a crime) of listening to British radio:
At night Frau Keppelmeier turns her dial,
And listens in on London.
She sits there listening to lies,
Happily being led astray.
Nazi poster
Herr Semperer, meanwhile, has advice for Hitler’s generals:
Herr Semperer is a strategist.
The most important thing in any battle
Is to make the right attack, he says.
Any general could learn from him.
One need only listen to him at the pub.
Nazi poster
Frau Keppelmeier, meanwhile, is having trouble finding the things she needs:
Frau Keppelmeier is most distressed.
She can’t get the right perfume these days.
And our youth, why they’re so immature,
They’ve never heard of perfumed soap!
Nazi poster
Herr Semperer is off in the countryside looking for black market foodstuffs:
Herr Semperer, meanwhile, complains so loudly.
The trains, you see, are sometimes late.
In such hard times how can he then,
Himself punctually fill his sack?

Lev Nussimbaum (Kiev, 1905 – Positano, 1942) was a Jew writer and journalist, who spent his childhood in Baku before fleeing the Bolsheviks in 1920 at the age of 14.  In 1922, while living in Germany he obtained a certificate claiming that he had converted to Islam in the presence of the imam of the Turkish embassy in Berlin.  He created for himself a niche in the competitive European literary world by writing about topics that Westerners, in general, knew little about - the Caucasus, Russian Empire, Bolshevik Revolution newly discovered oil, and Islam.  He wrote under the name of Essad Bey in German.  Historians and literary critics, who knew these subjects well, discredited Essad Bey as a reliable source.  The fact that Essad Bey was so prolific calls into question the authorship of these books and whether Essad Bey was primarily operating as a broker and doctoring manuscripts and marketing them under his name, which by then had become famous.  In 1934, his agent Werner Schendell warned him to slow down and take a year off between books so that he would not appear to be so prolific.  That year no books appeared in German - only two novellas in Polish.  “Ali and Nino” was a famous book considered the national novel of Azerbaijan, a love story between a Muslim man and Cristian woman.  He used the penname of Essad Bey and Kurban Said.
1942 In the movie biopic “Rembrandt”, produced in Amsterdam, the artist fell victim to Jewish moneylenders who deprive him of his home, reputation and life’s work.  Biopic ends with the artist old and destitute wandering through a cluttered warehouse where his painting “The Night Watch” lies neglected.  The painting is about Amsterdam’s militia which traced its origin back to marksmen’s guilds organized into civic-guard in the Eighty Years’ War 1568-1648.
“The Robe” is a 1942 historical novel about the Crucifixion written by Lloyd C. Douglas. The book was one of the best-selling titles of the 1940s.
WW1 POW Camp Theatre (1917) **Entertainment in Allied and Axis POW camps.:  The Germans treated the Western Allies better than they were treated themselves.  Germany had signed the Geneva Conventions.  Since Russia had not signed the Geneva Conventions and were horrendous towards the German POW’s, the Germans did not go out of their way to make it comfortable for the Russian captives.  Even so, many Russians joined the German cause against Jewish Bolshevism.  The POW camps of the German and Western Allies were similar to the World War I camps.  Re-enactment of P.O.W. theatricals are in such productions as "Bridge on the River Kwai" (1957), "Grand Illusion" (1937) and "Hogan's Heroes" (1965).  They had plays, concerts, sports, etc.  They were monitored by the International Red Cross.  After the War, the Allies treated the German POW’s with atrocities.

French Exposition in France during Nazi occupation (1942):  

****US Comic Book Propaganda against Germany and Japan:
Bottom of Form

****The German comic has many early forerunners. In the 19th century, the satire publication Simplicissimus featured many caricatures which became internationally well-known.  At around the same time, Rodolphe Töpffer (Switzerland) and Wilhelm Busch (Germany) published many comic strips.  They are now generally recognized as pioneers of the comic form, predating the development of the American comic strip.  German born and influenced artists Rudolph Dirks and Lyonel Feininger brought the innovations to American Sunday papers.
Rodolphe Töpffer (1/31, 1799 – 6/8, 1846) was a Swiss teacher, author, painter, cartoonist, and caricature artist.  He is also considered to be the first modern comic creator.  On 9/14, 1842 the Histoire de M. Vieux Bois was first introduced to a United States audience as The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck.  It has come to be considered the first American comic book and the inspiration for an entire U.S. genre of 19th century graphic novel. Wilhelm Busch (4/15, 1832 – 1/9, 1908) was an influential German caricaturist, painter, and poet who is famed for his satirical picture stories with rhymed texts. Dirks (2/26, 1877– 4/20, 1968) was one of the earliest and most noted comic strip artists.  In 1897, Dirks was asked to develop a Sunday comic based on Wilhelm Busch's cautionary tale, Max und Moritz. They were dubbed The Katzenjammer Kids.  In 1914, Dirks left and began a new strip, later titled The Captain and the Kids.  It featured the same characters seen in The Katzenjammer Kids, which was continued by another artist.  The two separate versions of the strip competed with each other until 1979, when The Captain and the Kids ended its six-decade run.  The Katzenjammer Kids is still distributed by King Features, making it the oldest comic strip still in syndication and the longest-running ever.
Between 1934 and 1937, the silent comic strip (Father and Son) appeared in newspapers.  It was one of the most popular German strips of all time.  It was created by Erich Ohser, who was later blacklisted by the Nazis for his political cartoons.
File:Plauen vater und sohn.jpg File:Plauen vater und sohn.jpg File:Plauen vater und sohn.jpg File:Plauen vater und sohn.jpgFile:Plauen vater und sohn.jpg Comic books never began to be published in Nazi Germany because such literature was banned under the Nazi party “Smut and Trash” decree of 2/4, 1933.  (Huh? What is the illustrated Youth magazine of 1943?)  In the US, The Comics Code Authority was created in 1954, to self-regulate the content of comic books of violence and immorality.  It began to be eroded in the 1960’s.
Anti-Hitler Parade; Float,Hitler/Monster Original caption:1942-New York, NY: Anti-Nazi demonstration on Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street in 1942. "Hitler the Axis War Monster" float. Photograph. There was no German gun-control, only gun registration which began long before the Nazis.  Nearly all German households had privately owned guns, even Jewish ones.  The Soviets are the ones who confiscated all guns.  (see elsewhere)
1942 Major Alexander Cloyd Gill (1889 – 4/7, 1943) was a journalist, radio commentator and author.  Gill was a newspaperman in Washington DC and the former editor of the Atlanta Constitution.  He was a close associate of William Randolph Hearst.  Gill was research director of the Constitutional Educational League.  Gill helped to arrange the Ashville Conference, a gathering of nationalists in 1936.  He was the publisher of the Councillor.  He wrote “The Jew in this War” (1942).
Jan - Japan occupies Manilla
Operation Bernhard was the codename of a secret Nazi plan devised during the Second World War by the RSHA and the SS to destabilize the British economy by flooding the country with forged Bank of England £5, £10, £20, and £50 notes.  It is the largest counterfeiting operation in history.  The plan was directed by, and named after, (SS Major) Bernhard Krüger, who set up a team of 142 counterfeiters from inmates at Sachsenhausen concentration camp at first, and then from other camps, especially Auschwitz.   Most of the criminal counterfeiters were Jewish from their experience at these antisocial crimes.
Jan 1 - Declaration of the united Nations signed by 26 Allied nations:  the Allied "Big Four" (the USA, the UK, the USSR, and China), nine American allies in Central America and the Caribbean, the four British Dominions, British India, and eight Allied governments-in-exile (Belgium • Czechoslovakia • Greece • Luxembourg • Netherlands • Norway • Poland • Yugoslavia), for a total of twenty-six nations.  The Atlantic Charter was a statement agreed between Britain and the United States of America.  The Charter stated the ideal goals of the war: no territorial aggrandizement; no territorial changes made against the wishes of the people; restoration of self-government to those deprived of it; free access to raw materials; reduction of trade restrictions; global cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all; freedom from fear and want; freedom of the seas; and abandonment of the use of force, as well as disarmament of aggressor nations.  In the United Nations declaration of Jan. 1, 1942, the Allies of World War II pledged adherence to the principles of the charter.
The United Nations still has a clause about Enemy Nations, this is why Germany has never had its own Constitution, only Allied Basic Law and was still occupied by about 100,000 American troops in 2000.  Japan had a Constitution forced upon it and also has a regiment of about 100,000 troops in 2000.  Both nations were forced into an unconditional surrender, which prolonged each hemisphere of war and death.  Both would have settled for a conditional surrender by middle 1943.
Jan 13 - Germans begin a U-boat offensive along east coast of USA, against military, not civilians.   With Admiral Karl Doenitz the U-Boats destroyed nearly 600 ships, most with aid for Britain and half of the US merchant ships at sea from January until July.  Most were destroyed in American waters with only six U-Boats destroyed.  Churchill sent help, but with just 10-20 additional U-Boats, Germany would have taken Britain out of the war. Jan 20, 1942 - SS Leader Heydrich holds the Wannsee Conference to coordinate the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question." (It was Emigration to Madagascar or other land).  This was similar to historic Expulsions.  The only copy now available is unsigned, undated, with no letter head.  There is extremely weak (none) evidence for an Extermination Order.  Nuremberg Prosecutor Robert Kempner’s discovery of the “Wannsee minutes” in 1947 is undocumented and vague.  Every document involved shows numerous signs of forgery. Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich (3/7, 1904 – 6/4, 1942) was a high German Nazi official.  He was SS-Obergruppenführer (General) and General der Polizei, chief of the Reich Main Security Office (including the Gestapo, SD and Kripo Nazi police agencies) and Stellvertretender Reichsprotektor (Deputy Reich-Protector) of Bohemia and Moravia. When the Nazis moved the headquarters of Interpol to Berlin in 1942, he was appointed and served as President of that international law enforcement agency. (possibly some Jewish blood)
Jan 21 - Rommel's counter-offensive from El Agheila begins.
Jan 26 - First American forces arrive in Great Britain.
3/2, 1942 issue of LIFE Magazine, readers were shown exactly how the Nazis & their Japanese & Italian allies would invade the USA.  (This was all imaginative.  There were no plans.  Issued just in time for Purim.)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4, 1942 Purim, the Jewish holiday of Revenge against Gentiles.  Jews throughout the world label specific enemies as Haman and Christianity in general as Haman.  Other episodes of revenge throughout the year could still be connected to the spirit of Purim. March 16 Heroes' Memorial Day. Blue Star Mothers Club (Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.) was formed in March 1942, to provide support for mothers who had sons or daughters in active service in the war.  The name came from the custom of families of servicemen hanging a banner called a Service Flag in a window of their homes.  The banner was designed in 1917.  The Service Flag had a star for each family member in the military. Living servicemen were represented by a Blue Star and those who had lost their lives were represented by a Gold Star. American Concentration Camps: In April – 130,000 Japanese-Americans sent to racial concentration camps.  Those that were as little as 1/16th Japanese could be placed in these camps.  The Jews who were forced to sell their property in Germany were compensated for this property.  The Japanese in the United States simply had their property confiscated and sold off to Jew businessmen.  German and Italian Americans were also sent to concentration camps on United States soil.  During the war, Canadians send Ukrainians to racial concentration camps.  During the war, Stalin sends 1,000,000 ethnic Germans to Gulags in Siberia.
1942 Voice of America (VOA) is the official external broadcast institution of the United States federal government.  VOA produces about 1,500 hours of news and feature programming each week for an estimated global audience of 123 million people, "to promote freedom and democracy and to enhance understanding through multimedia communication of accurate, objective, and balanced news, information and other programming about America and the world to audiences overseas."  A 1976 law signed by President Gerald Ford requires VOA to "serve as a consistently reliable and authoritative source of news."  The Voice of America currently broadcasts in 44 languages (TV marked with an asterisk): Afan Oromo; Albanian*; Amharic; Arabic*; Armenian*; Azerbaijani*; Bengali*; Bosnian*; Burmese; Cantonese*; Creole; Croatian*; Dari*; English* (also Special English); French*; Georgian; Greek*; Hausa; Hindi; Indonesian*; Khmer; Kinyarwanda; Kirundi; Korean; Kurdish; Lao; Macedonian*; Mandarin*; Ndebele; Pashto*; Persian*; Portuguese; Russian*; Serbian*; Shona; Somali; Spanish*; Swahili; Thai; Tibetan*; Tigrigna; Turkish*; Ukrainian*; Urdu*; Uzbek*; Vietnamese (or 53 languages?)  The Voice of America has been a part of several agencies: From 1942 to 1945, it was part of the Office of War Information, and then from 1945 to 1953 as a function of the State Department.  The VOA was placed under the U.S. Information Agency in 1953.  When the USIA was abolished in 1999, the VOA was placed under the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which is an autonomous U.S.  “The Voice of America: Propaganda and Democracy, 1941-1945” by Holly Cowan Shulman An analysis of the changing approaches to persuasion used by the wartime Voice of America (VOA) as World War II progressed.  “The Voice of America and the Domestic Propaganda Battles, 1945-1953” by David F. Krugler (November 1, 2000)
April 9, 1942 -The Bataan Death March (Philippines) was a 60 mile march after the three-month Battle of Bataan.  Major General Edward P. King, Jr. surrendered more than 75,000 (67,000 Filipinos, 1,000 Chinese Filipinos, and 11,796 Americans) starving and disease-ridden men.   Like other incidents of being overwhelmed in taking care of prisoners, this was classified as an atrocity.  Many weakened men died en route from disease, starvation, dehydration, heat prostration, and untreated wounds, while marching and in rail cars.  Falling down or inability to continue moving was tantamount to a mercy-death sentence, as was any degree of protest.  Accounts of being forcibly marched for five to six days with no food and a single sip of water are in postwar archives including filmed reports.  There were many deaths that took place in the internment camps from the delayed effects of the march.  Official postwar Allied reports tabulated 18,000 deaths, other historians say 6,000 and 11,000 men, possibly even less.   News of the Bataan Death March sparked outrage in the US.
Bataan: the March of Death” (1962) by Stanley L. Falk.  It is regrettable that the US ever got involved in the Philippines, an archipelago of 7,083 islands.  The American armed forces on Bataan in April 1942 consisted of some 78,000 troops, over 66,000 of whom were Filipinos. Their commander was Major General Edward P. King. They were defeated in a six-day battle, and the U.S. surrender took place shortly thereafter. The Japanese decided to remove their captives from southern Bataan province to a POW camp established northwest of Clark Field. Not every prisoner covered an identical distance in going from one place to the other, but it probably averaged out to 60 or so miles.
Of the roughly 11,000 Americans caught in Bataan, approximately 1,875 never participated in the march to Camp O'Donnell. Some of them were retained by the Japanese for work teams. Others included soldiers who never surrendered and drifted off into the jungle, along with thousands of Filipinos. At least 2,000 of the US forces escaped.  Colonel Marshall, General King's personnel officer, later stated that some 9,921 Americans were involved in the death march. Only about 9,300 answered roll call upon its completion at the end of May. Neither Marshall nor any other Army source ever said that the 621 "no-show" Americans were put to death or died along the way. It was admitted they could just as well have been among those who had not surrendered and who had previously disappeared.  Perhaps one-third of whom rode, not marched, on trains and Japanese army trucks. Some say they were treated considerately; others reported incredible abuse. By far the worse treatment was handed out to the Filipinos, whose losses were 15 to 20 times that of the Americans. Apparently a Japanese detachment had previously been surprised at night by a Filipino outfit, the members of which proceeded to bayonet every jap to death. The enraged Japanese seemingly took their revenge on Filipino soldiers on the march.
William Edwin "Ed" Dyess (8/9, 1916 – 12/22, 1943) was an officer of the US Army Air Forces.  The most horrendous of the atrocity stories were those by the celebrated Army Air Force officer, Colonel Dyess. Syndicated in newspapers all over the land, they comprise all but a tiny fraction of what ordinary Americans knew about the so-called death march. Few are aware that Colonel Dyess escaped from a Japanese prison camp, made his way back to the U.S. and was killed in an aircraft accident in this country before his atrocity stories were published, giving birth to a few dark suspicions his tale may have been spruced up posthumously in order to maximize the fury of American readers. * Surely none of the testimony of those treated tolerably by the Japanese was ever made public until Falk's book came out some 20 years later.
* The New York Times (Dec. 23, 1943), reporting Dyess's death, said he had never been a Japanese POW, but had escaped from the Philippines and had been rescued by the Navy from a Pacific island in the summer of 1942. Four and one-half weeks later the Times carried an entirely different story in which Dyess's participation in the death march was affirmed. It was this story that became the "official version." Why the media waited until a month after Dyess's death to release his atrocity tale remains an open question. One answer was provided by Senator Dennis Chavez of New Mexico. He said the publication of the Dyess tale was timed to coincide with the opening of a big war bond drive by Treasury Secretary Morgenthau.
At one point in March, until they were reinforced, there were only 3,000 Japanese front-line troops in Bataan. The Americans lost not because they were outnumbered, but because of semi-starvation, disease and lack of war materiel.) When the G.I.s surrendered, Japanese commanders were simply incapable of handling the extremely difficult logistical task they had inherited. Moreover, many captives started off on the march in terrible physical shape, which greatly exacerbated their ordeal.
At least half of the prisoners who survived the march, as well as at least half of all American war prisoners of Japan, died during captivity --from disease, starvation, brutal treatment and, in the last year of the war, from American bombing of ships carrying prisoners to Japan.
**end of Bataan March

This timeline has focused on Europe, but the Asian War was equivalent.  The Japanese have a more societal view of man as opposed to the Jewish/Western hyper-individualism.  They did treat the general Allied POW troops with meager subsistence, but the Allied Officers had every convenience and nicety.  The Allies treated the Japanese as sub-human and committed numerous atrocities against them, simply killing many who they could have taken prisoner. ****The Empire of Japan at its greatest extent in 1942 ruled over a land area spanning 2,857,000 sq miles, making it one of the largest maritime empires in history.  It included Ryukyu Kingdom (Okinawa), 1879 ;  Taiwan and Pescadore Islands, 1895 (awarded to Japan by the Shimonoseki Treaty with the Qing Empire) ;  Joseon Kingdom (modern day Korea), 1910-1945 ;  The islands comprising much of Micronesia were made a Japanese mandate after the post WWI treaties took them from Germany's control.;  Protectorate states:  Manzhouguo, 1932 ;  Republic of China, 1940 ;  Malaysia, Burma, Singapore, New Guinea and Hongkong taken from the UK;  Indonesia taken from the Netherlands;  the Philippines taken from the US;  Indochina taken from France;  Thailand (an axis country compelled to fight at Japan's direction).  This Empire existed between 1941 and 1945.  Attempts were made at taking Australian and Indian Territory from the UK, Australia via bombing and possible invasion and India via supplying the insurrection led by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.  
Just as Germany protected Western Europe from the ravages of Soviet Communism, Japan protected the rest of Asia.
As Japan conquered Asia it took gold from Britain, Netherlands and France which they had deposited in Asia for safety from the European War.  The Japanese also took from the Chinese at their Capital Nanking and other Asian nations.  After the War, many generals secreted the treasure to foreign bank accounts.  The OSS-CIA took much and when added to treasure stolen from the Germans created an alleged slush fund called the Black Eagle Trust.
Seigō Nakano (Nakano Seigō?) (2/12, 1886 – 10/27, 1943) was a Japanese political leader who advocated a fascist Japan to complete the Meiji Restoration.
Shūmei Ōkawa (Ōkawa Shūmei?, 12/6, 1886 – 12/24, 1957) was a Japanese nationalist, Pan-Asian writer and Islamic scholar.

****For Pan-Asian Cooperation against Communism and Western Imperialism (Black Ocean; Black Dragon)
The Dark/Black Ocean Society (Gen'yōsha?) was an influential ultranationalist group and secret society.   It was originally founded as the Koyōsha by Hiraoka Kotarō (1851–1906), a wealthy ex-samurai and mine-owner.   Its agenda was to agitate for Japanese military expansion and conquest of the Asian continent.  One of the primary targets of the Gen'yōsha were the many Chinese secret societies, some of which were very hostile to Japan. However, the Chinese secret societies had a shared goal with the Gen'yōsha in wanting the overthrow of the Qing dynasty.  Originally ignored by the Japanese military, during the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War, both the Imperial Japanese Army and Imperial Japanese Navy found the Gen'yōsha’s extensive intelligence gathering network throughout East Asia to be invaluable.  The Gen'yōsha network was also useful for the military in conducting sabotage activities behind enemy lines.  After the annexation of Korea in 1910, the Gen'yōsha continued to support efforts towards Pan-Asianism.  Towards its later years, the Gen'yōsha was far removed from its origins as a secret society, but had evolved almost to the mainstream of Japanese politics.  The Gen'yōsha was disbanded by the American authorities during the Occupation of Japan.
Tōyama Mitsuru (5/27, 1855 – 10/5, 1944) was a right-wing political leader in early 20th century Japan and founder of the Genyosha nationalist secret society.  In 1881, Tōyama became one of the founders of the Genyosha, a secret society and terrorist organization whose agenda was to agitate for Japanese military expansion and conquest of the Asian continent.  Tōyama was a strong supporter of Japanese control over Manchuria, and joined forces with the anti-Russian Tairo Doshikai movement in 1903.  He also supported the Chinese republican revolutionaries against the Qing dynasty and gave considerable support to Sun Yat-sen.
The Black Dragon Society was a prominent paramilitary, ultra-nationalist right-wing group in Japan.   The Kokuryūkai was founded in 1901 by Uchida Ryohei, and was descended from the Genyōsha.  Its public goal was to support efforts to drive the Russian Empire out of East Asia.  The Kokuryukai also supported Pan-Asianism, and lent financial support to revolutionaries such as Sun Yat-sen, and Emilio Aguinaldo.  The Black Dragons also formed close contact and even alliances with Buddhist sects throughout Asia.  Initially directed only against Russia, in the 1930s, the Kokuryūkai expanded its activities around the world, and stationed agents in such diverse places as Ethiopia, Turkey, Morocco, throughout Southeast Asia and South America, as well as Europe and the United States.  The Kokuryūkai was officially disbanded by order of the American Occupation authorities in 1946. Ryōhei Uchida, founder of the Black Dragon Society.
Kōtarō Yoshida (Yoshida Kōtarō?, Oct. 1883–1966) was an 19th to 20th Century Japanese martial artist and member of the Amur River Society (also known as the Black Dragon Society), an ultra-nationalist organization of disenfranchised ex-samurai who promulgated "pan-Asiatic ascendancy" in line with the rise of Japanese imperialism. 
The Pacific Movement of the Eastern World (PMEW) was a 1930s North American based pro-Japanese movement of African Americans which promoted the idea that Japan was the champion of all non-white peoples.  The Japanese ultra-nationalist Black Dragon Society was an influence upon the PMEW. Adopting a banner composed of Black, Yellow and Brown, the organization began to grow in the poor African American community in Missouri.  Meetings featured talks on such issues as The Struggle of the darker races of the World, Why the Filipinos Want Freedom and China, Old and New.  The organization was heavily influenced by Marcus Garvey's UNIA, adopting the motto: "Sow no evil to reap the good-Asia for the Asiatics, Africa for the Africans".  The general stated aims were:  1 Universal brotherhood and peace.;  2 Promotion of understanding and friendship of all peoples of the world. ;  3 Preservation and protection of the legal rights of the oppressed races. ;  4 Self-determination of every race.  ;  5 Reforms through constitutional methods.  ;  6 Preservation of the territorial integrity and political independence of every country.  ;  7 Cultivation of the spirit of love for the ancestral homes of dark peoples.  ;  8 Encouragement for the return of those peoples who find no opportunity for development in the United States, and the establishment of a government of their own in the land of their fathers.

****More on Japan:
1932 1/4 Japan establishes the state of Manchukuo.  1933 4/14 Japan begins an anti-Jewish drive in Tokyo.(Edelheit) 6/1 A Chinese-Japanese armistice is signed.  1934 3/1 Henry Pu-yi, last of the Manchu emperors, is crowned emperor of the Japanese state of Manchukuo (Manchuria). Puyi (2/7, 1906 – 10/17, 1967), of the Manchu Aisin Gioro clan, was the last Emperor of China, and the twelfth and final ruler of the Qing Dynasty.  He ruled as the Xuantong Emperor from 1908 until his abdication on February 12, 1912.  From July 1-12, 1917 he was briefly restored to the throne as a nominal emperor by the warlord Zhang Xun.  In 1934 he was declared the Kangde Emperor of Manchukuo until 1945.  The People's Republic of China re-educated him and he was a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference from 1964 until his death in 1967.  Puyi's abdication in 1912 marked the end of millennia of dynastic rule in China and thus he is known throughout the world by the sobriquet "The Last Emperor".
1936 1/15 Japan withdraws from the London Naval Conference.  12/12 Chiang Kai-shek declares war on Japan.
1941 7/16-18 Prince Kenoye reforms his Japanese cabinet, eliminating Matsuoka who has been urging that the neutrality agreement with the Soviets should be abandoned; so that Japan can join with the Germans in the attack on the USSR.  Kenoye believes that without Matsuoka and his known liking for Hitler, there is a better chance of reaching an agreement with the U.S. over the pressing lack of oil reserves.  7/28 U.S. assets in Japan are frozen.  7/28 Japanese assets in the Dutch East Indies are frozen and oil deals cancelled.  Now, almost 75% of Japan's foreign trade is at a virtual standstill and 90% of its oil supply has been cut off.  7/29 Japan freezes Dutch assets. ****US Army Military Ranks (U.S. Marine Corps; Army; National Guard):
Private; Private 2; Private First Class; Specialist; Corporal; Sergeant; Staff Sergeant; Sergeant First Class; Master Sergeant ; First Sergeant; Sergeant Major ; Command Sergeant Major; Sergeant Major of the Army         
Officers: Warrant Officer; Chief Warrant Officer 2; Chief Warrant Officer 3; Chief Warrant Officer 4; Chief Warrant Officer 5; Second Lieutenant (Bronze Bar);  First Lieutenant (Silver Bar); Captain (2 Silver Bars); Major (Bronze Leaf); Lieutenant Colonel (Silver Leaf); Colonel (Eagle); Brigadier General (1 Star); Major General (2 Star); Lieutenant General (3 Star); General (4 Star); General of the Army(5 Star at War)
Chain of Command (Organization) 
Squad - 9 to 10 soldiers commanded by a Sergeant;  Platoon – Two to four Squads led by a Lieutenant;  Company - 62 to 190 soldiers. Three to five platoons commanded by a Captain;  Battalion - 300 to 1,000 soldiers. Four to six companies commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel;  Brigade - 3,000 to 5,000 solders. Two to five Battalions commanded by a Colonel;  Division - 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers. Three Brigades commanded by a Major General;  Corps - 20,000 to 45,000 soldiers. Two to five divisions commanded by a Lieutenant General;  Army - 50,000 + solders. :Two or more Corps, commanded by a Lieutenant General or higher;  Theater: Two or more armies.
US Navy Military Ranks (US Navy; Coast Guard):
Seaman Recruit ; Seaman Apprentice ; Seaman; Petty Officer 3rd Class; Petty Officer 2nd Class; Petty Officer 1st Class; Chief Petty Officer; Senior Chief Petty Officer; Master Chief Petty Officer; Command Master Chief Petty Officer; Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer; Force Master Chief Petty Officer; Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard; Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Officers: Warrant Officer; Chief Warrant Officer 2 ; Chief Warrant Officer 3 ; Chief Warrant Officer 4 ; Chief Warrant Officer 5; Ensign(Bronze Bar); Lieutenant, Junior Grade(Silver Bar); Lieutenant(2 Silver Bars); Lieutenant Commander(Bronze Leaf); Commander(Silver Leaf); Captain(Eagle); Rear Admiral (lower half)(1 Star); Rear Admiral (upper half)(2 Star); Vice Admiral (3 Star); Admiral Chief of Naval Operations / Commandant of the Coast Guard (4 Star); Fleet Admiral (5 Star for War)
US Air Force Military Ranks:
Airman Basic; Airman; Airman First Class; Senior Airman or Sergeant; Staff Sergeant; Technical Sergeant; Master Sergeant; Senior Master Sergeant; Senior Master Sergeant; Chief Master Sergeant; Command Chief Master Sergeant; Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
Officers:  2d Lt Second Lieutenant(Bronze Bar); Lt First Lieutenant(Silver Bar); Captain(2 Silver Bars); Major(Bronze Leaf); Lieutenant Colonel(Silver Leaf); Colonel(Eagle); Brigadier General(1 Star); Major General(2 Star); Lieutenant General(3 Star); General Air Force Chief of Staff (4 Star); General of the Air Force (5 Star for War)
Organization: Airman(single Air Force member);   Section: Two or more airmen by place of work;   Flight: Two or more airmen by mission.; Squadron: Two or more flights with headquarters;  Group: Two or more Squadrons by function;  Wing: Two or more groups by base;  Numbered Air Force: (geographical for wartime).   Major Command (MAJCOM)(by mission): Air Force Wings usually report directly to MAJCOMs.  Air Force: MAJCOMS report directly to Headquarters, Air Force.    Size depends upon the type of unit and mission.

**** US Military Services Songs and Marching Cadences: United States Air Force: Wild Blue Yonder (1939):
1)Off we go into the wild blue yonder, Climbing high into the sun; Here they come zooming to meet our thunder, At ‘em boys, Give ‘er the gun! (Give ‘er the gun now!) Down we dive, spouting our flame from under, Off with one helluva roar! We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey! Nothing’ll stop the U.S. Air Force!
2)Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder, Sent it high into the blue; Hands of men blasted the world asunder; How they lived God only knew! (God only knew then!) Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer Gave us wings, ever to soar! With scouts before And bombers galore. Hey! Nothing’ll stop the U.S. Air Force! The Marine Corps Hymn: (From the Halls of Montezuma)(1805, 1880, 1918:
1)From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli We fight our country’s battles on the air, on land and sea First to fight for right and freedom, and to keep our honour clean We are proud to claim the title of United States Marines.
2)Our flag unfurled to ve’ry breeze from dawn to setting sun We have fought in ev’ry clime and place where we could take a gun In the snow of far off Northern lands and in sunny tropic scenes You will find always on the job The United States Marines.
3)Here’s health to you and to our Corps, which we are proud to serve In many a strife we’ve fought for life, and never lost our nerve If Army and the Navy ever look on heaven’s scenes They will find the street are guarded by the United States Marines. The US Army: The Army Goes Rolling Along (1908):
1)First to fight for the right, And to build the Nation’s might, And the Army goes rolling along.  Proud of all we have done, Fighting till the battle’s won, And the Army goes rolling along.
2)Then it’s Hi! Hi! Hey! The Army’s on its way Count off the cadence loud and strong! For where e’er we go You will always know that The Army goes rolling along.
3)Valley Forge, Custer’s ranks San Juan Hill and Patton’s tanks, And the Army went rolling along. Minute men from the start, Always fighting from the heart, And the Army goes rolling along.
4)Men in rags, men who froze, still that Army met its foes, and the Army went rolling along. Faithful in God, then we’re right, And we’ll fight with all our night, And the Army goes rolling along. United States Navy: Anchors Aweigh (1906):
1)Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchor Aweigh, Farewell to college joys, we sail at break of the day-ay-ay-ay. Through our last night on shore, drink to the foam, Until we meet once more,  Here’s wishing you a happy voyage home.
2)Stand Navy down the field, Sails set to the sky, We’ll never change our course, So Army you steer shy! Roll up the score, Navy, Anchors aweigh Sail  Navy down the field And sink the Army, sink the Army Grey!
3)Get under way, Navy, Decks cleared for, the fray, We’ll hoist true Navy Blue, So Army down your grey! Roll up the score, Navy, Army heave to, Furl Black and Grey and Gold And hoist the Navy, hoist the Navy Blue!
4)Blue of the seven seas, Gold of God’s great sun, Let these our colors be Till all of time be done! By Severn shoe we learn Navy’s stern call: Faith, courage, service true, With honor over honor over all. United States Coast Guard: Semper Paratus (Always Ready)(1927):
1)From North and South and East and West, The Coast Guard’s in the fight. Destroying subs and landing troops, The Axis feels our might. For we’re the first invaders, On every fighting field. Afloat, ashore, on men and Spars, You’ll find the Coast Guard shield.  Chorus
2)We’re always ready for the call, We place our trust in Thee. Through howling gale and shot and shell, To win our victory. “Semper Paratus” is our guide, Our pledge, our motto, too. We’re “Always Ready,” do or die! Aye! Coast Guard, we fight for you.

Military cadence:
Requiring no instruments to play, they are counterparts in oral military folklore of the military march.  As a sort of work song, military cadences take their rhythms from the work being done (compare sea shanty).  Many cadences have a call and response structure of which one soldier initiates a line, and the remaining soldiers complete it, thus instilling teamwork and camaraderie for completion.  The cadence calls move to the beat and rhythm of the normal speed (quick time) march or running-in-formation (double time) march.  This serves the purpose of keeping soldiers "dressed", moving in step as a unit and in formation, while maintaining the correct beat or cadence.
This original cadence was "Sound Off:": Sound-off; 1 - 2; Sound-off; 3 - 4; Cadence count; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4; 1 - 2 — 3 - 4.
"Jody calls" from a recurring character, a civilian named "Jody" whose luxurious lifestyle is contrasted with military deprivations in a number of traditional calls.   Common themes in jodies include: Homesickness. Quotidian complaints about military life. Boasts and insults.  Humorous and topical references.
One example used in the U.S. Army: 
1)My honey heard me comin' on my left right on left / I saw Jody runnin' on his left right on left / I chased after Jody and I ran him down / Poor ol' boy doesn't feel good now
2)M.P.s came a runnin on their left right on left / The medics came a runnin on their left right on left / He felt a little better with a few I.V.s / Son I told you not to mess with them ELEVEN Bs (the designation for infantry in the Army)

At the end of the 1949 movie Battleground, the cadence sung is as follows, with the call initiated by the drill sergeant and the response from the rest of the platoon:
1)You had a good home but you left / You're right  You had a good home but you left / You're right  Jody was there when you left / You're right  Your baby was there when you left / You're right  Sound off! / 1,2  Sound off! / 3,4  Cadence count! / 1,2,3,4,1,2...3,4!
2)They signed you up for the length of the war / I've never had it so good before   The best you'll get in a biv-ou-ac /   Is a whiff of cologne from a passing WAC   Sound off! / 1,2  Sound off! / 3,4  Cadence count! / 1,2,3,4,1,2...3,4!
3)There ain't no use in going back /  Jody's livin' it up in the shack Jody's got somethin' you ain't got /  It's been so long I almost forgot   Sound off! / 1,2  Sound off! / 3,4  Cadence count! / 1,2,3,4,1,2...3,4!
4)Your baby was lonely, as lonely could be /  Til Jody provided the company Ain't it great to have a pal /  Who works so hard just to keep up morale   Sound off! / 1,2  Sound off! / 3,4  Cadence count! / 1,2,3,4,1,2...3,4!
5)You ain't got nothin' to worry about /  He'll keep her happy until I get out An' you won't get home til the end of the war /  In nineteen hundred and seventy four   Sound off! / 1,2  Sound off! / 3,4  Cadence count! / 1,2,3,4,1,2...3,4!

Reverent calls are an effort by personnel in armed forces to rebuild the tradition of oratory recounting of military history in the convention of cadences.
1)Airborne / Rangers lead the way / Lead in / Airborne / Rangers lead the way / Deep in the battlefield covered in blood / Lies an Airborne Ranger dying in the mud
2)Airborne / Rangers lead the way / With those silver wings upon his chest / Tell America that he's one of their best
Airborne / Rangers lead the way / Lead out / Airborne / Rangers lead the way

Comedic calls are often born of reverent calls but sung for comedic value using clean calls, pop-culture references, and jokes to make PT more fun and entertaining.  A popular example from the film Stripes was "Why did the chicken cross the road?" "To get from the left to the right." "Stepped out of rank, got hit by a tank."  "He ain't a chicken no more." 

Controversial Obscene, scatological, or controversial jody calls exist, and were typical, especially during and before the Vietnam War.  The use of such calls is now discouraged by the U.S. military, which instead emphasizes "clean" versions of traditional jodies.  There are many “dirty” versions on the Net.
An excerpt from the popular "When I Go to Heaven", also known as "How'd Ya Earn Your Living" or "When I Get to Heaven":
1)When I go to bars / The girls they will say / How did you earn your living / How did you earn your pay / And my reply was with a cold kind of nod / I earn my living killing commies for my God
2)When I go home / The hippies they will say / How did you earn your living / How did you earn your pay / And I replied as I pulled out my knife / Get out of my way before I take yo' life

Another, more modern example of a Controversial cadence popular through the US Navy:
1)I don't know, but it's been said / Air force wings are made of lead / I don't know, but I've been told / Navy wings are made of gold / He-ey Ar-rmy / Ba-ack packing Ar-my
2)Put on your packs and follow me / I'm in the U.S. Navy / He-ey Air Force / Lo-ow flying Air Force / Get in your planes and follow me / I'm in the U.S. Navy
3)He-ey Coast Guard / Pud-dle pirate Coast Guard / Get in your boats and follow me / I'm in the U.S. Navy / He-ey Marines / bullet-sponge marine corps / Pick up your rifles and follow me / I'm in the U.S. Navy

The following verses are from "Napalm Sticks to Kids."  One of the most well known cadences of Vietnam, its use by the U.S. military has created controversy about the theme.:  Bomb the village / Kill the people / Throw some napalm in the square / Do it on a Sunday morning / Kill them on their way to prayer / Ring the bell inside the schoolhouse / Watch the kiddies gather round / Lock and load with your 240 / Mow them little m…f…s down
The messages chanted by recruits may promote brutal treatment of civilians and the themes even suggest that troops should aspire to kill civilians gathered in public areas.   A number of Iraq War veterans now speak publicly that they have felt uncomfortable reciting cadences with such violent themes.
Another well-loved and well-used U.S. Navy SEALs cadence goes:  Up from a sub 60 feet below, / When we hit the surface, we'll be ready to go. / Side-stroke, back-stroke, swim to the shore, / When we hit the beach, we're ready for war. / Grease gun, KA-BAR by my side, / These are the tools that make men die.
A U.S. Navy cadence goes:
I'm a battleship baby / Just a blastin' down the line / I'm a battleship baby / Just a blastin' down the line / So you better get out of my way now / before I blast all over you
It's just a little uh, a little uh, a little rock and roll / It's the kinda uh, the kinda uh, the kind to soothe your soul / So you better get out of my way now / Before I blast all over you
Each verse a different object is put in and a different action. (ex. Jackhamer/Jack, Steamroller/roll, screwdriver/screw)
A cadence common in the U.S. Navy:
1)They say that in the Navy, the coffee's mighty fine / It looks like muddy water and tastes like turpentine
(Refrain) Oh lord, I wanna go / But they won't let me go. / Ho-oo-oo-oo-me.
2)They say that in the Navy, the pay is mighty fine / They give you a hundred dollars, and take back ninety-nine / Refrain
3)They say that in the Navy, the chow is mighty fine / A biscuit rolled off the table, and killed a friend of mine / Refrain
Numerous variations exist for these verses and others.
A more traditional U.S. Navy cadence:
1)The Navy colors / The colors are red / To show the world / The blood we've shed / The Navy colors / The colors are blue / To show the world / That we are true
2)The Navy colors / The colors are white / To show the world / That we will fight / The Navy colors / The colors are gold / To show the world / That we are bold
Another from the U.S. Marine Corps, easily adapted to other branches:
1)If I die in a combat zone / Box me up and ship me home / Put me in a set of dress blues / Comb my hair and shine my shoes
2)Pin my medals upon my chest / Tell my mama I done my best / Ma, mama don't you cry / In the Marine Corps you either do or die

1)Old King Cole was a merry old soul / and a merry ol' soul was he, uh huh./ He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl/ and he called for his privates three, uh huh.
2)Beer! Beer! Beer! cried the private./ Brave men are we/ There's none so fair as they can compare/ to the airborne infantry, uh huh.

****Wartime National NickNames, Most names were used in both parts (WWI & WWII) of the 30 year war for European Independence:
Fritz - Sympathetic nickname for German soldiers by Allies, from ‘Old Fritz’ a name for Frederick the Great of Prussia (1712- 1786).
Frog - Derogatory term for a Frenchman with 18th Century origins, from frog eater
Huns - Derogatory term for German Soldiers.   Kaiser Wilhelm originally told German soldiers in 1900 China to act like Huns. 
Jerry - Sympathetic nickname for German soldiers. British thought the German helmets looked like chamber pots, also known as jeroboams.
Kraut  -Derogatory term for anything Germanic.   Short version of German food Sauerkraut.
Tommy, Tommy Atkins  British frontline soldier. - Goes back to Wellington’s time when the British soldiers’ specimen pay book was made out for Thomas Atkins;  usage popularized by Kipling.
Doughboys -US soldiers; long a disparaging name for American infantrymen, its usage broadened and became strictly positive in the war.  From Baker’s apprentice
Limey is an old slang nickname, often pejorative, for the British, originally referring to British sailors.  The term is believed to derive from lime juice, referring to the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy practice of supplying lime juice to British sailors to prevent scurvy.
Yanks  - The term is thought to derive from Dutch settlers in the 1600's referring to the English colonials as 'Jan Kees' (John Cheese) which entered our language with the spelling 'Yankees,' as that is how it would sound in Dutch. 'Yanks' is simply a shortened form of it.
Paddy - (Primarily UK) an Irishman.  It is derived from a nickname for Patrick.
1942: An Australian historian has uncovered hidden documents which reveal that African American troops used machine guns to attack their white officers in a siege on a US base in north Queensland in 1942.  Lyndon B Johnson visited Townsville for three days back in 1942.  During World War II, Townsville was a crucial base for campaigns into the Pacific, including the Battle of the Coral Sea.  About 600 African-American troops were brought to the city to help build airfields.  This was the site for a large-scale siege lasting eight hours, which was sparked by racial taunts and violence.  "After some serial abuse by two white US officers, there were several ringleaders and they decided to machine gun the tents of the white officers," Mr Holyoak said.  According to the findings, the soldiers took to the machine guns and anti-aircraft weapons and fired into tents where their white counterparts were drinking.  More than 700 rounds were fired.  At least one person was killed and dozens severely injured, and Australian troops were called in to roadblock the rioters.  "I think at the time, it was certainly suppressed. Both the Australian and the US government would not have wanted the details of this coming out. The racial policies at the time really discluded [sic] people of color," Mr Holyoak says. April 20 Hitler's birthday (1889)      
April 23 - German begin light air raids against cathedral cities in Britain, months after peace overtures to the British being answered by British continuing fire-bombing Holocaust of German civilians.
“The hidden powers which incited Britain in the first World War were Jews... Bolshevism is called the dictatorship of the proletariat and is, in fact, the dictatorship of the Jews.” Adolph Hitler - in a speech, April 26, 1942. April 7-9, 1942 The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) is a fellowship of member denominations, churches, organizations, and individuals.  Its goal is to honor God by connecting and representing evangelicals in the United States.  Today it works in four main areas: Church & Faith Partners, Government Relations, Chaplains Commission, and World Relief.  The NAE is a member of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA).  The mission of the National Association of Evangelicals is to honor God by connecting and representing evangelical Christians.
1942 April Accompanied by the physicist Heinz Fisher, soldiers landed on the island of Rugen in the Baltic Sea.  If Earth was concave and the “Hollow Earth” thesis was correct, then the radar waves reflected and propagated in a straight line will provide images of distant points located on the inside.

May 8 - German summer offensive begins in the Crimea.  Hitler was again the military inspiration.
Nazi War Poster By Mjölnir: “One battle, one will, one goal: Victory at any cost!”
Nazi War Production Poster“Work as hard for victory as we fight!”
Nazi scientific biology may have stated that the exchange of body fluids that occurs during the sexual act will cause Rassenschande contamination of the blood, but it is a lie that this transfers to clothing or pets.  Clothing was disinfected and given to Germans.  German Jews from banned from having pets on May 15, 1942.  Jews were ordered to turn over these animals (buy back plan?) to the police.  Many pets were destroyed because of excess, but the more exotic were sold to the Germans.  (Note there are many free law-abiding Jews.)

May 26 - Rommel begins an offensive against the Gazala Line.
May 27 - SS Leader Heydrich attacked in Prague by British paid partisans.   The Czechs liked their alliance with the Germans. Louis Darquier, (de Pellepoix)(12/19, 1897– 8/29, 1980 Spain) was Commissioner for Jewish Affairs under the Vichy Régime in May 1942-February 1944.  In 1937, "We must, with all urgency, resolve the Jewish problem, whether by expulsion, or massacre."  He was sentenced to death in absentia in 1947.  He had fled to Spain, where members of the authoritarian regime of Francisco Franco, specifically General Antonio Barroso y Sánchez-Guerra, protected him.  In 1978, a French journalist interviewed him.  Among other things, Darquier declared that in Auschwitz, gas chambers were not used to kill humans, but only lice, and that allegations of killings by this method were lies by the Jews.

***Enigma - In 1931 –before Hitler– a man working in the cipher department of the German Army sold its hitherto impenetrable code device, known as "Enigma", to French government officials.  From then on, the Allies were able to read most German military intentions before they were issued.  The Germans never knew they had been betrayed by one of their own, low-level functionaries.  His treason was largely offset, however, by Reinhard Heydrich, chief of national security, and it was due mainly to his counter-espionage activities that the Reich was victorious into 1942.  His assassination in June of that year marked the real turning point of German fortunes.  Heydrich’s murder had been engineered by Wilhelm Canaris, a crypto-Jew born Moses Meyerbeer, who managed to become head of German military intelligence.  Canaris covertly plotted with Churchill to have a hit squad parachuted into Czechoslovakia, where Heydrich operated his headquarters.  Henceforward, Canaris-Meyerbeer filled in the gaps of information missing from the partially decoded "Enigma" secret, allowing Allied commanders to literally read all German classified material before it was dispatched to men in the field.   Soon after Heydrich’s assassination, u-boat successes in the North Atlantic declined, Rommel lost the decisive Battle of El Alemain, and Stalingrad fell to the Soviets.  For the next two years, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin were privy to every German military decision long before it was made. Countering all moves made by their enemies was child’s play.  Canaris-Meyerbeer was found out and arrested during the botched attempt on Hitler’s life in July, 1944.  But by that time, the war was already lost.  Its outcome has been since blamed on the Fuehrer’s "madness" or "incompetence".  In truth, however, German security had already been mortally breached years before he assumed control of his country’s armed forces, while he was still a young politician struggling for power. May 30, 1942 - First thousand bomber Barbarian Fire-bombing Holocaust (against Cologne).  One third of the city is destroyed.  [I have named both Soviet military and Allied bombers as Barbarians.  Both the Soviets and Western Allies were heavily propagandized against the Germans by their Jewish media and leaders.  The Soviet soldiers had also had a generation of atheistic education and ordered to do atrocities against Germans and especially German civilians for Marxist social evolution.  Allied Bombing was initiated as Terror against civilians.  Germany had no such policy and only did some (old-school) bombing as retaliation.  The Western bombing included White Phosphorus which continues to burn on human flesh, unlike regular fire.  This was the Holocaust!] ****Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (10/30, 1885 – 11/1, 1972) was an American expatriate poet, critic and intellectual who was a major figure of the Modernist movement in the first half of the 20th century.  He is generally considered the poet most responsible for defining and promoting a modernist aesthetic in poetry.  The critic Hugh Kenner said of Pound upon meeting him: "I suddenly knew that I was in the presence of the center of modernism."
In the early teens of the twentieth century, he opened a fruitful exchange of work and ideas between British and American writers, and was famous for the generosity with which he advanced the work of such major contemporaries as Robert Frost, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, H. D., Ernest Hemingway, Wyndham Lewis, and especially T. S. Eliot.  Pound also had a profound influence on the Irish writers W. B. Yeats and James Joyce.  (Hemingway commits suicide later, hopefully from his shooting of 100 unarmed Germans)
His own significant contributions to poetry begin with his promotion of Imagism, a movement in poetry which derived its technique from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry—stressing clarity, precision, and economy of language, and forgoing traditional rhyme and meter in order to, in Pound's words, "compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of the metronome."  His later work, spanning nearly fifty years, focused on his epic poem The Cantos.
In 1933, he had a personal audience with Italy's Prime Minister Benito Mussolini and presented him with a draft of XXX Cantos. Mussolini's response was: "How amusing."  Later, Pound would be asked to make radio broadcasts from Rome. In a radio broadcast in June 1942 he would say "Every man of common sense, including the odd British MP, knows that every man of common sense prefers Fascism to Communism, from the moment that he learns a few concrete facts about both of them."
“Remarked Ben: better keep out the jews or yr/grand children will curse you jews, real jews, chazims, and neschek* also super-neschek or the international racket. (Canto 52)  The yidd is a stimulant, and the goyim are cattle [who] go to slaughter with a maximum of docility for David Rex, the prime s.o.b. (Canto 74)  Democracies electing their sewage till there is no thought about holiness a dung flow from 1913 * * and, in this, their kikery functioned, Marx, Freud, and the American beaneries Filth under filth, Maritain, Hutchins or as Benda remarked: 'La Trahison'. (Canto 91)
“At this point, and to prevent the dragging of red-herrings, I wish to distinguish between prejudice against Jews as such, and the suggestion that the Jew should face his problem.  DOES he propose to continue to rob other men by usury mechanisms while wishing to be considered a 'neighbor'?  Usury is the cancer of the world, which only the surgeon's knife of fascism can cut out of the life of nations.” (Money Pamphlet No. 3. What Is Money For?)  “All the Jew part of the Bible is black evil. Question is mainly how soon one can get rid of it without killing the patient.” (ABC of Economics)  “Don't start a pogrom.  That is, not an old style killing of small Jews.  That system is no good whatever.  Of course, if some man had a stroke of genius, and could start a pogrom up at the top... there might be something to say for it. But on the whole, legal measures are preferable.” (Italian State Radio broadcast of April 30, 1942)
Elsewhere in Pisan Cantos, Pound compares a great Gentile hero of France with a Jew who became premier: "Petain defended Verdun while Blum was defending a bidet."  *Neschek is Hebrew for 'bite'; it has long been a jocose word among Jews for such things as excessive interest in moneylending and unearned commissions on transactions and exchanges of all kinds. **1913 was indeed an unlucky year for Western civilization, but a banner year for its enemies.  In America in that year were established (among many other disasters) the Federal Reserve System and the taxfree foundations, which have been principal bases of financial power for the destructive force.

June 4 - Heydrich dies of wounds.  June 10 - Nazis execute men in Lidice in reprisal (in accordance with International Conventions for un-uniformed partisans) for Heydrich's assassination.
****Reprisal - Reprisals refer to acts which are held in retaliation for the commission of an earlier illegal act.  This is when usually random civilians are executed for an act of terrorism upon the occupying military forces.  This seems to be the most unfair act in wartime.  The taking of possible innocent life in reaction to killing one’s forces was not added to the Geneva Convention until August of 1949.  Germany always honored the Geneva Conventions unlike the Western Allies.  The Soviet Union and the communist partisans were not signatories to the Geneva Conventions.  Yet, the Germans treated them to a degree better than they had treated the Germans.  Although the actions which the Germans did were completely legal according to International Humanitarian Law, they were considered atrocities by the Allies.  The Allies committed many reprisals as well even after the War concluded. 
foto45.jpg Here is a French poster Notice to the Population! on May 1st, 1945, announcing that for each sabotage or French soldier killed, they will execute 50 hostages...i.e. innocent civilians!
Resistance is a group dedicated to fighting an invader in an occupied country through either the use of physical force, or nonviolence.
Partisan is a member of an irregular military force formed to oppose control of an area by a foreign power or by an army of occupation by some kind of insurgent activity.  The term can apply to the field element of resistance movements that opposed German rule in several countries during World War II.
Many terms within the Geneva Conventions may be open to latitude of definitions by government lawyers who push for the letter of the law and not the spirit of the law.  The US has on multiple situations argued cases that seemingly contradict the spirit of the Geneva Conventions.  (See Guantanamo 2003)
********** The Sad Sack is a comic strip character created by Sgt. George.  Set in the United States Army, Sad Sack depicted an otherwise unnamed, lowly private experiencing some of the absurdities and humiliations of military life.  The title was a euphemistic shortening of the military slang "sad sack of shit", common during WWII.  The phrase has come to mean "an inept person" or "inept soldier".  After the war ended, The Sad Sack ran in newspaper syndication in the United States until 1957.  Baker then sold the rights to Harvey Comics, which produced a large number of commercial spin-offs. ****The US Office of War Information (OWI) operated from June 1942 until September 1945.  It coordinated the release of war news for domestic use, and, using posters and radio broadcasts, worked to promote patriotism, warned about foreign spies and attempted to recruit women into war work.  The office also established an overseas branch which launched a large scale information and Propaganda campaign abroad.  There are more than eight thousand programs in English that include propaganda broadcasts from 1942 through 1945.  OWI also established the Voice of America in 1942.
The US and Great Britain used lies in contrast to Germany.  In an important address given in September 1934 in Nuremberg, Goebbels said: "Propaganda can be pro or con.  In neither case does it have to be negative.  The only thing that is important is whether or not its words are true and genuine expressions of a people's values ... Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie.  It has no reason to fear the truth.  It is a mistake to believe that people cannot take the truth.  They can.  It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand.  A propaganda that lies proves that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long run."  In 1941, Goebbels cited examples of recklessly inaccurate British wartime claims, and went on to charge that British propagandists had adopted the "big lie" technique, which Hitler had condemned in his book Mein Kampf.  Goebbels wrote: "The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it.  They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."
June 4-7, 1942 - The Battle of Midway is widely regarded as the most important naval battle of the Pacific Campaign.   The US Navy decisively defeated an Imperial Japanese Navy attack against Midway Atoll, inflicting irreparable damage on the Japanese fleet.  The Japanese operation, like the earlier attack on Pearl Harbor, sought to eliminate the United States as a strategic power in the Pacific, thereby giving Japan a free hand in establishing its Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.  The Japanese hoped that another demoralizing defeat would force the U.S. to capitulate in the Pacific War.  The Japanese plan was to lure the United States' aircraft carriers into a trap.  The Japanese also intended to occupy Midway Atoll as part of an overall plan to extend their defensive perimeter in response to the Doolittle Raid. This operation was also considered preparatory for further attacks against Fiji and Samoa.  The plan was handicapped by faulty Japanese assumptions of the American reaction and poor initial dispositions.  Most significantly, American codebreakers were able to determine the date and location of the attack, enabling the forewarned U.S. Navy to set up an ambush of its own.  Four Japanese aircraft carriers and a heavy cruiser were sunk for a cost of one American aircraft carrier and a destroyer.  After Midway, and the exhausting attrition of the Solomon Islands campaign, Japan's shipbuilding and pilot training programs were unable to keep pace in replacing their losses while the U.S. steadily increased its output in both areas.  The decisive engagement at Midway Island was won because ten American bombs out of the hundreds dropped fell on the right target.
June 21 - Rommel captures Tobruk.  June 30 - Rommel reaches El Alamein near Cairo, Egypt.  July 1-30 - First Battle of El Alamein
June 25 - Eisenhower arrives in London.  Eisenhower, the Swedish Jew, jumps ahead in rank through his friendship of Bernard Baruch.   Patton and Bradley state they saved the consequences of Eisenhower’s bad decisions many times.
June 5 - Germans besiege Sevastopol.  July 3 - Germans take Sevastopol.  July 5 - Soviet resistance in the Crimea ends.  July 9 - Germans begin a drive toward Stalingrad in the USSR. Andreyevich Vlasov or Wlassow (9/14, 1900 — 8/2, 1946) was a Russian former Soviet Army general who collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II.  Vlasov claimed that during his ten days in hiding he affirmed his anti-Bolshevism, believing Stalin was the greatest enemy of the Russian people.  His critics argued that Vlasov adopted a pro-Nazi German stance in prison out of opportunism, careerism, and survival, fearing Stalinist retribution for losing his last battle and his army.  [Stalin executed or exiled to Siberia any Russian that had been captured who re-entered Russia.  Even his captured Son committed suicide rather than return.] Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (12/1, 1896 – 6/18, 1974) was a Russian career officer in the Red Army who, in the course of World War II, played an important role in leading the Red Army through much of Eastern Europe to liberate the Soviet Union and other nations from the Axis Powers' occupation and conquer Germany's capital, Berlin.  He also organized the less known training exercise Snezhok in which a nuclear experiment was conducted on the population of the Orenburg Oblast and the Soviet Army.  He is the most decorated general in the history of both Russia and the Soviet Union. József Nyírő (7/18, 1889 – 10/16, 1953) was a Hungarian writer of popular short stories and novels and a vicar.  Nyirő was an admirer of Goebbels and he was a member of the Arrow Cross Party.  In a 1942 speech, he referred to Jews as “well-poisoners” who “destroy the Hungarian soul, who infect our spirit,” and declared that “This concept of the rundown liberal Jewish tradition, this veiled propaganda, must disappear from Hungarian life.” An attempt was made to re-establish him in the curriculum as part of a revision of the national literary canon.  His reburial was originally planned for May 27, 2012, but the Romanian government banned the move.  Prime Minister of Romania Victor Ponta said that Romania rejects paying tribute on its soil to people known for anti-Semitic, anti-Romanian and pro-fascist conduct.  The ceremony was attended by the speaker of the Hungarian Parliament László Kövér.  Kövér complained that the Romanian government is "uncivilized," "paranoid," "hysterical," "barbaric," and that the people "who had a son whose ashes were feared" would be "victorious."   Elie Wiesel, in a letter to László Kövér, said he was furious that Kövér had participated in a ceremony honoring a writer who was a loyal member of Hungary's WW2 far-right parliament, an act he suggested reflected the authorities' willingness to gloss over the country's dark past.   Kövér cited a Hungarian Jewish scientific review which stated that Nazi ideals or anti-Semitism cannot be found in Nyírő's literary works.
****Brothels for German Soldiers  & Local Civilians - Wikipedia has several lies which I have tried to correct here from the limited information I have been able to gather.  The lies come mostly from Jews and Communists.  There needs to be a distinction between non-fiction books and fictional novels, especially by Jewish authors.  Brothels existed prior to the War.  Independent prostitutes (with their mostly Jewish pimps in Europe) plied their trade.  Most all countries had their brothels.  Many had their own rules and licenses.  The wartime US naval base at Pearl Harbor had an area around the base which was notorious for its sex work establishments, so much so that the Eleanor Roosevelt tried to have them closed down.  At Pearl Harbor, the demand for commercial sexual services was very high.  
Pornography flooded Weimar Germany, but was illegal in Nazi-occupied Europe.  Instead there was celebration of the trim, fit body and books were published to that effect.  Street walking or independent prostitutes were illegal and only licensed, medically-regulated brothels were allowed and were discreet in designated areas.  Furthermore, the sex-workers were thereby removed from the control of French pimps, and also prevented from robbing their customers (something that was usually forced on them by their pimps in order to extract more money).  Wikipedia states that 34,140 European women were in the brothels throughout the War, but that is only figured by one author, one Christa Paul in the 1990’s.  Her figures are to be suspect.  All independent prostitutes were considered as antisocial and sent to the prison camps.  When Himmler decided to set up the Brothels, the prostitutes were gathered from the asocial prostitutes already in the camps.  They were given early time release if they volunteered for the camp brothels.  Other female criminal inmates were also offered this opportunity, but the sex professionals were the more highly desired.  These camp prostitutes were paid for their services.  These camp prostitutes were the ones who were also sent to work the military brothels.  Volunteers were also asked for from the surrounding communities.  The military brothel prostitutes were paid by the Johns at a higher going rate.   In Germany, more of the brothels in the cities closed down as the men were sent to the war fronts.  Many of these prostitutes continued as prostitutes after the War, first with the Allies and then their own.
Prostitution is an evil.  Both men and women are affected by the unnaturalness of the situation.  Both men and women confuse love and sex.  Physical intimacy is meant by Natural Law to be confined to the bonds of a (marital) commitment.  Because of this unnaturalness, men sometimes learn to objectify women and women cannot learn to love men.  Some women who become prostitutes, having had bad experiences with men might seek tenderness and love from women, even though their natural preference might be heterosexual.
It is usually said that Europe has a more libertine view of sexuality.  It is more nuanced than that.  Americans may have had more of a Puritan heritage, but the Jews being the revolutionaries whom they are in their publishing empires, including pornography and movies want to destroy Christian morality and push to the limits.  Today, pornography in America is more explicit than in Europe.  Gentile stooges in reaction to the "stronger morals" might tend to sin more extremely.  Amsterdam’s “red-light” district has always been very explicit and that might be in reaction to their Puritan roots and their strong Jewish influences.
Many German soldiers and their complementary foreign axis allies had wives or girlfriends and were imbued with a Christian morality and did not partake in these brothels.  Morality is looser at wartime, when soldiers fear death soon.  Many young men possibly used these services for this reason.  Brothels may serve a valuable function in reducing the stress of military life.  It is far better in the long run for the military to regulate the business than attempt to close them down.  After investment in and service expectations for their soldiers, the military does not want lost recuperation time for sexual diseases.   The brothels were highly medically-regulated and the soldiers were treated immediately after coitus.  The Wehrmacht identified sexual contact as an opportunity for men in the field to infect themselves with gonorrhoea, however, and so escape Front duty and there were usually more Wehrmacht medics in attendance at brothels than girls.  A curtain ensured visual privacy, but a medic was outside the door listening.  After the session concluded, the soldier would be treated by the medic, a syringe being inserted into the urethra to flood the genital system with a disinfectant. This prophylactic was sufficient to deter all but the most ardent.

Western vs Eastern Military Brothels: More is known of the Western Military brothels, but they were basically run the same way.  The Western brothels were staffed by regular previous prostitutes and a few new volunteers.  Some existing brothels were turned over for military use.  The Eastern brothels were the same, but supplemented by some prostitutes from the prison camps.  There may have been separate brothels for the Wehrmacht and for the SS officers.  
The Wehrmacht made it mandatory for sex workers to operate out of supervised licensed establishments where they were subject to health checks.  It was prohibited for sex workers to provide commercial sexual services to Wehrmacht personnel as private operators, outside the purview of the licensed establishments.  The aim of the Wehrmacht in enforcing this measure was of course to protect the health of their personnel.
It is a lie that rapes were committed by Wehrmacht forces on Jewish women.  It was forbidden by army regulations, race-mixing laws and morality.  There were a possibly a few rapes on Polish women and the soldiers were punished.   (The Soviets and Allies were the ones who raped indiscriminately.  The dishonorable Allies also gave food to starving women for sex.) It is a lie that Jewesses were used in German military brothels.  It is a lie that Jewesses were used in prison camp brothels (discussed below).  Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor (9/15, 1935) Section 2: Sexual relations outside marriage between Jews and nationals of German or kindred blood are forbidden. With its attendant punishment: 2. A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 2 will be punished with imprisonment or with hard labor. 
In non-military brothels, some Jewesses, or gypsies or mixed-races were prostitutes, but not for the Germans, only for the non-Germans.  Of course HJ members under the legal age were not allowed to visit such brothels.
One calculation (true?): In Angers, 5 military bordellos, with average 8,000+ clients per month.  That works out at 1,600 clients per month per bordello.  Let us assume each bordello employs 10 sex-workers, for a total of 50 sex-workers in Angers.  That seems a reasonable total, since it is stated that there were at least 261 sex-workers operating in the single town of La Rochelle during 1942.  That works out at 160 clients per sex-worker per month.  Let us assume each sex-worker was on duty five days per week, or 22 days per month. That works out at seven clients per day per sex-worker, hardly an onerous work-load, given that each client probably received only 30 minutes of service at most.  It is likely that a town like Angers would have supported at least 50 professional sex-workers under normal conditions, even without the extra demand created by a horde of lusty German soldiers.
Since 1939 Jewish prostitutes were supposed to be excluded from any police regulated brothels in Western Europe, that is, even for non-Germans.  Germans were forbidden to have relations with Jews since 1935.
The order to regulate the soldiers' sex lives was issued on 7/29, 1940.  From that point on, free prostitution was forbidden and persecuted by the police.  As before, the prostitutes were paid a nominal fee.  The soldiers had to bring up the money themselves from their regular guerdon.
The Foreign Ministry of the Polish Government in Exile issued a document on May 3, 1941, describing the kidnapping raids of young women from the cities, but this is to be suspect, because it was composed of the earlier emigrants composed of Jews or communist-leaning Poles.  Anything that they would say was to discredit the Nazi occupiers.
Before 1942, there were around 500 military brothels of this kind in Western and Eastern Europe.  In France, the leaders of the Wehrmacht were able to establish a thoroughly bureaucratic system of around 100 new brothels already before 1942, based on an existing system of government-controlled ones.  The soldiers were given official visitation cards issued by and were prohibited from engaging in sexual contact with other French women.  In September 1941, General von Brauchitsch suggested that weekly visits for all younger soldiers be considered mandatory to prevent any "sexual excesses" among them.  The sex workers had a scheduled medical check-up to prevent the spread of venereal diseases.
Jewish women are not allowed to work in the Eastern brothels from March 1942.  The Jewish women were let go and replaced with Ukrainians and Polish women in November 1941. In Latvia, 1942, it also was noted in the process of registering independent prostitutes that twenty-one Jewish women were removed from the list.

Prison Camp brothels:
Nazi Germany established brothels in the concentration camps to create an incentive for prisoners to collaborate, although these institutions were used mostly by Kapos, "prisoner functionaries" and the criminal element.  In the end, the camp brothels did not produce any noticeable increase in the prisoners’ work productivity levels, but instead, created a market for coupons among the camp VIPs.  The women in these brothels came mainly from the Ravensbrück concentration camp, except for Auschwitz, which employed its own prisoners.  The vast majority of non-Jewish inmates of German concentration camps were male, Ravensbrueck being the only concentration camp specifically for female inmates.
The camp brothels were usually built as barracks surrounded by a barbed-wire fence, with small individual rooms for up to 20 women prisoners, controlled by a female overseer.  The sex workers were replaced frequently due to exhaustion and illness.  The brothels were open only in the evenings.  No Jewish male prisoners were allowed as patrons.   Those with access to the customer lineup (Aryan VIPs only), had to sign up for a specific day and pay two reichsmarks for a 20-minute "service" based on a predetermined schedule.  The prostitutes were matched with their clients by an SS-man.  The market for the "prize-coupons" was routinely cornered by the common criminals who wore the green triangles (hence the "green men" denomination).  (The story of the Field Whore tattoo turns out to be a Communist Partisan punishment on one of their own.) rumor only).  
From 1942 onwards, 200-300 gentile female prisoners from the camp worked in 10 camp brothels across Germany, Austria and Poland. Almost all had been imprisoned as "anti-social."  The female inmate prostitutes volunteered as camp prostitutes and were promised release from the camp after six months of service.  They were mostly in their early 20s and received better rations and allowed to wear civilian clothes.  There was an elaborate Prison Camp Incentives System which rewarded inmates for good behavior. A visit to the Brothel was on the fifth level.  (Does anyone have the complete system?)  Only privileged prisoners like Kapos (camp supervisors) had the means to afford frequent visits, and less than 1 percent of the camp population ever went to the brothels.  Relatives could send money to inmates as well.  The brothel was open every evening between 8 and 10 p.m., and on Sunday afternoons.  Germans who wanted to go to a brothel could only go to a German woman and a Slavic prisoner only to a Slavic woman.  Once the SS had issued a brothel permit, men were assigned a woman and medically examined.  If their name was read out in an evening roll call they were marched to the building and had a medicinal cream applied to their genitals by a doctor.  Each woman used a small room where male prisoners, after a brief examination, were allowed 15 minutes.  Guards looked through peep holes to check sex only took place lying down, as stated in the rules in the missionary position.  The book Mauthausen" by Jew Iakovos Kampanelis, told that at liberation these women were not treated as "collaborators"; on the contrary, they were an object of desire and the way for former inmates to prove to themselves that they were still "men".  In other words, the Jew inmates raped these German prostitutes.  Like most aspects of the War, the Germans were reluctant to talk about them and both the prostitutes and the johns remained silent.
In June 1941 during an inspection of concentration camp Mauthausen Himmler made a decision to build a brothel for the prisoners.  Beginning with the Austrian camp at Mauthausen in 1942, the SS opened 10 brothels, the biggest of which was in Auschwitz, in modern Poland, where as many as (only) 21 women prisoners once worked.  The first camp brothel was established in Mauthausen/Gusen in 1942.  After 6/30, 1943, a camp brothel existed in Auschwitz-Stammlager, and from 7/15, 1943, in Buchenwald.  The one in Neuengamme was established in early 1944, Dachau's in May 1944, Dora-Mittelbau's in late summer, and Sachsenhausen's on 8/8, 1944.  There are conflicting dates for the camp brothel in Flossenbürg: one source claims summer 1943; another states it was not opened until 3/25, 1944.  It is not certain when the brothels in Auschwitz-Birkenau and Auschwitz-Monowitz opened. The last opened in early 1945, the year the war ended.  The introduction of the system of incentives was issued in May 1943 which included brothel visitation.
In addition to using camp brothels for the inmates, Heinrich Himmler also intended them to be used as a means of teaching pink triangle prisoners "the joys of the opposite sex", i.e., as "therapy" for their homosexuality.   Heger claims that Himmler directed that all gay prisoners were to make compulsory visits to the camp brothel once per week as a means of curing them of their same-sex attraction. 
Non-Brothel prison sex:
Outside of a few family areas of the camps, most of the men and women are separated.  These boundaries were not absolute and there were dalliances between the sexes.  Female prisoners tried to establish liaisons with male prisoners belonging to the privileged group, as a means of securing access to more food, better clothing, sometimes even cosmetics, and were able to retain their hair and cultivate a more feminine appearance.  As is the case in most prisons with many men together, there was some prison homosexuality, usually between the powerful and the powerless.  "Some young guys slept with older prisoners for extra bread.”
Family areas:
At a part of Birkenau known as the "family camp", where about 18,000 men, women and children were kept, there were possibly occasional rapes between the inmates.  Unrelated to brothels, female prisoner doctors performed abortions on female prisoners who had become pregnant, but probably only on the Jewish inmates.  In Nazi Germany, abortion was illegal for Gentiles while allowed for Jews.
SS Guards and Camp Staff:
The SS Guard maintained the perimeter and administration of the prison camps.  Prison staff did not live in the prison.  The German soldiers and staff were free to go home to their wives or girlfriends.  The SS Guards and Camp Staff did not frequent the Brothels.  Inmate Kapos or Trustees were the interior guards. The Kapos were free to go to the Brothels.  SS Guards and Camp Staff caught by his superiors having sex or raping a inmate faced punishment.
From the SS Judge Konrad Morgen investigating fraud in Ausschwitz: "I wanted to meet the SS people and went to the SS guardroom in Birkenau. There I got my first real shock.  While guardrooms were generally of Spartan simplicity, here SS men lay on couches and dozed, staring ahead glassy-eyed.  Instead of a desk there was a hotel kitchen stove in the room and four or five young Jewesses of Oriental beauty were making potato pancakes and feeding the SS men, who had themselves waited on like pashas.  The SS men and the female prisoners used the familiar form, “Du” with one another.  At my horrified questioning look, my escort simply shrugged his shoulders and said that the men had a hard night behind them.." (This passage did not refer to sex.)
No Jews or political prisoners:
Because of the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor (9/15, 1935) Section 2: Sexual relations outside marriage between Jews and nationals of German or kindred blood are forbidden. With its attendant punishment: 2. A person who acts contrary to the prohibition of Section 2 will be punished with imprisonment or with hard labor.  There were no Jewish prostitutes.  Jewish male inmates and political prisoners including Soviet prisoners of war were not allowed to use the Brothels.

July 1942            July 1942
Summer Horse Racing: Blue Ribbon, Brown Ribbon, Vienna and about 20 others. Band Hamburg Derby. German Brown Band horse racing society
7/11 1942 The Polish Daily reports on over 25,000 people being killed by poison gas in Treblinka.  Yet, Treblinka doesn’t even open up until 7/23!  “On 11 July 1942 the Polish Daily, a newspaper of the Polish government in exile in London, reported on a press conference held by the British Minister of Information on 9 July 1942, quoting the exile-Polish Minister of the Interior S. Mikolajczyk word for word under the heading 'The Slaughter of the Jews': ‘...All in all 2,500 people were murdered this night, while the remaining 25,000 people were brought to camps in Belzec and Tremblinka. In Izbica Kujawska 8,000 individuals were driven away in an unknown direction. In Belzec and Tremblinka the people are reportedly killed with poison gas.’  One thing is certain, however, namely that it was only on 23 July 1942 – that is 14 days later! – with the arrival of the first transport of Jews from Warsaw that the Treblinka camp was opened!!  As demonstrated by the above described press conference, the lie about mass gassings with poison gas at this place [Treblinka] had been disseminated to the world before the camp even existed!

July 22 - First deportations from the Warsaw Ghetto (City section of townhomes) of Jews to concentration camps for security and labor.****Treblinka prison camp - Not open until after the War begins and 9 years after the Nazis get elected to majority power.  It is only now, after 9 years that Jews are added to the prison populations as potential enemies (like the Japanese, Germans and Italians in the US).  Nearly 150,000 Jews continue service in the armed forces and the majority of German Jews continue to survive in open society.  Rich Jews have left Germany.  The Jews here are primarily foreign Jews.  The War is fully engaged and Germany is getting firebombed.  This is no time to give comfort to potential Fifth Columnists.
July 24 Treblinka prison camp opened. There have many lies about this camp. The truth is vastly different.
It was a transit stop where Jews were de-liced and had their hair cut before being shipped to occupied Russia.  Train loads of Jews would arrive at T-II to be deloused.  Their luggage would also be deloused. Once the procedure was completed, the Jews would board a new train that would take them to their final destination which was either a labor camp or ghetto somewhere in occupied Soviet territory.  German documents indicate Jews were being funneled through Treblinka which was designated a transit camp. Treblinka played a major role in the deportation of Jews from the Warsaw ghetto to labor camps and ghettos farther east.  In 1944, the Russians retook the camp and they excavated the bodies.  In total they found ten bodies.
In Oct 1999 Dr Toben of Adelaide Institute authorized an archeological expedition.  For six days Australian engineer Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer, carried out an examination of the soil at the site of the former Treblinka II camp in Poland and at Belzec.  Krege used the latest ground radar available (commonly used in archaeology as well as in geology).  He found no mass graves at the Treblinka camp site or Belzec.   In the holocaust literature, the places where the gigantic mass graves are supposed to have been (as we remember, the Germans allegedly buried their victims before digging them out again and burning them) are exactly marked, so there is no room for error.  Kreges conclusion is formal: "The huge mass graves never existed."  At Belzec, he found signs of a small mass grave (not in the area designated by the holocaust historians), which is hardly surprising, as a certain number of prisoners must have died in the camp, and as there was no crematorium at that camp.  Thus, the whole Belzec and Treblinka story collapses.
John Ball -He is an air photo expert who studied all the WW-2 aerial shots.  His photo analysis leaves no doubt that Treblinka was a small transit camp (twenty two acres) at best from a 1943 picture of the camp.  DR. Faurisson of the Sorbonne did a detailed exploration of Treblinka, and found nothing.  Treblinka Today-Jews built a rock memorial and declared 2,000,000 dead.  As with all the camps there has never been one archeological dig.  This particular camp was the size of two baseball field so the graves would be 300 feet deep. "Treblinka, Poland, Bears in the menagerie belonging to the camp command."

Jew Vasily Semyonovich Grossman (12/12, 1905 – 9/14, 1964) was a Soviet writer and journalist.  Grossman's eyewitness accounts (lies) of cconditions in a Nazi extermination camp, following the liberation of Treblinka, were among the earliest.  After World War II, Grossman's faith in the Soviet state was shaken by Joseph Stalin's embrace of antisemitism in the final years before his death in 1953. 
File:Sebastian-haffner book-cover.jpg Sebastian Haffner (12/27, 1907 – 1/2, 1999, pseudonym for Raimund Pretzel) was a German journalist and popular Judeophile author.  In 1938 he emigrated from Nazi Germany with his Jewish fiancée to London. His focus was on the history of the German Reich (1871-1945); his books dealt with the origins and course of the First World War, the failure of the Weimar Republic, and the subsequent rise and fall of Nazi Germany under HitlerHaffner is considered very successful for a broad, nonacademic audience. ”Defying Hitler”, discovered posthumously is a memoir of the Nazis' rise to power, as witnessed by Haffner before he went into exile.  Germany: Jekyll & Hyde, (1940); “Offensive Against Germany” (1941).  In the August 1942 issue of the London monthly World Review, Haffner called for the mass murder of at least half a million young Germans by the victorious Allies at the end of the war.  According to his article "The Reintegration of Germany into Europe," the National Socialist revolution of 1933 had divorced Germany from Christian European civilization.  An Allied victory in the World War would make it possible to restore the prewar order.  Haffner wrote, the "hard core" of Nazi revolutionaries were concentrated in the SS and could therefore be easily liquidated.  In all probability it amounts to the killing of upwards of 500,000 young men or convert the SS into a number of life-serving mobile forced-labor divisions for international use, it would mean not much more than a living death."  A comprehensive "re-education" program would also be necessary to make sure that defeated Germany stayed in line permanently.  But since the vast majority of the German people obviously backed its National Socialist leadership, only a small group of anti-Nazi Protestant clergy and Roman Catholic priests could be entrusted with this important task. "Thank God Christianity is still a very vital supranational force in Europe, a nucleus not only of spiritual but even of structural unity."  Haffner's article is not the first call for genocide in the name of Christianity made in history.  Haffner's murderous proposal was only partially implemented.  Many tens of thousands of young SS men, not only from Germany but from across Europe, were in fact murdered by the victorious Allies in both the East and West. (Mark Weber)
August 1, 1942 The Japanese Army and Burma nationalists, led by Aung San, seized control of Burma from the United Kingdom.  A State of Burma was formed under the Burmese nationalist leader Ba Maw. The Ba Maw regime established the Burma Defense Army (later renamed the Burma National Army), which was commanded by Aung San.  Bogyoke (General) Aung San (2/13, 1915 – 7/19, 1947) was a Burmese revolutionary, nationalist, and founder of the modern Burmese army, and considered to be the Father of (modern-day) Burma.  He was a founder of the Communist Party of Burma and was instrumental in bringing about Burma's independence from British colonial rule in Burma, but was assassinated six months before independence.  Aung San had a daughter, Aung San Suu Kyi, who is a Burmese politician and the recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize.
Aug 7 - British General Bernard Montgomery takes command of Eighth Army in North Africa.
Aug 12 - Stalin and Churchill meet in Moscow.  Churchill is half-Jew and Stalin is a full Jew.
Irène Némirovsky (2/24, 1903 – 8/17, 1942) was a French (Russian emigree) novelist who died of typhus in the Auschwitz community-camp.  She was sent only because of the immigrant laws which led to all recent immigrants, both Jewish and non-Jewish, being taken to the camps.  She had converted to Roman Catholicism in 1939 and wrote in Candide and Gringoire, two magazines with anti-Semitic tendencies, perhaps partly to hide the family's Jewish origins.  She wrote about Jews not as the Chosen People but the People of goods and wares. Aug 17, 1942 - First all-American Barbarian air attack of Fire-bombing Holocaust in Europe against Rouen, France civilians.
Aug 19 Allied attack on the German-occupied port of Dieppe on the northern coast of France.  The objective was to seize and hold a major port for a short period, both to prove it was possible and to gather intelligence from prisoners and captured materials while assessing the German responses.  The Allies also wanted to destroy coastal defences, port structures and all strategic buildings.  No major objectives of the raid were accomplished.  A total of 3,623 of the 6,086 men (almost 60%) who made it ashore were either killed, wounded, or captured.  The air force failed to lure the Luftwaffe into open battle, losing 96 aircraft (at least 32 to Flak or accidents) compared to 48 lost by the Luftwaffe, while the Royal Navy lost 33 landing craft and one destroyer.  The events at Dieppe later influenced preparations for the North African (Operation Torch) and Normandy Landings (Operation Overlord). Aug 21 – First Soviet barbarian air attack on the civilians of Warsaw.
Sept 2 - Rommel is driven back by Montgomery in the Battle of Alam Halfa.
1942 August 23 A swastika banner is said to have been planted atop Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus Mountains by a special SS detachment. The flag they planted was allegedly blessed according to the secret, mystical rites of the SS inner circle.  Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in the Caucasus Mountains, as well as all of Europe, was also known as the "sacred hill of the Aryans," a seat of ancient civilizations, and the magic peak of a sect called by some the "Friends of Lucifer." (Pauwels) (Mt. Elbrus is an extinct volcano formed during the Tertiary Period, it has two cones rising to 18,510 ft. and 18,481 ft. in altitude.The name Caucasia, which was first recorded by the ancient Greeks, has a disputed derivation. Caucasia, which gave its name to the white race of humankind, has long served as a center of human settlement distinguished by ethnic complexity.  About 40 languages are still spoken in the region, many of them in the so-called Caucasian group of languages.) (Grolier)

Aug 23, 1942 - Massive German air raid on Stalingrad.  Sept 13 - Battle of Stalingrad begins. The Battle of Stalingrad was fought to determine who would have control of the Baku oil fields.  Fifty years before the battle, Baku produced half of the world's oil supply: Azerbaijan and the United States are the only two countries ever to have been the world's majority oil producer.  The battle took place between 23 August 1942 and 2 February 1943.  (See the Great Game,2001)  Manstein said later he wasn’t given Goering’s Luftwaffe which he needed.  They had plenty of unused capacity sitting idle in the West

9/14-6, 1942 There was a youth convention in Vienna, Austria to form a "European Youth Union".  These countries were present: Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Flandern, Wallonien, Italy, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania and Spain joined the Union during these days, while youth from Estland, Latvia and Böhmen/Mähren participated together with the German delegation hosting the convention.  Observers from France and Portugal were present.  The Union accepted (by votation) the set of rules presented by Baldur von Schirach. 
1942 map poster “The New Europe cannot be defeated.” The rest of the text explains that the plans of British plutocrats and their American allies, as well as the Jews behind them, have failed.
Oct 5, 1942 - A German claims SS mass murder at Dubno, Ukraine.  This is another fake atrocity story from coerced Nuremburg testimony.  No forensic evidence.
Oct 18 - Hitler orders the execution of all captured British commandos for the tremendous carnage that they had delivered on German civilians. Prescott Sheldon Bush (5/15, 1895 – 10/8, 1972) was an American banker and politician.  He was a Wall Street executive banker and a US Senator, representing Connecticut from 1952 - 1963.  He was the father of George H. W. Bush and the grandfather of George W. Bush and Jeb Bush.  Bush was one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation, an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen.  In July 1942 the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders.  A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations, but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II.  The government announces it is seizing only the Nazi interests, leaving the Nazis' U.S. partners, Bush and his father-in-Law, to carry on the business.

Nov 1 - Operation Supercharge (Allies break Axis lines at El Alamein). Bernard Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO, PC (11/17, 1887 – 3/24, 1976), often referred to as "Monty", was an Anglo-Irish British Army officer.  He successfully commanded Allied forces at the Battle of El Alamein, a major turning point in the Western Desert Campaign during World War II, and troops under his command played a major role in the expulsion of Axis forces from North Africa.  He was later a prominent commander in Italy and North-West Europe, where he was in command of all Allied ground forces during Operation Overlord until after the Battle of Normandy, and was the principal commander for Operation Market Garden.  Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery (1942) got this point when he stated in Paris in June, 1948: "The Nuremberg trials have made the waging of unsuccessful war a crime: the generals on the defeated side are tried and then hanged."  He should have added chiefs of state, prime ministers, foreign ministers, and even secretaries of welfare.
Nov 8 - Operation Torch begins (U.S. invasion of North Africa).
Nov 11 - Germans and Italians invade unoccupied Vichy France.
-On November 11, 1942, the Germans launched Operation Case Anton, occupying southern France, following the landing of the Allies in North Africa (Operation Torch).  Although Vichy's "Armistice Army" was disbanded, thus diminishing Vichy's independence, the abolition of the line of demarcation in March 1943 made civil administration easier.  Vichy continued to exercise jurisdiction over almost all of France until the collapse of the Regime following the Allied invasion in June 1944.
Until October 23, 1944, the Vichy Regime was acknowledged as the official Government of France by the United States and other countries, including Canada, which were at the same time at war with Germany.  The United Kingdom maintained unofficial contacts with Vichy, at least until it became apparent that the Vichy Prime Minister, Pierre Laval, intended full collaboration with the Germans.  Even after that it maintained an ambivalent attitude towards the alternative Free French movement and future government.-
Nov 19 - Soviet counter-offensive at Stalingrad begins.
Dec 2 - Professor Enrico Fermi sets up an atomic reactor in Chicago.  German scientists are ahead of the curve, but Hitler does not want to go down in history as the man who orders the A-Bomb.
"We are not denying and are not afraid to confess.  This war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry...Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry.  We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based, we are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going.  The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy, forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance.  And we are the Trojan Horses in the enemy's fortress.  Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory."  (Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, in a speech on December 3, 1942, NYC) Chaim Azriel Weizmann (11/27, 1874 – 11/9, 1952) was a Zionist leader, President of the Zionist Organization, and the first President of the State of Israel.  He was elected on February 1, 1949, and served until his death in 1952.  Weizmann was also a chemist who developed the ABE-process, which produces acetone through bacterial fermentation.  He founded the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.
In the last week of December 1942, led by journalist Dorothy Thompson, fifty leading German-Americans including Babe Ruth signed a "Christmas Declaration by men and women of German ancestry" condemning Nazism, which appeared in ten major American daily newspapers.
Dec 13 - Rommel withdraws from El Agheila.
Dec 16 - Soviets defeat Italian troops on the River Don in the USSR.
Dec 17 - British Foreign Secretary Eden tells the British House of Commons of mass executions of (Communist)Jews by Nazis (untrue propaganda); U.S. declares those crimes will be avenged.
Dec 31 - Battle of the Barents Sea between German and British ships.
Johann von Leers, alias Omar Amin, (1/25, 1902 – 3/5, 1965) was a German professor known for his anti-Jewish polemics.  He was one of the most important ideologues of the Third Reich and later served in the Egyptian Information Department.  He published for Goebbels, “In Peron's Argentina”, and “For Nasser's Egypt”.  He converted to Islam, and changed his name to Omar Amin.  He wrote the tract (Jews Are Looking at You).  He was fluent in five languages, including Hebrew and Japanese.
In December 1942, von Leers published "Judaism and Islam as Opposites”.  “Mohammed's hostility to the Jews had one result: Oriental Jewry was completely paralyzed.  Its backbone was broken.  Oriental Jewry effectively did not participate in [European] Jewry's tremendous rise to power in the last two centuries.  Despised in the filthy lanes of the mellah (the walled Jewish quarter of a Moroccan city, analogous to the European ghetto) the Jews vegetated there.  They lived under a special law (that of a protected minority), which in contrast to Europe did not permit usury or even traffic in stolen goods, but kept them in a state of oppression and anxiety.  If the rest of the world had adopted a similar policy, we would not have a Jewish Question (Judenfrage).... As a religion, Islam indeed performed an eternal service to the world: it prevented the threatened conquest of Arabia by the Jews and vanquished the horrible teaching of Jehovah by a pure religion, which at that time opened the way to a higher culture for numerous peoples ....”  He also accused the Jews to have prepared the First World War to destroy the German people: "if the Jews win, our destiny will be that of the Polish officers in Katyn".  Von Leers was a proponent of realpolitik, advocating a race-free foreign relations policy on the basis of relationship and alliance.  He authored the memo which led to the exemption of non-Jewish racial minorities from race laws in the nation in 1934, 1936, and 1937.  In 1943, he accuses the Jews to have prepared the World War to destroy the German people: "if the Jews win, our destiny will be that of the Polish officers in Katyn.”
1942 Wycliffe Bible Translators was founded by William Cameron Townsend.  It is an interdenominational organization mandated to making a translation of the Bible in every living language in the world, especially for cultures with little existing Christian influence.  There are currently branches in over 50 countries.  The organization is named after John Wycliffe, who was responsible for the first complete English translation of the whole Bible into Middle English.  As of September 2010, translations of either portions of the Bible, the New Testament, or the whole Bible exist in over 2,500 of the 6,860 languages used on Earth.
1942 Christian Council on Palestine is formed to aid Zionists by liberal Christian scholars Paul Tillich, William F Albright, Reinhold Niebuhr and others. Stamp Day German Goldsmith Society Peter Henlein (1485 - Aug 1542) locksmith and clockmaker is considered the inventor of the pocket watch. Vienna Postal Congress to mark the postal and telegraph conference Jacques Benoist-Méchin (7/1, 1901 -2/24, 1983) was a French conservative politician and writer.  In early 1942 he received from his personal friend Otto Abetz an offer that would guarantee France effective independence if the country agreed to become a military ally of Germany.  He was briefly the official ambassador for the government until this role was passed to fellow Germanophile Fernand de Brinon.  Benoist-Méchin's influence grew when he, along with his allies Paul Marion and Joseph Darnand, was appointed to the controlling committee of the Légion des Volontaires Français in June 1942.  As a writer he produced a History of the German Army in ten volumes, his memoirs of the collaboration period, was published in 1984.  He also developed a close friendship with Union Movement leader Oswald Mosley whilst the latter lived in France.  Selected Works: History of the German Army (1936); Clarification of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, the book that changed the world (1939); Ukraine, Stalin origins (1941); many biographies.

1943         1943         1943         1943

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