Friday, February 8, 2013


(My original has many pictures and illustrations.  Please excuse this installment until I am able to complete it.)

1936         1936         1936         1936 ****The Nobel Prizes are awards in recognition of cultural and scientific advances.  The will of the Jew/Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, established the prizes in 1895.  The prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace were first awarded in 1901.  The Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway, separately from the other prizes.  All nomination records for a prize are sealed for 50 years from the awarding of the prize.  There are huge possibilities to lobby within the procedure and to have Jewish or Western bias.  Before World War II, Germany held the overall lead in Nobel prizes.  Now, Germany has been whittled down in territory and after the War, many of its scientists were forcibly removed to the Allies, and its educational system was dumbed down by the Allies.  Many Jews have won Nobels through the maxim that Jews help Jews to succeed through advancement.  They have had original thoughts, but many have been co-opted or adapted from Gentile scientists, with the Gentiles receiving no credit.  Albert Einstein worked in a patent office and had access to ideas which helped advance his own.  Even so, there had been Gentiles which predated his same theories.
Hitler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1938.  Leading the campaign for years was the renowned Jewish author, Gertrude Stein.   As early as 1934, she told a reporter that Hitler should be awarded the Nobel peace prize:  "I say that Hitler ought to have the peace prize, because he is removing all the elements of contest and of struggle from Germany. By driving out the Jews and the democratic and Left element, he is driving out everything that conduces to activity. That means peace ... By suppressing Jews ... he was ending struggle in Germany" (New York Times Magazine, May 6, 1934).  Hitler was nominated by Erik Brandt, a member of the Swedish parliament for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1939 on the basis of the peaceful resolution of the Sudetenland Crisis; but the nomination was rejected by the Nobel Prize Committee.
In 1936, Adolf Hitler was offended with the Nobel Foundation when the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Carl von Ossietzky, a German writer who publicly opposed Hitler and Nazism.  Hitler reacted by issuing a decree on January 31, 1937 that forbade German nationals from accepting any Nobel Prize in the future.  Awarding the peace prize to Ossietzky was itself considered controversial.  Many felt that it was wrong to offend Germany by awarding the prize to someone opposed to the Nazi regime. 
After the War, it was established that Germany was at least ten years ahead of the Allies with patents in all fields.  If all was fair and equal, Germany would have a tremendous number of Nobel prizes.
The Nobels were Jews, well-connected with the Elite.  They were rich from oil in Azerbaijan and were left unmolested by the Soviets.
The Four Year Plan was a series of economic reforms to prepare Germany for self-sufficiency in four years (1936-1940). T he Four Year Plan sought to reduce unemployment; increase synthetic fiber production; undertake public works projects under the direction of Fritz Todt; increased automobile production; initiate numerous building and architectural projects; and further develop the Autobahn system.  The plan also emphasized building up the nation's military defenses.  In a Sep 1936 speech before the Labor Front, Hitler explained the plan's focus, and drew a comparison between the resources at Germany's disposal and those accessible to the "incapable" Bolsheviks.  The American press immediately interpreted this speech as Hitler's call for war with the Soviet Union and addressed it to the public as such.  However, Hitler's proclamation actually suggested that, because of Germany's undersupplied position, a great task was set ahead for the country to "develop a form of life which [was] higher than that existing in [the] Bolshevist paradise of Soviet Russia."  Hermann Göring was put in charge of the Four Year Plan on 10/18, 1936.  During the following years, Germany began building refineries, aluminum plants, and factories for the development of synthetic materials.  The Four Year Plan technically expired in 1940, but the "Office of the Four Year Plan" (considered a cabinet-level agency) had grown to such a power-base that the Four Year Plan was extended indefinitely.  Indeed, many of the Four Year Plan's goals relating to economic production were accomplished between 1941 and 1944.
"If elected to the State Assembly my first act will be to introduce a bill making it a penal offense for anyone to disseminate in printed form or verbally, any antisemitic propaganda.”- M, J. Olgin, Editor the Yiddish N. Y. Morning Freiheit, Communist Party Candidate for N. Y. State Assembly, in a speech Jan. 9, 1936.
1936 Winter Olympics emblem.png2/6-16 The 1936 Winter Olympics were celebrated in the market town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Bavaria, Germany.  1936 is the last year in which the Summer and Winter Games were both held in the same country (the cancelled 1940 games would have been held in Japan, with that country likewise hosting the Winter and Summer games). ****"For My Legionaries: The Iron Guard"  by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu (9/13, 1899 – 11/30, 1938) (over 450 pages) 1936.  First he honors the great men of România of 1879:  Vasile Conta;  Vasile Alecsandri;  Mihail Kogalniccanu;  Mihail Eminescu;  Ion Heliade Radulescu;  Bogdan Petriceicu Hajdeu;  Costache Negri;  A.D. Xenopol.  At the university in September 1919, he concluded the three ideals of life for the Romanian people: 1. The unification of the Romanian people;   2. The elevation of peasantry through land reform and political rights;   3. The solution of the Jewish problem. "It is not enough to defeat Communism.  We must also fight for the rights of the workers.  They have a right to bread and a fight to honor, We must fight against the oligarchic parties, creating naţional workers organizations which can gain their rights within the framework of the state and not against the state."   (see 1939)
He tells of discovering the Creed of National-Christian Socialism before having heard of Hitler or Mussolini.  He tells of the Judaic hatred of the Romanians and the Jews endorsement of atheistic Communism and Jewish Supremacy.  “But, while the Christian apostles preached their ideal in the open, the Talmud hides; and its two appendages, the Kahal and Freemasonry, are even more invisible.”     “Consciousness of the Jewish menace is awakened gradually, first in the educated classes.  Then it spreads and penetrates the masses.  The former group unites with the people in supporting their demands.  The latter thus become progressively aware themselves.
“History establishes that from the earliest times the Jews have been a people wandering among others, nomadic, countryless. The science of anti-Semitism establishes that this nomadism is contrary to the well-being of agricultural, sedentary peoples and cannot be tolerated. Anthropology establishes that Jews are a mixture of unrelated races, differing among themselves, as the Semitic, Aryan, Negro, and Mongolian. The science of anti-Semitism explains the sterility of the Jewish nation in the domain of culture, as a result of this mongrelization and shows that this mongrel cannot contribute anything to the culture of other nations, which they only falsify, denaturing their characteristics.
“Theology establishes that the Jewish religion is an exclusivist religion, based on the special covenant made between their God, Yahweh, and the Jews considered as a chosen, sacred (am codes) people, apart from other peoples.  The science of anti-Semitism rigorously deduces that such a concept excludes the possibility of any peaceful cooperation or any assimilation with the Jews.
“Politics establishes that everywhere, within the other nations, Jews have their unique social organization, constituting a state within the state.  The science of anti-Semitism concludes' that Jews are an anarchic element, dangerous to the existence of all states.
“Political Economy establishes that Jews have lived in all times, even in Palestine, as a superimposed people over other nations, exploiting their labour, themselves not being direct producers. The science of anti-Semitism says that any people has the right to defend its productive labor from exploitation by Jews, who cannot be tolerated living like parasites, jeopardizing peoples' existence.  Philosophy establishes that judaism's concept of life is an anachronism contrary to human advancement.  The science of anti-Semitism imposes, as a duty toward civilization, that this cultural monstrosity be eliminated by the united efforts of all nations.
“Thus, the Jewish problem is not born of "racial hatred."  It is born of an infraction committed by Jews against the laws and natural order in which all peoples of the world live.  The solution to the Jewish problem?  Here it is: the re-entry of infractors into the universal natural order and their respecting natural legality. 
“Whoever imagines that the Jews are some poor unfortunates, arrived here haphazardly, brought by winds, pushed by fate, etc, is mistaken.  AII Jews over the entire world form a great collectivity bound together by blood and by the Talmudic religion.  They are constituted into a very strict state, having laws, plâns, and leaders making these plâns.  At the foundation, there is the Kabal.  So, we do not face some isolated Jews but a constituted power, the Jewish community.  In every city or market town where a number of Jews settle, the Kahal, (the Jewish community there) is immediately formed.  This Kahal has its own leaders, separate judicial set-up, taxes, etc. and holds the entire Jewish populaţi on of that locality tightly united around itself.
“It is here, in this tiny Kahal of market town or city, that all plâns are made: How to win over local politicians and authorities; how to infiltrate certain circles of interest to them, such as magistrates, officers, high officials; what plâns to use to take over such and such branch of commerce from the hands of a Romanian; how to destroy a local anti-Semite; how to destroy an incorruptible representative of local authority who might oppose Jewish interests; what plâns to apply when, squeezed beyond endurance, the populace would revolt and erupt into anti-Semitic movements, we shall not delve deeper into these plâns here.  In general, the following methods are used (by the Jews):
I. For winning over local politicians: 1. Gifts;  2. Personal favors;  3. Financing the political machine for propaganda, leaflet printing, traveling expenses, etc. If there are several bankers in town or rich Jews, each is assigned to a specific political party.
II. For winning over local authorities: 1. Corruption, bribery.  A policeman from the smallest town in Moldavia, in addition to the pay he receives from the state, gets monthly another salary or two.  Once he accepts a bribe, he becomes the Jews' slave and if he does not follow orders, then they use on him the second weapon:  2. Blackmail, if he does not comply, his bribe-taking is revealed.   3. The third weapon is destruction. If they realize you cannot be swayed or subjected they will try to destroy you searching well your weaknesses.  If you drink, they will seek an opportunity to compromise you through alcohol; if you are a skirt-chaser, they will send you a woman who will compromise you or destroy your family; if you are violent by nature, they will send your way another violent man who will kill you or whom you will kill and then go to prison;  4. If you lack all of these defects, then they will employ the lie, whispered or printed calumny, and denounce you to your superiors.  In the market towns and cities invaded by Jews, local authorities are either in a state of bribery, a state of blackmail, or in a state of destruction.
III. In order to infiltrate into various circles or around some highly placed people, they use: 1. servility;  2. boards of directors;  3. base personal favors;  4. flattery.   Thus, all politicians are given Jewish secretaries, because they are handy at doing the shopping, shining the shoes, rocking the babies, holding the briefcase, etc, while at the same time cajoling and insinuating themselves.  A Romanian is not going to be as good for he is less refined, is not perfidious, comes from the plow, and particularly because he wants to be a faithful soldier, guarding his honor, refusing to be a valet.
IV. Plans to ruin a Romanian merchant. -1 . Flanking the Romanian either with one or two Jewish merchants.;  2. Selling merchandise below cost, the loss being made up by special funds given by the Kahal. This is how Romanian merchants re ruined one by one. To these can be added: a) The commercial superiority of the Jew, resulting from a commercial practice much older than that of the Romanian.  b) The Jew's superiority competing under the Kabal's protection. The Romanian enjoys no protection from the Romanian state but only miseries imposed by the local authorities corrupted by the Jews.  The Romanian does not fight the next door Jew but the Kahal, and that is why one readily understands that the individual will be rushed if he fights the coalition.  The Romanian has no one, a parent state to raise him, advise and help him. He is left by himself, to his fate, while faced by the powerful Jewish coalition. …   We face a Judaic State, an army that comes into our land to conquer us.
In order to break all power of resistance of the Romanian people, the Jews will apply a truly unique and diabolical plan: 1. They will try to break the spiritual ties of the Romanian to heaven(God), and to earth(nation).;  2. In order to succeed in this, they will endeavour to get control of the press.;  3. They will take advantage of every opportunity to sow discord in the Romanian câmp, spreading misunderstandings, quarrels, and if possible to split it into factions fighting each other.;  4. Will seek to gain control of most of the means of livelihood of the Romanians.;  5. They will systematically urge Romanians on to licentiousness, destroying their families and their moral fiber.;  6. They will poison and daze them with all kinds of drinks and other poisons.
Which are the characteristic spiritual traits that the leader of a political movement must possess?  In my opinion they are: 1. An inner power of attraction, ….2. Capacity for Iove. …3. Knowledge and sense of organizing. …4. Knowledge of people. …5. The power to educate and to inspire heroism.  6. Mastering the laws of leadership. …7. A sense of timing. …8. Courage. 9. The conscience of just and moral objectives to be pursued by honest means, In addition to all the virtues of a soldier that a leader must possess, spirit of sacrifice, resistance, devotion, etc, he must be animated by a spirit of high morality, for there is no lasting victory if it is not based on justice and legality.
“DEAR COMRADES, To you, who have been struck, maligned or martyred, I can bring the news, which I wish to carry more than the frail value of a casual rhetorical phrase: soon we shall win.  Before your columns, all our oppressors will fall.  Forgive those who struck you for personal reasons.  Those who have tortured you for your faith in the Romanian people, you will not forgive. Do not confuse the christian right and duty of forgiving those who wronged you, with the right and duty of our people to punish those who have betrayed it and assumed for themselves the responsibility to oppose its destiny.  Do not forget that the swords you have put on belong to the nation.  You carry them in her name. In her name you will use them for punishment-unforgiving and unmerciful.  Thus and only thus, will you be preparing a healthy future for this nation.” April 5, 1936.
End of ****"For My Legionaries: The Iron Guard"  by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

"I have just returned from a visit to Germany.  I have seen the famous German Leader, and also some of the great changes he has brought about.  Whatever one may think of his methods, which are certainly not parliamentary, there is no doubt that he has brought about a wonderful change in the thinking of the German people.  For the first time since the (First World) War, there reigns a general feeling of confidence.  The people are happier.  Throughout the entire land there is a general outpouring of joy.  It is a happier Germany.  One man has achieved this miracle.  The fact is that Hitler has freed his land of its fear of constant, despair and humiliation, which has given him in today's Germany, unfettered authority.  It is not merely for his popular leadership that he is admired. (Hitler) is honored as a national hero who has rescued his land from total hopelessness and degradation.  He is Germany's George Washington, the man who won independence from his country's oppressors." - his 1936 visit to Germany.  David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor OM, PC (1/17, 1863 – 3/26, 1945) was a British Liberal politician and statesman.  He was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at the head of a wartime coalition government between the years 1916-1922 and was the Leader of the Liberal Party from 1926-1931.  He is best known as the highly energetic Prime Minister (1916–1922) who guided the Empire through the First World War to victory over Germany.  He was a major player at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 that reordered the world after the Great War.  Lloyd George was a devout evangelical and an icon of 20th century liberalism as the founder of the welfare state. Kipling Swastika Rudyard Kipling (12/30, 1865 – 1/18, 1936) was a British author and poet.  Born in Bombay, in British India, he is best known for his works of fiction The Jungle Book (1894) (a collection of stories which includes Rikki-Tikki-Tavi), Kim (1901) (a tale of adventure), many short stories, including The Man Who Would Be King (1888); and his poems, including Mandalay (1890), Gunga Din (1890), and If— (1910).  He is regarded as a major "innovator in the art of the short story"; his children's books are enduring classics of children's literature; and his best works speak to a versatile and luminous narrative gift.
Kipling was denouncing the Montagu Report advocating increased Indian self-government.  Montagu was Lloyd George's secretary of state and a Jew; Kipling's denunciation was appropriately Biblical. "Racially, the minister did not care for [the Empire] any more than Caiaphas cared for Pilate: and psychologically he [couldn't] comprehend it."….  His comment on the America he remembered: "At this time they were still more or less connected with the English tradition . . . and the Semitic strain had not yet been uplifted in a too-much-at-ease Zion."  He continued to believe in Jewish plotting.  Ricketts quotes Haggard's diary: "Kipling . . . is of opinion that we owe all our Russian troubles, and many others, to the machinations of the Jews."  By 1923 Kipling "was encouraging Haggard to write a trilogy about the Wandering Jew, who would turn out to have been responsible for most of Europe's troubles over the past 2000 years, and one can increasingly see anti-Semitic elements beginning to enter his own work."  "The Church That Was at Antioch' was at heart deeply anti-Semitic," writes Ricketts.  In it the Roman Chief of Police declares, "Israel is a race to leave alone.  It abets disorder," and the story proves him right.  In the story, ”Kadmiel” also speaks of King John's dependence on Jewish moneylenders: "There can be no war without gold, and we Jews know how the world's gold moves... a wonderful underground river... Such power have we Jews among the Gentiles" and "We sought Power-- Power--Power! That is our God in our captivity."
It was not part of their blood It came to them very late With long arrears to make good, When the SAXONS began to hate,
They were not easily moved, They were icy-willing to wait Till every count should be proved Ere the SAXONS began to hate.
Their voices were even and low, Their eyes were level and straight, There was neither sign nor show, When the SAXONS began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd It was not taught by the State, No man spoke it aloud, When the SAXONS began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred, It will not swiftly abate Through the chilled years ahead When Time shall count from the date
That the SAXONS began to hate. —by Rudyard Kipling  (Even though Kipling was referring to the Brits, remember Saxony is in Germany.)
“When first by Eden Tree, The Four Great Rivers ran, To each was appointed a man Her Prince and Ruler to be, But after this was ordained, (The ancient legends tell) There came dark Israel, For whom no river remained.   Then He that is wholly Just Said to him "Fling on the ground A handful of yellow dust, And a Fifth Great River shall run, Mightier than these Four, In secret the Earth around; And her secret evermore, Shall be known to thee and thy Race."  So it was said and done, And deep in the veins of Earth, And fed by a thousand springs That comfort the market place Or sap the power of Kings, The fifth Great River had birth, Even as it was foretold The Secret River of Gold.   And Israel laid down His sceptre and his crown, To brood on the River bank, Where the waters flashed and sank, And burrowed in earth and fell, And bided a season below; For reasons that none might know, Save only, only Israel.  He is Lord of the Last, The Fifth, most wonderful Flood, He hears her thunder past And her Song is in his blood, He can foresay: "She will fall."  For he knows which fountain dries, Behind which desert belt A thousand leagues to the South.  He can foresay: "She will rise"; He knows what far snows melt Along what mountain wall A thousand leagues to the North; He snuffs the coming drouth As he snuffs the coming rain.  He knows what each will bring forth And turns it to his gain.  A Prince without a sword, A Ruler without a throne; Israel follows his quest, In every land a guest.  Of many lands the Lord, In no land King is he, But the Fifth Great River keeps The secret of her deeps For Israel alone, As it was ordered to be. (The Song of the Fifth River)
Kipling's novel “Puck of Pook's Hill” presents a Wandering Jew figure who discusses Jewish moneylenders as a behind the-scenes force through all European history, starting wars and deciding their outcomes "by the fall of a coin spun between a Jew from Bury and a Jewess from Alexandria." The poem Gehazi was aimed against the elevation of the Jew, Rufus Isaacs (otherwise known as Lord Reading) to the British chief-justiceship in 1913.  Based upon a Biblical theme, the poem strongly identifies Isaacs with the cunning, greedy character of Gehazi.
“If any question why we died, tell them, because our fathers lied.” - Rudyard Kipling
nazi cross 2/1, 1936 (Not the Joseph Greiner elsewhere in this thesis)  Germans worldwide were enthralled with Nazism.  Brazil had one of the largest contingents after settling there in the early 1800’s.  There are still groups that only speak German.
****More on Switzerland:
1932 11/9 Leon Nicole, leader of the Bolsheviks in Switzerland, and his assistant, a Russian Jew named Dicker, instigate an uprising that results in the deaths of 13 people. More than a hundred are injured. Léon Nicole (Jew?) (4/10, 1887– 6/28, 1965) was a communist in Switzerland and was elected the leader of the Swiss Party of Labour in 1944.
1933 April 7 Switzerland denies "political fugitive" status to Jews fleeing Germany. (Edelheit)
1935 July 2 Switzerland officially bans three German anti-Jewish publications: Der Stuermer, Reichsdeutsche and Allemane.
1936 2/4 Swiss Nazi Party leader Wilhelm Gustloff is assassinated by David Frankfurter, a Jew.  1936 12/9 The trial of David Frankfurter, the Jew accused of assassinating Gustloff, begins in Switzerland.  12/14 David Frankfurter is sentenced to 18 years in a Swiss prison for killing Gustloff. David Frankfurter (7/9, 1909 – 7/19, 1982) was a Croatian Jew known for assassinating Swiss branch leader of the German NSDAP Wilhelm Gustloff in 1936 in Davos, Switzerland. Wilhelm Gustloff (1/30, 1895 – 2/4, 1936) was the German leader of the NSDAP (Nazi) party in Switzerland; he founded the Swiss branch of the party at Davos in 1932, which organized German citizens living in Switzerland. Robert Leroy Johnson (5/8, 1911 – 8/16, 1938) was a blues singer and musician.  His landmark recordings from 1936–37 display a combination of singing, guitar skills, and songwriting talent that have influenced later generations of musicians.  Johnson's shadowy, poorly documented life and death at age 27 have given rise to much legend, including a Faustian myth.  As an itinerant performer who played mostly on street corners, in juke joints, and at Saturday night dances, Johnson enjoyed little commercial success or public recognition in his lifetime.  It was only after the first reissue of his recordings in 1961 that his work reached a wider audience.  Johnson is now recognized as a master of the blues, particularly of the Mississippi Delta blues style.  He is credited by many rock musicians as an important influence.  Johnson was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as an "Early Influence" in their first induction ceremony in 1986.
"Cross Road Blues" is a song by Delta Blues singer Robert Johnson; released on a record in 1936. "The Crossroads", where Robert Johnson supposedly sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for mastery of the blues, according to the legend.  It is the intersection of U.S. Route 61 and U.S. Route 49, at Clarksdale, Mississippi.  The lyrics tell of the narrator's failed attempts to hitch a ride from an intersection as night approaches. The song had frequently been linked to stories of Johnson selling his soul to the devil for the ability to play music, although nothing in the actual lyrics speaks of these events.  Dozens of rock musicians have adapted this song.  The Music Industry is certainly today dominated by Jews, which Gentiles have sold their souls to.
Publicly unknown speech of Winston S. Churchill in March 1936 in the Lower House: “For four hundred years the foreign policy of England has been to oppose the strongest, most aggressive, most dominating Power on the Continent [...]. Faced by Philip II of Spain, against Louis XIV under William III and Marlborough, against Napoleon, against William II of Germany, it would have been easy and must have been very tempting to join with the stronger and share the fruits of his conquest. However, we always took the harder course, joined with the less strong Powers, made a combination among them, and thus defeated and frustrated the Continental military tyrant whoever he was, whatever nation he led. Thus we preserved the liberties of Europe [...].  Observe that the policy of England takes no account of which nation it is that seeks the overlordship of Europe.  The question is not whether it is Spain, or the French Monarchy, or the French Empire, or the German Empire, or the Hitler régime.  It has nothing to do with rulers or nations; it is concerned solely with whoever is the strongest or the potentially dominating tyrant.  Therefore, we should not be afraid of being accused of being pro-French or anti-German.  If the circumstances were reversed, we could equally be pro-German and anti-French.  It is a law of public policy which we are following, and not a mere expedient dictated by accidental circumstances, or likes and dislikes, or any other sentiment.  The question, therefore, arises which is today the Power in Europe which is the strongest, and which seeks in a dangerous and oppressive sense to dominate.  Today, for this year, probably for part of 1937, the French Army is the strongest in Europe.  But no one is afraid of France.  Everyone knows that France wants to be let alone, and that with her it is only a case of self-preservation. Everyone knows that the French are peaceful and overhung by fear. [...]  Germany, on the other hand, fears no one.  She is arming in a manner which has never been seen in German history.  She is led by a handful of triumphant desperadoes.  The money is running short, discontents are arising beneath these despotic rulers.  Very soon they will have to choose, on the one hand, between economic and financial collapse or internal upheaval, and on the other, a war which could have no other object, and which, if successful, can have no other result, than a Germanized Europe under Nazi control. Therefore, it seems to me that all the old conditions present themselves again, and that our national salvation depends upon our gathering once again all the forces of Europe to contain, to restrain, and if necessary to frustrate, German domination.  For, believe me, if any of those other Powers, Spain, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II, had with our aid become the absolute masters of Europe, they could have despoiled us, reduced us to insignificance and penury on the morrow of their victory.” 9, 1936    Purim, the Jewish holiday of Revenge against Gentiles.  Jews throughout the world label specific enemies as Haman and Christianity in general as Haman.  Other episodes of revenge throughout the year could still be connected to the spirit of Purim.
Tom (left) and Wolf Stein (right), dressed in Turkish-style costumes, attend a party celebrating the Jewish holiday of Purim. Hamburg, Germany, 1936. Boys dressed in Turkish-style costumes, Purim. Hamburg, Germany, 1936.  Cast of Purim Play (New York) 1936 
1936 March Britain, Italy and Belgium at the League of Nations 12-18 Council in London make it clear to France that even if Germany's reoccupation of the Rhineland is a violation of Versailles, it is not cause enough for war.

1936 Robert Michels (1/9 1876-5/3 1936) was a German sociologist who wrote on the political behavior of intellectual elites and contributed to elite theory.  He is best known for his book Political Parties, which contains a description of the "iron law of oligarchy."  He was a student of Max Weber, a friend and disciple of Werner Sombart and Achille Loria.  Politically, he moved from the Social Democratic Party of Germany to the Italian Socialist Party, adhering to the Italian revolutionary syndicalist wing and later to Italian Fascism, which he saw as a more democratic form of socialism.  His ideas provided the basis of moderation theory delineates the processes through which radical political groups are incorporated into the existing political system. Robert Ervin Howard (1/22, 1906 – 6/11, 1936) was an American author who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres.  Best known for his character Conan the Barbarian, he is regarded as the father of the sword and sorcery subgenre.  Robert E. Howard opposed the then coming war against Germans.  In his time he was one of the most popular American writers.  (He supposedly committed suicide, but it has been suggested that he was murdered, leaving a typed suicide note.  He had had his stories stolen by Jews.)  From "Wings in the Night" (1932): "The ancient empires fall, the dark-skinned peoples fade, and even the demons of antiquity gasp their last, but over all stands the Aryan barbarian, white-skinned, cold-eyed, dominant, the supreme fighting man of the earth."
Karl Friedrich Euler (6/4 1909 -12/15 1986) was a German theologian and professor.  In 1936 he was professor of Old Testament and Oriental Studies.  In 1939, Euler wrote on the destructive Jewish influence on German church life.  October 1942: ~“Judaism’s home is wherever it’s reason to subdue the world.  Not the ancient Near East, home of the Hebrews, not Palestine, the ancient homeland of Israel and Judah - the home of Judaism is the ghetto. "
Gaston Fessard, (1/29, 1897 -6/18, 1978), was a French Jesuit priest, philosopher and theologian of repute.  He often referred in his works to the "negative mission" or "negative power" or "negative unity" of the Jews in their effect upon the world, adding: "Judaism to the very extent that it rejects Christ, cannot help but be the enemy of all that is specifically Christian, of all that is human." (Pax Nostra,1936)
Emil Cioran Emil Cioran (4/8, 1911 – 6/20, 1995) was a Romanian philosopher and essayist.  In 1933, while in Berlin, he became interested in measures taken by the Nazi regime and confessed that "there is no present-day politician that I see as more sympathetic and admirable than Hitler", while expressing his approval for the Night of the Long Knives — "what has humanity lost if the lives of a few imbeciles were taken").   (The Transfiguration of Romania) (1936) was a fervent revolutionary tract, a call to fascist arms in the name of saving Romania from barbarism, backwardness, corruption, and the Jews.  He loved Nazi Germany's "excessive and overwhelming passion," and the "irrational élan and disconcerting monumentality" of the regime.  Praising violence and dictatorship, he dreamed of bringing his own country out of the backwaters of Europe into modernity and geopolitical power. Edward VIII (6/23 1894 – 5/28 1972) was King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth, and Emperor of India, from 1/10 to 12/11 1936.  Only months into his reign, he caused a constitutional crisis by proposing marriage to the American socialite Wallis Simpson, who had divorced her first husband and was seeking a divorce from her second. Or "As long as I am here, there will be no war," said Edward, the then Prince of Wales.  From the moment he uttered these fateful words to Prime Minister Mr. Stanley Baldwin there was no possibility of him becoming King.  During the Second World War, he was at first stationed with the British Military Mission to France but, after private accusations that he held pro-Nazi sympathies, moved to the Bahamas as Governor.  After the war, he was never given another official appointment and spent the remainder of his life in retirement in France.  The Windsor family had been the Saxe-Coburgs until the 1914 war and were related to all the ruling families of Europe.  The Mountbattens had been the Battenbergs. 
12/9 King Edward VIII sends a coded telegram to Baron Eugene de Rothschild requesting permission to stay at Rothschild's Castle Enzesfeld near Vienna. (Cowles)  12/10 King Edward VIII abdicates the British throne in London.  12/11 King Edward VIII now the Duke of Windsor quickly leaves the country and begins an extended stay at Baron Rothschild's castles in Austria. (Cowles)  March 1937 March The Duke of Windsor leaves the Rothschild's castle in Austria. (Cowles)  April 1937 April The Duke of Windsor visits Germany at the invitation of Adolf Hitler. Windsor meets privately at least twice with Rudolf Hess. (Wolff Hess, Missing Years) Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld (6/29, 1911 – 12/1, 2004), later Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, was prince consort of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and father of six children, including the current monarch Queen Beatrix.  He established the Bilderbergers in 1954.  He was a National Socialist for a short time and then left the movement.
Dr. Nahum Goldmann (Jewish Supremacist) Nahum Goldmann (July 10, 1895–August 29, 1982) was a Litvish Zionist and founder and longtime president of the World Jewish Congress.  Nahum Goldmann was born in Vishnevo, Russian Empire, a shtetl in the Pale of Settlement (now Višnieva, Belarus), the son of a teaching and writing family, whose father was an ardent Zionist.  At the age of six, he moved with his parents to Frankfurt, Germany where his father entertained leading Zionists and intellectuals.  In 1911, while still in high school, he and his father attended the Tenth Zionist Congress.  Goldmann went on to study law, history, and philosophy in Marburg, Heidelberg, and Berlin. He graduated in law and philosophy.  In November 1934, Goldmann petitioned Mussolini's support in relation to the Jews of the Saar, a region about to reunite with what was then Nazi Germany.  In 1933, by a twist of fate, he managed to escape arrest by the Gestapo, because he was in Palestine for his father's funeral.   In 1935 he was stripped of his German citizenship, became a citizen of Honduras thanks to the intervention of the French Minister Louis Barthou.   Later he moved to the United States, settling in New York City, where he represented the Jewish Agency for several years.  In 1936, Goldmann and Reform Rabbi Stephen S. Wise established the World Jewish Congress (WJC).  "The Jews might have had Uganda, Madagascar, and other places for the establishment  of a Jewish Fatherland, but they wanted absolutely nothing except Palestine, not because the Dead Sea water by evaporation can produce five trillion dollars of metaloids and powdered  metals; not because the subsoil of Palestine contains twenty times more petroleum than all the combined reserves of the two Americas; but because Palestine is the crossroads of Europe, Asia,  and Africa, because Palestine constitutes the veritable center of world political power, the strategic center for world control." (Nahum Goldman, President World Jewish Congress). (Jewish Supremacist) Stephen Samuel Wise (Weisz) (3/17, 1874–4/19, 1949) was an Austro-Hungarian-born American Reform rabbi and Zionist leader.  His grandfather, Joseph Hirsch Weisz, was Chief Rabbi of a small town near Budapest.  His father, Aaron Wise, earned a Ph.D. and ordination in Europe, and emigrated to the United States to serve as rabbi of Congregation Baith Israel Anshei Emes in Brooklyn, New York.  In 1900 Wise launched his career as the rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel in Portland, Oregon; typical of the activists of the Progressive Era, he attacked "many of the social and political ills of contemporary America.   Rabbi Wise was an early supporter of Zionism, and his support for, and commitment to Political Zionism was very atypical of Reform Judaism, which was historically and decidedly non-Zionist since the Pittsburgh Platform in 1885.  Wise, joining U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter, and others laid the groundwork for a democratically elected nationwide organization of 'ardently Zionist' Jews, 'to represent Jews as a group and not as individuals'.  In 1918, following national elections, this Jewish community convened the first American Jewish Congress in Philadelphia's historic Independence Hall.   Wise was a close friend of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who turned to Wise for advice on issues concerning the Jewish community in the United States.  In 1914 Wise co-founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).  With the rise to power of the Hitler regime, Wise took the position that public opinion in the United States and elsewhere should be rallied against the Nazis.  He, along with Leo Motzkin, encouraged the creation of the World Jewish Congress in order to create a broader representative body to fight Nazism.  He used his influence with President Roosevelt both in this area as well as on the Zionist question.   In 1933, acting as honorary president of the American Jewish Congress, Wise led efforts for a boycott of Nazi Germany. 
In her book, "Stranger at the Party" Helen Lawrenson describes how, as a 23-year-old reporter for the Syracuse Journal in 1930, she was sent to interview "the most famous rabbi in America."  She made the mistake of saying she admired him: "The next thing I knew he had toppled me backward on the sofa and was making love to me...Before I knew what had hit me, it was over and not a split second too soon either as someone was knocking at the door and calling his name. "My God!" cried Rabbi Wise, "it's Rabbi Bienenfeld," leaping up and buttoning his fly. And so it was, not only the leading Syracuse rabbi , but with him was Mrs. Wise who fortunately didn't have her hotel key." (p.44) Later, Wise lured her back to his room and forced her to her knees before him saying, "Kneel before me in prayerful attitude, my darling." Her worship did not include un-zippering him "at that time" but she assumed "he acted in the same way in every city he visited" and she wondered if he wasn't afraid of scandal. He replied that "every dynamic man had a powerful sex drive and should make the most of it."  Three years later, they crossed paths in the course of her work for Vanity Fair and she found herself "on my back again, this time on the long table in his office, with Wise reciting in Hebrew: "Lift up your heads oh ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in." Psalm 24:7-10 (45)  Apparently this is a Sabbatean (Illuminati) prayer after sex.  Helen  Lawrenson (1907-1982) was a good-hearted, literate, Leftist dupe of the kind the Illuminati liked to have around.  The point is she is completely credible.  She became the Managing Editor of Vanity Fair, and the lover and lifelong friend of both Conde Naste and Bernard Baruch.  She and her husband, labor organizer Jack Lawrenson, were regular house guests of Clare and Henry Luce.  Her book was published by Random House in 1975. ****The World Jewish Congress (WJC) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1936 as an international federation of Jewish communities and organizations.  According to its mission statement, the World Jewish Congress' main purpose is to act as "the diplomatic arm of the Jewish people." Presidents of World Jewish Congress:  Stephen S. Wise: (1936 - 19 Apr 1949);   Nahum Goldmann: (1949–1977), (acting to 1955);   Philip M. Klutznick: (1977–1979);   Edgar M. Bronfman: (1979 - June 2007) , (acting to 1981);   Ronald S. Lauder: (June 10, 2007 - present) ****B'nai B'rith Convention - February 1936-
“As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come.  We have already fulfilled part of our work, but we cannot yet claim that the whole of our work is done.  We have still a long way to go before we can overthrow our main opponent the Catholic Church.
“We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only institution which has stood, and which will, as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way.  The Catholic Church, with her methodical work and her edifying and moral teachings, will always keep her children in such a state of mind, as to make them too self-respecting to yield to our domination, and to bow before our future King of Israel.
“That is why we have been striving to discover the best way of shaking the Catholic Church to her very foundations.  We have spread the spirit of revolt and false liberalism among the nations of the Gentiles so as to persuade them away from their faith and even to make them ashamed of professing the precepts of their Religion and obeying the Commandments of their Church.  We have brought many of them to boast of being atheists, and more than that, to glory in being descendants of the ape!  We have given them new theories, impossible of realization, such as Communism, Anarchy, and Socialism, which are now serving our purposes.  The stupid Gentiles have accepted them with the greatest enthusiasm, without realizing that those theories are ours, and that they constitute our most powerful instrument against themselves...
“We have blackened the Catholic Church with the most ignominious calumnies, we have stained her history and disgraced even her noblest activities.  We have imputed to her the wrongs of her enemies, and have thus brought these latter to stand more closely by our side.  So much so, that we are now witnessing, to our greatest satisfaction, rebellions against the Church in several countries.  We have turned her Clergy into objects of hatred and ridicule, we have subjected them to the contempt of the crowd.  We have caused the practice of the Catholic Religion to be considered out of date and a mere waste of time.
“And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be.  One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World...
“We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction.  We have made it an honor, a great honor, for the Gentiles to join us in our organizations, which are, thanks to our gold, flourishing now more than. ever.  Yet it remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their own and most precious interests, by joining us in our plot, should never know that those associations are of our creation, and that they serve our purpose.
“One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the thrown of our Universal King of Israel; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the World.
“So far, we have considered our strategy in our attacks upon the Catholic Church from the outside.  But this is not all. Let us now explain how we have gone further in our work, to hasten the ruin of the Catholic Church, and how we have penetrated into her most intimate circles, and brought even some of her Clergy to become pioneers of our cause.
“Apart altogether from the influence of our philosophy, we have taken other steps to secure a breach in the Catholic Church.  Let me explain how this has been done.
“We have induced some of our children to join the Catholic body, with the explicit intimation that they should work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration of the Catholic Church, by creating scandals within her.  We have thus followed the advice of our Prince of the Jews, who so wisely said ‘Let some of your children become canons, so that they may destroy the Church.’  Unfortunately, not all among the ‘convert’ Jews, have proved faithful to their mission.  Many of them have even betrayed us!  But, on the other hand, others have kept their promise and honoured their word.  Thus the counsel of our Elders has proved successful.
“We are the Fathers of all Revolutions - even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us.  We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the Creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation.
“Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish authority, and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success.
“Thanks to our propaganda to our theories of Liberalism and to our misrepresentations of Freedom, the minds of many among the Gentiles were ready to welcome Reformation.  They separated from the Church to fall into our snare.  And thus the Catholic Church has been very sensibly weakened, and her authority over the Kings of the Gentiles has been reduced almost to naught.
“We are grateful to Protestants for their loyalty to our wishes - although most of them are, in the sincerity of their faith, unware of their loyalty to us. We are grateful to them for the wonderful help they are giving us in our fight against the stronghold of Christian Civilization, and in our preparations for the advent of our supremacy over the whole world and over the Kingdom of the Gentiles.
“So far we have succeeded in overthrowing most of the Thrones of Europe. The rest will follow in the near future. Russia has already worshipped our rule.  France, with her Masonic Government, is under our thumb.  England, in her dependence upon our finance, is under our heel; and in her Protestantism is our hope for the destruction of the Catholic Church.  Spain and Mexico are but toys in our hands.  And many other countries, including the U.S.A., have already fallen for our scheming.
“But the Catholic Church is still alive...
“We must destroy her without the least delay and without the slightest mercy.  Most of the Press in the world is under our control; let us therefore encourage in a still more violent way the hatred of the world against the Catholic Church.  Let us intensify our activities in poisoning the mortality of the Gentiles. Let us spread the spirit of revolution in the minds of the people. They must be made to despise Patriotism and the love of their family, to consider their faith as a humbug, their obedience to their Church as a degrading servility, so that they become deaf to the appeal of the Church and blind to her warnings against us.  Let us, above all, make it impossible for Christians outside the Catholic Church to be reunited with that Church, or for non-Christians to join the Church; otherwise the greatest obstruction to our domination will be strengthened and all our work undone.  Our plot will be unveiled, the Gentiles will turn against us, in the spirit of revenge, and our domination over them will never be realized.
“Let us remember that as long as there still remain active enemies of the Catholic Church, we may hope to become the Masters of the World...  And let us remember always that the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before the Pope in Rome is dethroned, as well as all the other reigning Monarchs of the Gentiles upon the earth.
-B'nai B'rith Convention - February 1936, a series of speeches at the B'nai B'rith Convention, which were published shortly afterwards in the London Catholic Gazette.  The Catholic Gazette was forced out of business and closed by the Jews and their ‘friends’ shortly after the publication of this article.  Further substantiation of the authenticity is that the Paris Le Reveil du Peuple published similar account. Wilhelm Gustloff (1/30, 1895 – 2/4, 1936) was the German leader of the NSDAP (Nazi) party in Switzerland.  Gustloff, who worked as a Swiss government meteorologist, joined the NSDAP in 1929 and was shot and killed in 1936 by David Frankfurter, a Jewish student incensed by Gustloff's anti-Semitic activism.
The German American Bund or German American Federation was an organization established in the 1930s (40 percent of whose members were Irish).  Its main goal was to promote a favorable view of Nazi Germany.  Two older organizations, Gau-USA, and the Free Society of Teutonia, were merged  into Friends of New Germany.  Rep Samuel Dickstein concluded that the Friends supported a branch of German dictator Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party in America.  Dickstein in 1990 was discovered to have been  on the Soviet payroll.
In December 1935 Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess ordered all German citizens leave the FOTNG.  In March 1936, the German American Bund was established as a follow-up organization.  It elected a German-born American citizen Fritz Julius Kuhn.  The Bund held rallies with Nazi insignia and procedures such as the Hitler salute, and attacked the Roosevelt administration, Jewish influences, Communism, "Moscow-directed" trade unions and boycotts against German goods while supporting American traditions. Fritz Julius Kuhn (5/15, 1896 – 12/14, 1951) was a Nazi, Antisemite, and controversial leader of the German American Bund began in 1935.  He was a naturalized citizen of the United States and a loyal supporter of the German government led by Adolf Hitler who had also appointed him to the leadership post.  During World War I, Kuhn earned an Iron Cross as a German infantry lieutenant.  As head of the Bund he was considered the "American Führer".  During the 1936 Olympics Kuhn was introduced to Hitler.  Under Kuhn, the Bund at its height claimed about 15,000 members.   A 1939 rally in New York City's Madison Square Garden attracted an audience of 20,000 (one site says many Jews attended.).
In 1939, seeking to cripple the Bund, Jewish New York City mayor Fiorello La Guardia had the city investigate the Bund's taxes.  It found that Kuhn had embezzled over $14,000 from the Bund, spending part of that money on a mistress.  He was then acquitted, they finally stuck him with not paying a legal fee of $500. He was held by the government and sent to Germany after the War.  (Was he a Jew?  Many Jews supported Hitler.  But Kuhn is German for Conrad or brave, Kohn would be Jewish.)
In 1936, Germany pledges not to bomb civilians. Anti-German Jewish Leon Feuchtwanger (7/7, 1884 – 12/21, 1958) writes the “Yellow Spot - The Extermination of 500,000 German Jews”(1936).  He considers emigration as extermination.  By 1939, the majority (400,000 of 600,000) of German Jews had emigrated with most of their assets. 
Feb 10, 1936- The German Gestapo (German State Police) is formed as the provinces are federalized into one nation.   German law recognizes individual rights, they even recognized the right of Jewish gun-owners.   The relatively small numbers of police and general communityiminded policy of the Gestapo are elsewhere in this Thesis.  Adding up all layers of law-enforcement, the US has more police per capita now than Nazi Germany.
Rhineland - 3/7, 1936 The remilitarization of the Rhineland by the German Army took place when a small force of German police entered the Rhineland.  Hitler faced opposition from some of his generals over this action.  The Germans were not militarily prepared for battle.  The occupation was done with the troops entering on bicycles, and no effort was made to stop it (see Appeasement of Hitler).  France could not act due to political instability at the time, and, since the remilitarization occurred at a weekend, the British Government could not find out or discuss actions to be taken until the following Monday.  As a result of this, the governments were inclined to see the remilitarization as a fait accompli.  Hitler took a risk when he sent his troops to the Rhineland.  He told them to "turn back and not to resist" if they were stopped by the French Army.  The French, however, did not try to stop them because they were currently holding elections and the president did not want to start a war with Germany.
1.Volksemfänger Poster 2. WHW Poster 3. 1936 Poster 4. 1936 Poster5. 1936 Poster6. 1936 Poster 
1.This poster promotes the upcoming referendum.  Hitler: “I ask the German people to strengthen my faith and to lend me its strength so that I will always and everywhere have the strength to fight for its honor and freedom, to work for its economic prosperity, and particularly to strengthen me in my struggles for genuine peace.”  Karl Wahl says: “German women and men, it is in your own interest to fulfill the Führer’s request and vote on 29 March 1936.  Be loyal to him who is loyal!”
2. The text says that German construction expenditures rose from 10.9 billion Marks in 1932 to 14.5 billion in 1935. “That is what Adolf Hitler has done for German craftsmen.  All classes vote on 29 March for freedom, peace and construction.”
3. “The train would have to be 6,000 kilometers long, stretching from Berlin to Addis Ababa, if it had to carry the 209 million hundredweights of materials contributed to the Winter Relief drive during the years 1933-1935.  That is socialism in action. Support the Führer on 29 March!”
4. The text says that German industrial production has risen from 34.8 billion marks in 1932 to 58.3 billion in 1935. “An unprecedented increase in industrial production is the result of the Führer’s economic policy.  Keep it going!  Vote for the Führer on 29.3!”
5. “We stand with the Führer. The oath of the German people on 29.3!”
6. “Before: Unemployment, hopelessness, desolation, strikes, lockouts. Today: Work, joy, discipline, comaradarie. Give the Führer your vote!”
7. Hitler car poster March 29, 1936 Parliamentary elections asking voters whether they approved of the military occupation of the Rhineland.  98.4% of the Electorate approved.
3/29 Hitler receives 99% of the votes in a referendum, receiving 44.5 million votes out of 45.5 million registered voters.
March 30 Britain announces that it will build 38 new warships.  (And Germany is remilitarizing?  Britain rules the Seven Seas.) Ioannis Metaxas (4/12, 1871 – 1/29, 1941) was a Greek general and politician, serving as Prime Minister of Greece from 4/13, 1936 until his death in 1941.  He governed constitutionally for the first four months of his tenure, and thereafter as a leader at the helm of the 4th of August Regime.
May The German government steps up its drive against the religious orders, instituting a number of trials for sexual perversity. The proceedings are given detailed and lurid coverage by the German press.  Catholic monasteries are described as breeding places of filth and vice. (Lewy) (With the emphasis on unnatural celibacy and not the attendant vow of chastity, homosexuals have always been drawn to religious orders in inordinate numbers.  Even heterosexuals conflicted with religious ideals have joined leading to unmarried relations between male and female Catholic members.  It is well-known in many Latin countries that the single priest has a “wife” in town.)
May 9, 1936 - Mussolini's Italian forces take Ethiopia.
May 11 Pope Pius XI describes Communism as the "greatest evil to men."
“Most non-Jewish Americans know little of the aspirations of the Jews.  When they learn, their complacency in present ignorance is likely to be greatly disturbed.  Jewry is a mutual benefit organization.  It is also a propagandist organization.  American society is an organism and as such its vital forces tend toward solidarity, unity, integration.  A non-assimilable element of the population is bound to have trouble because it is bound to make trouble.” -Christian Century of Chicago, in serial article of April 29 and May 19, 1936. June 19, 1936 The First Fight between Joe Louis (5/13, 1914 – 4/12, 1981), and Max Schmeling (9/28, 1905 – 2/2, 2005).  As a contest between representatives of the United States and Nazi Germany during the 1930s, the fights came to symbolize the struggle between democracy and fascism.  Schmeling wins. 
(June 22, 1938 The Second Fight between Joe Louis and Max Schmeling.  Boxer Joe Louis with advice from Jewish manager uses lead-padded gloves to whip Max Schmeling, heavyweight champion of the world.   Black Joe Louis was left destitute and tossed aside by his Jewish managers.
(Roy Campbell), (see 1957) was an Anglo-African poet and satirist.  He was considered by T. S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas and Edith Sitwell to have been one of the best poets of the period between the World Wars.  Campbell's vocal attacks upon the Marxism and Freudianism popular among the British intelligentsia caused him to be a controversial figure during his own lifetime.  It has been suggested by some critics that his support for Francisco Franco's Nationalists during the Spanish Civil War has caused him to be labeled politically incorrect and blacklisted from modern poetry anthologies.  His “Flowering Rifle” exposed Jewish Communists behind the so-called Loyalists in the Spanish civil war. World Recreation Congress in Hamburg. It shows a stylized man and woman releasing a dove. Maxim Gorky (Alexei Maximovich Peshkov (3/28, 1868 – 6/18, 1936) was a Russian and Soviet author, a founder of the Socialist Realism literary method and a political activist.  He publicly opposed the Tsarist regime and was arrested many times.  Gorky befriended many revolutionaries and became Lenin's personal friend after they met in 1902.  From 1906 to 1913, Gorky lived on the island of Capri, partly for health reasons and partly to escape the increasingly repressive atmosphere in Russia.   Most controversially, he articulated, along with a few other maverick Bolsheviks, a philosophy he called "God-Building", which sought to recapture the power of myth for the revolution and to create a religious atheism that placed collective humanity where God had been and was imbued with passion, wonderment, moral certainty, and the promise of deliverance from evil, suffering, and even death.  Though 'God-Building' was suppressed by Lenin, Gorky retained his belief that "culture"—the moral and spiritual awareness of the value and potential of the human self—would be more critical to the revolution’s success than political or economic arrangements.  An amnesty granted for the 300th anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty allowed Gorky to return to Russia in 1913.  On returning to Russia, he wrote that his main impression was that "everyone is so crushed and devoid of God's image."  The only solution, he repeatedly declared, was "culture".  In 1917, Gorky published a collection of essays critical of the Bolsheviks called Untimely Thoughts in 1918. (It would not be re-published in Russia until after the collapse of the Soviet Union.)  The essays call Lenin a tyrant for his senseless arrests and repression of free discourse, and an anarchist for his conspiratorial tactics; Gorky compares Lenin to both the Tsar and Nechayev.  On his definitive return to the Soviet Union in 1932, Maxim Gorky received the Ryabushinsky Mansion, which today houses a museum about Gorky.  According to Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Gorky's return to the Soviet Union was motivated by material needs.  Gorky's return from Fascist Italy was a major propaganda victory for the Soviets.  Gorki was the champion of the oppressed Jewish people in Russia.  Raised in a primitive environment, where the Jews were seen through a strange accumulation of folklore, fantasy, and superstition, Gorki was intellectually at odds with such notions, although emotionally and artistically he sometimes could not help expressing them(!)  Gorki also showed sympathy for Zionist aspirations in Ere Israel.  Most of Gorki's impassioned denunciations of antisemitism were omitted from the 30-volume Soviet edition of his works (1949–55).  His wife was remembered by many Jews, particularly Zionists, whom she helped in various ways during their imprisonment, sometimes obtaining for them the permission to emigrate to Palestine. (Remember, Hitler helped in emigration too.) June Grand Prix of Germany

July 1936            July 1936
Summer Horse Racing: Blue Ribbon, Brown Ribbon, Vienna and about 20 others. Brown Ribbon Souvenir Sheet issued for the Running of the "Brown Band" (brown ribbon) race in Munich. The surcharge on the sheet went towards a 100,000 RM prize for the Race Winner.  
Hitler car poster Issued for the 1936 National Farming Rally, rather a Nuremberg rally for agriculture.  The poster takes note of the major anti-Bolshevist campaign then in progress, evident from the Soviet star in the upper right. Onésimo Redondo Ortega (2/16 1905-7/24 1936) was a Spanish Falangist politician.  He wrote vehement flickers against Marxism, the Jewish (he published an annotated translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion) and bourgeois Capitalism, and admired European fascisms.  He stressed that the instruments of Jewish domination in the modern world are money and the press, and that communism is an instrument of international Jewish capitalism used to smash and afterwards rule the nations. (El Estado Nacional)  He was assassinated by the Communists (or Jews?)
****July 18, 1936 - Civil war erupts in Spain.  The Spanish Civil War was a major conflict that devastated Spain from July 17, 1936 to April 1, 1939.  Franco (and nationalists) aided somewhat by Germany and Italy versus the Communists (named republicans) aided by USSR and American Communists, misnamed (?) the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.  The Nationalists would swear on the Bible, the Communists would spit on it.  NKVD agents(Jew Communists), acting in conjunction with the Communist Party of Spain, exercised substantial control over the Republican government, using Soviet military aid to help further Soviet influence.  The NKVD established numerous secret prisons around Madrid, which were used to detain, torture, and kill hundreds of the NKVD's enemies, at first focusing on Spanish Nationalists and Spanish Catholics, while from late 1938 increasingly anarchists and Trotskyists were the objects of persecution. **** The Basques as an ethnic group primarily inhabit an area traditionally known as the Basque Country, a region that is located around the western end of the Pyrenees on the coast of the Bay of Biscay and straddles parts of north-eastern Spain and south-western France.  They may be remnants of the earliest Europeans before the Celts and the Goths.  They, like many people, were split between Communist and Christian ideology.  The Basques today are the only Western group that are still allowed to use a Swastika as an emblem.  Many joined the Communists because of promises of independence from Spain, which never would have been realized.  The Communists would have destroyed the Church.
“It is evident that the present conflict (Spanish Civil War) is one of the most terrible wars waged by Anti-Christ, that is, by Judaism, against the Catholic Church and against Christ.  And at this crisis in the history of the world, Jewry uses two formidable armies; one secret, namely that of Freemasonry; the other open and avowed, with hands dripping with blood, that of the Communists and all the other associated bodies.” - Rt. Rev. Antonio Garcia - Bishop of Tuy, quoted in Advocates of Our Lady's “Why was Hungary Allowed to Die”.
Jewish Communists: “The Jewish trends of the People's Front declare that this is the greatest bulwark against anti-Semitism and for the defense of the Jewish people's rights.   Collections are now made in the shops for the support of the People's Front in Spain.  The collections are as important for the fighters in Spain as for the masses in the U.S.A.  The fighters in Spain get the assurance that great numbers of toilers on this side of the ocean are with them. The masses in America partake of an action of international solidarity in a tangible form.   It is a necessary undertaking which should be developed on the basis of a People's Front organization.  But this is what I was told about the attitude of some Jews to the collection.  When the question of funds for the Spanish Revolution was raised in one dress shop in New York, some of the workers, a minority, protested that they could not contribute because ‘they have not forgotten the Spanish Inquisition’ and what it did to the Jews.   It is not necessary to remind the Jews that the ‘rebels,’ as they are called by the press, have placed all the Jews of Spanish Morocco, which is under their control, in concentration camps.   The question, however, is broader than that.  The war fought in Spain today is wider than the Spanish territory.  It is of life-and-death significance for the Jews of the world...   When the People's Front wins, definitely, in Spain, that will strengthen the People's Front in France and will give impetus to the formation of People's Fronts throughout the world.   It will make the position of the Jews more secure in the capitalist countries where bourgeois democracies still exist, and it will hasten the end of Fascism in those countries where the swastika and the black shirt now reign supreme.   This is why every Jew must support the struggle of the People's Front Government in Spain.  - M.J. Olgin - Editor, (NY Morning Freiheit, August 7, 1936.) Francisco Franco Bahamonde (12/4, 1892 -11/20, 1975), was a military general and dictator of Spain from October 1936 (whole country from 1939 on), and de facto regent of the nominally restored Kingdom of Spain from 1947 until his death in November 1975.  As head of state, Franco used the title Caudillo de España, por la gracia de Dios, meaning; Leader of Spain, by the grace of God.  During his almost forty year reign, Franco's governance went through various different phases, although the most common ideological features present throughout included a strong sense of Spanish nationalism and protection of the country's territorial integrity, Catholicism, anti-communism, anti-masonry and traditional values.  In his victory speech in Madrid, on May 19, 1939, he declared:  "Let us be under no illusion.  The Jewish spirit, which was responsible for the alliance of large-scale capital with Marxism and was the driving force behind so many anti-Spanish revolutionary agreements, will not be got rid of in a day."
****More on the Spanish Civil War:
1933: 3/23 Spain outlaws Fascist propaganda.  5/17 Spain nationalizes church property and bans church-run schools.
1936: 2/16 The mostly communist "Popular Front" drives the conservatives out of office.  3/14 Socialists, Communists and Syndicalists burn churches in the center of Madrid.  4/7 A Socialist vote in the Spanish parliament outs President Alcala Zamora.
7/26 Italy and Germany begin assisting General Franco's forces in Spain.  9/14 After a majority of the Spanish Catholic hierarchy has sided with General Franco and called for a crusade against Communism, Pope Pius XI gives his blessing to "those who have assumed the difficult and dangerous task of defending and restoring the rights and honor of Church and religion." (Lewy)  10/22-25 Spanish Republicans (Socialists) transfer Spain's gold reserves to the Soviet Union. (Edelheit)  11/7 The so-called International Brigade, composed primarily of Socialists and Communists, arrives in Madrid and a battle for the city begins.  11/18 Germany and Italy officially recognize General Franco as head of the Spanish state.  12/27 The Basque autonomous government, headquartered in Guernica, seizes a German vessel in Spanish waters.  It will be released two days later.
1937 4/20 General Franco declares Spain a totalitarian state and assumes dictatorial power.  May Anarchists and radical Marxists in Spain stage an abortive revolution in Barcelona that is opposed by the Socialists and Communists.  The Communists, who as the conduit for Soviet aid had become increasingly influential on the Loyalist side, lead a drive to repress the ultra-leftist elements.  Many are tortured and murdered.  10/28 The Spanish Loyalists (Socialists) government escapes to Barcelona.  1938 9/22 The International Brigades withdraw from Spain.  1939 1/26 General Franco's forces capture Barcelona.  2/27 Britain and France recognize the Franco government.  3/28 General Franco occupies Madrid, and the Spanish Civil War ends.  3/31 Germany and Spain conclude a Treaty of Friendship.
4/7 The Franco government in Spain joins Germany, Italy and Japan in the Anti-Comintern Pact.  4/16 After Franco, with the help of Hitler and Mussolini, has successfully defeated the "Loyalists," Pope Pius XII sends the Spanish Catholics his expressions of "immense joy" and "fatherly congratulations for the gift of peace and victory with which God has deigned to crown the Christian heroism of your faith and charity, proved through such great and generous sufferings." (Lewy)  12/29 Spanish Falangists publish The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a prelude to a New Year's denunciation of Jews and Freemasons by Franco.
1936 July 26 Father Charles Coughlin, in an address to 5,000 American farmers claims that the Roosevelt administration is a tool of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
1936 Summer Hitler finds a strange rock he calls Wotan's Hand and mounts it in a special glass case. Aug 1, 1936 - Olympic Games begin in Berlin.  Hitler rules all competitors are to be, treated with equal respect regardless of race or religion.   Jesse Owens (9/12, 1913 – 3/31, 1980) is honored by Hitler and Jesse’s autobiography states he was treated better in Germany than in US.  Owens recounted:  "When I passed the Chancellor he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back at him.  I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany."  He also stated: "Hitler didn't snub me — it was FDR who snubbed me.  The president didn't even send me a telegram."  Germany wins the most medals.  The President of the German Olympic Committee was a Jew and a couple of Jewish athletes competed.  Several esteemed traditions are first showcased here, including the flaming torch carried from Athens.  The Olympic Rings are popularized for the first time.
Inga Arvad (1913–1973) was a Danish journalist, noted for a romantic relationship with John F. Kennedy during 1941 and 1942 and for being Adolf Hitler's companion at the 1936 Summer Olympics.  She was born Inga Maria Petersen but changed her in 1931.  She was a motion picture writer for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1945 and a Hollywood gossip columnist.
Coca-Colonization - At the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Adolf Hitler, a health faddist, insisted that every bottle of Coke have a caffeine-warning label.  The same year, anti-Semitism hurt sales when a German competitor stole some kosher Coke bottle caps and urged consumers to avoid the "Jewish American" drink.  To counter this, Coke's German branch passed out sodas at Hitler Youth rallies and displayed huge swastikas at bottling conventions.  On the other side of the Atlantic, World War II proved a market blessing.  The company convinced the American military that Coca-Cola was an essential morale booster.  As a result, drinks for G.I.'s were exempted from sugar rationing.  Company men, decked out in military drab, flew overseas to install bottling plants behind the lines.  Then there was Marshal Georgi Zhukov, the Russian war hero.  When Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower introduced Coke to Zhukov, the Russian liked it. But he also knew how Stalin would react if one of his generals was seen drinking an American imperialist symbol.  The folks at Coke were as accommodating as could be.  A chemist removed the soda's caramel color, and they put the drink in a clear bottle with a white cap and red star. First shipment of White Coke: 50 cases.
Robert Rodenkirchen died in August 1990, at age 74.  Rodenkirchen was a blond, blue-eyed, strong-legged high-school track star in Jersey City.  Rodenkirchen, born in Cologne, Germany, had moved with his family to the US when he was 9 years old.  At 19, just four days before that German newspaper article of June 30, 1936, asking where he was, he had set a world record in the 200-meter event.  Yet he was not an US citizen.  The German Ambassador visited him and asked for him to be their star runner.  He answered, 'I won't run for Germany.'
Art competitions formed part of the modern Olympic Games during its early years, from 1912 to 1952.  The competitions were part of the original intention of the Olympic Movement's founder, Pierre de Frédy, Baron de Coubertin.  Medals were awarded for works of art inspired by sport, divided into five categories: architecture, literature, music, painting, and sculpture.  The juried art competitions were abandoned in 1954 because artists were considered to be professionals, while Olympic athletes were required to be amateurs.  Since 1956, the Olympic cultural programme has taken their place.  From 1912 to 1948 rules of the art competition varied, but the core of the rules remained the same.  All of the entered works had to be inspired by sport, and had to be original (that is, not be published before the competition).  Architecture; Literature; Music; Painting; Sculpture.
An Art Olympiad was organized to coincide with the 1936 Summer Olympics.  In response, a group of Dutch artists and intellectuals challenged the Nazis by calling for a boycott of the event, which had accompanied the summer Olympic games since 1912 and in which painters, architects, writers and musicians were also awarded medals for excellence.  Because many artists were leftists, Mr. de Vlugt censored movies, plays and exhibitions he deemed "offensive."  Even though Amsterdam's municipal authorities refused to allow the show to be held in public buildings and some of the most virulently anti-Nazi works were removed, when "The Olympics Under Dictatorship" opened on Aug. 1, 1936, it nonetheless included many works and documents that the German consul in Amsterdam, A. E. Jung, described as "sheer provocation" against Germany.  The organizers of the exhibition invited artists from the Netherlands and neighboring countries as well as many German artists who had already fled the Nazi regime to contribute works.  Among foreign exhibitors were Max Ernst, Jacques Lipchitz, Marcel Gromaire, Georges Vantongerloo, Fernand Legep, Ossip Zadkine and Lucien Pissarro, although many artists were less well known.  With the notable exception of drawings and cartoons in the documentation section of the show, many works were not explicitly political, like Robert Capa's photographs of Holy Week celebrations in Seville and a landscape by Pissarro, although the artists were making a political statement simply by participating in the 1936 exhibition. Gretel Bergmann (4/12, 1914-  ), is a German Jewish athlete who competed as a high jumper during the 1930s.  She has lied about her experiences.  She has said that as a Jew she was not allowed to compete.  If Jew Helene Meyer could win a silver medal in fencing, with a team captain like Reinhard Heydrich, then Bergmann certainly could have.  In later 1936, one "souvenir card" from Teneriffa Cigaretten of Bergmann tying the German (female)  high-jump record of 5' 3" in June.  With millions of tobacco users in Germany at the time, this photo was circulating throughout the country.  This was anti-semitism?

1936 August 25 Grigory Zinoviev is executed after being arrested and falsely charged with having organized a "terrorist counterrevolutionary group allied with the Gestapo."  Jew Grigory Yevseevich Zinoviev (9/ 23, 1883 – 8/25, 1936), was a Bolshevik revolutionary.  Zinoviev is best remembered as the longtime head of the Communist International and the architect of the several failed attempts to transform Germany into a communist country during the early 1920s.  He was in competition against Joseph Stalin who eliminated him from the Soviet political leadership.  He was the chief defendant in a 1936 show trial, the Trial of the Sixteen that marked the start of the so-called Great Terror in the USSR and resulted in his execution the day after his conviction in August 1936. 1936 – The 8th Party Congress "Rally of Honor" at Nuremberg. (regained Rhineland motif) 
Oct 1, 1936 - Franco declared head of Spanish State. José Antonio Primo de Rivera y Sáenz de Heredia, 3rd Marquess of Estella (4/24, 1903– 11/20, 1936), was a Spanish lawyer and politician, the founder of the fascist party Falange Española ("Spanish Phalanx").  He was executed by the Spanish republican (Communists) government during the course of the Spanish Civil War.  He stressed that the instruments of Jewish domination in the modern world are money and the press, and that communism is an instrument of international Jewish capitalism used to smash and afterwards rule the nations. (El Estado Nacional)  His speeches stressed the Jewishness of Karl Marx and of the ensuing false form of socialism that took his name. The political canon of Falange resembled that of Italy's Partito Nazionale Fascista.  It shared its dislike of Marxism and its contempt for democracy. It sought to bridge the gap between patriotism and Marxist internationalism by rejecting the concept of class warfare while conceding the exploitation of the working class under capitalism.  Jose-Antonio proposed that the creation of a hierarchical trade-union hegemony under Falangist control would guarantee the robust protection of every honest worker.  Additionally the Falangist platform called for extensive agrarian reforms, for the nationalization of the banking system and for the suppression of all political parties.  Until the desired establishment of one-party rule Falange preferred the formalities of a liberal democracy.

**** Even a fringe Church was grateful for Hitler: The Seventh Day Adventists: Adventist ministerial students of the Friedensau Seminary in Nazi uniforms at inspection, October 16, 1936
Reinhard Heydrich Deputy Chief of Gestapo concerning the Seventh Day Adventist – Reform Movement writes:  “On the basis of edict No. 1 VO of February 28, 1933, by president of the Empire for the protection of people and state, the sect of the “Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement” is herewith dissolved and forbidden.  Their property will be confiscated. …“The “Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement” pursues, under cover of a religious garb, aims which are opposed to the world view of national socialism.  The adherents of this sect refuse to give the German salute.  They declare openly that they are international and that they consider all men as brethren.  “Because the conduct of this sect will create confusion among the people, it became necessary to dissolve them for the protection of people and state.”
“From the records of the special court, Cologne, March 24, 1937. In Aachen, the special court for the circuit of the high provincial court of Cologne sentenced nine defendants to prison for up to six months because they admittedly belonged to the forbidden sect of the Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement.” The accused attended meetings of this sect, took part in prayer meetings and evening worship, participated in prayer in private homes and acquired calendars of this sect.” – Kolnische Zeitung (Cologne News), March 24, 1937.
 “On February 17, 1938, the court of the Empire declared that the order of the Prussian secret state police of April 29, 1936, whereby the sect of the “Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement” was dissolved, is valid.  It is further decided by the German court that family worship is also forbidden and punishable when members of a family go beyond the purposes of worship and determine to keep alive this sect within the family circle as a seed for the future rebirth of this sect contrary to the order of the state.” – Der Schwaische Merkur (The Swabian Observer), June 6, 1938.
The above photograph appeared in the January 1st 1937 issue of the official organ of the German Seventh-day Adventist Church, (The Advent Messenger).  This picture was taken in Friedensau, Germany, and shows Seventh-day Adventists in Nazi uniform. On October 16, 1936, the Adventist College was inspected by, several top German officials.  The accompanying article declared that Friedensau was a community of Seventh-day Adventists and that as such all civil offices were in the hands of Adventists. The writer stated that Friedensau was very pleased at being favoured by a visit from such top political figures.  Relating the history of this community to the visitors, the brother explaining the administrative aspects of the community added: “Friedensau belongs to those communities which have voted 100 percent for the Fuehrer.”  The officials were so impressed with the report presented to them that the President of Saxony remarked before leaving, “I did not know that such a concealed but blooming violet existed in my province,” and the writer of the article added; “We desire this ‘concealed but blooming violet’ to continue to serve as a blessing in the work of the Lord.”
In 1936, when Elder C.H. Watson (formerly President of the General Conference) was questioned by a leader in Europe concerning Hitler’s regime, he gave the following answer: “we can praise God that we have the present government, Hitler received his power from God.”  In reply to a question whether it was all right for Adventists to join the movement for freedom, he declared: “Why not?” – Extracts from Bible Studies, May 20, 21, 1936.
“As your co-workers in the publishing house and in the field, we thank you heartily for your interest in the past historical happenings by which our hearts are deeply moved.  The eternal God has done more than we ever dared to hope and to believe. Austria has in the past years been thrown back systematically into the condition which existed in the middle ages … But in the last hour a strong and God-fearing arm has pulled this German land of bondage back from the abyss.
“On Monday I spoke to a woman from Linz who had personally witnessed the arrival of the Fuehrer.  Her eyes shone with enthusiasm for the deliverer of Austria.  She said: ‘Nobody knows what we have suffered.  Oh, how we have prayed for this man!’  Yes, this is the mystery of success.  The daily prayers of thousands of believers who were in great distress moved the arm of the Almighty.  Through the election of God and by His assistance, our forceful Fuehrer, Adolph Hitler, became the liberator of Austria.  Nobody else could and should accomplish this great task. … For the Christian who knows his national ties and fulfills his duties as a citizen, there is no question but to cast his vote in the coming election for Germany and the Fuehrer.  Our unity as a people is a gift from God, and the political organization of this people is according to God’s order.” – Der Adventbote (The Advent Messenger), April 15, 1938.
“As citizens of the state, we are joined together in the union of the people, and it is the task of the school to foster the national socialist spirit.  Most of our students belong to the Hitler Youth, the Organization of German Girls, and the Red Cross.  Daily, between the third and fourth hours, teachers and students assemble in the school auditorium to spend time listening to after-school announcements and a daily description of the political and economic conditions, reading national socialist literature and singing German songs.  This brief gathering also serves our national education.” – Der Adventbote (The Advent Messenger), November 1 1938.
“Those teachers in the church or in the school who distinguish themselves by their zeal in politics, should be relieved of their work and responsibilities without delay; for the Lord will not co-operate with them.  The tithe should not be used to pay anyone for speechifying on political questions.  Every teacher, minister or leader in our ranks who is stirred with a desire to ventilate his opinions on political questions, should be converted by a belief in the truth, or give up his work.”
 “The Fuehrer found ways and means to make Germany, and thereby us, strong and great and free again.  One who before saw decline and destruction everywhere now looks happily and with confidence to the future.  We are filled with one thought and one feeling: overflowing thankfulness to God and our Fuehrer.” – Adventist Calendar, reading for January 30, 1939.
“We are now in the midst of a storm of world moving events.  A great age must find a great man. … Therefore we not only willingly submit ourselves but also gladly perform every required service. To those who will lose their life in so doing the words may be repeated: ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.’ John 15:13.  Let us remember all our fighting men, and especially our brethren who are willing to risk their lives for the homeland and for those who are left behind. Let us also pray for the Fuehrer and his co-workers.” – Der Adventbote (The Advent Messenger), October 1, 1939.
“After months of sultry weather, the storm suddenly broke in the East and has quickly subsided.  We have reason to thank God that the storm of war has so soon passed.
“Now peace has come to the East, Everything humanly possible will be done to establish and strengthen it.  The powerful and tested forces of our people will be put to work for a cause that will rival the other great cultural aims of Germany.  In the meantime, the Fuehrer has shown the way to peace in the West.  When this Adventbote [Advent Messenger] reaches the reader, the die will have been cast.  What will be the decision of the opposition? There is surely no German who, like the great Fuehrer or our people, does not desire peace.” – Der Adventbote (The Advent Messenger), November 1, 1939.
“Germany will never surrender to an enemy.  The people are helping themselves. herefore, make sacrifices for the war relief.” – Der Adventbote (The Advent Messenger), December 1, 1939.
“‘For all people will walk everyone in the name of his God.’ Micah 4:5. We again live to see a day, which gives our people cause for great joy.  Thankfully and proudly we remember the day when a people was reborn from dishonor and distress to freedom. Our thanks go first of all to the Lord in heaven, who in His mercy and grace helped the will of man to glorious victory.  And we thank our Fuehrer in this hour that he did not hesitate or waver in this great battle but, in the strength of his belief, lifted himself victoriously above the power of adversity.  Through the dark, heavy clouds of internal division and opposition new light shone forth.  The battle for recognition and acceptance of our people sounded forth in all the world and cut asunder the chains and bonds which have been placed upon our people.  Unrighteous boundary lines were removed, and German brethren and sisters found a home again in the great Fatherland.  Thankfulness fills our hearts today, for we have reason to be happy about the great protection of the German nation.  And blessings to him who in this thankfulness does not forget to praise and honor Him under whose protection the Fuehrer has done his work. Let us remember that we are depended on God’s blessing, who must uphold the life and health of the Fuehrer and his co-workers.” – Adventist Calendar, reading for January 30, 1940.
“We thank God for the wise, powerful government that He has given to the German people.  The Lord of history did not permit us to sink deeper into the abyss, as happened after we lost the First World War.  Therefore, He has now chosen and sent us a deliverer, after so many successful undertakings, which contrary to all historical experience required but few sacrifices of blood, to lead our people through the hardest experience of our lives.  The past year of our Fuehrer was blessed with great success, and we shall now unite our petitions that God may not fail him with His blessings in the coming year.” – Der Adventbote (The Advent Messenger), April 15, 1940.
“To the directors and ministers of the S.D.A. Church in Germany,  Berlin W 50, April 4, 1940
“Dear Co-workers in the Gospel!
“Recently, responsible authorities have called to my attention the fact that certain members of our church who are assigned to work in military operations and operations essential for life have refused to work on Saturdays.  These cases were isolated and, after consultation with the members in question by their ministers, have been explained and settled.  Nevertheless, I feel obligated to ask you once again to make sure the church members are instructed to the obligations we have, based on the Holy Scriptures, in regard to our people and Fatherland as well as those in authority.
“Acceptance of military and war service, according to the Bible, includes the fulfillment of the obligations which result from it.  I beg you to inform the church members in this matter that we are to serve your Fatherland in this time of war in an exemplary way, as the word of God emphasizes in 1 Peter 2: 13, 14, 16, 17: “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by Him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.”  “As free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.  Honor all men.  Love the brotherhood.  Fear God.  Honor the king.”
“The more faithful and conscientious every Adventist is in doing his duty at the post assigned to him in this time of war, the more he may expect understanding and accommodation for his convictions of faith and conscience in times of peace.
“Ministers’ meetings are to be held at all the conferences until May 20.  In connection with this it should be indicated that now, as before, we still consider the principle laid down in Romans 7:12 as obligatory: “Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.”  Moreover, it should be emphasized emphatically that in this time of war we judiciously submit ourselves to the observance of the instructions and laws of God and render likewise to those in authority the obedience commanded by the word of God (Romans 13:1-5) …
“Your brother in the faith and co-worker, A. Minck”
These statements are sufficient evidence that Adventists in Germany were supporters of Hitler.
****End of Seventh Day Adventist Story

Oct 21, 1936 Protocol of Rome-Berlin Axis
Nov 25, 1936  Japan-Germany sign anti-Communist pact.

****Chiang Kai-shek consolidates Nationalist and Communists.  Chiang policies are basically national socialist.  He was an influential member of the Kuomintang (KMT) and Sun Yat-sen's close ally.  He became the commandant of Kuomintang's Whampoa Military Academy and took Sun's place in the party when the latter died in 1925. Chiang Kai-shek (10/31, 1887 – 4/5, 1975) was a political and military leader of 20th century China.  Chiang was an influential member of the Nationalist Party, the Kuomintang (KMT), and was a close ally of Sun Yat-sen.  He became the Commandant of the Kuomintang's Whampoa Military Academy, and took Sun's place as leader of the KMT when Sun died in 1925.  In 1926, Chiang led the Northern Expedition to unify the country, becoming China's nominal leader.  He served as Chairman of the National Military Council of the Nationalist government of the Republic of China (ROC) from 1928 to 1948.  Chiang led China in the Second Sino-Japanese War, during which the Nationalist government's power severely weakened, but his prominence grew.  Unlike Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek was socially conservative, promoting traditional Chinese culture in the New Life Movement and rejecting western democracy and the nationalist democratic socialism that Sun Yat-sen and some other members of the KMT embraced in favor of a nationalist authoritarian government.
Chiang's predecessor, Sun Yat-sen, was well-liked and respected by the Communists, but after Sun's death Chiang was not able to maintain good relations with the Communists. A major split between the Nationalists and Communists occurred in 1927;
Chiang incorporated Methodist values into the New Life Movement under the influence of his wife. Dancing and western music were discouraged. In one incident, several youths splashed acid on people wearing western clothing, although Chiang was not directly responsible for these incidents. Despite being a Methodist, he made reference to the Buddha in his diary, and encouraged the establishment of a Buddhist political party under Master Taixu.
The New Life Movement was set up by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and his wife Soong May-ling in February 1934, with the help of the Blue Shirts Society and the CC Clique within the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomingtang).  It attempted to counter Communism ideology with a mix of traditional Confucianism, Western Christianity, nationalism and authoritarianism that have some similarities to fascism.  It rejected individualism and Western democratic values and opposed socialism and communism.  It also aimed to build up morale in a nation that was besieged with corruption, factionalism, and opium addiction.  Some goals included courtesy to neighbors, following rules set by the government, keeping streets clean, conserving energy, and so forth. Chiang Kai-shek used the Confucian and Methodist notion of self-cultivation and correct living for this movement. While some have praised the movement for its role in raising the quality of life somewhat during the war with Japan, others have criticized it for its lofty goals that were out of touch with the suffering of the general populace.
The New Life Movement was considered [by whom?] part of the program to carry out the "principle of the people's livelihood" (minsheng zhuyi) in Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People. The Soong Sisters were three Hakka Chinese women who were, along with their husbands, amongst China's most significant political figures of the early 20th century.  They each played a major role in influencing their husbands, which, along with their own positions of power, ultimately changed the course of Chinese history.  Their father was American-educated Methodist minister Charlie Soong, who made a fortune in banking and printing.  Their mother was Ni Kwei-tseng, whose mother Lady Xu was a descendant of Ming Dynasty mathematician and Jesuit Xu Guangqi.  All three sisters attended Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia.  Their three brothers were all high ranking officials in the Republic of China government, one of whom was T. V. Soong. Prior to allying with Japan, the Third Reich cooperated with Chinese Nationalists.  Chiang Kai Shek's son commanded a tank during the Anschluss of Austria.  With his sibling Chiang Ching-kuo being held as a virtual political hostage in the Soviet Union by Joseph Stalin having previously been a student studying in Moscow, Chiang sent Wei-kuo to Germany for a military education at the Munich Military Academy.  Here, he would learn the most up to date German military tactical doctrines, organization, and use of weaponry on the modern battlefield such as the German-inspired theory of the (Medium machine gun) led squad, incorporation of Air and Armored branches into infantry attack, etc.  After completing this training, Wei-kuo completed specialized Alpine warfare training, thus earning him the coveted (The elite Wehrmacht Mountain Troop) Edelweiss sleeve insignia.  This was not an easy accomplishment, as part of the training selection included carrying 30 kilos of ruck sack through the Bavarian Alps.  Wei-kuo was promoted to (Officer Candidate) and was a fine marksman, with marksman lanyard.  Wei-kuo commanded a Panzer unit during the 1938 Austrian Anschluss as a sergeant officer-candidate, leading a tank into that country; subsequently, he was promoted to Lieutenant of a Panzer unit waiting to be sent into Poland.  Before he was given the mobilization order, he was recalled to China. The Chinese Nationalists with German-style helmets. Lawrence Dennis (12/25, 1893 – 8/20, 1977) was an American diplomat, consultant and author.  He advocated fascism in America after the Great Depression, arguing that capitalism was doomed.  The turning point of Dennis' life came when he served in Nicaragua.  He resigned from the foreign service in disgust at the U.S. intervention there against the Sandino rebellion.  He then became an adviser to the Latin American fund of the Seligman banking trust, but again made enemies when he wrote a series of exposes of their foreign bond enterprises in The New Republic and The Nation in 1930.  These exposes propelled Dennis into a national public intellectual career, publishing his first book at the height of the depression in 1932, “Is Capitalism Doomed?”.  The book submitted that capitalism was, and by all right should be, on its death knell, but warned of the grave dangers of a world devoid of its positive legacy.  Dennis' two later books detailed his sense of the system that was emerging to replace it, which he believed to be fascism.  The Coming American Fascism” in 1936, detailing the system's substructure, and “The Dynamics of War and Revolution” in 1940, on the superstructure.  Dennis, along with Charles A. Beard, led the progressive opposition to the New Deal.  In 1944 he was indicted, in a group which ranged from genuine progressives to pro-Nazi agitators, in a sedition prosecution under the Smith Act which ended in a mistrial after the judge died of a heart attack.  Dennis co-authored with Maximilian St. George an account of the Great Sedition Trial of 1944 which appeared in 1946 as “A Trial on Trial”, but put forth his own defense in court.  Dennis was half black.  As a conservative, he was against the war in Vietnam.

****The Ford Foundation is a private foundation incorporated in Michigan and based in New York City created to fund programs that were chartered in 1936 by Edsel Ford and Henry Ford.  In fiscal year 2007, it reported assets of $13.7 billion and approved $530 million in grants for projects that focused on strengthening democratic values, community and economic development, education, media, arts and culture, and human rights.   After the deaths of Edsel Ford in 1943 and Henry Ford in 1947, the presidency of the Ford Foundation fell to Edsel's eldest son, Henry Ford II.  Under Henry Ford II's leadership, the Ford Foundation board of trustees commissioned a report to determine how the foundation should continue.  The committee, headed by California attorney H. Rowan Gaither, recommended that the foundation should commit to promoting peace, freedom, and education throughout the world.  It provided funding for various projects, including the pre-existing network, National Educational Television, which went on the air in 1952.  However, the Ford Foundation, with the help of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting shut it down and replaced it with the Public Broadcasting Service in October 1970.  The board of directors decided to diversify the foundation's portfolio and gradually divested itself of its substantial Ford Motor Company stock between 1956 and 1974.  Through this divestiture, the Ford Motor Company became a public company in 1956.  Other than its name, the Ford Foundation has not had any connections to the Ford Motor Company nor the Ford family for over thirty years.  Henry Ford II, the last family member on the board of trustees, resigned from the foundation board in 1976, encouraging foundation staff to remain open to new ideas and work to strengthen the country’s economic system.  The current activities are vastly opposed to Henry Ford’s original vision. ****A Foundation (also a charitable foundation) is a legal categorization of nonprofit organizations that will typically either donate funds and support to other organizations, or provide the source of funding for its own charitable purposes.  This type of non-profit organization differs from a private foundation which is typically endowed by an individual or family.  The term "foundation," in general, is used to describe a distinct legal entity.  Foundations as legal structures (legal entities) and/or legal persons (legal personality), may have a diversity of forms and may follow diverse regulations depending on the jurisdiction where they are created. 
The first period runs roughly from the beginning of foundations to about the New Deal — from 1880 to 1930.  This was a period of classical liberalism, laissez-faire liberalism.   U.S. citizens, and especially wealthy ones, were terrified when they looked to Europe because what they saw there was socialism.  What they saw in Europe they considered to be the death of what we now call civil society.  And they set out to prevent it from happening in the United States.  One of the most important things they did — especially Carnegie and the Rockefellers — was to establish philanthropic foundations.
The original donors' concept of the foundation was based in large part on the need for social planning, given the complexity of social existence and the social context at the time.  But they all felt it inappropriate for government to engage in planning, since that was the essence of socialism.  The foundations, therefore, concerned themselves with problems like Negro education in the South.  The South was still conquered territory in those days. It wasn't fully part of the US, and social experiments could be undertaken there without anybody becoming too upset. What the new philanthropists meant by philanthropy was different from charity. Charity was the alleviation of individual cases of distress: illness, ignorance, poverty.  Philanthropy, in their view, was the attempt to search out the underlying causes of social ills, to try to develop strategies to address the causes, and to eradicate the social problems at their roots. 
Foundations have been criticized from both the Left and the Right.  Just before the First World War, Missouri Senator Frank Walsh chaired a body called the US Industrial Relations Commission, charged with determining the causes of labor unrest.  The main thrust of the criticism at the Walsh hearings was that the foundations were simply agents to effectuate corporate business agendas, and that they were in any case fundamentally anti-democratic since they used funds that ought to have gone to the government to set social policy.  Taxation, not foundation philanthropy, was the proper way to provide funds to solve social problems.  At the time of the Walsh Commission, there were only a handful of foundations, so the objects of attack were individual donors, especially John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and Jr., and Andrew Carnegie.  Henry Ford criticized foundations, whose firmly held view was that the best philanthropy was to give the poor a living wage.  Philanthropy has become a very big business and Congress has always been suspicious of foundation philanthropy, unless paid off.  There was the Reese and Cox hearings in the mid-1950s and the Wright Patman investigations of the mid-1960s that led to the Tax Reform Act of 1969. 
The next period was roughly from the New Deal to the Great Society, 1935 to about 1970.  This period was the growth of the State, especially the national state.  The federal government grew enormously, and federal government spending increased more during the Great Society than it had in the entire history of the US previously. The New Deal was small compared to the Great Society.  The New Deal was a social planning experiment.  During the Great Society, the government got into the research business.  It set up the National Institutes of Health.  It set up the National Science Foundation and smaller agencies like the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Arts.  Many parts of the government, with the military taking the lead, engaged in their own planning, research, and programs.  It became apparent that government could do the big things, the really good things that large foundations had aspired to.  The old private-public distinction had eroded and the nature of civil society had been transformed.  Partly as a product of this change, corporate philanthropy emerged in this period and began to be a significant factor in the philanthropic world.
The third period, which begins around 1970 was a return to neo-liberalism with a propagandized belief to downsize government and re-empower civil society.  The private-public conversation had reemerged.  Yet Government has not downsized except in this propaganda. Only starting in 2009, with the Debt and Deficit overpowering in increasing percentages on the Gross National Product has there been true concern.
Most foundations have a liberal, corporate agenda.  Here again, Jews have ingratiated themselves and are pushing their multi-Cullturalist agendas.

1936 Emmanuel Malynski (-1938) is a Polish-speaking French essayist.  With Leon de Poncins he wrote “The War Occult”, in 1936 and the book drew the attention of Julius Evola who translated into Italian.  Works (translated titles) - War Occult, 1940;  Capital and Ownership;  The People-King;  Save for Europe; The Economic System of the Future;  Peoples Would You Eat Or Be Eaten?;  On Love;  Left and right;  and “The Mission of the People of God”: Part 1 Predestined of Error; 2 Wake of the Cursed; 3 Aside the Triumph of; 4 Footprint of Israel; 5 Elements of Modern History; 6 The Great Conspiracy World; 7 John Bull and Uncle Sam; 8 The Giant with Feet of Clay; 9 Triangle and the Cross; 10 The Vigil of a Weapon; 11 The Great War Social; 12 Democracy Victorious; 13 The Turning Point of Europe; 14 In the Hall of Mirrors; 15 The New Babel; 16 Problems of Eastern and Little Understanding; 17 The New Poland; 18 Red Dawn; 19 A Hidden Hand Leads;  20 Communists the Purpose of Capitalism; 21 The Big Mistake of Alexander II; 22 Czar Deliverer, Fourrier of Bolshevism; 23 Alexandre III Artisan of the Revolution; 24 The Eve of Russian Cataclysm; 25 The End of the Russian George VI (12/14 1895 – 2/6 1952) was King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Commonwealth from 12/11 1936 until his death.  He was the last Emperor of India (until 6/22 1948), the last King of Ireland (until 4/18 1949), and the first Head of the Commonwealth.
Bertie took the throne in Westminster Abbey on May 12, 1937 in a Coronation ceremony that had been designed and planned for his brother, and as Sarah Bradford writes in her warm and sympathetic 1989 biography, “The family ghost at the feast was, of course, the Duke of Windsor.  The first monarch to listen to his successor’s Coronation, he sat beside the radio at the borrowed Chateau de Cande in Touraine, knitting a dark blue sweater for Wallis.”  (This distracting specter was counter-balanced by another: in a breach of royal protocol – and a subtly dramatic repudiation of Edward VIII – Queen Mary attended her second son’s coronation).  Representatives of all the world’s royalty attended the week of celebrations that followed – the kings and queens of the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Greece, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Italy, Romania, and Albania sent their envoys, as did the emperors of Japan, Iran, and Ethiopia.  There were also emissaries from the Third Reich.
Prime Ministers under George VI (1936–1952):; Neville Chamberlain (1869–1940) (served 5/28 1937-9/3 1939);    Winston Churchill (1874–1965) (served 5/10 1940-5/23 1945);    Clement Attlee (1883–1967) (served 7/26 1945-10/26 1951);    Sir Winston Churchill (1874–1965) (served 10/26 1951-4/7 1955) William Edward Burghardt (WEB) Du Bois (2/23, 1868 – 8/27, 1963) was a sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author, and editor. He was the only major Black founder of the NAACP and an avowed member of the Communist Party who emigrated to Communist Ghana (where he eventually was buried).  During 1936 Du Bois visited Nazi Germany.  He later noted that he had received more respect from German academics than he had from white American colleagues.  On his return to the United States, he voiced his ambivalence about the Nazi regime.  While admiring how the Nazis had improved the German economy, he was horrified by their treatment of the Jews (through his Stalinist lens).
1936 Anders Theodor Samuel Nygren (11/15 1890– 10/20 1978) was a Swedish Lutheran theologian.  He is best known for his two-volume work “Eros and Agape” (first published in Swedish 1930-1936).  It analyses the connotations of two Greek words for love, eros and agape (unconditional love), and concludes that agape is the only truly Christian kind of love, and that eros (an expression of the individual's desires) turns us away from God.  In contrast, Nygren asserted, Jewish fellowship with God was determined by nomos or law…
Joseph Schiff (who exactly?) said in 1936 at Geneva, Switzerland: "The health of our Golden Calf demands that certain nations should be sick, namely, those not of themselves to develop.  Take for example pre-war Turkey, the 'sick man,' as it was called by diplomats, which helped to keep us healthy.  From it we received concessions of every description: banks, mines, harbors, railroads, etc., in short, its whole economical life was in our care.  And we care so well for it that it died, in Europe at least.  Now that the accumulation of wealth has become common, and that we have the fulfillment of our mission at hand we need another sick man.  This alone would have been sufficient reason, apart from higher consideration for grafting Bolshevism on to Tsarist Russia.  Russia is now the sick man of the post war days, and it is much more nourishing than the Ottoman Empire.  It also does less in its own defense.  It is now ready for another feast.  Soon Russia will be a corpse, and we shall have nothing left to do but cut it up...Even if a few drops of blood were spilled in the process, we have no cause to get excited." ("Geneva Against Peace," by Comte de Saint-Aulaire in 1936 in which he quotes Schiff). The Great Anti-Bolshevik Exhibition November 5, 1936 Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (11/24, 1888 – 11/1, 1955) was a writer, lecturer, and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills.  He was the author of “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (1936), a massive bestseller that remains popular today.  He also wrote “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” (1948), “Lincoln the Unknown” (1932), and several other books.  One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behavior by changing one's reaction to them.  He had begun these classes in 1912.  One critic suggested that if you read Hitler’s Mein Kampf Book One and subtract the anti-semitism, that a lot of what is said is identical to Carnegie's book.  The President of Reebok International was interviewed, and he revealed his secret to corporate leadership, in which he says 'What you need to do is to take the time to enroll people in your thinking, your vision, your dream, your fantasy, whatever it is you are doing.  You change someone, and that person becomes able to enroll 10 people...they see that it is not a statement.  It's a way of life'.  Hitler says almost that exact same thing in Mein Kampf when he is outlining how he is going to win over the German people to Nazism. Marking the 10th anniversary of Lufthansa. Showing the Henkel 70 "Lightning" airplane. 1936 set highlights Damier and Benz, founders of the Mercedes Benz Auto company. Issued for the 50th anniversary of the automobile at the Berlin auto and motorcycle show.        German inventor Otto von Guericke- (11/20, 1602 – 5/11, 1686) was a German scientist, inventor, and politician.  His major scientific achievements were the establishment of the physics of vacuums, the discovery of an experimental method for clearly demonstrating electrostatic repulsion, and his advocacy of the reality of "action at a distance" and of "absolute space".  People’s Congress
Engineering Marvels -1936 set of 9 Issued to show German achievements:  
1.Reichsautobahn  2.Ministry of Aviation  3.Memorial Nuremberg  4.Saalebrücke  5.Germany Hall  6.Alpine Road on Mauthäusl  7.Cab Munich  8.Mangfall Bridge  9.House of German Art
****More Catholic & Christians in the Reich:
1936: January -The Catholic Klerusblatt justifies the Nuremberg Laws as indispensable safeguards for the qualitative makeup of the German people.  2/29 Cardinal Hlond declares in a public letter that "It is true that the Jews are committing frauds, practicing usury, and dealing in white slavery.  It is true that in schools, the influence of Jewish youth upon Catholic youth is generally evil, from a religious and ethical point of view.  But let us be just.  Not all Jews are like that.  One does well to prefer his own kind in commercial dealings and to avoid Jewish stores and Jewish stalls in the markets, but it is not permissible to demolish Jewish businesses, break windows, torpedo their houses..." (Lewy)  1936 The influential Jesuit magazine Civilta Cattolica argues (since 1890), that the Christian world (though without un-Christian hatred) must defend itself against the Jewish threat by suspending the civic rights of Jews and returning them to the ghettos. (Lewy)  1937 March 26 The Pope publishes an encyclical entitled Divini Redemptoris, condemning atheistic Communism.
1939 January 30 Archbishop Groeber in a pastoral letter concedes that Jesus Christ could not be made into an "Aryan," but the son of God had been fundamentally different from the Jews of his time -- so much so that they had hated him and demanded his crucifixion, and "their murderous hatred has continued in later centuries." (Lewy)  1939 February 6 Bishop Hilfrich of Limburg is a pastoral letter writes that Jesus had been a Jew, but "the Christian religion has not grown out of the nature of this people, that is, is not influenced by their racial characteristics.  Rather it has had to make its way against this people."  Christianity, the bishop concludes, is not to be regarded as a product of the Jews; it is not a foreign doctrine or un-German.  "Once accepted by our ancestors, it finds itself in the most intimate union with the Germanic spirit." (Lewy)
1939 November 12 A Te Deum is sung in the Cathedral of Munich “in order to thank the divine Providence in the name of the archdiocese for the Fuehrer's fortunate escape from the criminal attempt made upon his life." ("Munchener Katholische Kirchenzeitung;" Lewy)
And once the War is lost: August 15, 1945 Pope Pius XII, in a letter to the Bavarian bishops, pays tribute to "those millions of Catholics, men and women of every class" who loyal to their bishops, had fought against the demonic powers that ruled Germany. (Wuestenberg and Zabkar; Lewy)
****More Jewish Persecution and Accomodation (to force Jews to emigrate.): 1936:  7/15 Professor Mollison, an anthropologist at the University of Munich, recommends to the Ministry of the Interior that the costs of expert reports on "Aryan" or Jewish origins should be recovered from the applicants. "It is not advisable to provide such a time-consuming investigation free for those who claim Aryan origins when they know they are not entitled to do so." (Science)  10/4 The Reich Chamber of Culture orders all Jewish art dealers in Berlin to close their galleries by the end of the year.  11/23 The Nazis blacklist some 2,000 works written by Jewish authors.
German Monopoly Game ~1936   Germany is one of the countries where the streets on the board are not those of a (capital) city, nor of a number of cities of the country, but just generic streets.  However, the initial editions issued in the late thirties indeed showed Berlin streets.  Some Jewish neighborhoods are the richest.
Other Nazi Paraphernalia: soldier toys made during the third reichImpact on German society: The curators of the exhibition are at pains to stress that their focus is on the society that created the dictator and not Hitler, the man'Nation and Crime': The exhibition is housed at the Deutsche Historisches Museum (German Historical Museum) in Berlin, with no advertising, in deference to German law forbidding the display of Nazi symbols
The home would have many traditional Germanic designs and decorations:
Nazi decorations 
Nazi family candelabra Christmas traditions.
SA Doll. This doll was purchased by the donor's sister in Germany in 1931.1931, many items were not appreciated by the Nazi leadership as they were produced by private companies and not endorsed by the Nazi party.  This doll and similar uniformed dolls were thought to be to effeminate.  Board games on Jews were also considered gauche.
 1937  Propaganda-Vehikel: In der Nazi-Zeit musste selbst der Kinderwagen mitunter als Propaganda-Werbeträger herhalten - wie dieses bedrückende Beispiel eines Kinderwagens in einem niederbayrischen Dorf zeigt1937, a stroller in a Bavarian village.  Just like the American flag, the Germans were proud to put their flag on many things.

1937         1937         1937         1937
Map This visual from the mid-1930’s shows Germany in white, with the 100,000-man army permitted by the Treaty of Versailles, surrounded by heavily armed neighbors.
In 1937, more than 25,000 books were published in Germany
1937 Agriculture Poster This 1937 poster announces a fundraising lottery for the Reichsbund Deutscher Seegeltung, the Nazi organization that promoted public interest in naval affairs.
Welthauptstadt Germania ("World Capital Germania") refers to the projected renewal of the German capital Berlin during the Nazi period, part of Adolf Hitler's vision for the future of Germany.  Albert Speer, produced many of the plans for the rebuilt city in his capacity as overseer of the project, only a small portion of which was realized between the years 1937-1943 when construction took place.  Some projects, such as the creation of a great East-West city axis and placing the Berlin victory column in the center, far away from the Reichstag, where it originally stood, were successfully completed.  Others, however, such as the creation of the (Great Hall), had to be shelved owing to the beginning of war.  A great number of the old buildings in many of the planned construction areas were, however, demolished before the war and eventually defeat stopped the plans. grosse_hall_front.jpg
Munich Plan: ost-west_achse_munich.jpg
There were major architectural plans for the five "Führer Cities": Berlin, the Reich's capital; Munich, the capital of the Nazi movement; Hamburg, "The Gateway to the World"; and Nuremburg, "The City of Party Congresses," Linz was scheduled for refurbishment as the "City of the Führer's Youth".  During the Nazi era, Linz was transformed from a small town into an industrial city, but the grand plan included a monumental theatre, an opera house and an Adolf Hitler Hotel, all surrounded by huge boulevards and a parade ground.  The high point of Linz was to be a huge art museum to rival a gallery like the Louvre.
Nazi architecture was an architectural plan which played a role in the Nazi party's plans to create a cultural and spiritual rebirth.  Hitler was an admirer of imperial Rome and believed that some ancient Germans had, over time, become part of its social fabric and exerted influence on it.  He considered the Romans an early Aryan empire, and emulated their architecture in an original style inspired by both neoclassicism and art deco.  He was also inspired by the Aryan Greeks. 
Art Deco flourished internationally during the 30s and 40s, then waned in the post-World War II era.  It is an eclectic style that combines traditional craft motifs with Machine Age imagery and materials.  The style is often characterized by rich colors, bold geometric shapes and lavish ornamentation.  Deco emerged from the Interwar period when rapid industrialization was transforming culture.  One of its major attributes is an embrace of technology.  This distinguishes Deco from the organic motifs favored by its predecessor Art Nouveau.  During its heyday Art Deco represented luxury, glamor, exuberance, and faith in social and technological progress.
Some of the Modern styles: design in Munich9. Fascist Party headquarters. Light, elegant, and inviting — an interesting contrast with 8.
1937 – January. American Jewish Committee forcefully condemns anti-Semitism as an attack on America, not just an attack on Jews.  "Anti-Semitism is a manifestation of the spirit of dictatorship, which first attacks the weakest—the Jews—and then proceeds to destroy all liberty."  Along with the condemnation of anti-Semitism, AJC commends the "Good Will Movement" in America that crosses religious lines, symbolized by organizations such as the National Conference of Christians and Jews and its sponsorship of Brotherhood Day.  The third annual Brotherhood Day in America, in 1937, culminates in a radio address by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which includes words from Catholic leader Michael Francis Doyle of Philadelphia and AJC President Cyrus Adler. 
“If our country was defeated, would we find a champion as indomitable as Mr. Hitler to restore our courage and lead us back to our rightful place among nations.”  (Winston Churchill, "Step by Step", London, 1937)
 “The Roman genius, played by Mussolini, the largest modern lawmakers, many nations have been taught how to resist the assault of Communism and indicated the path that a country can take when it is valiantly conducted."  "With the regime fascist, Mussolini established a counseling center at which the countries engaged in the struggle with Communism should find salvation.  Mussolini has been brought to the peoples who suffer under Marxist influence the way to escape disaster that threatens them.” (Winston Churchill , "Step by Step", London, 1937) “Look to Germany: The Heart of Europe” by Stanley McClatchie (7/2, 1894 -8/12, 1964) from California.  This is a very positive book of Germany’s accomplishments.
"The Jewish Veterans of the U. S. are moving in the direction of having a bill introduced in Congress prohibiting the spread of racial or religious propaganda and barring such propaganda from the mails." Ed. Samuel Margoshes in the Jewish National Day of NY, Feb. 17, 1937.
“Jewish - run concentration camps in the Soviet Union” by Hermann Greife (1980 reprint) The first book to be published in the West (1937) which exposed the fact that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Stalinist-era Gulags, or concentration camps.  The Jewish Communist camps killed far more prisoners than even the wildest allegations about the German camps. 26, 1937  Purim, the Jewish holiday of Revenge against Gentiles.  Jews throughout the world label specific enemies as Haman and Christianity in general as Haman.  Other episodes of revenge throughout the year could still be connected to the spirit of Purim.  Purim was featured in the film “The Eternal Jew” where the pattern of Jewish responsibility for tragic events in human history is described.  Pictured here is the gentile killing of the original Purim, the French and Soviet Revolutions.
The numerous confessions made by the Jews show that the execution of ritual murders is a law to the Talmud Jew.  The former chief rabbi, and later monk, Teofite, declared that the ritual murders take place especially on the Jewish Purim in memory of the Persian murders, and Passover in memory of the murder of Christ. (Der Stürmer, no. 14)
~ 2/28, 1937.   Argentine.  Jewish Ritual Murder – 2 year-old Eugenio Iraola had been kidnapped and killed for ritual purposes; the heading under which this appeared was "Millionaire's Baby as Human Sacrifice."  Eight arrests were made. When Jews laugh - Read the latest issue 11 of Sturmer.  Paris Exposition (International Exposition dedicated to Art and Technology in Modern Life) was held in 1937 in Paris, France.  There were 46 participating nations.  The Spanish Pavilion attracted attention as the exposition took place during the Spanish Civil War.  The pavilion, set up by the Republican (Communist) government, included Pablo Picasso's famous painting "Guernica", propagandized to depict the horrors of war, but in reality was a bullfight.
Two of the other notable pavilions were those of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.  The organization of the world exhibition had placed the German and the Soviet pavilions directly across each other.  Hitler had desired to withdraw from participation, but his architect Albert Speer convinced him to participate after all, showing Hitler his plans for the German pavilion.  Speer later revealed in his autobiographies that he had had a clandestine look at the plans for the Soviet pavilion, and had designed the German pavilion to represent a bulwark against Communism.  Plagued by delay, at the opening day of the exhibition, only the German and the Soviet pavilions were completed.  This, as well as the fact that the two pavilions faced each other, turned the exhibition into somewhat of a personal competition between the two great ideological rivals.
Five hundred feet high, Speer's pavilion was completed by a tall tower crowned with the symbols of the Nazi state: an eagle and the swastika.  The pavilion was conceived as a monument to "German pride and achievement".  It was to broadcast to the world that a new and powerful Germany had a restored sense of national pride.  At night, the pavilion was illuminated by floodlights. 
Architecture Poster A tourist poster announcing Germany’s accomplishments.
Sir Stephen Henry Roberts (2/16, 1901 - 1971) was an Australian academic, author, historian, international analyst and university vice-chancellor.   Though hostile on almost every point to National Socialism, his “The House that Hitler Built” (1937)does admit that Jews were a menace in Germany: “It is useless to deny that a grave Jewish problem existed in Germany.  The nation was in the unfortunate geographical position of being the first stage in the perennial push westward of the Polish Jews.  Unless forced on, they tended to stop in Berlin and Hamburg, where they obtained an unduly large share of good professional positions.  In Berlin, for example, when the Nazis came to power, 50.2 per cent of the lawyers were Jews.  In medicine, 48 per cent of the doctors were Jews, and it was said that they systematically seized the principal hospital posts.  The Jews owned the largest and most important Berlin newspapers, and they had made great inroads on the educational system.”
“It is impossible to give any final evaluation of the National Socialist revolution in Germany, even of its first four years.  There can be no longer any doubt as to the extent of that change.  Because it was comparatively bloodless we, too, readily lose sight of its extremely revolutionary aspects.  The Nazi leaders claim that their process is an evolution that will take centuries to complete, and they ask that no final judgement be given on the necessarily brusque events of the initial transitional period. This seems a fair request.
“It is inconceivable that Nazidom shall remain in its present inchoate stage.  Nobody now expects a realization of the Twenty-Five Points of the original Party programme. Indeed, most developments have been in a very different direction.  Feder's programme is an historical curiosity.  The only query is whether the mind that conceived Mein Kampf (and it has never been settled how much of that book was Hitler's and how much the work of Rudolf Hess) has changed in its approach to world problems.
“At present Germany has a popular dictatorship, with opposition effectively stifled, with the one significant exception of the Church. But there is no permanence in the membership of the governing cabal.  Already a noticeable move to reaction has set in, and already there is a turn towards the army.  I am of opinion that, apart from Hitler's own tremendous popularity, this is the most significant feature of present-day Germany.  Month by month last year one saw the growing power of the army; and it is not far-fetched to imagine a Germany in which the army, retaining the Führer as a willing figurehead, will take control of the land. **1937 Howard Phillips "H. P." Lovecraft (8/20, 1890 – 3/15, 1937) was an American author of horror, fantasy and science fiction, especially the subgenre known as weird fiction.  Lovecraft's guiding literary principle was what he termed "cosmicism" or "cosmic horror", the idea that life is incomprehensible to human minds and that the universe is fundamentally alien.  The British philosopher, Colin Wilson wrote: "The underlying spirit of Lovecraft (is) the revolt against civilization, the feeling that the material success by which the modern world justifies itself is the shallowest of all standards; like Nietzsche, he felt that democracy is the rise of botchers and bunglers and mediocrities against the superior type of man."
It might be added that Lovecraft's conception of the "superior type of man" was not based upon class or wealth (he despised commercialism in its every form and in later years came to despise Capitalism and its materialistic values with as much ferocity as he despised Marxism and its materialistic values).  Lovecraft's view was basically that of the racial nationalist. Although a life-long Anglophile he opposed the First World War, basically because it was a brother's war.  As he explained: "That the maintenance of civilization today rests with that magnificent Teutonic stock which is represented alike by the two hotly contending rivals, England and Germany... is as undeniably true as it is vigorously disputed.  The Teuton is the summit of evolution. ….. There is no branch of modern civilization that is not his making."
In his view "the mass of contemporary Jews" were "hopeless so far as America" was concerned because they were the "product of alien blood, and inherit alien ideals, impulses, and emotions which forever preclude the possibility of wholesale assimilation... The fact is, that an Asiatic stock broken and dragged through the dirt for untold centuries cannot possibly meet a Nordic race on an emotional parity." So far as he was concerned "on our side there is a shuddering physical repugnance to most Semitic types, and when we try to be tolerant we are merely blind or hypocritical. Two elements so discordant can never build one society – no feeling of real linkage can exist where so vast a disparity of ancestral memories is concerned – so that wherever the Wandering Jew wanders, he will have to content himself with his own society till he disappears or is killed off in some sudden outburst of physical loathing on our part."

3/11, 1937 The Pioneer Fund non-profit foundation is established "to advance the scientific study of heredity and human differences".  Currently headed by psychology professor J. Philippe Rushton, the fund states that it focuses on projects it perceives will not be easily funded due to controversial subject matter.  The fund's publications included the 1994 publication of The Bell Curve.  The fund has also been criticized for its ties to eugenics.  The PC crowd considers them racist.  The first five directors were: 1)Wickliffe Preston Draper, heir to a large fortune and the fund's de facto final authority, served on the Board of Directors from 1937 until 1972.  He founded the Pioneer Fund after having acquired an interest in the Eugenics movement, which was strengthened by his 1935 visit to Nazi Germany.  2)Harry Laughlin. Eleven months after the Nuremberg Laws, Laughlin wrote to an official at the University of Heidelberg, which had awarded him an honorary doctorate, arguing that the United States and the Third Reich shared "a common understanding of ... the practical application" of eugenic principles to "racial endowments and ... racial health." 3)Frederick Osborn wrote in 1937 that the Nazi Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring was "the most exciting experiment that had ever been tried".  4)Malcolm Donald was a former editor of the Harvard Law Review and a brigadier general during World War II.  5)John Marshall Harlan II was director of operational analysis for the Eighth Air Force in World War II, and was appointed to the Supreme Court of the US by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.  The 1937 incorporation documents of the Pioneer Fund list two purposes.  The first, modeled on the Nazi Lebensborn breeding program, was aimed at encouraging the propagation of the descendants of early America.  Its second purpose was to support academic research and the "dissemination of information, into the 'problem of heredity and eugenics'" and "the problems of (human) race betterment".
Subsequent directors included: John M. Woolsey, Jr., a staff attorney at the Nuremberg Trials; Henry E. Garrett (1972–1973), the former president of the American Psychological Association; James P. Kranz, Jr. (1948); Henry Rice Guild (1948–1974); Charles Codman Cabot (1950–1973); Harry F. Weyher, Jr. (1958–2002); John B. Trevor, Jr. (1959–2000); John F. Walsh, Jr. (1971–1973); Marion A. Parrott (1973–2000); Thomas F. Ellis (1973–1977); Eugenie Mary Ladenburg Davie (Mrs. Preston) (1974–1975); Randolph L. Speight (1975–1999); William Dawes Miller (1983–1993); Karl Schakel (1993–2002); Edwin D. Morgan (2000–2001); R. Travis Osborne (2000–present); John Philippe Rushton (2002–present); Michelle Weyher (2002–present); Richard Lynn (2002–present)
Many of the researchers whose findings support the hereditarian hypothesis of racial IQ disparity have received grants: Thomas J. Bouchard; Arthur Jensen; J. Philippe Rushton wrote “Race, Evolution and Behavior”; Roger Pearson at the Institute for the Study of Man.  Eugenicist and anthropologist, founder of the Journal of Indo-European Studies.  Using the pseudonym of Stephan Langton, Pearson was the editor of The New Patriot, published in 1966–67 to conduct "a responsible but penetrating inquiry into every aspect of the Jewish Question," which included articles such as "Zionists and the Plot Against South Africa," "Early Jews and the Rise of Jewish Money Power," and "Swindlers of the Crematoria."  Pearson founded The Northern League in England in 1958.; Richard Lynn at Ulster Institute for Social Research (also on Mankind Quarterly editorial board); Linda Gottfredson at the University of Delaware.  Other notable recipients of funding include: Hans Eysenck, Lloyd Humphreys, Joseph M. Horn, Robert A. Gordon, Garrett Hardin, author of the phrase the "tragedy of the commons", R. Travis Osborne, Audrey M. Shuey, Philip A. Vernon, William Shockley, winner of the Nobel prize in physics in 1956.  The fund has aided immigration reduction groups and journalist Jared Taylor, the editor of American Renaissance and an advisory member of the Occidental Quarterly.  Many of the key academic white nationalists in both Right Now! and American Renaissance have been funded by the Pioneer Fund, which was also directly involved in funding the parent organization of American Renaissance, the New Century Foundation.  Morris Dees lists the Pioneer Fund as a hate group.  Researchers who have been criticized for accepting grants from the fund have argued that the public debates have been disconnected from the expert debates.

The Jew as Criminal” by von J. Keller und Hanns Andersen 1937 - What Linguistics and Statistics Show;   Jew in Court;   Fences and Thieves;   Imposters;   Swindlers and Racketeers;   Gambling Cheats;   Pimps and White Slavers;   Sexual Offenders;   Murderers
The Findings in Preview:
“Without the solution of the Jewish Question, there is no salvation for the peoples of the world.  This realization has blazed a trail in Germany; in increasing measure, it is becoming the common property of all nations of culture.
“Despite the fierce and fiery reaction of its blind or bought allies, the disastrous role of the Jew, this parasite upon the body of every people is being drawn more and more into the light of day.  Everywhere where morality, law, and order succumb to disintegration, where racketeering and corruption devour the economy, where materialistic dialectics undermine the foundations of faith, where Marxist propaganda transforms politics into a criminal reality, where the healthy race of the people is made sick and desecrated ~ there one meets everywhere the tracks of the Jew.
“That is the historical experience of every century and of all peoples.  The new and peculiar, which the Present adds to this ancient human experience, is the appearance of Bolshevism; in its shape World Jewry rises to the decisive attack upon the peoples of culture.
“The frequent criminality of the Jew is as well known a fact as its peculiar inclination and aptitude for fraud, dirty enterprises, cheating in gambling, usury, sexual offenses of all kinds, pickpocketing, high treason, etc.  These things shall find their confirmation here.  Beyond this, however, evidence is introduced that the role of Jewry in criminality does not limit itself to a more or less large participation, but rather is much more significant. In actually, the final threads of the criminal world come together in the hand of the Jew.  The Jew is not only beneficiary of crime, he is also the leader and wire-puller of the criminal Underworld.
“Yet at the same time the Jew is irrefutable spokesman and director of Bolshevism.  How could it be otherwise, where Bolshevism represents nothing other than a politically camouflaged, organized criminal sphere on a world scale?  Thus, just as the spirochetes which are the bearers of syphilis, so the Jews are the carriers of criminality in its political and non-political form.
“The Jew is fundamentally and basically criminal.  Crime is, for him, the form of existence inherent in him.  He is continuously and inescapably on the attack against the natural laws of order of the Volksgemeinschaft {= ethnic community] and the communal life of the various peoples.  It is by no means money per se for which he strives.  This view is a dangerous prejudice, which is apt to divert the gaze of the investigator and the politician from the essence.  Money is for the Jew only a means to an end, the end goal is, for him, always the conquest of power, the usurpation of unlimited power over people.  The entire content of the so-called 'religion' of Judaism and its Chosen status is a mere monstrosity of its morbid greed for power.  Thus its 'religion' is directed against God, its Law against Right, its morals against morality.  Its nature is contrary to Nature, its ethnic consciousness is anti-ethnic, its nationalism is internationalist and its politics is crime.  Therefore, the Jew is the true Anti-Man, the ruined member of a sub-racial mixture. He is the born leader of the Untermenschtum [sub-humanity].” Cecile Tormay (Tormay Cécile)(Budapest, 10/8, 1876 -4/2, 1937) was novelist, translator and public player.  “The Jew comes uninvited and declines to go when dismissed.  He spreads and yet holds together.  He penetrates the bodies of the nations.  He invisibly organizes his own nation among alien peoples. He creates laws beyond the law.  He denies the conception of “partie” but has a “partie” of his own which wanders and settles with him.  He scoffs at other people's conception of God and yet builds churches of his own everywhere.  He laments the fallen walls of Jerusalem and drags the ruins invisibly with him.  He complains of his isolation but builds secret ways as arteries of the boundless city which has by new spread practically throughout the world.  His connections and communications reach everywhere.  Otherwise how can it be possible that his finances and his press should, wherever they may be centered, strive for the same goal all over the world?  How is it that his racial interests are identical in a Ruthenian village and in the heart of New York?  He praises one individual, and the praise rings over the globe.  He condemns another, and that man's ruin begins wherever he be.  Orders are given in mysterious secrecy.  What the Jew finds ridiculous in other people he keeps fanatically alive in himself.  He teaches anarchy and rebellion only to the Gentiles, he himself obeys blindly the directions of his invisible leaders.“
In 1919 she began expressing her political views, and opposed the Béla Kun regime.  She published a book (An Outlaw's Diary (Bujdosó könyv, 1925, literally The Proscribed Book)) about the events of the 1918-1919 revolution, protesting against the subsequent communist government and regretting the division of the kingdom of Hungary.
“Mirabeau was led towards the Revolution by Moses Mendelssohn and the influence of beautiful Jewesses.  They were there, in Paris, behind every revolution, and they appear in history among the leading spirits of the Commune of 1871.  But they are only visible during the hours of incitement and success; they are not to be found among the martyrs and the sufferers.  When the returning powers of order proceeded to take revenge on the Commune, Marx and Leo Frankel had fled.  It was during the days of the Turkish Revolution that a Jew said proudly to my father: “We made that: the Young Turks are Jews“.   I remember at the time of the Portuguese Revolution Marquis Vasconcellos, the Portuguese Minister in Rome, telling me: “The Revolution in Lisbon is instigated by Jews and Freemasons.”  And today, when the greater half of Europe is in the throes of revolution, the Jews lead everywhere in accordance with their concerted plans.  Plans like these cannot be conceived in a few months or a few years.  How, then, is it possible that people have not noticed it?  How could such a worldwide conspiracy be concealed when so many people were involved?  The easy-going and blind, the bribed, wicked or stupid agents of the nation did not know what the game was.  The organizers in the background belonged to the only human race which has survived antiquity and has remembered how to guard a secret.  That is the reason why not a single traitor was found among them.”- Cecile Tormay “An Outlaw’s Diary: The Commune”
Hermann De Vries de Heekelingen writes in “Israel: Son Passe, Son Avenir” (1937) - "The former Rabbi Drach (a 19th Century convert to Catholicism, who was highly honored and decorated for his learned works by Pope Leo XII, Pius VIII and Gregory XVI), converted to Catholicism, says that the Talmud contains "a large number of musing, utterly ridiculous extravagancies, most revolting indecencies, and, above all, the most horrible blasphemies against everything which the Christian religion holds most sacred and most dear."  "In the matter of the translation of the Talmud by non-Jews, we have always preferred that of Luzsensky, whose accuracy has been established by the Courts.  [Dr. Alfred Luzsensky in 1910 translated about 400 passages from the Talmud into Hungarian.]   In 1923, the Public Prosecutor of Hungary caused his Hungarian Talmud to be seized on account of "attack on public morals" and "pornography."  In delivering its verdict, the Court declared 'INTER ALIA:'  "The horrors contained in the translation of Alfred Luzsensky are to be found, without exception, in the Talmud.  His translation is correct, in that it renders these passages, which are actually to be found in the original text of the Talmud, after their true meaning."  [The testimony of the court expert, Dr. Kmosko, is also of interest. According to Erfurt "World Service" of June 1, 1937, he said: "To the first question asked by the court as to whether Luzensky's translation corresponds to the original Talmud, I must answer with definite 'Yes'.  The underlying principle of the Gemara is that the non-Jews are not human beings, but beasts.'”]
This letter was reproduced by the "Revue de Paris" on June 1, 1928, p. 574, as well as in the work "Israel, are passé, are avenir" Swedish historian H. de Vries Heekelingen, French edition 1937, p. 104, and various publications of Swedish Professor Einar Aberg.  Apparently the letter was written by the young Karl Marx in 1848 to his Rabbi Baruch Levi, shortly after concluding his famous work, the Communist Manifesto.  The letter: " In this new organization of humanity, the children of Israel , scattered in all corners of the earth ... will become everywhere, without opposition, the ruling class, especially if they can put the working masses under its exclusive control.  The Governments of the member nations of the future universal republic will fall without effort, in the hands of the Israelites, through the victory of the proletariat . The private property may then be suppressed by the rulers of Jewish race who will administer, everywhere, public funds.  This will make the promise of the Talmud to the effect that when the time of the Messiah, the Jews will possess the property of all peoples on Earth.  [...] The people of Jewish , considered collectively, will be its own Messiah.  His reign over the universe is obtained by the unification of the other human races, the abolition of frontiers and monarchies, which are the bulwark of particularism, and the establishment of a universal Republic recognizes the rights of citizens Jews.
Books: Fascism And Its Results (1928), Israel. Son passe, son avenir (1937), The Jewish Question in Italy (Black Book) (Mar 1, 2002), The Jewish Pride (1944), Jews and Catholics (1939)

Howell Arthur Keir Gwynne, CH (1865–1950) was a British author, newspaper editor of the London Morning Post from 1911 to 1937.  The owner was Lilias, Countess Bathurst (1871–1965).  The Bathursts sold the paper in 1924.  He was editor of the London Morning Post at the time when the newspaper was accusing organized Jewry, Freemasonry and the crypto-Masonic Order of Illuminati with being the force behind communism and world wars.
**Hitler assists Franco to prevent Jewish/Communist takeover of Spain.
Bolshevism PosterrIn 1937, there was a major anti-Bolshevist exhibit produced by the party’s central propaganda office, which traveled to major cities.
**Japan liberates and brings order to Warlord, Communist and Criminal-infested Northern China. Antonio Gramsci (1/22, 1891 – 4/27, 1937) was an Italian philosopher, writer, politician and political theorist.  A founding member and onetime leader of the Communist Party of Italy, he was imprisoned by Benito Mussolini's Fascist regime.  His writings are heavily concerned with the analysis of culture and political leadership and he is notable as a highly original thinker within the Marxist tradition.  He is renowned for his concept of cultural hegemony as a means of maintaining the state in a capitalist society.  Antonio Gramsci, the Marxist theoretician of hegemony, made an important distinction between “rule” and “hegemony,” as one scholar explained: “Rule” is expressed in directly political forms and in times of crisis by direct or effective coercion. But the more normal situation is a complex interlocking of political, social, and cultural forces, and “hegemony” . . . is either this or the active social and cultural forces which are its necessary elements. . . . It is a whole body of practices and expectations, over the whole of living: our senses and assignments of energy, our shaping perceptions of ourselves and our world. . . . It thus constitutes a sense of reality for most people in the society, a sense of absolute because experienced reality beyond which it is very difficult for most members of the society to move, in most areas of their lives. It is, that is to say, in the strongest sense a “culture,” but a culture which has also to be seen as the lived dominance and subordination of particular classes.
Communist party locals are told to cleanse border regions of Ukraine of “enemies of the people”.   Between May and October 1943, Germans found 9,432 corpses.  Local story was closer to 20,000. April 27, 1937 Bombing of Guernica - German Luftwaffe was helping Franco rid Spain of the anti-Christian Communist terrorists. Guernica was a prime staging ground for the Reds with buildings full of munitions.  The Germans did strategic bombing onto the armaments which were greater than even they thought.  It said that (Communist) Pablo Picasso painted his famous "Guernica" painting to commemorate the horrors of the bombing, but that painting was actually a Bull Fight sketched by Picasso months before.  Pablo Ruiz Picasso (10/25, 1881 – 4/8, 1973) was a Spanish (Jew Communist) painter, draughtsman, and sculptor who lived most of his degenerate adult life in France. He is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work.  Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and the erroneously-named Guernica (1937). The Order of the German Eagle was an award of the German Nazi regime, predominantly to foreign diplomats. The Order was instituted on May 1, 1937 by Adolf Hitler.  The Order was an award given to prominent foreigners, who were considered sympathetic to Nazism.  Recipients: with Diamonds: Mussolini; in Gold: Ion Antonescu of the Romanian army, King Boris III of Bulgaria, Galeazzo Ciano Conte di Cortelazzo of Italy, Franco, Wilhelm Frick, Reichsminister, Admiral Miklós Horthy of Hungary, Mannerheim of Finland, Gen Hiroshi Ōshima of Japan, Risto Ryti of Finland, von Neurath, Reich Foreign Minister, von Ribbentrop, Reich Foreign Minister, Jozef Tiso of Slovakia, Alessandro Pirzio Biroli of Italy.  Other Number awarded unknown.: Emil Kirdof, Gelsenkirchen, 1937; Thomas J. Watson, IBM, 1937also of Intl Chamber of Commerce; Henry Ford, 1938; General Olof Thörnell, of the Swedish Armed Forces, 1940.[2]  Olof Gerhard Thörnell (10/19, 1877 – 7/25, 1977) was Sweden's first Supreme Commander from 12/8, 1939 - 1944.; Charles Lindbergh 1938; James Mooney, General Motors; Ing. Ugo Conte of Italy, 1938; Swedish explorer Sven Hedin, 1940; Finnish Minister of Defense Rudolf Walden; Fanni Luukkonen (she) of Finland 1943.
5/6, 1937  The Hindenburg disaster  took place as the German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station, which is located adjacent to the borough of Lakehurst, New Jersey. Of the 97 people on board[N 1] (36 passengers, 61 crew), there were 35 fatalities; there was also one death among the ground crew.  The disaster was the subject of spectacular newsreel coverage, photographs, and Herbert Morrison's recorded radio eyewitness report from the landing field, which was broadcast the next day.  The actual cause of the fire remains unknown, although a variety of hypotheses have been put forward for both the cause of ignition and the initial fuel for the ensuing fire.  The incident shattered public confidence in the giant, passenger-carrying rigid airship and marked the end of the airship era.
Memorable Photos of the Great 'Hindenburg' Airship: 

May 8, 1937 (The Reich's Exhibition of a Productive People) of 1937 was held in Düsseldorf, Germany.  It was opened from May through October.  The exhibition was to showcase the domestic accomplishments of the National Socialists in new housing, art, and science during their four years in power.  The exhibition was laid out in four main divisions: industry and economics; land utilization and city planning; material progress (with an emphasis on progress in synthetics); arts and culture.  A Coca-Cola bottling plant stood at the center of the fairgrounds, with a miniature train for children.
May On his arrival in America, Walter Krivitsky, Stalin's chief of Military Intelligence, reveals to the U.S. State Department the full details of Stalin's purges.  Krivitsky claims Stalin is determined to forge a pact with Hitler and has turned against the old Bolsheviks and officers of the Red Army because they are opposed to any alliance with Hitler.  "Stalin, in the name of anti-fascism, destroyed the anti-fascists," Kivitsky says.
“What is the Jewish Problem? Jewry is a racial minority which conceives its racial integrity as the permanent basis of a distinctive culture. They are an hereditary group.  Can democracy suffer an hereditary minority to perpetuate itself as a permanent minority?  The simple and naked fact is that Judaism rests upon an impossible basis.  It is trying to pluck the fruits of democracy without yielding itself to the processes of Democracy.  The root cause of the Jewish Problem is the Jew's immemorial and pertinacious obsession with an illusion, the illusion that his race, his people, are the object of the special favor of God, who requires the maintenance of their racial integrity and separateness as the medium through which, soon or late, will be performed some mighty act involving 1 human destiny."- editorial in the Christian Century of June 9, 1937. June Grand Prix of Germany

June 11, 1937 - Soviet leader Stalin begins a purge of Red Army generals, through Black Op of Germans.

Nationalist Jew Stalin begins to cleanse the USSR of Jewish domination.   It was named the “Great Terror” by Jews.  The Jews led by Trotsky regarded Stalin as an impediment to the Rothschild's plan for world government. Sir James Matthew (J M) Barrie, (5/9, 1860 – 6/19, 1937) was a Scottish author and dramatist, best remembered today as the creator of Peter Pan, the ageless boy and an ordinary girl named Wendy who have adventures in the fantasy setting of Neverland.  An off the cuff remark, “There is no reason why you should  go out of your way to insult Mr. Hueffer by calling him a Jew and a coward.”
General Leon DeGrelle: "Hitler was the greatest statesman Europe has ever known. History will prove that when whipped up emotions have died down. He was more matter of fact, generally more unfolded than Napoleon.  Napoleon was more of a vanquishing, empire-founding Frenchman than a true European.  Hitler, in his being a man of his time, dreamed of an enduring, just, honest Europe, unified by the initiative of the victor.  A Europe however in which each ethnic group could develop according to their merits and accomplishments.  The proof of this is that he offered Petain his hand.  Just as Bismarck knew how to outgrow Prussia and become a German, so Hitler soon changed from being a German to being a European.  At an early stage he disconnected himself from imperialistic ambition.   Without any difficulty he began to think of himself as a European and initiated the creation of a Europe in which Germany - like Prussia in Bismarck's time, was to be the foundation stone.  Some comrades of the Fuhrer might still have been short-sighted Pan-Germanists.  But Hitler had the genius, the right scale, the absence of bias and the necessary vision to accomplish the terrific task.  He had an authority, not to be found a second time in the history of the continent.  His success would have established wealth and civilization of Europe for centuries, probably forever.  Hitler's plans for Europe would have meant a blessing for us all." Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian KT CH PC (1882–1940) was a British politician and diplomat.  He was British Ambassador to the US, from 1939 to 1940.  He felt initial sympathy for Germany over the Treaty of Versailles and so at first he favored appeasement.  "I think that it must be admitted that National Socialism has done a great deal for Germany. It has undoubtedly cleaned up Germany in the ordinary moral sense of the word.  The defeatism, the corruption so manifest a characteristic in the days after the war has disappeared, at any rate from public view. It has given discipline and order and a sense of purpose to the great majority of young people who in earlier days did not know where to go or what they were living for." - British Ambassador, Washington, June 29th, 1937.
Summer Horse Racing: Blue Ribbon, Brown Ribbon, Vienna and about 20 others.

Bishop Antonio Garcia de Tuy.  One of the signatories of the anti-Communist collective letter of the Spanish hierarchy of July 1, 1937, which declared in part: “It is evident that the present conflict is one of the most terrible wars waged by Antichrist, that is, by Judaism, against the Catholic Church and against Christ.  And at this crisis in the history of the world, Jewry uses two formidable armies; one secret, namely that of Freemasonry; the other open and avowed, with hands dripping with blood, that of the Communists and all other associated bodies, Anarchists, Anarcho-Syndicalists, Socialists...” (International Journal of secret societies July 15, 1937) July 16-18, 1937 House of German Art in central Munich opened in the summer of 1937 with the theme: The Day of German Art.  Concurrent with this exhibition, the Nazis also staged the Degenerate Art exhibition in Munich, which was a much smaller exhibit, but of course got all the notoriety in Jewish history. 
The plaque reads “Art is a noble and sublime mission” - Hitler  For each year from 1937-1944, the German arts were celebrated.
Degenerate Art Poster  Degenerate Art Exhibit - The Entartete Kunst exhibit, featuring over 650 paintings, sculptures, prints, and books from the collections of thirty two German museums, premiered in Munich on July 19, 1937 and remained on view until November 30 before travelling to eleven other cities in Germany and Austria.  These works were then to be presented to the public in an exhibit intended to incite further revulsion against the "perverse Jewish spirit" penetrating German culture.  The first three rooms were grouped thematically.  The first room contained works considered demeaning of religion; the second featured works by Jewish artists in particular; the third contained works deemed insulting to the women, soldiers and farmers of Germany.  The rest of the exhibit had no particular theme.  There were slogans painted on the walls. For example:  “Insolent mockery of the Divine under Centrist rule ; Revelation of the Jewish racial soul ; An insult to German womanhood ; The ideal—cretin and whore ; Deliberate sabotage of national defense ; German farmers—a Yiddish view ; The Jewish longing for the wilderness reveals itself—in Germany the Negro becomes the racial ideal of a degenerate art ; Madness becomes method ; Nature as seen by sick minds ; Even museum bigwigs called this the "art of the German people"(sarcasm)
Artists in the 1937 Munich show: Jankel Adler , Ernst Barlach , Rudolf Bauer , Philipp Bauknecht , Otto Baum , Willi Baumeister , Herbert Bayer , Max Beckmann , Rudolf Belling , Paul Bindel , Theo Brün , Max Burchartz , Fritz Burger-Mühlfeld , Paul Camenisch , Heinrich Campendonk , Karl Caspar , Maria Caspar-Filser , Pol Cassel , Marc Chagall , Lovis Corinth , Heinrich Maria Davringhausen , Walter Dexel , Johannes Diesner , Otto Dix , Pranas Domšaitis , Hans Christoph Drexel , Johannes Driesch , Heinrich Eberhard ,  Max Ernst , Hans Feibusch , Lyonel Feininger , Conrad Felixmüller , Otto Freundlich , Xaver Fuhr , Ludwig Gies , Werner Gilles , Otto Gleichmann , Rudolph Grossmann , George Grosz , Hans Grundig , Rudolf Haizmann , Raoul Hausmann , Guido Hebert , Erich Heckel , Wilhelm Heckrott , Jacoba van Heemskerck , Hans Siebert von Heister , Oswald Herzog , Werner Heuser , Heinrich Hoerle , Karl Hofer , Eugen Hoffmann , Johannes Itten , Alexej von Jawlensky , Eric Johanson , Hans Jürgen Kallmann ,  Wassily Kandinsky , Hanns Katz , Ernst Ludwig Kirchner , Paul Klee , Cesar Klein , Paul Kleinschmidt , Oskar Kokoschka , Otto Lange , Wilhelm Lehmbruck , El Lissitzky , Oskar Lüthy , Franz Marc , Gerhard Marcks , Ewald Mataré , Ludwig Meidner , Jean Metzinger , Constantin von Mitschke-Collande , Laszlo Moholy-Nagy , Margarethe (Marg) Moll , Oskar Moll , Johannes Molzahn , Piet Mondrian , Georg Muche , Otto Mueller , Erich(?) Nagel , Heinrich Nauen , Ernst Wilhelm Nay , Karel Niestrath ,  Emil Nolde , Otto Pankok , Max Pechstein , Max Peiffer-Watenphul , Hans Purrmann , Max Rauh , Hans Richter , Emy Röder , Christian Rohlfs , Edwin Scharff , Oskar Schlemmer , Rudolf Schlichter , Karl Schmidt-Rottluff , Werner Scholz , Lothar Schreyer , Otto Schubert , Kurt Schwitters , Lasar Segall , Friedrich Skade , Friedrich (Fritz) Stuckenberg , Paul Thalheimer , Johannes Tietz , Arnold Topp , Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart , Karl Völker , Christoph Voll , William Wauer , Gert Heinrich Wollheim.  This list is from Wikipedia.  I don’t believe that each artist’s works were banned in totality. Max Beckmann (2/12, 1884 – 12/28, 1950) was a German painter, draftsman, printmaker, sculptor, and writer.  In 1933, the Nazi government called Beckmann a "cultural Bolshevik" and dismissed him from his teaching position at the Art School in Frankfurt.  In 1937 more than 500 of his works were confiscated from German museums, and several of these works were put on display in the notorious Degenerate Art exhibition in Munich. Guglielmo Marconi (4/25, 1874– 7/20, 1937) was an Italian inventor, known as the father of long distance radio transmission and for his development of Marconi's law and a radio telegraph system.  Evidence has emerged that the father of wireless communications blocked all Jews from becoming members of the science-oriented Academy of Italy at the behest of Mussolini, long before Il Duce's racist laws became known to the rest of the world. Miron Cristea, (monastic name of Elie Cristea; 7/20, 1868—3/6, 1939) was an Austro-Hungarian-born Romanian cleric and politician.  A bishop in Hungarian-ruled Transylvania, Cristea was elected Metropolitan-Primate of the Orthodox Church of the newly unified Greater Romania in 1919.  As the Church was raised to a rank of Patriarchy, Miron Cristea was enthroned as the first Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1925.  In 1938, Carol I banned political parties and established a royal dictatorship, choosing Miron Cristea to be the Prime Minister of Romania, a position from which he served for about a year, between February 11, 1938 and his death.  "The Jews have caused an epidemic of corruption and social unrest.  They monopolize the press, which, with foreign help, flays all the spiritual treasures of the Romanians.  To defend ourselves is a national and patriotic duty - not anti-Semitism.  Lack of measures to get rid of the plague would indicate that we are lazy cowards who let ourselves be carried alive to our graves.  Why should we not get rid of these parasites who suck Romanian and Christian blood?  It is logical and holy to react against them." (New York Herald Tribune, August 17, 1937)
Seefahrt iset not poster A 1937 poster announcing an agricultural fair in Kiel.
9/7, 1937nazis - Hitler’s forgotten attempt to build the world’s largest Olympic stadium Hitler’s forgotten attempt to build the world’s largest Olympic stadiumHitler’s forgotten attempt to build the world’s largest Olympic stadium  German construction workers laid the cornerstone for what was to become the world's largest stadium, one that would hold over 400,000 spectators, designed by Hitler's close adviser Albert Speer. The German National Prize for Art and Science was an award created by Adolf Hitler in 1937 as a replacement for the Nobel Prize (he had forbidden Germans to accept the latter award in 1936 after an anti-Nazi German writer, Carl von Ossietzky, was awarded the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize).  The award was designed by Hermann Müller and created in the form of a pendant studded with diamonds. In fact, it was so heavy that a special mount had to be created so that it would stay on the wearer's jacket.  An extremely ornate presentation box contained the pendant and a wide red and white sash also complemented the award.  There was an image of a Greek hoplite on the obverse of the prize medal and the lettering: FÜR KUNST UND WISSENSCHAFT (For art and science) was emblazoned on the medal as well.  In addition to the medal and award sash, a cash prize of 100,000 Reichsmark was also given.  The total number of National Prizes awarded between 1937 and 1939 was nine, thus making this award one of the rarest awards given in the Third Reich, even rarer than the German Order.  1937: Architect Paul Ludwig Troost (posthumously), Reich Leader Alfred Rosenberg, Explorer Wilhelm Filchner, Surgeons August Bier and Ferdinand Sauerbruch(shared award), 1938: Head of Organization Todt Fritz Todt, Engineer Ferdinand Porsche, aircraft designers Willy Messerschmitt and Ernst Heinkel (shared award).  (Why did it end?)  Wilhelm Filchner (9/13, 1877 – 5/7, 1957) was a German explorer.  Works: Life of a Researcher, To the sixth continent (translation by William Barr 1994), Through East Tibet, Hell and Fever in Nepal Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch (7/3, 1875 – 7/2, 1951) was a German surgeon. He developed the Sauerbruch chamber, a pressure chamber for operating on the open thorax, which he demonstrated in 1904.  This invention was a breakthrough in thorax medicine and allowed heart and lung operations to take place at greatly reduced risk.  As a battlefield surgeon during World War I, he developed several new types of limb prostheses, which for the first time enabled simple movements to be executed with the remaining muscle of the patient.  In 1937, he was awarded the German National Prize for Art and Science.  Sauerbruch position towards the Nazi government is ambiguous and the subject of debate.  He was a fervent nationalist who wanted to undo the "humiliation of Versailles" and was keen to show off his country as an advanced and sophisticated society.  In 1937, he became (Reich Research Council) that supported "research projects" of the SS. Detroit's Zionist-Rabbi Leon Fram, told readers of The Milwaukee Journal, on October 3, 1937, of "a program that has been deliberately planned and publicly announced by the men who head the Polish government." To exterminate the 3,000,000 Jews of Poland. And "[t]he principal weapon relied upon for carrying out the plan of extermination is starvation." **Adrien Arcand (October 3, 1899 – August 1, 1967) was a Montreal journalist who led a series of fascist political movements between 1929 until his death in 1967.  "Through their (Jew's) international news agencies, they mold your minds and have you see the world not as it is, but as they want you to see it.  Through their cinema, they are the educators of our youth - and with just one film in two hours, can wipe out of a child's brain what he has learned in six months in the home, the church or the school." (Oct 1937 New York speech)  “Jews control 90% of the world and national powers.” (Oct 1937 speech) “If they (anti-Communists) are not taught the real truth - that Communism is nothing else than a Jewish Conspiracy - they are lost.” (Oct 1937 speech)
“Jews are eager to bring Communism, because they know what it is and what it means.  It is because Communism has not been fought for what it really is - a Jewish scheme invented by Jews - that it has progressed against all opposition to it.  We have fought the smoke-screen presented by Jewish dialecticians and publicists, refusing to fight the inventor, profiteer and string-puller.  Because Christians and Gentiles have come to fear the Jews, fear the truth, and they are paralyzed by the paradoxical slogans shouted by the Jews." (Oct 1937 speech)
“There is nothing else in Communism - a Jewish conspiracy to grab the whole world in their clutches; and no intelligent man in the world can find anything else, except the Jews, who rightly call it for themselves a ‘paradise on earth’.  “Communism is no doctrine, no set of principles.  It is but a criminal plan, a vulgar scheme.  Communism is a crime against God and mankind, and as in all other crimes, we must ask : Whom does the crime profit ?  The Jews.  It is not by hazard that only Jews can be found as inventors of Marxism with its great prophets Karl Marx, Engles, Ferdinand Lasalle, Liebnecht, etc.  It is not by hazard that whenever Marxism comes to power, Jews also immediately come to power. In Soviet Russia, out of 550 higher officials, 88 per cent are Jewish.
“When it came to Mexico, we saw enthroned the Jews Calles, Hubermann and Aaron Saenz, in Spain we saw Azana and Rosenburg; in Hungary we saw Bela Kun, Szamuelly, Agoston and a dozen other Jews : in Bavaria, we saw Kurt Eisner and a host of other Jews; in Belgium, Marxian Socialism brought to power Vandervelde alias Epstein, and Paul Hymans, two Jews; in France, Marxian Socialism brought forth the Jews Leon Blum (who showed so well his Jewish instincts in his filthy book Du Mariarge), Mandel, Zyromsky, Denain and a whole tribe of them; in Italy we had seen the Jews Nathan and Claudio Treves.  Everywhere, Marxism brings Jews on the top - And this is no hazard.” (Oct 1937 speech)   “Since 1929, with the artificial crisis they provoked, they have ruined more than one third of all owners - a willfully organized plan to propagate poverty, misery, despair, the very ground where to sow Communism. (Oct 1937 speech) ** Rear Admiral Henry Hamilton (H.H.) Beamish (1874 – 3/27, 1948) was the British author of “The Jews' Who's Who: Israelite Finance: its Sinister Influence” (1921).  In 1919 he founded of the nationalist organization The Britons.  Many of The Britons had ties to the British territories and consider themselves White supremacists.  Beamish was born in 1874 and came from a family with a history of service to the British Empire as soldiers and sailors.  He fought in the Boer War and during World War I served with the South African infantry.  His experience in the Boer War lead him to conclude it was fought for Jewish gold and diamond interests.  In addition, the Jewish-inspired Bolshevik Revolution in Russia with the assistance of Jewish financiers from Wall Street made him aware of the sinister activities of International Jewry. 
"In 1848 the word "anti-Semitic" was invented by the Jews to prevent the use of the word "Jew."  The right word for them is "Jew" ... "I implore all of you to be accurate - call them Jews.  There is no need to be delicate on this Jewish question.  You must face them in this country.  The Jew should be satisfied here.  I was here forty-seven years ago; your doors were thrown open to the Jews and they were free.  No he has got you absolutely by the throat - that is your reward." (N.Y. speech, Oct 1937)  "The Boer War occurred 37 years ago.  Boer means farmer.  Many criticized a great power like Britain for trying to wipe out the Boers.  Upon making inquiry, I found all the gold and diamond mines of South Africa were owned by Jews; that Rothschild controlled gold; Samuels controlled silver, Baum controlled other mining, and Moses controlled base metals.  Anything these people touch they inevitably pollute." Beamish, Henry H. 20th century British publisher.
"There is no need to be delicate on this Jewish question.  You must face them in this country.  The Jew should be satisfied here.  I was here forty-seven years ago; your doors were thrown open and you were then free.  Now he has got you absolutely by the throat - that is their reward." (N.Y. speech, Oct 1937) “Communism is Judaism.  The Jewish Revolution in Russia was in 1918. (N.Y. speech, Oct 1937) “The Jews make wars.  The Jews manufactured Bolshevism and inflation.  The question of money is only the question of Jews manipulating it.  The Jew will inflate it or deflate it at will.  Why is it done? To wipe out the upper and middle classes.  It is the Jews who preach Communism for us, and who spread Socialism, Bolshevism, and Anarchy.  Then the Jew is supreme. (N.Y. speech, Oct 1937)
“The world condition up to 1933 was perfect for the Jews.  The position in England was perfect for them.  At the Kosher Peace (1918) there were so many Jews that they had to have Kosher food. (N.Y. speech, Oct 1937) “I am prepared to prove that Bolshevism (which is merely a modern word for Judaism), the vicious manipulations of foreign exchanges, and the general ‘world unrest’ prevailing today, may be summed up in two words, namely, Jew Finance.
“What we have to realize today is that the Jews are working overtime to bring on another war.  The position is serious.  They tried their utmost in Spain. The movement having failed there, they shifted to Shanghai, where there were 7,000 Jews - refugees, lawyers, doctors and dentists - now working day and night to bring trouble to the far east.”  “The majority of the English do not realize that, having done their duty by the inner Jewish circle, they have now to disappear as a world power. (N.Y. speech, Oct 1937)

"Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred.  The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation.  We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child." (Jewish professor A. Kulischer, October, 1937-France) Eugene M. Kulischer (1881–1956) was a Russian American sociologist, an authority on demography, migration, and manpower, and an expert on Russia. 
“Where the Jews Fail” by Maurice M Feuerlicht, son of Rabbi in Forum October, 1937.  He speaks of the martyr complex, which leads to Jews always complaining about being persecuted and under threat of ‘anti-Semitism’, many inferior, immoral Jews being promoted.

Nov 5, 1937 - Hitler reveals suggests plans for bringing German territories back to the Reich during Hossbach Conference. Anti-semitism jewish star (Are these of the movie or the museum?)             Nov 8, 1937 - Germans opened a Fair in the Munich Museum to commemorate the fourteenth anniversary of The Beer-Hall Putsch.  The show was entitled Der ewige Jude (Eternal Jew, but possibly Wandering Jew) and showed until January 31, 1938.  Although this was the most famous exhibition of 'Degenerate Art', it was preceded by a number of other exhibitions in cities such as Mannheim, Karlsruhe, Dresden, Munich, Berlin and Vienna.
“All Jews, including the “eternal” ones, are “bad”; the antithesis of Christian and Jew is one of the binary oppositions of Western culture and corresponds to the antipodes of Christian conservatism and Jewish liberalism: (heartfelt) mysticism and (heartless) science, trust and withering skepticism, loyalty and betrayal, community and mob, busy bee and parasite, garden and wasteland.  “Good Jews” like Lessing’s Nathan the Wise, Cumberland’s Sheva, Walker’s Schechem, and Dickens’ Riah who appeared in the humanitarian literature of the late eighteenth and early to mid-nineteenth century were good only because they were more Christian than the bourgeois Christians who were behaving like Shylock and Fagin; capitalism purged of its Judas red-beards would presumably lose its heartless and exploitative character.  Christian landlords would never evict a tenant, Christian bankers would never foreclose a mortgage: this -- idea is fundamental to the völkisch revolution of Nazism, but was not their invention.  Nazi anti-Semitism, then, was only partly about the considerable material advantages in expropriating Jewish property and expelling Jewish rivals: Nazis, to maintain their credibility as redeemers and protectors, would have to plunge a stake in the heart of the “demon Thought” (to use Byron’s expression).” - (anti-Nazi Clare Spark explanation) The Propagation of the Jews.

On 19th Nov 1937 the Nicholas Murray Butler addressed a banquet in London with the words, "Communism is the instrument with which the financial world can topple national governments and then erect a world government with a world police and world money."  Nicholas Murray Butler (April 2, 1862 – December 7, 1947) was an American philosopher, diplomat, and educator.  Butler was president of Columbia University, president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.  Anti-Semitism was common in American education during Butler’s day, and it may be argued that his personal dislike of Jews, and discriminatory policies against them, were no worse than average for that time.  Nonetheless, Butler often considered Jews as a whole to be aggressive and vulgar and for many years of his presidency.

Dec 13, 1937 -The Nanking ‘Massacre’, was a six-week period following the Japanese capture of the city.  Nanking was the Capital of China from 1927-1937.  This was the capture of the enemy Capital!  Allied history says that hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were murdered and 20,000–80,000 women were raped by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army.   Several aspects have been disputed by historical revisionists and Japanese nationalists, who have claimed that the massacre has been either exaggerated or wholly fabricated for propaganda purposes.  Estimates of the death toll vary widely.   The International Military Tribunal of the Far East estimates 260,000 casualties; China's official estimate is 300,000 casualties, based on the evaluation of the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal.  Japanese historians estimate a lower death toll, in the vicinity of 100,000–200,000.  Some claim the existence of only 40,000 deaths or even deny that a widespread, systematic massacre occurred at all, claiming that any deaths were either justified militarily, accidental or isolated incidents of unauthorized atrocities.
**Nazi Economic Miracle: Since Hitler took power- Paper manufacture has increased 50%; diesel oil 66%; coal 68%; oil fuel 80%; mineral oil 90%; artificial silk 100%; kerosene 110%; steel 167%; lubricating oil 190%; motor fuels 470%; sluminum 570%; Zellwoille 2500%.****Jewish Resettlement Plans: Jewish State of Birobidzhan (is a town and the administrative center of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Russia.  It is located on the Trans-Siberian railway, close to the border with the People's Republic of China.  The city was planned by the German architect Hannes Meyer commissioned by Russia and was granted urban-type settlement status in 1928 and town status in 1937.  According to Rabbi Mordechai Scheiner, the Chief Rabbi (since 2002)of Birobidzhan and Chabad Lubavitch representative to the region, "Today one can enjoy the benefits of the Yiddish culture and not be afraid to return to their Jewish traditions.  Birobidjan was the Soviet’s answer to Zionism.  American Jews—with Palestine still in the distant future -enthusiastically embraced the offer.  The American Birobidjan Committee was immediately launched for the purpose of settling “Jewish victims of Fascism” in this new Jewish “state.”
The autonomous Jewish districts created in the Ukraine by the Soviet Union were named Kalinindorf (1927), Novo Zlatopol (1929), and Stalindorf (1930); in Crimea, Fraidorf (1931) and Larindorf (1935).  But despite the success of Migration Policy in late 1920's and the beginning of 1930's Jews have not been able to become a clear majority in Fraydorf and Larindorf rayons.  Jewish resettlement in Crimea virtually ceased to 1937.  Violent collectivization, "internationalization" of Jewish kolkhozes, the fight with Jewish tradition and religion, land and economic conflicts with neighbors, course of industrialization, redirection of efforts to the settling in Birobidzhan, reduction of foreign aid led to the exodus of the Jewish population from agricultural settlements in the rapidly growing cities. The Madagascar Plan was a suggested policy of the Nazi government of Germany to relocate the Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar.  The evacuation of European Jews to the island of Madagascar was not a new concept.  Paul de Lagarde, an orientalist scholar, apparently first suggested the idea in 1885, and it was taken up in the 1920s by Henry Hamilton Beamish, Arnold Leese and others.  For its part, the Zionist Movement in 1904-5 seriously debated—though it ultimately rejected—the British Uganda Program by which Jews were to be settled in Uganda. The adherents of Territorialism split off from Zionism and looked throughout the world for places where Jews might settle and create a state or at least an autonomous area—though they are not known to have considered Madagascar, specifically, in that role.
The leaders of Nazi Germany seized on the idea, and Adolf Hitler signed off on it in 1938.  In May 1940, Heinrich Himmler, in his Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Races in the East, declared: "I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large emigration of all Jews to Africa or some other colony."  Although some discussion of this plan had been brought forward from 1938 by other well-known Nazi ideologues, such as Julius Streicher, Hermann Göring, Alfred Rosenberg and Joachim von Ribbentrop, it was not until 1940 that the planning process was actually set in motion.  Following the Franco-German armistice of June 25, Franz Rademacher recommended as one of the terms of a peace treaty with France, that France make her colony Madagascar available as a destination for Jews from Europe.  The plan eventually called for the resettlement of one million Jews per year over four years, and abandoning the idea of retaining any Jews in Europe whatsoever.  When British and British Empire forces took Madagascar from Vichy forces in 1942 and transferred it to the Free (Communist and Gaullist) French, this effectively ended all talk of the Plan.
Hitler Wanted to Give Paradise to the Jews: Germany's Madagascar Resettlement Plan:
Hitler’s final solution offered Jewish leaders the island of Madagascar, the relatively untouched, mineral-rich, barely populated, large and secluded island off the coast of east Africa. In a meeting with Vichy French Prime Minister Pierre Laval, Laval agreed to turn the French island of Madagascar into a new Jewish homeland where, ultimately, all of Central Europe’s 4,000,000 Jews might be settled. This new Madagascar was to be governed by a joint German-French board with representation granted to any government cooperating. The Nazi World Service—a Jewish group monitoring Germany—asserted that a secret clause of the Franco-German Armistice required that the French government allow Europe’s Jews to enter Madagascar. What a paradise Madagascar could have become, but instead Zionists insisted on locating in the Holy Land, where they knew strife and conflict awaited on property they had no legal claim to. What was the Madagascar Plan and why did it fail? What world leaders supported it—and which did not? Why was the plan eventually abandoned?

The British Uganda Programme was a plan to give a portion of British East Africa to the Jewish people as a homeland.  The offer was first made by British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain to Theodore Herzl's Zionist group in 1903.  He offered 5,000 square miles (13,000 km2) of the Mau Plateau in what is today Kenya and Uganda.  The offer was a response to pogroms against the Jews in Russia, and it was hoped the area could be a refuge from persecution for the Jewish people.  The idea was brought to the Zionist Congress at its sixth meeting in 1903 in Basel, and by a remaining vote of 295 to 177, it was decided to send an "investigatory commission" on expedition to examine the territory proposed.  After receiving this report, the following Congress in 1905 decided to politely decline the British offer.  The Uganda Debate occasionally is still brought up in the political debates within present-day Israel.  The implication is that liberal Israelis - like the adherents of Uganda Programme - are simply interested in a place where Jews can live in peace, and care little about restoring historical and/or religious standing.
Fugu Plan - In the 1930s Imperial Japan proposed settling Jewish refugees in Manchukuo or Japan-occupied Shanghai, thus gaining the benefit of the supposed economic prowess of the Jews and also convincing the United States, and specifically American Jewry, to grant political favor and economic investment into Japan.  The idea was partly based on the acceptance of the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as being as a genuine document by at least part of the Japanese leadership.  In June and July 1939, the memorandums "Concrete Measures to be Employed to Turn Friendly to Japan the Public Opinion Far East Diplomatic Policy Close Circle of President of USA by Manipulating Influential Jews in China," and "The Study and Analysis of Introducing Jewish Capital" came to be reviewed and approved by the top Japanese officials in China.  Methods of attracting both Jewish and American favor were to include the sending of a delegation to the United States, to introduce American rabbis to the similarities between Judaism and Shinto, and the bringing of rabbis back to Japan in order to introduce them and their religion to the Japanese.  Methods were also suggested for gaining the favor of American journalism and Hollywood.  The majority of the documents were devoted to the settlements, allowing for the settlement populations to range in size from 18,000, up to 600,000.  Details included the land size of the settlement, infrastructural arrangements, schools, hospitals etc. for each level of population.  Jews in these settlements were to be given complete freedom of religion, along with cultural and educational autonomy.  While the authors were wary of affording too much political autonomy, it was felt that some freedom would be necessary to attract settlers, as well as economic investment.
Their decision to attract Jews to Manchukuo came from a belief that the Jewish people were wealthy and had considerable political influence. Jacob Schiff, a Jewish-American banker who, thirty years earlier, offered sizable loans to the Japanese government which helped it win the Russo-Japanese War was well-known.  In March 1938, Lieutenant General Kiichiro Higuchi of the Imperial Japanese Army proposed the reception of some Jewish refugees from Russia to General Hideki Tojo.  Despite German protests, Tojo approved and had Manchuria, then a state of Japan, admit them.  (The memorandums were not actually called The Fugu Plan in Japanese.)  Tokayer and Swartz base their claim on statements made by Captain Koreshige Inuzuka. They alleged that such a plan was first discussed in 1934 and then solidified in 1938, supported by notables such as Inuzuka, Ishiguro Shiro and Norihiro Yasue; however, the signing of the Tripartite Pact in 1941 and other events prevented its full implementation.

****The Hossbach Memorandum was the summary of a meeting on November 5, 1937 between Adolf Hitler and his military and foreign policy leadership where Hitler's future expansionist policies were outlined.  It outlined Hitler's plans for expansion in Europe. The memorandum was named for the keeper of the minutes of the meeting, Hitler's military adjutant, Colonel Count Friedrich Hossbach. Besides Colonel Hossbach and Hitler, those attending the meeting were the Reich Foreign Minister Baron Konstantin von Neurath, the Reich War Minister Field Marshal Werner von Blomberg, the Army Commander General Werner von Fritsch, the Kriegsmarine Commander Admiral Erich Raeder and the Luftwaffe Commander Hermann Göring.
DAS HOSSBACH-'PROTOKOLL': DIE ZERSTOERUNG EINER LEGENDE (THE HOSSBACH 'PROTOCOL': THE DESTRUCTION OF A LEGEND) by Dankwart Kluge. Leoni am Starnberger See: Druffel Verlag [D-81311, 1980, 168pp, DM 19.80, ISBN 3-80611003-4.
At the Nuremberg Tribunal the Allies sought to prove that Hitler had engaged in a "Conspiracy to Wage Aggressive War."  The most important piece of evidence produced to sustain this charge was the "Hossbach Protocol" or "Hossbach Memorandum."  Five days after the conference, Hossbach wrote up an unauthorized record of the meeting based on memory.  He did not take notes during the conference. Hossbach claimed after the war that he twice asked Hitler to read the memorandum, but the Chancellor replied that he had no time.  Apparently none of the other participants even knew of the existence of the Colonel's conference record.  Nor did they consider the meeting particularly important.  His manuscript was filed away with many other papers and forgotten. A copy was given to the Allied occupation authorities, who used it to produce a substantially altered version.  Sentences such as those quoting Hitler as saying that "The German question can only be solved by force" were invented and inserted.  Overall, the document presented at Nuremberg is less than half the length of the original Hossbach manuscript.  Both the original written by Hossbach and the Kirchbach/Martin copy have completely (and conveniently) disappeared.  Hitler's alleged references to German "living space" refer only to Austria and Czechia.
When Hitler came to power in 1933, Germany was militarily at the mercy of hostile foreign states.  Rearmament had begun slowly, and in early 1937, because of a raw materials shortage, the three armed service branches had to cut back. A furious dispute broke out between the branches for the remaining allocation.  Contrary to what the Hossbach protocol suggests, Hitler called the conference of November 5, 1937 partially to reconcile the heads of the military branches and partially to revive the German rearmament program.  Foreign policy was only a subsidiary issue.  Hitler sought to justify the need for rebuilding German armed strength by presenting several exaggerated and hypothetical foreign crisis cases which would require military action, none of which ever occurred.  Hitler announced no new course in German foreign policy, much less a plan for aggressive war.
Like some other aristocratic and traditionalist conservatives, Hossbach became a bitter opponent of Hitler and the National Socialist regime.  Despite his postwar denial, it is virtually certain that Hossbach prepared his slanted version of the conference at Beck's urging for possible use in discrediting the Hitler regime following a coup d'etat.  Even in early 1938 Hossbach, Beck and Canaris were in favor of a coup to forcibly overthrow Hitler.  Examples of deceptive citations occur in William Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.  Of the five top officials present, three (Blomberg, Fritsch, Neurath) lost their high positions within months of the meeting.
At Nuremberg, the document was crucial in condemning Goering, Neurath and Raeder for their roles in the "criminal conspiracy."  The spurious Hossbach protocol is all too typical of the kind of evidence used by the victorious Allies at Nuremberg to legitimize their judicial imprisonment and murder of defeated Germany's leaders.  There is now no doubt that the Hossbach protocol is worthless as a historical document.  After the war both Hossbach and Kirchbach declared that the U.S. prosecution version is quite different than the document manuscript they recalled.  And in his memoirs, he admitted that in any case, Hitler did not outline any kind of "war plan" at the meeting.  At Nuremberg, Goering, Raeder, Blomberg and Neurath all denounced the Hossbach protocol as a gross misrepresentation of the conference. (
When he wrote his study, The Origins of the Second World War, A.J.P. Taylor accepted the Hossbach memorandum as a faithful record of the meeting of November 5, 1937.  However, in a supplementary "Second Thoughts" added to later editions, the British historian admitted that he had initially been "taken in" by the "legend" of the document.  H.W. Koch, a Lecturer at the University of York (England), further dismantled the legend in a 1968 article which concluded that the infamous protocol would be "inadmissible in any other court except the Nuremberg tribunal."
Meissen Plate Meissen Plate  Hunting and Shooting  International Hunting Exhibition November 1937 Berlin
Reichsbund Deutschjagershaft Jagerhorn Music German Hunter with Bow This is Alte Germania depicted just as it was. The warrior wears a horned headpiece as these ancient hunters often did when pursuing game. They did not wear such gear, however, while engaged in warfare. He proudly sports a necklace of bear claws that reminds one of almost the same sort of ornamentation worn by American Indian warriors. In fact, with the exception that he wears a beard he looks very much like an early American woodland Indian. His weapons are a bow with quiver of arrows and a spear tipped with flint or other stone as the spear point.
 Hunting and Shooting Hunting and Shooting - Child Evangelism Fellowship founded by Jesse Irvin Overholzer (1877-1955).  The organization lists as its purpose to teach the Christian Gospel to boys and girls and to get them involved in local Christian churches, focusing specifically on teaching children the Bible.  It has programs established in all 50 states and 167 countries around the world, with 750 full-time workers in the USA, and an estimated 40,000 volunteers in the USA and Canada, and over 1,200 missionaries overseas, approximately 1,000 of whom are nationals.  During the reporting year ending in August 2008, they reported teaching more than 9.3 million children, mostly in small group settings.
Paolo Orano (6/15 1875 -4/7 1945) was an Italian psychologist and syndicalist politician and writer who later became a leading figure within the National Fascist Party.  The Jews of Italy (1937) was one of the more influential books published under the Mussolini regime. Napoleon Hill (10/26, 1883 – 11/8, 1970) was an author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success literature. He is widely considered to be one of the great writers on success.  His most famous work, “Think and Grow Rich” (1937), is one of the best-selling books of all time (at the time of Hill's death in 1970, “Think and Grow Rich” had sold 20 million copies).  Hill's works examined the power of personal beliefs, and the role they play in personal success.  He became an advisor to President Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1936.  "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" is one of Hill's hallmark expressions.  How achievement actually occurs, and a formula for it that puts success in reach of the average person, were the focal points of Hill's books.  Many of the Prosperity Gospel advocates have Hill as an inspiration. 
Friends of Democracy, Inc. (FOD) was organized in 1937.  The group described itself as "a non-partisan, non-sectarian, non-profit, anti-totalitarian propaganda agency."  In 1942 propagandist Rex Stout later became chairman of Friends of Democracy.  John Dewey, Thomas Mann, Van Wyck Brooks, and Will Durant were also prominent members.  By 1939 the Friends of Democracy had files on over 800 pro-NS Germany organizations in America.  Author James P. Duffy in his book “Lindbergh vs. Roosevelt: The Rivalry That Divided America” claims that Friends of Democracy was a front group for British intelligence.  An interesting point which supports this claim is that FOD was strongly interventionist during time of the Hitler-Stalin pact.  The group was the forerunner of today’s "watchdog" organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center that track so-called "hate groups".  Rex Todhunter Stout (12/1, 1886 – 10/27, 1975) was a writer noted for his detective fiction.  Stout is best known as the creator of the larger-than-life fictional detective Nero Wolfe.
“La Grande Illusion” (Grand Illusion) is a 1937 French war film directed by Jean Renoir.  The story concerns class relationships among a small group of French officers who are prisoners of war during World War I and are plotting an escape.  The title of the film comes from a book—The Great Illusion by British economist Norman Angell—which argued that war is futile because of the common economic interests of all European nations.  The perspective of the film is generously humanistic to its characters of various nationalities.  It is regarded by critics and film historians as one of the masterpieces of French cinema and among the greatest films ever made.   Jean Renoir (9/15, 1894 – 2/12, 1979) was a French film director, screenwriter, actor, producer and author.  As a film director and actor, he made more than forty films from the silent era to the end of the 1960s.  Renoir through the character of Rosenthal, a son from a nouveau riche Jewish banking family, was created as a symbol of humanity across class lines: though he may be financially wealthy, he shares his food parcels with everyone; Renoir rebuffs Jewish stereotypes. the air protection league (RLB), watching for (enemy) planes flying over Germany.
1.Lifeboat Bremen  2.Lightship Elbe I Boats  4.Wilhelm Gustloff  5.four-masted barque Padua  6.Steamer Tannenberg  7.ferry Schwerin  8.Steamship Hamburg  9.Steamship Europe 2 Reichspfennig 24K Gold coin from 1937 1oz  .999 Fine Silver Hitler/Mussolini Commemorative
****More Jewish Persecution and Accomodation (to force Jews to emigrate.): 1937: 3/5 German officials announce that the nation's film industry is completely cleansed of Jews.  4/20 The International Order of B'nai B'rith is banned throughout Germany.  7/24 An order segregating Jews from "Aryans" in German health resorts and public baths is issued.  10/20 Jewish market stalls and shops are picketed by Nazi police. Thomas John Watson, Sr. (2/17, 1874 – 6/19, 1956) was the chairman and CEO of International Business Machines (IBM), who oversaw that company's growth into an international force from 1914 to 1956.  Watson developed IBM's distinctive management style and corporate culture, based largely around punched card tabulating machines.  In 1937, he received The Order of the German Eagle.

1938         1938         1938         1938

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