Friday, June 17, 2011

1920 - 1924

(My original has many pictures and illustrations.  Please excuse this installment until I am able to complete it.)

1920         1920         1920         1920
1/14 French General Maurice Janin, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied troops in Siberia, orders the Czecho-Slovak Legion to kidnap Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak, leader of the anti-Bolshevik resistance, and hand him over to the Bolsheviks at Irkutsk in exchange for one-third of the bullion of the Russian Imperial Treasury which is under Kolchak's control.  This bullion will become the first national treasury of the newly created country of Czechoslovakia. (Sturdza).
2/8 Winston Churchill writes in the Illustrated Sunday Herald: "From the days of Spartacus -- Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky... this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization... has been steadily growing."
   (Peasants in Tyrol, ~1920) Franz Defregger (after 1883 Franz von Defregger) (4/30, 1835 – 1/2, 1921) was an Austrian artist known mostly for his genre and history paintings.
It has been alleged that the British used gas in Mesopotamia in 1920, during the Iraqi revolt, in the period of the British Mandate.  It is clear that the use of tear gas was considered, as a War Office minute of 5/12, 1919 shows, in which Winston Churchill argued: "I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas.  We have definitely adopted the position at the Peace Conference of arguing in favour of the retention of gas as a permanent method of warfare.  It is sheer affectation to lacerate a man with the poisonous fragment of a bursting shell and to boggle at making his eyes water by means of lachrymatory gas.  I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes.  The moral effect should be so good that the loss of life should be reduced to a minimum.  It is not necessary to use only the most deadly gasses: gasses can be used which cause great inconvenience and would spread a lively terror and yet would leave no serious permanent effects on most of those affected."  There is however little evidence that this actually took place, or that use of lethal gas was used.  The British Manual of Military Law stated that the rules of war applied only to conflict "between civilized nations."  Already in the Manual of 1914, it was clearly stated that "they do not apply in wars with uncivilized States and tribes".  "RAF Officers asked Churchill... for use of poison gas.  He agreed but it was not used".

 ****Scientific Racialism 2:
As in Scientific Racialism 1 (under 1820), there were multitudes of European and American linguists, anthropologists, historians, archaeologists, etc. that continued to expand on these concepts of European superiority.  Other races could excel and No Race was considered sub-human as the propaganda states, only that Europeans had accomplished so much more through genetic attributes and sociological impulses.
Otto Georg Ammon (12/7, 1842- 1/14, 1916) was a German anthropologist.  He is best known for his masterwork, "Natural Selection among Humans" (1883), in which he argued that a significantly higher proportion of persons of Germanic ancestry are to be found within the European aristocracies.
 Felix Ritter von Luschan (8/11, 1854 – 2/7, 1924) was an Austrian doctor, anthropologist, explorer, archaeologist and ethnographer.
Joseph Deniker (3/6, 1852– 3/18, 1918) was a (truly) Russian-born French naturalist and anthropologist, known primarily for his attempts to develop highly-detailed maps of race in Europe.  Deniker held there were ten European races (six primary races with four subsidiary or sub-races). The 6 primary races are Nordic, Littoral (also called Atlanto-Mediterranean), Oriental, Adriatic (also called Dinaric), Ibero-Insular, and Occidental (also called Cevenole).  The four subtypes are Sub-Nordic, North-Occidental, Vistula, and Sub-Adriatic.  Deniker wrote "Races de l'Europe" in 1899.  Deniker proposed that the concept of race was too confusing, and instead proposed the use of the word "ethnic group" instead.
William Zebina Ripley (10/13, 1867 – 8/16, 1941) was an economist and racial theorist.  Ripley was famous for his criticisms of American railroad economics and American business practices in the 1920s and 1930s and later his tripartite racial theory of Europe.  In 1899, he authored “The Races of Europe: A Sociological Study”, which laid emphasis on the Jews’ “physical degeneracy”.  Ripley believed that race was the central engine to understanding human history.  However, his work also afforded strong weight to environmental and non-biological factors, such as traditions.  Ripley classified Europeans into three distinct races:  Teutonic —Alpine —Mediterranean.  Ripley's tripartite system of race put him at odds both with other scholars who insisted that there was only one European race, and those who insisted that there were dozens of European races. The Races of Europe, overall, became an influential book of the Progressive Era in the field of racial taxonomy.  Madison Grant changed "Teutonic" into Nordic type, which he postulated as a master race.
Edward Alsworth Ross (12/12, 1866–7/22, 1951) was a progressive sociologist, eugenicist, and major figure of early criminology.  In “The Old World and the New” (1914) he wrote that new immigrants and especially the Jews were “beaten men from beaten breeds….moral cripples,., their souls warped and dwarfed by iron circumstances….”
Charles Benedict Davenport (6/1, 1866–2/18, 1944) was a prominent eugenicist and biologist.
Henry Pratt Fairchild (1880–1956) was a distinguished sociologist actively involved in many of the controversial issues of his time.  He wrote about race relations, abortion and contraception, and immigration.  He was involved with the founding of Planned Parenthood and served as President to the American Eugenics Society.  He wrote “The Melting Pot Mistake” (1926), in which he accused "the Jews" of diluting the true American stock.  In his book, “Race and Nationality” (1947), Fairchild blamed anti-Semitism and the holocaust in part on "the Jews."
Carleton Stevens Coon, (6/23 1904 – 6/3 1981) was a physical anthropologist and concluded that sometimes different racial types annihilated other types while in other cases warfare and/or settlement led to the partial displacement of racial types.  He asserted that Europe was the refined product of a long history of racial progression.  He stated that historically "different strains in one population have showed differential survival values and often one has reemerged at the expense of others (in Europeans)", in The Races of Europe, The White Race and the New World (1939).  He stated the "maximum survival" of the European racial type was increased by the replacement of the indigenous peoples of the New World.  He stated the history of the White race to have involved "racial survivals" of White subraces.  In The Races of Europe, Coon classified Caucasoids into racial sub-groups named after regions or archaeological sites, expanding the tripartite system Mediterranean-Alpine-Nordic of Ripley (1899) by types such as Brünn, Borreby, Ladogan, East Baltic, Neo-Danubian, Lappish, Atlanto-Mediterranean, Irano-Afghan, Hallstatt, Keltic, Tronder, Dinaric, Noric and Armenoid.
 Georges Vacher de Lapouge (12/12, 1854-2/20, 1936) was a French anthropologist and a theoretician of eugenics and racialism.  He studied history and philology and learned several languages such as Akkadian, Egyptian, Hebrew, Chinese, and Japanese.  He wrote (1899, "The Aryan and his Social Role").
Vacher de Lapouge's ideas partly mirror those of Henri de Boulainvilliers (1658–1722), who believed that the Germanic Franks formed the upper class of French society, whereas the Gauls were the ancestors of the peasantry.  In virtue of heredity, the Northerners intrinsically possessed more qualities than the Mediterranean type.  In 1926, he prefaced and translated into French Madison Grant's Passing of the Great Race (1926).  Lapouge attributed to the Northern Aryan the upper classes in Egypt, Chaldea, Assyria, Persia, and India, as well as a large impact on the Greco-Roman civilization.  Being adventurous, they solve everything and come to the fight for the love of it, not based on profit.  They demanded respect for individual freedom and soon tried to elevate themselves, rather than to humiliate others.
“Indeed, on the monuments of Egypt, the Chaldeans and Assyrians, all dignitaries are depicted as blond, blue-eyed and tall.  Greeks in Egyptian images are also tall, blond and dolichocephalic. Gods and heroes of Homer were always tall and blond with bright eyes.   Virgil, Ovid, Dante and Petrarch agree.  It is enough to reconsider gallery of paintings of the Renaissance, to see how blonde hair then prevailed, especially in women. Protestantism - the evolution of Catholicism - has spread mainly among the blond peoples of Europe, and not among the black-haired.”(incomplete quote)
Norwegian scientist Halfdan Brun (sp?)(1864-1933) wrote "Nordic Man" (1929).  H. Brune pointed out that Norway remained an area where 100% of the adult male population has white skin, 98.5% - blue eyes and 99% of blond or red hair, which made the logical conclusion: "Recently, a lot of talk about the homeland Nordic race.  The fact that it is today represented in almost pure form in Scandinavia, suggests that it was her ancestral home. "  
German linguist Geert Alfred (1865-1936) book "Indo-Germans" (1907 )
 Gustaf Kossinna (9/28, 1858 -12/20, 1931) was a linguist and professor of German archaeology at the University of Berlin. Along with Carl Schuchhardt he was the most influential German prehistorian of his day, and was creator of the techniques of "settlement archaeology".  According to him, lands, where artifacts had been found that he considered to be "Germanic", were part of ancient Germanic territory.  In 1919 he allegedly sent a copy of his book "The Vistula Area, an ancient homeland of the German people" to the Versailles conference in order to emphasise that territory claimed for the new Polish state should be German.  Kossinna introduced the idea that an Aryan race, superior to other peoples, could be equated with the ancient Germans, arguing that Germany was the key to the unwritten history of the ancient world.  
Kossinna emphasised a diffusionist model of culture, according to which cultural evolution occurred by a "process whereby influences, ideas and models were passed on by more advanced peoples to the less advanced with which they came into contact."  Kossinna’s Germanic ethnocentric theories aimed to present a history of Germany superior even to that of the Roman Empire: an expansive and powerful culture that spread civilization through heroic migrations.  As he argued, "Germanic people were never destroyers of culture, unlike the Romans - and the French in recent times."  This gave the perfect foundation for the belief that Germany occupied the leading position in world civilization.  He wrote "Ancient Germans" (1921).
Otto Georg Ammon (12/7, 1842- 1/14, 1916) was a German anthropologist.  He is best known for his masterwork, "Natural Selection among Humans" (1883), in which he argued that a significantly higher proportion of persons of Germanic ancestry are to be found within the European aristocracies.
Jewish racial theorists Heinrich Hertz (1832-1894) and Ignaz Tsolshan (1877-1948) explained the existence of blond Jews mixed in their noble blood that occurred in ancient times, when the hordes of "educators and Magog" invaded Judah. In his book "The Racial Problem" (Moscow, 1914), Tsolshan in the spirit of his time, wrote: "The Northern Race type also occurs in the Incas, the North American Indians, the inhabitants of Java, the Pacific Islands, and the Malay Archipelago."
  Jew Salomon Reinach (8/29, 1858 – 11/4, 1932) was a French archaeologist.  In 1892, he wrote "Aryans" - a science-like ode in honor of the non Jew white race. (Why is this book left off of Wikipedia list?)

 The Vagabonds:  For several years before and after 1920, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John Burroughs, and Harvey Firestone participated in a series of motor camping caravans, which have been described as the first notable linking of the automobile with out-door recreation. At different times, naturalist John Burroughs, other notables and even President Harding joined them.
1920 Ernst Niekisch (5/23, 1889 – 5/27, 1967) was a prominent German exponent of National Bolshevism.  During the 1920s he stressed the importance of nationalism and attempted to turn the SPD in that direction.  He was vehemently opposed to the Dawes Plan, the Locarno Treaties and the general pacifism of the SPD, so much so that he was expelled from the party in 1926.  Niekisch and his followers adopted the name of "National Bolsheviks" and looked to the Soviet Union as a continuation of both Russian nationalism and the old state of Prussia.  The movement took the slogan of "Sparta-Potsdam-Moscow".  He was a member of ARPLAN - the Association for the Study of Russian Planned Economy - along with Ernst Jünger, Georg Lukács, Karl Wittfogel and Friedrich Hielscher, under whose auspices he visited the Soviet Union in 1932.  Although anti-Semitic and in favor of a totalitarian state, Niekisch rejected Adolf Hitler as he felt he lacked any real socialism, and instead looked to Joseph Stalin and the industrial development of the Soviet Union as his model for the Führer Principle.  After a time in the underground he was arrested in 1937 and was sentenced to life imprisonment two years later at the Volksgerichtshof for 'literary high treason'.  He was released in 1945, by which time he was blind.  Embittered against nationalism by his war-time experiences he turned to orthodox Marxism and lectured in sociology in Humboldt University in East Germany until 1953 when, disillusioned by the brutal suppression of the workers' uprising, he moved to West Berlin, where he later died.
Pío Baroja y Nessi (12/28, 1872 – 10/30, 1956) was a Spanish Basque writer, one of the key novelists of the Generation of '98.   “The Jew has a profound hatred for Europe, believing that Europe has offended him, and he joins with gusto in whatever will discredit our continent.  Thus we see him figuring prominently in the theater and the novel, and in the erotic cinema, in 'cubism', and in the falsifications and homosexuality of Freud and his cohorts... Communism today is a great crusade that the Jewish race marshals against the European world and culture, for its own peculiar purposes. . .  The Jew, who is hardly ever an inventor, much less a true man of ideas, seizes with great enthusiasm the Communist theory of a man of his own race like Karl Marx, and he propagates it with great artistry... The Jew believes that he is destined to be the supreme power among the nations.  He has an inflated idea of his superiority, a profound contempt for other people and is a person of slight scruples.” (Communists, Jews and other Groups)
1920 Friedrich Gundolf, born Friedrich Leopold Gundelfinger (7/20, 1880 – 7/12, 1931) was a German-Jewish literary scholar and poet and one of the most famous academics of the Weimar Republic.  From 1916 to the late 1920s, Friedrich Gundolf was professor at Heidelberg University.  In 1921, one of his students was Joseph Goebbels, but Gundolf's works were banned by the Nazis in 1933.  Yet even Gundolf wrote, “Only Germany is not yet completed … but our people, the only people in possession of a wealth that is still intact and formless and at the same time, of a creative force to mould that wealth, the only people, in short, which is still young, is thereby entitled and in duty bound to regenerate Europe.”
“The Jews must get out of Germany.  The property of the Jews must be seized.  Jews should be kept out of German high schools and colleges.  They should be deprived of electoral rights.  Jewish banks and warehouses should be seized.  Jews should be put out of the stock exchange.  The guilds should be reestablished. Physical labor should be introduced for Jews.  Germans should be forbidden to work for Jews and punished if they do so.” -German National Peoples Party (not the Nazis), 1920 policy statement

 Prohibition in the United States, also known as The Noble Experiment, was the period from 1919 to 1933, during which the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol were banned nationally as mandated in the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.  Under substantial pressure from the temperance movement, the United States Senate proposed the Eighteenth Amendment on December 18, 1917.  Having been approved by 36 states, the 18th Amendment was ratified on January 16, 1919 and effected on January 16, 1920.  Some state legislatures had already enacted statewide prohibition prior to the ratification of the 18th Amendment.  By 1923 there were 66 nations with varying degrees of Prohibition.  Those who said it failed are wrong.  The per capita alcohol consumption after Prohibition stayed at 25% pre-Prohibition levels until the late 1960’s.  Today, it is still lower than before this Noble Experiment.  Jews, not solely, but especially flaunted the laws.
On March 22, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt signed into law an amendment to the Volstead Act known as the Cullen-Harrison Act, allowing the manufacture and sale of certain kinds of alcoholic beverages. On December 5, 1933, the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment repealed the Eighteenth Amendment. However, United States federal law still prohibits the manufacture of distilled spirits without meeting numerous licensing requirements that make it impractical to produce spirits for personal beverage use.
A Western saloon is a kind of bar particular to the Old West.  Saloons served customers such as fur trappers, cowboys, soldiers, prospectors, miners, and gamblers.  In 1880, there were "about 150 saloons and four wholesale liquor houses" at Leavenworth, Kansas.  By way of entertainment, saloons offered dancing girls, some of whom occasionally or routinely doubled as prostitutes.  Many saloons offered Faro, poker, brag, three-card monte, and dice games.  Other games were added as saloons continued to prosper and face increasing competition.  These additional games included billiards, darts, and bowling.  Some saloons even included piano players, can-can girls, and theatrical skits. When a town was first founded, the initial saloons were often nothing more than tents or shacks that served homemade whiskey that included such ingredients as "raw alcohol, burnt sugar and chewing tobacco".  To stretch their profits, saloon owners would cut good whiskey with turpentine, ammonia, gun powder or cayenne.  Prohibition killed the legal saloon in 1920, but over three thousand city speakeasies and dozens of suburban roadhouses, many of them once village taverns, serviced the demand for more secret illegal drinking.  When Prohibition ended in 1933, the word “saloon” virtually disappeared from the public vocabulary.  Owners instead chose the name “cocktail lounge” or “tavern.”  The immorality of saloons, tremendous numbers owned by Jews, led to several states outlawing the use of the term saloon.
1920 4/25 War breaks out between Poland and the Soviets.  The Polish-Soviet War is the result of both traditional Polish-Russian hostility and ideological factors.  Lenin is convinced that Polish workers and peasants want a Polish Soviet Republic.  He also hopes to push toward Germany, to establish socialism there, and to secure German military and economic assistance.
1920 5/8 The Times of London publishes a long article on a recent English translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It is entitled "A Disturbing Pamphlet: A Call for Enquiry," and says in part: "What are these Protocols? Are they authentic? If so, what malevolent assembly concocted these plans, and gloated over their exposition? Are they a forgery? If so, whence comes the uncanny note of prophecy, prophecy in parts fulfilled, in parts far gone in the way of fulfillment?... Have we, by straining every fibre of our national body, escaped a 'Pax Germanica' only to fall into a 'Pax Judaica'?" (Morais)
Pope Benedict XV (11/21 1854 – 1/22 1922), born Giacomo Paolo Giovanni Battista della Chiesa, reigned as Pope from 9/3 1914 to 1/22 1922.  His pontificate was largely overshadowed by World War I and its political, social and humanitarian consequences in Europe.  He declared WWI, “the suicide of civilized Europe.”  He declared the neutrality of the Holy See and attempted from that perspective to mediate peace in 1916 and 1917. Both sides rejected his initiatives.  Benedict XV warned, in 1920, against "the advent of a Universal Republic which is longed for by all the worst elements of disorder."  This is resented by some Jews because of their active sponsorship and direction of such projects as the League of Nations and United Nations. - And in effect, all Popes who have issued editions of the Index Expurgatorius, in which Jewish genocidal and anti-Christian writings are condemned, according to the instructions of the Council of Trent.
A. N. Field, full name Arthur Nelson Field, (1882-1963) of New Zealand - Arthur took up journalism and worked as a reporter for The Evening Post, Taranaki Herald, Poverty Bay Herald and Melbourne Argus (1901-1907), before returning to Nelson in 1907.  He served as a Wellington Dominion columnist for the next 21 years (1907-1928).   While working as a journalist and serving in the navy, Field became involved in right wing politics.  "Once the Jewishness of Bolshevism is understood, its otherwise puzzling features become understandable.  Hatred of Christianity, for instance, is not a Russian characteristic; it is a Jewish one."(Today's Greatest Problem)  “If there is a conspiracy against civilization, it is a conspiracy of long standing, and those who direct it are content to achieve their objectives step by step.  If in danger of discovery they have only to ease monetary conditions for the time being to lull suspicion to sleep. In the end - be it soon or late - they will strike.  The enslavement of Russia was accomplished in a day.
"The Jewish domination in Russia is supported by certain Russians...they (the Jews), having wrecked and plundered Russia by appealing to the ignorance of the working folk, are now using their dupes to set up a new tyranny worse than any the world has known." (The Last Days of the Romanovs, Robert Wilton) Robert Archibald Wilton (7/31, 1868 – 1/19, 1925) was a British journalist.  He was a keen observer of events in Russia during the last years of the Tsarist regime.  After the Revolution, he moved to Siberia. Following the collapse of the Kolchak government, Wilton managed to escape from Russia and eventually arrived in Paris where, in 1920, he rejoined the New York Herald.  Wilton served with the Russian army during the First World War, and was awarded the Cross of St George.  He was the author of two books: Russia's Agony (published by Edward Arnold, London, 1918) and The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920).  Wilton was accused of being a right-wing antisemite.  He allegedly was a proponent of blood libel and claimed that execution of the Romanovs was a ritual murder by the Jews.  He was criticized by several liberal British journalists for supporting the attempted military coup by Lavr Kornilov.
Aleksandr Vasiliyevich Kolchak (11/16, 1874 – 2/7, 1920) was a Russian naval commander, polar explorer and later head of part of the anti-Bolshevik White forces during the Russian Civil War.  He was also a prominent expert on naval mines and a member of the Russian Geographic Society.  Kolchak failed to convince the potentially friendly states of Finland, Poland, or the Baltic states to join with him against the Bolsheviks.  He was unable to win diplomatic recognition from any nation in the world, even Britain (though the British did support him to some degree).  He alienated the Czechoslovak Legion, which for a time was a powerful organized military force and very strongly anti-Bolshevik.  As was mentioned above, the American commander, General Graves, disliked Kolchak and refused to lend him any military aid at all.  Given how hated the Bolsheviks were at this time, Kolchak's inability in this area is striking. After decades of being vilified by the Soviet government, Kolchak is now a controversial historic figure in post-Soviet Russia.  The "For Faith and Fatherland" movement has attempted to rehabilitate his reputation.
 White Russians - The White Army was a loose confederation of counter-revolutionary forces; besides being anti-Bolshevik Russian patriots, being professional soldiers, most White Army officers had no ideology. Among White Army leaders, neither General Lavr Kornilov nor General Denikin were monarchists, yet General Pyotr Nikolayevich Wrangel was a monarchist willing to soldier for an elected, democratic Russian government. In the event, despite most White Army officers being monarchists, the White Army was not monarchist in purpose, despite publicly presenting itself as such; however, the White Army generally believed in a united multinational Russia, and opposed separatists wanting to create nation-states instead of the Tsarist Russian Empire.  The White Army’s rank-and-file comprised active anti-Bolsheviks, such as Cossacks, nobles, and peasants, as conscripts and volunteers. Moreover, other political parties supported the anti-Bolshevik White Army, among them the democrats, the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, and others opposing Lenin’s Bolshevik October Revolution; yet, according to the time and place, those White Army supporters also exchanged right-wing allegiance for allegiance with the Red Army.
The White Generals --The White Movement and the Russian Civil War” (1971) by Richard Luckett.  Many British politicians preferred a weak Russia to a strong, militaristic power.  The Whites cared more for keeping the expansive Russian Empire then disposing of the Bolsheviks.  The Whites weakened themselves by attacking nationalist armies, whom they looked upon as rebels, rather than possible allies, as well as Bolsheviks, who, of course, were always ready to make agreements they had no intention of keeping.  Gen. Nicholay Nicholasavich Yudenich nearly captured St. Petersburg, and would have done so had he not ordered some of his forces to assail the Latvians and Estonians.  Later, Gen. Mannerheim's armies were within 20 miles of what was then the Russian capital.  Mannerheim was fighting for and with the Whites, whose leaders begged him to capture the city.  He agreed to do so if they recognized Finnish independence.  They refused, and he refused to move.
It is interesting that the two most successful White generals were both of Nordic origin.  Gen. Baron Carl Gustav Erich Mannerheim was a member of the Swedish aristocracy of Finland.  Although much of Finland was occupied by large Bolshevik forces, Mannerheim rounded up his scattered troops and his brilliant tactics, alternating between caution and daring, succeeded in freeing Finland.  Baron General Petr Nikolaevich Wrangel, "came of a family celebrated in German, Scandinavian and Austrian annals. But his branch had served the Czars for a century."  At the end, Wrangel took over as commander-in-chief.  In spite of his desperate position, he almost managed to pull off a last-minute victory.  But Denikin's forces had no fight left, and Wrangel's achievements in rallying his demoralized and fleeing forces all came to naught.
In January 1919, the European powers offered a truce to the Bolsheviks.  "Suddenly the whole of Russia is informed by wireless that her allies regard the brave men who are fighting for part of civilization as on a par with the bloodstained, Jew-led Bolsheviks."

 (Baron) Roman Nikolai Maximilian von Ungern-Sternberg (1/22, 1886 – 5/6, 1921)  In 1920, he believed that monarchy was the only social system which could save Western civilization from corruption and self-destruction. He began to pursue an idea of restoring the Qing Dynasty to the Chinese throne, then uniting Far-Eastern nations under it.  On March 13, 1921, Mongolia was proclaimed an independent monarchy. Ungern was first to institute order in Urga, impose street cleaning and sanitation, and promote religious life and tolerance in the capital, amongst many attempted reforms. He deeply respected Mongolian Buddhism as well as Mongolian traditions and beliefs. His Asian Cavalry Army consisted of Chinese regiments, Japanese units, various Cossacks regiments, Mongol, Buryat, Tatar and other peoples' units. During his reign, he was supported by the 13th Dalai Lama, who sent him his bodyguard as an aide as well as several hundred Tibetan soldiers, armed and trained by the British.
1920 June Marshal Pilsudski, fearing a Red Army counteroffensive from the eastern Ukraine, launches an attack on Kiev, but the Polish armies were soon pushed back to Warsaw.
1920 Summer London's Morning Post features a series of eighteen articles entitled "The Cause of World Unrest." A new translation of the Protocols by one of the Morning Post's reporters, Victor Marsden, translator, is published by the antisemitic organization known as the Britons.  It becomes the standard English-lanuage edition. (Segal/Levy)
“The Cause of World Unrest” (1920), Gerard Shelley, editor (H A Gwynne) -"Marxism, on which Bolshevism is founded, really did not express the political side of the Russian character and the Bolsheviks were not sincere Socialists or Communists, but Jews, working for the ulterior motives of Judaism.  Lev Cherny divided these Jews into three main classes, firstly, financial Jews, who dabbled in muddy international waters; secondly, Zionists, whose aims are, of course, well known; and, thirdly, the Bolsheviks, including the Jewish Bund.  The creed of these Bolsheviks, according to the lecturer, is, briefly, that the proletariat of all countries are nothing but gelatinous masses, which, if the Intelligentsia were destroyed in each country, would leave these masses at the mercy of the Jews." (The Cause of World Unrest (1920), Gerard Shelley, pp. 136-137; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, p. 37-38).
The antisemitic French daily La Libre Parole serializes the complete text of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (Segel/Levy)
Poland successfully fights to remain independent from the Soviet Union. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion begin circulating freely throughout Poland.

 Oscar Levy (3/28, 1867 – 8/13, 1946) was a German-Jewish physician and writer, now known as a scholar of Friedrich Nietzsche, whose works he first saw translated systematically into English.  His was a paradoxical life, of self-exile and exile, and of writing on and (as often taken) against Judaism. He was influenced by the racialist theories of Arthur de Gobineau. He also admired Benjamin Disraeli, two of whose novels he translated into the German language.   “There is no race in the world more enigmatic, more fatal than the Jews.  The question of the Jews and their influence on the world past and present, cuts to the root of all things, and should be discussed by every honest thinker... You point out, with fine indignation, the great danger that springs from the prevalence of Jews in finance and industry, and from the preponderance of Jews in rebellion and revolution. You reveal the connection between the collectivism of the immensely rich International Finance -and the International Collectivism of Karl Marx and Trotsky -the democracy of and by decoy-cries.  And all this evil and misery, the economic as well as the political, you trace back to one source - the Jews.  There is scarcely an event in modern Europe that cannot be traced back to the Jews.  Take the Great War that appears to have come to an end.  Ask yourself what were its causes and reasons... All latter-day ideas and movements have originally sprung from a Jewish source for the simple reason that the Semitic idea has finally conquered - conquered through Christianity, which, as Disraeli pointed out long ago, is nothing but 'Judaism for the people.'”
“You have noted with alarm that the Jewish elements provide the driving forces for both Communism and Capitalism, for the material as well as the spiritual ruin of this world.  From Moses to Marx, in practice and theory, in idealism and in materialism, in philosophy and in politics, they are today just what they have always been - passionately devoted to their aims and purposes.   'But these visions are all wrong' you will reply.  'Look where they have led the world.  Think, have they not had a fair trial of 300 years.  How much longer are you going to recommend them to us and inflict them on us?'  To this question I have only one answer.  It is this: YOU ARE RIGHT!  This reproach is only too well justified, and upon this common ground I am quite willing to shake hands with you, and defend you against any accusation of promoting race hatred.
“If you are an Anti-Semite, I, the Semite am an Anti-Semite too, and a much more fervent one than ever you are.  We have erred, my friend, we have grievously erred.  We who have posed as the saviours of the world; we who have even boasted of having given it 'the Saviour' - we are today nothing else but the world's seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners.  We, who have promised to lead you to a new Heaven, we have finally succeeded in leading you into a New Hell!  There has been no progress, least of all moral progress. And it is just our morality which has prohibited all real Progress.  I look at this world and I shudder at its ghastliness – shudder all the more, as I know the spiritual authors of all this ghastliness...” (From his preface to The World Significance of the Russian Revolution, by George Pitt-Rivers.)
 World Significance of the Russian Revolution” by George Pitt-Rivers (Baronage inheritor)
By 1920, Russian gold was being shipped to Sweden, melted down and stamped with the Swedish mint, funneled through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and into Kuhn, Loeb & Company and Guaranty Trust Company (Morgan), two of the primary banking interests behind the creation of the Federal Reserve System.  American firms aided in the industrialization of the USSR, including Ford, General Electric, DuPont, Standard Oil, General Electric, General Motors, International Harvester, and Caterpillar Tractor.  The US Shipping Board sold the Bolsheviks a fleet of 25 cargo steamers.  General Electric received $100,000,000 from the Soviet Union to build the four largest hydroelectric generators in the world.
"The workings of this unrest are to be seen in the events that have accomplished, since the fateful year 1914, a task that looms far larger than the French Revolution - the annihilation of the most firmly entrenched, the most selfish and most reckless autocratic system in the world, Russian Czarism. That achievement, destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of the world war, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct." - The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920
 Feb 8 Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, KG, OM, CH, TD, FRS, PC (11/30, 1874 – 1/24, 1965) was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II.  He served as Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955.  A noted statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, historian, writer, and artist.  Churchill was forced to resign his post as First Lord of the Admiralty after his inept military strategies such as the Gallipoli Campaign.   At Gallipoli the Turks inflicted 100,000 casualties on Churchill's forces.  Allies 44,092 dead 96,937 wounded, with 141,029 total casualties.  He was the only British Prime Minister to have received the Nobel Prize in Literature and the first person to be recognized as an Honorary Citizen of the United States. 
Winston Churchill's mother was a Jewess - Jenny Jerome (Jacobson).  Churchill is neutral towards Zionism, but by 1938 Churchill was confronted by financial, social and political disgrace.  He was aided by Jewish organizations, including Sir Henry Strakosch, Jewish, who was instrumental in setting up central banks in South Africa and India.  Strakosch was a multi-millionaire Jew who had made his riches from the near slave conditions of South Africa's diamond mines.  He then becomes strongly Zionist and caters to their influence.  Churchill was never elected to be Britain's war leader, but assumed leadership after a House of Commons coup, backed by the Jewish financed war lobby.  At End of II War, Churchill lost his election and the Brits lost their Empire.  
Churchill had briefings with diplomats while naked in his bathtub.  Churchill had a penchant for wearing expensive female underwear. He also patronized gay orgies attended by members of the aristocracy.  'Churchill's pale pink underclothes were made in very finely woven silk.'  She added that he spent something like £80 on them.   At the time £80 was the equivalent to about sixteen weeks of a working man's hard life. 
Many authors writing in the 1920s and 1930s, before sound recording became common, mentioned Churchill's stutter in terms such as 'severe' or 'agonizing' and Churchill described himself as having a "speech impediment" which he worked to overcome.  His dentures were specially designed to aid his speech.  After many years of public speeches carefully prepared not only to inspire, but also to avoid hesitations, he could finally state, "My impediment is no hindrance".  Churchill especially had difficulty pronouncing the letter S and spoke with a lisp as did his father.
There is controversy whether Churchill’s recorded voice is really Churchill’s.  The truth may be this:
His secretary claimed that Churchill: “In the case of his great wartime speeches, delivered in the House of Commons or broadcast to the nation, [Churchill] would invest approximately one hour of preparation for every minute of delivery.”  That means 30 hours of “dictation, rehearsal, and polishing” for a 30-minute speech.
The famous 1940 speeches were all first made in the House of Commons at a time when the chamber was not wired for sound.  Churchill during the evenings was far too drunk.  In the evenings, radio newsreaders would read portions of these speeches.  BBC did not keep recordings of the three crucial speeches on May 13th, June 4th and June 18th.  The familiar recordings of those speeches all come from LPs issued by Decca in 1964.  And these discs relied on recordings of the speeches made in 1949 by Churchill or Shelley.  The June 18th, broadcast was the only one read by Churchill; Harold Nicolson lamented that it was necessary to bully Churchill into broadcasting, "he just sulked and read his House of Commons speech over again."  Many of the BBC Churchill speeches were actually spoken by Norman Shelley, a puppeteer of the BBC's Children's Hour program.  Shelley was reading them at least as early as 1942, if not 1940 for public consumption.  Churchill, if in fact himself, did not record them until 1949.
“WE SHALL fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”
There has been found a never-published 1937 article by Winston Churchill, entitled “How the Jews Can Combat Persecution,” ghostwritten by Adam Marshall Diston, a supporter of Oswald Mosley.  It appeared to be even-handed.  He attacked Jewish sweatshop owners and that, by being “different,” the Jews “have been partly responsible for the antagonism from which they suffer.”  But he also condemned Nazi policies toward the Jews and called them “as cruel, as relentless, and as vindictive as any in [the Jews'] long history.”  No one would deny that Jews often do “think differently,” have “a different tradition and background,” and “refuse to be absorbed.”  Religious Jews and proud secular Jews do think this way.  (If there is one proved ghostwritten article, why not many more?  Did Churchill win the Nobel for his histories or did a ghostwriter?)
“Anyone who isn’t a liberal by age 20 has no heart. Anyone who isn’t a conservative by age 40 has no brain.” — Winston Churchill
1920 3/11, 2007 Churchill Took Swipe at Jews in 1937 Article by International Herald-Tribune - [historian Richard] Toye said Churchill had sought to publish the ghost-written article in 1937 in Britain and the US.  It was not published.
The Churchills were routinely dishonorable, unreliable and wrong.  John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough was born into a lower aristocratic family.  He became a male prostitute at the court of Charles II (5/29, 1630 – 2/6, 1685).  He parlayed his status into a marriage with a blue-blooded woman.  With this connection, he conned a commission of high command in the military.
Churchill’s paintings:

 ****A Ghostwriter is a professional writer who is paid to write books, articles, stories, reports, or other texts that are officially credited to another person.  Many hugely marketable books by athletes, politicians and other personalities are ghostwritten.  The historical secrecy is hard to establish, but easier to discover in the contemporary market.  In the Christian market, Graham, Falwell, Robertson, etc have all had books ghostwritten, sometimes not even knowing contents of their own books.  Celebrities, executives, and political leaders often hire ghostwriters to draft or edit autobiographies, magazine articles, or other written material.  In music, ghostwriters are used in film score composition, as well as for writing songs and lyrics for popular music styles ranging from country to hip-hop.  Even Professors and Scientists who simply add their name to a reviewed article is a form of ghostwriting.  Most top-rated politicians have personal secretaries.  Many politicians keep personal journals.  There are of course, reams of official papers.  Ghostwriting has been employed through history.  Speechwriting is a form of ghostwriting.
A speechwriter is a person who is hired to prepare and write speeches that will be delivered by another person.  Speechwriters are used by many senior-level elected officials and executives in the government and private sectors.  A speechwriter must be able to work directly with senior executives, to determine what points, themes, positions, or messages the executive would like to cover.  Speechwriters must also be able to accept anonymity, because with few exceptions, speechwriters (like ghostwriters) are not officially credited or acknowledged.  Professional Speechwriter, Lawrence Bernstein writes “Some clients have called with six months to spare, others with four hours to go; some want to meet up first, others want coaching afterwards; quite a few did everything by email and we’ve never even spoken.”
Famous US Presidential speechwriters: Judson T. Welliver wrote for Harding in 1921 and is considered the first ‘official’ presidential speechwriter.  However Alexander Hamilton may have written speeches for George Washington.  Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. and Theodore "Ted" Sorenson wrote for John F. Kennedy.  Richard N. Goodwin wrote for John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.  Pat Buchanan, William Safire and Ben Stein wrote for Nixon.  James Fallows and Chris Matthews wrote for Carter.  Peggy Noonan wrote for Reagan and George H. W. Bush.  Christopher Buckley, Michael Johns and Tony Snow wrote for George H. W. Bush.  Michael Waldman wrote for Clinton.  Charlie Fern, David Frum, Michael Gerson, William McGurn, Marc Thiessen wrote for George W. Bush.  Jon Favreau writes for President Barack Obama.
 “John Bull”—symbol of Britain—is shown on the leash of Jewish plutocrats.
. The druids in the mid 1920s adorned their dress with swastikas.  Churchill received membership into a Druidic order.

 Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People” written by the Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill.   After praising what he called the "national Jews" of Russia, he said: "In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort (integration) rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all of them, have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Béla Kún (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. ... The fact that in many cases Jewish interests and Jewish places of worship are excepted by the Bolsheviks from their universal hostility has tended more and more to associate the Jewish race in Russia with the villainies which are now being perpetrated." - Winston Churchill, Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920
It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster has ably shown, a definite recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution.  It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworlds of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of the enormous empire.
“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creating of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistic Jews.  It is certainly the very great one; it probably outweighs all others.  With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews.  Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders... In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astounding.  And the prominent if not the principal part in the system of terrorism applied by the extraordinary Commissions for combating Counter Revolution has been take by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.  The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary.  The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many nonJews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing. ("Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People." Illustrated Sunday Herald, London, February 8, 1920.)
****   March 4, 1920 –
Purim is the Jewish holiday of Revenge against Gentiles. 
Jews throughout the world label specific enemies as Haman and Christianity in general as Haman.  Other episodes of revenge throughout the year could still be connected to the spirit of Purim.  Purim was a minor festival which developed into a major one in the 19th century.    There is a Yiddish saying that just as a high temperature is not necessarily the sign of a serious illness so Purim is not a festival.  Some Reform congregations began to not observe Purim, but do today.  The reasons they gave were: 1.It stirs up distrust of the non-Jew., 2.There is too much vengeance and cruelty in the story of Esther., 3.Purim services lacked decorum. , 4.God is not mentioned at all in the book of Esther., 5.Doubts about its historicity.  The Adloyada Purim parade, along with gambling, drinking to excess and all kinds of sinning is typical.  The phrase “Adloyada” comes from “ad lo yada” or “unable to differentiate”, referring to the Purim tradition of drinking until one is unable to tell the difference between evil Haman and good Mordechai.  Purim gave rise to many religious compositions, some of which were incorporated into the liturgy.  By the 18th century in eastern Romania and some other parts of Eastern Europe, Purim plays had evolved into broad-ranging satires with music and dance, precursors to Yiddish theater, for which the story of Esther was little more than a pretext: indeed, by the mid-19th century, some were even based on other stories, such as Joseph sold by his brothers, Daniel, or the Binding of Isaac.  Since satire was deemed inappropriate for the synagogue itself, they were usually performed outdoors in its court.  Purimspiels are still performed in many communities.  Yiddish theatre and later decadent Hollywood developed from Purim.  The first Adloyada parade was held in 1912 in Tel Aviv and continued until 1936.  It was reestablished in the 1950s and shut down again in the 1960s.  Adloyada floats never shied away from politics, such as the 1926 coffin burying the British Mandate, and the 1934 anti-Nazism float.  The word ‘Purim’ means ‘Lots’, as Haman cast lots to determine the time when the Jews were to be killed.  Purim and Hanukkah are sometimes called the “Diaspora festivals” and were “instituted by the sages to commemorate miracles and bring to mind aspects of spiritual potential that come to the fore in time of danger to our national existence.”  Also, the hatred hysteria depends on the power of the Jews.  As a small minority, the public displays are moderated.  As a powerful majority, Jews physically take it out on their Gentile neighbors.
  Making a noise when Haman’s name is read out is an old custom that goes back almost to Talmudic times.  In some places, however, people did not just “beat” Haman but burnt him in the form of effigies.  This custom was known in Egypt, Iraq, Provence, Italy and the Caucasus.  From the Middle Ages onwards, wearing costumes and disguises has been a popular Purim custom.  This may be because the hanging of Haman was brought about by the intervention of the chamberlain Harbonah, who, according to tradition, was Elijah in disguise.
Literary disguise was also popular in many places ­ parodies of the Haggadah and even the Yom Kippur piyyutim. In the 14th century Kalonymos ben Kalonymos compiled a parody of the Mishnah and Gemara, called Massechet Purim L’Layl Shikkurim. The latter phrase is a play on the words Layl Shimmurim – “A Night of Watching” with which the Torah describes the Exodus (Ex. 12:42).  Jacob Israelstam (this one? 11/9, 1909 -?), an Anglo-Jewish writer, translated Kalonymos’ title as “The Tractate of Lots for the Night of Sots”.
Everybody knows about Purim foods such as Hamantaschen (and all the arguments about whether to fill them with “mohn”, jam or nuts), but there was a piece de resistance in the home of the Rabbi of Amsterdam in 1778 ­ a model of a royal court with figures of Mordechai, Esther and Haman, all in sugar.  Back to Jacob Israelstam, whose advice is, “If a Jew is in the dumps, the way to cure ‘im Is to get him to take part in the celebration of Purim”.

    The Thule Society ("Study Group for Germanic Antiquity"), was a German völkisch group in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend.  The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party).  There is no evidence that Hitler ever attended the Thule Society, but there was great enthusiasm among Thule members for Hitler, most notably Rudolf Hess and Dietrich Eckart.  Many believed Hitler to be the prophesied “redeemer of Germany”.  They were Hitler’s first “disciples” and as such were crucial to his meteoric rise.  It was inaugurated on August 18, 1918.  A primary focus of Thule-Gesellschaft was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race.  "Thule" was a land located by Greco-Roman geographers in the furthest north (often displayed as Iceland), although originally Thule was probably the name for Scandinavia.  The followers of the Thule Society were little interested in occultist theories, instead they were interested in racism and combating Jews and Communists.   By the end of February 1920, the DAP had been reconstituted as the "Nazi Party".  Early in 1920 as Hitler moved to sever the party's link with the Thule Society, it subsequently fell into decline and was dissolved about five years later, well before Hitler came to power.

****British Imperial History was built on the blood of its colonies.  US was primarily pro German and anti British until WWI.  When the US was deciding on a national language in colonial days, English beat German by one vote.  What a difference history would be.  Even up to Hoover’s administration there was a side plan to invade Canada.  British colonial history included concentration camps in South Africa where many Boers, women and children, died.  Opium wars against China and deliberate genocidal policies against 30 million Indians.  British policies against India include 10 million deaths in 1770, and 30 more managed famines until 1947, especially between 1942-45.
    ****Psychology - 1920, Freud proposed that the human psyche could be divided into three parts: ego, super-ego, and id. Freud discussed this model in the 1920 essay Beyond the Pleasure Principle, and fully elaborated upon it in The Ego and the Id (1923).   Sigmund Freud (May 6, 1856 – September 23, 1939), was an Austrian Jew neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology.  Freud is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defense mechanism of repression and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.  Freud is also renowned for his redefinition of sexual desire as the primary motivational energy of human life, as well as his therapeutic techniques, including the use of free association, his theory of transference in the therapeutic relationship, and the interpretation of dreams as sources of insight into unconscious desires.  (Freud took the basic tripartite system of man from a Christian theologian of a hundred years earlier, who took the system from the Bible of Spirit (Super-Ego), Soul (Ego), and Flesh (Id).  He left God out of the system and concentrated on typical Jewish materialism in sexual energies, unlike the Germanic or Christian of Will and Purpose.)  ****Most of modern psychiatry (emphasis on psychotropic drugs) and psychotherapy is Jewish.  It is a typical Jewish ‘science’ which is not based on the scientific method, but on only on the Jewish mindset and its determination of ‘Normality’ as influenced by a ‘us versus them’ Talmudic mentality.
In 1939, Freud writes Moses and Monotheism and repeatedly attacks Christianity while promoting the spiritual supremacy of the Jewish people.  .  Freudians pursued a cultural war against Western Christian culture.
Predominance of Jews in Psychology/Psychiatry promoted by fellow Jews:
Jew Erich Seligmann Fromm (3/23, 1900 – 3/18, 1980) was a Jewish German-American social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, and democratic (gradualist) socialist.  He was associated with what became known as the Frankfurt School of critical theory.  In The Fear of Freedom (1941), Fromm argues that America's conformism stems from the same "fear of freedom" as the more extreme authoritarianism of Nazism.  Fromm's brand of socialism rejected both Western capitalism and Soviet communism, which he saw as dehumanizing and that resulted in a virtually universal modern phenomenon of alienation.  He became one of the founders of socialist humanism, promoting the early writings of Marx and his humanist messages to the US and Western European public.
Jew Abraham Harold Maslow (4/1, 1908 – 6/8, 1970) was a professor of psychology at Brandeis University, Brooklyn College, New School for Social Research and Columbia University who created Maslow's hierarchy of needs.  Hierarchy of Needs, is a pyramid depicting the levels of human needs, psychological and physical.  At the bottom are the “Basic needs” -food and water and sex. The next level is “Safety Needs: Security, Order, and Stability.”  The third level of need is “Love and Belonging”.  The fourth level is the “Esteem” level.  The top is Self-actualization,” -state of harmony and understanding.
Jew Martin E. P. "Marty" Seligman (8/12, 1942-  ) is a psychologist, educator, and author of self-help books. His theory of "learned helplessness" is widely respected among scientific psychologists.
Burrhus Frederic “B F” Skinner (3/20, 1904 – 8/18, 1990) was a behaviorist, author, inventor, social philosopher and poet. Atheist.  Skinner changed the psychological approach to fit the Gentile approach of the scientific method.
Carl Ransom Rogers (1/8, 1902 – 2/4, 1987) was an influential psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology.
Jew Erik Erikson (6/15, 1902 – 5/12, 1994) was a Danish-German-American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on social development of human beings. He may be most famous for coining the phrase identity crisis.  1.Hope - Basic Trust vs. Mistrust - Infant stage / 0-1 year.; 2.Will - Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt - Toddler stage / 1–3 years.; 3.Purpose - Initiative vs. Guilt - Preschool / 3–6 years; 4.Competence - Industry vs. Inferiority - School-age / 6-11.; 5.Fidelity - Identity vs. Role Confusion - Adolescent / 12 years till 20.; 6.Intimacy vs. isolation - ages of 20 to 24.; 7.Generativity vs. stagnation -ages of 25-64.; 8.Ego integrity vs. despair. -65 and on.
In today’s world, Psychiatry claims that one third of the population has mental illness, not including a lobbied disorder name “Holocaust Denial Disorder”.
 ****Jew Mental Illness – This is not a topic handled much today, but with limited population inbreeding in earlier shetls or ghettos and cognitive dissonance from Talmudic teachings versus Christian civilization, the subject begs to have a modern update.
“The Jews have a disproportionate number of mental defectives, idiots, and imbeciles.  It is well known that a large percentage of neurasthenics and neurotics are Jews. In Europe, blindness, deafmutism, idiocy, and insanity are from two to five times as frequent among Jews as among Gentiles.”- Dr. Maurice Fishburg (Jew) (Eugenic Factors in Jewish Life);  “We have abundant material in figures to show that Jews, in particular, are subject to cerebral maladies”.- Dr. Rudolf Waasermann;  “Physicians of large experience among Jews have stated that most of them are neurasthenic and hysterical”.- Jewish Encyclopedia.  “As to dementia, it has been established in public and private clinics that the percentage of Jews is three times greater than Christians”.-Kreppel, Jewish Councilor, (Jews and Judaism of Today);  “Dementia Praecox is a mental trouble which is extraordinarily frequent with Jews”.- Dr. M.J. Guttman;  “Cases where acute psychoses lead to idiocy and lunacy are of particular frequency with the Jews”.- Dr. Alexander Pilcz
"Idiocy and imbecility are found comparatively more often among Jews than among non-Jews...The Mongolian type of idiocy is also very frequently observed among Jews...Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large...Jews are more liable to acute psychoses of early age than are non-Jews." (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, (1904), p. 556, 603-04).
"The Jews are more subject to diseases of the nervous system than the other races and peoples among which they dwell. Hysteria and neurasthenia appear to be most frequent. Some physicians of large experience among the Jews have even gone so far as to state that most of them are neurasthenic and hysterical." (The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, (1905), p. 225).

 ****Plastic Surgery – Jews have mimicked Gentile for ages in whatever country they reside.  They change their names to sound like the locals.  They change their exterior religion.  They change their clothing and mannerisms, including speech idioms and facial emotions.  They dye and straighten their hair.  The tremendous facial injuries of World War One grew the technology of Plastic surgery and made minor changes more accessible.  The cartilage of noses can be shaved, a chin implant helps the weak chin and skin tightening can help the Askenazic eye folds.   Of Fanny Brice, an early Jewish comedian, it was said “that she cut off her nose to spite her race.”
****Old World Crime - Until World War II, the underworld was controlled largely by Jewish syndicates.  Organizations like Gold Flag and the Brothers Society operated in Vilna, Warsaw, Odessa, Bialystok, Lvov and other large cities.  Between 1888 and the outbreak of World War I, in 1914, two million Jews from Eastern Europe moved to America.  "From a certain point of view, these were Jewish cities," Zalkin explains.  "For example, 50 percent of the residents of Vilna were Jews.  Jews could be found at almost all levels of underworld activity, from the individual thief to gangs that numbered more than 100 members.  The large organizations operated in the cities, which they divided into sectors among themselves.  Each organization had a charter, a clear hierarchy and internal courts, and its work was divided according to different areas, such as theft, protection money, prostitution, pickpocketing and murder.  The art of crime was treated seriously, as it was a major source of livelihood for many people. Between the world wars the idea was even raised of establishing a school for thieves in Vilna.  It's not known if the idea was put into practice.
In 19th-century Russia the best place to rob people was on the roads.  There weren't enough policemen and there were a great many forests.  The convoys that traveled the roads were easy pickings.  Saul Ginzburg, one of the important historians of Russian Jewry, describes groups of Jewish thieves, whom he calls "toughs and predators."  After the heist the thieves slipped away into the woods.  A typical gang of roadside robbers numbered between 10 and 15 men, who provided for themselves and their families by means of their booty.
In “Underworlds. Organized Crime in the Netherlands. 1650-1800” (Jan 13, 1994) by Florike Egmond: “Two equally salient characteristics of Jewish organized crime were its monopoly on the buying and selling of stolen goods and the central importance of towns to all its activities…  The near monopoly of Jews in the fencing business indirectly contributed to the prominence of other Jews in organized crime.”
 **** New World Crime - Jewish organized crime in America emerged during the late years of the 19th century and early 20th century.  In its earliest form, in New York City in the late 1800s, Jewish gangs under gang lord Monk Eastman competed with Italian and Irish gangs, notably Paul Kelly's Five Points Gang, for control of New York's underworld. In the early 1920s, stimulated by the economic opportunities of the Roaring Twenties and later, Prohibition, organized crime figures such as Arnold Rothstein rose to dominate more extensive organized crime activity.  Rothstein "transformed organized crime from a thuggish activity by hoodlums into a big business, run like a corporation, with himself at the top." Rothstein was allegedly responsible for fixing the 1919 World Series.  The Jewish Mob was always larger than the Italians and actually led them.  During this time, Italian mobster Charlie Luciano began plotting against the Old World Sicilian Mafiosi to get rid of bosses like Joe Masseria and Salvatore Maranzano, enlisting the help of longtime associates Meyer Lansky and Benjamin Siegel.  Organized crime includes liquor (eg. Bronfman family –head of World Jewish Congress for years), drugs, prostitution, protection (from themselves), gambling (Las Vegas started and still controlled by Jews), weapons smuggling, illegal immigration, etc.   In the 1920’s The Jewish mafia dealt heroin, the Italian mafia had a code of honor that forbade narcotics trafficking and prostitution.
"The Jews in this particular sphere of activity far outnumbered all the other  'dealers'...The Jewish trafficker in women is the most terrible of all profiteers of human vice;  if the Jew could only be eliminated, the traffic in women would shrink, and would become  comparatively insignificant." (Jewish Chronicle, April 2, 1910).
Jews were among the biggest criminals in the U.S. at the beginning of the last century. "In terms of crime they did everything," Rockaway says. "Drugs, murder, smuggling alcohol.  They had no limits.  A Jew, Arnold Rothstein, was the head of the New York underworld in the 1920s.  He created the largest gambling empire the U.S. have ever seen until then. He controlled most of the gangs in New York, including drugs and liquor.  Rothstein was the first entrepreneur in the U.S. who created a well-oiled organization to smuggle liquor during Prohibition."
The Purple Gang was a mob of bootleggers and hijackers in the 1920s.  Under the leadership of Abe Bernstein, the gang operated out of Detroit, Michigan, in the United States, which was a major port for running cached alcohol products across during Prohibition, since it is on the border with Canada.   Another Jew, Abner Zwillman, ruled the crime syndicate in New Jersey for 30 years, with another Jew, Joseph Reinfeld, he ran the largest and most profitable contraband organization in the U.S.  The two imported about 40 percent of the alcohol that entered the country during the Prohibition era.  U.S. Treasury officials stated that between 1926 and 1933 Zwillman took in more than $40 million from his smuggling operation (more than half-a-billion dollars in today's terms).  He translated his vast economic clout into political power.  In the 1940s, the mayor of Newark, three of his deputies and four city councilmen needed his approval to get the nod for their posts.
Jewish-American gangsters also helped in the struggle for Israel's creation during the 1940s. In his book, Rockaway describes how an emissary of the pre-state Haganah defense organization (the forerunner of the Israel Defense Forces) approached Meyer Lansky, one of the major players in the crime scene in America, and with his intervention, shipments of weapons and military equipment were smuggled out of New York harbor, bound for Palestine. Lansky wasn't the only one. According to Rockaway, other Jews from the underworld donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Haganah.  The gangsters Dutch Schultz, Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky have become legendary figures.
Members of the Jewish underworld are absent from the well-known narrative of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising in 1943, but were involved in the day-to-day life of the ghetto, and their connection to the Jewish underground groups during the uprising is a fascinating episode. "The ghetto lived from smuggling -- above the wall, through the gates by cajoling the police, under the wall. The property that remained in the hands of the Jews was transferred to the other side [of the wall], and that is what the criminal organizations dealt in. It was a highly organized business."  The professional smugglers -- a euphemism for underworld figures -- lived a debauched life in the ghetto. They made a great deal of money very quickly and became the social elite. They brought in luxury items such as sweets or other goods that earned them large profits
Dr. Rudolf Wasserman, Jew - Extract from his treatise "Study on Jewish Crime": "Among the Jews, is the understanding that among the Goyim, the hand is the instrument of crime.  The Christian realizes the success of criminal activity by a direct physical: robbery, theft, assaults on property or people.  The Jew, himself, directed his offense in an indirect manner by inducing another person emotionally, through deception and trickery, to grant him an illegal advantage." ~1931?
Oscar Frank, a Jew - Extract from his book "The Jews", Leipzig, 1905: "Throughout history the Jewish usury has been condemned by the poets.  In the sixteenth century, the Jewish usurer was a well-known.  In Carnival Games, the Jew, usurer and swindler, was the role of the public especially enjoyed.  In this case, the writers had no difficulty to lend him the traits from life: a man who generally misleads the Christian …and is so enriched.  For this reason almost everywhere, the view prevails that the Jew is the exploiter of Christian people."
 The Liquor Trade is exclusively in the hands of the Jews, many of whom, although they do not appear as the real proprietors, still are silent partners.  The real backers of liquor dealers in New York, as well as in Paris, are the Jews, who hold in an absolute vassalage all establishments, both high and low, that retail liquor.  The retail merchant is little better than an employee. He directs the establishment, which does not belong to him, and the rent of which is usually paid by those who supply him with liquors.  A retailer may have five or six different persons who furnish him with liquors, but one can never find at his saloon a brand of liquor different from those manufactured by the men who supply him with the stuffs.  The liquor business, as it is carried on to-day, has become a business of chemical products, a business of coloring materials and ingredients of all kinds such as are used in the manufacture of liquors.  As soon as a Jew has entered any business, he at once demoralizes it with his spurious concoctions.  It is easily understood how disastrous an influence this peculiar chemistry exerts upon private health.  What are called natural or pure wines contain certain healthful principles, and even when taken immoderately produce only a passing inconvenience. In Bourgogne one may see vine dressers whose full faces are rubicund with the healthy hue of the autumnal vine. Beverages, on the contrary, composed of essences, do not assimilate, but produce the effect of virulent poisons, bring on attacks of delirium tremens, fits of frenzy, and acts of ferocity for which the unfortunate victim is not responsible.  The hatred of the Jew for the poor--a hatred unparalleled in the history of the world—has assumed, of late, various forms.  Now it is manifested in the adulteration of liquors; now it is manifested by the rich Jew, the member of aristocratic clubs, who associates with the vilest of Shylocks, with those who fleece the poor by advances made upon pawn tickets.” –“Mr. Jacobs”
The Whiskey Trade: Though distilling whiskey had been the occupation of gentiles in Revolutionary times, by the Civil War era it had largely passed into the hands of Jews.  So much so that, in 1899, a certain Budapest Jew, Julius Kessler, was organizing the bulk of the trade into what would shortly be called the Whiskey Trust.  In the 30s, Harry Publicker and son-in-law Simon ("Si") Neuman, sensing that enormous profits could be had by devising a method of shortcutting nature's whiskey-curing process, enlisted the services of chemist Dr. Carl Haner to devise a method of making 17-year-old whiskey in 24 hours.

**White Slavery (Prostitution) - “Young girls will return from, their lovers as naturally as they now return from having tea with a friend. Virginity, thrown off gaily and early, will no longer exercise this singular restraint which comes from modesty, dignity and a sort of fear... I have never discerned what there is about incest which is really repulsive.  I merely note that it is natural and frequent for sister and brother to be lovers.” - Leon Blum – Jewish Prime Minister of France, DU MARIAGE.
Ziegfeld Follies –The high-stepping girls originally could be called for back stage services by the clientele.
“The Jews in this particular sphere of activity far outnumbered all the other ‘dealer’... The Jewish trafficker in women is the most terrible of all profiteers out of human vice; if the Jew could only be eliminated, the traffic in women would shrink, and would become comparatively insignificant.“ Jewish Chronicle April 2, 1910.
“The part which Jews all over the world play in white slavery is one of the foulest blots on our people.” -Jewish World - March 18, 1914.
"All who know anything of the conditions prevailing in the White Slave Traffic are agreed that if the Jew could be eliminated, it would shrink and shrivel to comparatively small proportions." — From "The Jewish Chronicle," London, Eng., April 1, 1910.
During times of famine or economic hardship, well-dressed, fast-talking Jews would go into peasant communities and tell the parents of attractive Christian teenagers that their children could have a better life in America, which had a shortage of household labor.  The Jews told the parents that after a short time their children could pay off the cost of their passage and begin a new life in the land of freedom and plenty.  In spite of the pain of being separated from their children, some of the parents would consent to such an arrangement, wanting the best for their daughters.  Instead of finding a bright, new life, tens of thousands ended up suffering in the brothels of the New World.  In his book “Prostitution and Prejudice”, Jewish historian Edward Bristow writes about the world prostitution network and clearly shows the prominent Jewish role.   It is not hard to conceive of the reaction of many Eastern Europeans to the Jewish enslavement and degradation of tens of thousands of Christian girls.  Bristow reveals that the center of the Jewish trade in Gentile women from Poland and surrounding regions was a small town called Oswiecim, which the Germans called Auschwitz.  That simple revelation can bring much understanding of the recurrent Jewish and Gentile conflict.  White Slavery goes back centuries, but the European hardships of the 19th century led to the brothels of New York of the cowtowns of the West.  It is still going on with hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian girls going to Israeli brothels in a single decade.
 "Solomon enjoys himself with two pretty Christian girls".  One of the many anti-Semitic caricatures by the English artist, Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827)
  A cartoon by the French caricaturist, H. Gerbault “I only have a hundred franc note…let me have 95 francs change.”
 Cartoon from the pamphlet Judenspiegel, Leipzig, 1926.  The caption reads: "The rabbis Bechai, Lewi ben Gerson and Maimon say that a Jew does not sin when he abuses a Christian girl, even if he is married, since the wife of an unbeliever may be despoiled."
  "The Spider". “Many victims are trapped in the web, caught by flattering words. Rip the web of deceit!” Der Sturmer, 1934.
  "Legion of Shame": “Ignorant, lured by gold, They stand disgraced in Judah's fold.  Souls poisoned, blood infected, Disaster broods in their wombs. Der Sturmer, 1935.
  “A man was waiting for me at the station.  He raised his hat and he was very kind to me.  But I knew that I should stay away from him, because he was a Jew.” Der Giftpilz, 1936.
 Dominatrix and Slave :  Weimar Berlin (1920s). “The decay of moral values in all areas of life—the period of deepest German degradation—coincided exactly with the height of jewish power in Germany.” — Dr Friederich Karl Wiehe, Germany and the Jewish Question.
  1920s model from the book “The Hot Girls Of Weimar Berlin”. Cocaine, the favorite drug of the sexually depraved, was often tucked away inside the top of a girl’s stockings or under her garter—a place felt to be safe from the prying fingers of the police.

More Weimar Germany:
****The New Objectivity is a term used to characterize the attitude of public life in Weimar Germany as well as the art, literature, music, and architecture created to adapt to it.  Rather than some goal of philosophical objectivity, it was meant to imply a turn towards practical engagement with the world—an all-business attitude, understood by Germans as intrinsically American.  Artists rejected the self-involvement and romantic longings of the expressionists, Weimar intellectuals in general made a call to arms for public collaboration, engagement, and rejection of romantic idealism.  The movement essentially ended in 1933 with the fall of the Weimar Republic and the rise of the Nazi (Christian witness) to power.  The New Objectivity comprised two tendencies, a left and right wing: on the left were the verists, who "tear the objective form of the world of contemporary facts and represent current experience in its tempo and fevered temperature;" and on the right the classicists, who "search more for the object of timeless ability to embody the external laws of existence in the artistic sphere."
The verists' vehement form of realism emphasized the ugly and sordid.  (This is what the Nazis rejected.) Their art was raw, provocative, and harshly satirical.  George Grosz and Otto Dix are considered the most important of the verists.  The verists developed Dada's abandonment of any pictorial rules or artistic language into a “satirical hyperrealism”, and of which the best known examples are the graphical works and photo-montages of John Heartfield.  Other verists, like Christian Schad, depicted reality with a clinical precision, which suggested both an empirical detachment and intimate knowledge of the subject.  Often, psychological elements were introduced in his work, which suggested an underlying unconscious reality.
Compared to the verists, the classicists more clearly exemplify the "return to order" that arose in the arts throughout Europe. (This was probably acceptable to the Nazis.)The classicists included Georg Schrimpf, Alexander Kanoldt, Carlo Mense, Heinrich Maria Davringhausen, and Wilhelm Heise.  The sources of their art include 19th-century art, the Italian metaphysical painters, the artists of Novecento Italiano, and Henri Rousseau.  The classicists are best understood by Magic Realism, which emphasized the “magic” of the normal world as it presents itself to us—how, when we really look at everyday objects, they can appear strange and fantastic.  Magic realism is a genre where magic elements are a natural part in an otherwise mundane, realistic environment.  One example of magic realism occurs when a character in the story continues to be alive beyond the normal length of life and this is subtly depicted by the character being present throughout many generations.  On the surface the story has no clear magical attributes and everything is conveyed in a real setting, but such a character breaks the rules of our real world.
 “Berlin nightlife, my word, the world hasn’t seen anything like it! We use to have a first-class army; now we have first class perversions.” -queer Klaus Mann , The Turning Point,1943
 Prostitutes in Weimar Berlin, 1920’s. Streetwalkers in Weimar Berlin - 1920’s

    Raiding the Nacktlokal, 1923 by Eric Schutz
 Witches’ Sabbath in Berlin cabaret, 1927 The Black Mass,1931 Illustration by Rhea Wells for Peter N.Krassnoff’s 
  Anita Berber (6/10, 1899 – 11/10, 1928) was a German dancer, actress, writer, and prostitute who lived during the Weimar period of Berlin.  Her hair was cut fashionably into a short bob and was frequently bright red, as in 1925 when the German painter Otto Dix painted a portrait of her, titled “The Dancer Anita Berber”.  She performed regularly with her dancer friend, sometime lover and rumored husband Sebastian Droste.  Neither of them wore much more than lowslung loincloths and Anita occasionally a corsage worn well below her small breasts.  Her performances broke boundaries with their androgyny and total nudity, but it was her public appearances that really challenged taboos. Berber’s overt cocaine use and bisexuality were matters of public chatter. She could often be seen in Berlin’s hotel lobbies, nightclubs and casinos; she would walk around naked except for a sable fur, carrying a pet monkey and a silver brooch full of cocaine, while flaunting her lesbian lovers—removing the barrier between performance and normal life.  Aside from her cocaine addiction, she was also an alcoholic.  In 1928, at the age of 29, she suddenly gave up both completely but died shortly after from severe tuberculosis while performing abroad.  After collapsing in Damascus on 11/10, 1928 she returned to Germany and died in a Kreuzberg hospital and was buried at St. Thomas Cemetery in Neukölln.
Pornography was sold on the street.  Boys were for sale.  All the vices were available.

“To His Grace, the Governor of Wilno. From landlord Leiba Abramovich Kikulkin. I have the honor of informing Your Grace that I have three rooms in my house on Kopanica Street that can be leased for the said purposes. The premises are available for tenancy starting on 29 September 1900.”
Jews preying on Jews:
Zwi Migdal was an organization of Jewish white slave traders based in mostly Argentina, which engaged in trafficking of women from the shtetls of Eastern Europe.  The name was chosen to honor Luis Zvi Migdal, one of its founders.  The Zwi Migdal operated from the 1860s to 1939.  After the First World War, it had four hundred members in Argentina.  Its annual turnover was fifty million dollars at the turn of the century.  Its center was Buenos Aires, with branch offices in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santos), United States (New York), Poland (Warsaw), South Africa, India and China.  The Zwi Migdal Organization reached its peak in the 1920s: 430 rufian, or pimps, controlled 2,000 brothels with 4,000 women in Argentina alone.  The organization's success stemmed from the fact that its members were bound by rules that were "based on order, discipline, and honesty."  The network was well-organized and members cooperated closely to protect their interests.
The organization lured girls and young women from Europe in several ways.  For instance, a well-mannered and elegant-looking man would appear in a poor Jewish village in Poland or Russia.  He would advertise his search for young women to work in the homes of wealthy Jews in Argentina by posting an ad in the local synagogue.  Another popular ruse was to find pretty girls and marry them, usually in a ceremony known as a "stille chupah" (quick wedding ceremony).  The girls bade their families farewell and boarded ships to Argentina believing that they were on their way toward a better future.  Their period of training as sex slaves often started on the ship.  Some of them were married off to local men so that they could obtain entry visas.
Prostitutes who failed to satisfy their clients were beaten, fined or sent to work in provincial houses.  Every business transaction was logged.  The rufianes held a "meat market" in which newly arrived girls were paraded naked in front of traders.  These activities went on undisturbed because the brothels were frequented by government officials, judges and journalists.  City officials, politicians and police officers were bribed.  The pimps had powerful connections everywhere.  The largest brothels in Buenos Aires housed as many as 60 to 80 sex slaves. Although there were brothels all over Argentina, most were in Buenos Aires, in the Jewish quarter on Junin Street. 
The organization had a controversial presence in South America's Jewish community.  It was a supporter of Yiddish theatre in Brazil, but was attacked by Jews in Rio de Janeiro for presenting Torah scrolls.  A great number of Jews who had come to Brazil did so as families, and viewed prostitution as immoral and "impure" influences.  The wealthiest of the pimps were patrons of the Jewish theater, which was the center of Jewish cultural life in Buenos Aires.  Despite their trade, Zwi Migdal members donated funds for the construction of synagogues and other community buildings.
The word "cafetão" (pimp) is derived from caftan, the long coat traditionally used by Eastern Europe Jews.  The word "polaca" (Polish woman) is commonly used in countries where Portuguese is spoken, but in Brazil it became extremely offensive to Polish people because was used as synonymous to prostitute.  As Frenchmen pimps mainly from Marseille also bought women from to work as prostitutes in Brazil, the word "francesa" (Frenchwoman) also had the same fate.  
They were a worldwide slave trafficking network, with offices all over Brazil, the United States, Poland, South Africa, India and China. 

Jew Leopold Harris, headed a huge arson ring in the 1930s that was taking £500,000 a year in insurance.  He set up a succession of enterprises in rented premises, filled them with cheap clothes, torched them, and used forged invoices to claim for expensive goods.  He was jailed for 14 years, and another 15 people were also convicted.
****Contemporary Jewish Crime:  In more recent years, Jewish-American organized crime has reappeared in the forms of both Israeli and Russian mafia criminal groups.  The Soviet and Russian émigré community in New York's Brighton Beach contains a large Jewish presence, as does its criminal element.  Israeli mobsters also have a presence in the United States.  The Israeli mafia (such as the Abergil crime family) is heavily involved in ecstasy trafficking in America.  Israelis are at the center of the current international Ecstasy drug trade.  International money-laundering ring run by New York Hasidim washed millions of dollars in cocaine proceeds for the Colombian cartels.  All the old crimes are Jewish dominated and also weapon smuggling, government defrauding, casinos and Indian casinos and all types of shoddy merchandise smuggling.
Las Vegas -Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky were instrumental in creating the legalized crime-laden playground.  Las Vegas has long been a hotbed of underworld influence and a worldwide attraction for gambling and prostitution.  "Most of the hotel builders were Jewish Americans.  A few Italian-Amerians hold minor ownership shares in casinos."

   Knut Hamsun (August 4, 1859 – February 19, 1952) was a Norwegian author, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920.  He was praised by King Haakon VII of Norway as Norway's soul.  Hamsun's work spans more than 70 years and shows variation with regard to the subject, perspective and environment.  He published more than 20 novels, a collection of poetry, some short stories and plays, a travelogue, and some essays.  The young Hamsun objected to realism and naturalism.  He argued that the main object of modern literature should be the intricacies of the human mind, that writers should describe the "whisper of blood, and the pleading of bone marrow".  Hamsun is considered the "leader of the Neo-Romantic revolt at the turn of the century", with works such as Hunger (1890), Mysteries (1892), Pan (1894), and Victoria (1898).  His later works—in particular his "Nordland novels"—were influenced by the Norwegian new realism, portraying everyday life in rural Norway and often employing local dialect, irony, and humor.  The epic work Growth of the Soil (1917) earned him the Nobel Prize.  Hamsun is considered to be "one of the most influential and innovative literary stylists of the past hundred years" (ca. 1890–1990).  He pioneered psychological literature with techniques of stream of consciousness and interior monologue, and influenced authors such as Thomas Mann, Franz Kafka, Maxim Gorky, Stefan Zweig, Henry Miller, Hermann Hesse, and Ernest Hemingway.  Isaac Bashevis Singer called Hamsun "the father of the modern school of literature in his every aspect—his subjectiveness, his fragmentariness, his use of flashbacks, his lyricism. The whole modern school of fiction in the twentieth century stems from Hamsun".  Ernest Hemingway stated that "Hamsun taught me to write".  On August 4, 2009, the Knut Hamsun Centre was opened in Hamarøy.  Since 1916, several of Hamsun's works have been adapted into motion pictures.
His political sympathies were heavily influenced by the impact of the Boer War, seen by Hamsun as British oppression of a small people, as well as by his dislike of the English and distaste for the USA.  During the 1930s, most of the Norwegian right-wing newspapers and political parties were sympathetic to various degrees to fascist regimes in Europe, and Hamsun came to be a prominent advocate of such views.  During WWII, he continued to express his support for Germany, and his public statements led to controversy, in particular in the immediate aftermath of the war.  When WWII started, he was over 80 years old, almost deaf and his main source of information was the conservative newspaper Aftenposten, which had been sympathetic to Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany from the beginning.  He suffered two intracranial hemorrhages during the war.  Hamsun wrote several newspaper articles in the course of the war, famously stating in 1940 that "the Germans are fighting for us, and now are crushing England's tyranny over us and all neutrals".  In 1943, he sent Germany’s minister of propaganda Joseph Goebbels his Nobel Prize medal as a gift.  His biographer Thorkild Hansen interpreted this as part of the strategy to get an audience with Hitler.  Hamsun was eventually invited to meet with Hitler; during the meeting, he complained about the German civilian administrator in Norway, Josef Terboven, and ask that imprisoned Norwegian citizens be released.  A week after Hitler's death, Hamsun wrote a eulogy for Hitler, saying “He was a warrior, a warrior for mankind, and a prophet of the gospel of justice for all nations.  He supported Nazi’s ideas of Blood, Honor, Soil.
"I am not worthy to speak aloud of Adolf Hitler, and his life and work do not invite sentimental words.  He was a warrior for mankind and a herald of the gospel of justice for all nations.  He was a reformative figure of the highest rank, and it was his historic fate that he had to work work in a time of unprecedented baseness, which in the end brought him down.  "Thus, I suppose, must the ordinary West European look upon Adolf Hitler. And we, his close followers, now bow our heads before his mortal shroud."- Norwegian writer and Nobel Prize-winner, Knut Hamsun, upon the death of Adolf Hitler, Aftenposten, May 1, 1945.
 Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 – April 7, 1947) wrote “The International Jew”.  In 1918, Ford's closest aide and private secretary, Ernest G. Liebold, purchased an obscure weekly newspaper, The Dearborn Independent for Ford. The Independent ran for eight years, from 1920 until 1927, during which Liebold was editor. The newspaper published "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," and it’s current application.  "Jews have always controlled the business... The motion picture influence of the United States and Canada... is exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of the public mind." (The Dearborn Independent, 2/12-19, 1921) “Get hold of fifty of the wealthiest Jewish financiers, the men who are interested in making wars for their own profit. Control them, and you will put an end to it all.”  (Cleveland NEWS, 9/20, 1923)  “73 per cent of the war millionaires of New York are Jews.” (Jewish Activities in the United States”)  “They are responsible for the last war, and will in the future always be capable of creating another war when they feel their pockets need one.” (National Review, Dec 1926)
Ford learned about the Jews.  Beginning with Rosa Schwimmer and the Peace Ship fiasco of 1916 then through Bernard Baruch’s harassment from the War Industries Board under Woodrow Wilson to the Jewish bankers attempt to filch Ford Motors in 1919-20 Ford was under constant attack surviving only by true grit.  Is it any wonder then that he took up his cudgels in 1920-21 buying the Dearborn Independent newspaper to debunk or expose Jewish anti-American activities.  He naturally divided Jews into two categories: ‘good’ Jews and ‘bad’ or international Jews, hence the title of the collected essays: The International Jew.  The Dearborn Independent was published by Ford from 1919 to 1927.
“I studied the causes of war, and I am convinced that nearly all wars were caused so that someone would profit, and those who have profited and who are profiting now are the international financiers, the Jews, with possibly a few Gentiles with Jewish connections.  They are what is called the ‘International Jew’- German Jews, French Jews, English Jews and American Jews. They start wars by arousing National passions, that is, by propaganda which set one people against another people.  These dangerous groups profit : Before a war - by making munitions of war; during a war - by national loans; and after a war - as they are doing now in the freefor-all grap which goes on.  All nations that fight have to use materials that are controlled by Jews - copper, for instance. (New York World, February 17, 1922)
“It was the Jews themselves who convinced me of the direct relations between the international Jew and the war; in fact, they went out of their way to convince me.  You remember the effort we made to attract the attention of the so-called Peace Ship in 1915. On that ship were two very prominent Jews.  We had not been to sea 200 miles before these Jews began telling me about the power of the Jewish race, how they controlled the world through their control of gold, and that the Jew and no one but the Jew could stop the war.  I was reluctant to believe this, and said so.  So they went into details to tell me the means by which the Jews controlled the War - how they had the money, how they had cornered all the basic materials needed to fight the war, and all that, and they talked so long and so well that they convinced me.  They said, and they believed, that the Jews had started the war, that they would continue it so long as they wished, and that until the Jews stopped the war it would not be stopped.  (reprinted in the Jewish World, January 5, 1922)
Henry Ford worked for Thomas Edison starting before 1896. Between 1916 and 1924 they were having annual camping trips of about 2 weeks.  Harvey Firestone joined them and occasionally John Burroughs.  Burroughs once defended his Jew friend Jay Gould.  They included naturalist Luther Burbank and President Harding in 1921.
William John ("Billy") Cameron (12/29, 1878 – 8/4, 1955) was a journalist and public relations representative for Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company.  He edited Ford's The Dearborn Independent until the paper ceased publication in 1927.  Cameron was part of the British-Israelite Movement.  This began the transition of the doctrine of British Israelism into Christian Identity.

 German diplomats award Henry Ford, center, with their nation's highest decoration for foreigners, the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, in July 1938. (AP Photo)
4/25,1920 Poland, with the help of France, waged the first war of aggression after World War I by invading the Soviet Union.  Polish troops advanced as far as Kiev on May 8, 1920.  In the ''peace treaty'' of Riga, signed March 18, 1921, Poland almost doubled the territory assigned to it by the Versailles Peace Treaties (in 1919, the ''Curzon'' line having been the eastern border of Poland) by incorporating those conquered lands of western White Russia and the western Ukraine.  Moscow would not tolerate that defeat from the Polish army in 1920 for very long. The Poles themselves set the perfect stage and framework for the pact of Aug. 23, 1939, by which the Soviet Union got back only what Poland took by conquest in 1920-21.  The relatively few Poles living in these areas were not expelled like the East Germans, but got permission to leave if they so desired.  Without the Polish conquests of 1920-21 in the east, there would have been no Hitler-Stalin pact.  The Allies declared that the expulsions of Silesians, Pomeranians, East Prussians and other Germans at the end of WWII were to move Poland westward, attaching some German territories on the western side to compensate for a wedge of (Non!)Polish territory in the east annexed by the Soviet Union.'

The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy” is a book by Lothrop Stoddard published in 1920.  The book focuses a predicted collapse of a white world empire and colonialism due to population growth among "colored peoples".  Stoddard clearly advocates positions of scientific racism. His conclusions advocate an eugenic separation of the world's "primary races".  In spite of the book's title, Stoddard does not advocate a bid for white world domination based on white supremacy but instead questions the right of whites to invade other races and outright criticizes the European powers for attempting to force their will on Asia.  Modern interest in The Rising Tide of Color is often based on the accuracy of the predictions the book makes, not on the racist tones in which the predictions are made. Stoddard's predictions, coming immediately after World War I, include: an impending war between Japan and the United States; the unjust nature of the Treaty of Versailles leading to a second European war; the rise and power of Islamism in the Middle East; Asian immigration to Australia; and the decline of colonialism. 
 Theodore Lothrop Stoddard (6/29, 1883 – 5/1, 1950) was a political scientist, historian, journalist, anthropologist, eugenicist, pacifist, and anti-immigration advocate who wrote a number of books which are often cited as prominent examples of early 20th-century scientific racism. 

****The Aryan Race is a concept influential in Western culture at the turn on the 1900 century.  It derives from the idea that the original speakers of the Indo-European languages constitute a distinctive race.  The idea of the Northern origins of the Aryans was particularly influential in Germany.  It was widely believed that the "Vedic Aryans" were ethnically identical to the Goths, Vandals and other ancient Germanic peoples of the Völkerwanderung (the Great Migrations).
Master Race (or the Originating Race)-the Aryan had built the earliest civilizations and left traces of their civilization in Tibet (via Buddhism), and even in Central America, South America, and Ancient Egypt.  The Nordic peoples, one of the branches of the Aryan race, represent an ideal and "pure race" that was the purest representation of the original racial stock of those who were then called the Proto-Aryans.  Germans did not count themselves as pure Nordic.  They held to accept the following as Germany in a Hitler Youth Handbook: Nordic ~50%, Eastern race ~20%, Dinaric race ~15%, East Balltic ~8%, Phalic race ~5%, Western race ~2%.
The Splendid Blond Beast is from Nietzsche’s metaphor of the "blond beast" to represent the lion.  It represents the struggle of life and Nietzsche says that it is a mistake to hold beasts of prey to be "evil" for their actions, which stem from their inherent strength rather than any malicious intent.  One should not blame them for their "thirst for enemies and resistances and triumphs".  Similarly, it is also a mistake to resent the strong for their actions because.  Nietzsche called the aristocratic predators who write society's laws "the splendid blond beast" precisely because they so often behave as though they are beyond the reach of elementary morality.  As he saw things, these elites have cut a path toward a certain sort of excellence consisting mainly of the exercise of power at the expense of others.  When dealing with ordinary people, he said, they "revert to the innocence of wild animals.  Their brutality was true courage, Nietzsche thought, and the foundation of social order.  Unlike Nietzsche, The Nazis had a ‘Will to Power”’, but not at the expense of the lowest members of the community.
Myth of Racial Supremacy –Jewish Press continued to preach that the Germans wanted to dominate the world, but they had no intentions to do such.  They only wanted a Europe free of War and hoped that other nations would form their own unique, compatible form of government.  The Nazis were not anti-Semitic as they were not against the Arabs.  They were only defending themselves against Jewish Supremacy as the Chosen Master Race.
The 1920 Summer Olympics were awarded to Antwerp, Belgium to honor the people of that city after the suffering they endured during WW I.  The 1916 Summer Olympics, to be held in Berlin, capital of the German Empire, were cancelled due to the war.  The aftermath of the war and the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 affected the Olympic Games not only due to new states being created, but also by sanctions against the nations that lost the war and were blamed for starting it.  Hungary, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey were also banned from competing in the Games. Germany remained banned until 1925, and instead hosted a series of games called Deutsche Kampfspiele, starting with the Winter edition of 1922 (which predated the first Winter Olympics).  The "Deutsche Kampfspiele" ("German Sports Contests"): 1922 Winter at Garmisch und Partenkirchen, Summer at Berlin; 1926 Winter at Triberg und Titisee, Summer at Köln; 1930 Winter at Krummhübel, Summer at Breslau.  The first celebration of the Winter Olympics was held in Chamonix, France, in 1924.

 Ernst Jünger (3/29, 1895 – 2/17, 1998) was a German writer.  (age ~25 in 1920)In addition to his novels and diaries, he is well known for “Storm of Steel”, an account of his experience during World War I.  Many regard him as one of Germany's greatest modern writers and a hero of the conservative revolutionary movement following World War I.  Others dismiss him as a militarist or reactionary.  His conservative literature made Nazism highly attractive.  The ontology of war depicted in Storm of Steel could be interpreted as a model for a new, hierarchically ordered society beyond democracy, beyond the security of bourgeois society and ennui.  He also wrote “Battle as Inner Experience”.
The DAP (German Workers' Party) was formed in Munich in January 1919 and Hitler joined in September of that year.  His talents for speaking, publicity and propaganda were readily recognized and by early 1920 he had gained some authority in the party, which changed its name to the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party) in April 1920.
****Paramilitary Groups were formed throughout the Weimar Republic in the wake of Germany's defeat in the Great War and the ensuing German Revolution.  Some were created by political parties to help in recruiting, discipline and in preparation for seizing power. Some were created before World War I.  Others were formed by individuals after the war and were called "Freikorps" (Free corps).  The party affiliated groups and others were all outside government control, but the Freikorps units were under government control, supply and pay (usually through army sources).  After WW I, the German Army was restricted to 100,000 men, so there were a great amount of soldiers suddenly de-mobilized. Many of these men were hardened into a Frontgemeinschaft, a front-line community.  It was a spirit of camaraderie that was formed due to the length and horrors of trench warfare of WWI.  These paramilitary groups filled a need for many of these soldiers who suddenly lost their "family"—the army.  Many of those soldiers were filled with angst, anger and frustration over the loss and horror of the war.
Paramilitary groups were quite active in the Republic, sometimes used to seize power and other times to quell disturbances.  Freikorps were used in the Baltic region in 1919 to protect German interests against Russia.  Other Freikorps members engaged in sabotage acts against French and Belgian occupying forces in the Ruhr in 1923 by blowing up bridges.  Yet other Freikorps orchestrated the Kapp Putsch and the Beer Hall Putsch.  The Communists used their groups to seize power in several places in the Weimar Republic at different times, forming Räterepubliken.  Other paramilitary groups were used to quell these uprisings.
Freikorps were the brainchild of Major Kurt von Schleicher.  The Freikorps were also called the "Black Reichswehr" (Black Army) for they were a 'secret' army outside the bounds of the Versailles Treaty. The idea was developed after the failure of an army unit to quell a small rebellion in Berlin at the Battle of the Schloss. This led von Schleicher to conceive an alternative to using Reichswehr units to quell "red" (socialist or communist) uprisings.  The first organizer of a Freikorps unit was General Ludwig Maercker. His unit, the "Maercker Volunteer Rifles", were soon called to rush from city to city stamping out socialist uprisings.  Because his unit was called upon to every corner of Germany, he hit upon the idea of forming Einwohnerwehren, local citizen militias to keep the peace.  Later on, these groups grew into the Orgesch, (Organization Escherich) reserve militia units for the German Wehrmacht.  They were under the command of Dr. Georg Escherich.
Other units were: Freikorps umbrella group with: Potsdam Freikorps with 1,200 veterans, remnants of the Guards Rifle Cavalry Division, Reinhard Freikorps, Freikorps Suppe with 1,500 men; von Roeder's Scouts; Iron Brigade from Kiel; Kuntzel Freikorps; Ostara League; Freikorps Oberland/Oberland League; Marinebrigade Ehrhardt. They were the first to use the swastika as a unit symbol. They participated in the Kapp Putsch in 1920.; Wiking League.
Groups affiliated to political parties:
Rightwing: Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten (Steel Helmet, League of Front Soldiers), officially a veterans' organization, it was the largest organization stemming from the Freikorps with about 500,000 members.  The Stahlhelm organized an employment service for its unemployed working-class members and a housing program.  In 1931, it formed part of the Harzburg Front.  In 1934 it was integrated into the SA and in 1935 dissolved.; (German Nationalist Protection and Defiance Federation); Sturmabteilung (SA) (storm troop); Kampfbund (Fightleague); Jungdeutscher Orden.
Centralists: (Imperial Banner Black-Red-Gold) (banned in 1933); (Iron Front) (banned in 1933).
Left wing: (Red Front Fighters' League) (banned in 1933); Other communist groups included the Young Antifascist Guard, the Fighting League Against Fascism, and the Anti-Fascist Action Group.  They were banned in 1933.  Also the Red Army of Ruhr was active during 1920.
Similar organizations also existed in the Republic of Austria, most notably the Schutzbund and the Heimwehr.
The Stahlhelm, ("Steel Helmet, League of Frontline Soldiers" was founded in December 1918.  After the failed Kapp Putsch of 1920, the organization gained further support from dissolved Freikorps units. In the 1920s the Stalhelm received political support from Fascist Italy's Duce Benito Mussolini.  Although the Stalhelm was officially a non-party entity and above party politics, after 1929 it took on an open anti-republican and anti-democratic character.  Its goals were a German dictatorship, the preparation of a revanchist program, and the direction of local anti-parliamentarian action. For political reasons its members distinguished themselves from the Nazi Party (NSDAP) as "German Fascists".  Among their further demands were the establishment of a Greater Germanic People's Reich, struggle against Social Democracy, the "mercantilism of the Jews" and the general liberal democratic worldview, and attempted without success to place candidates favorable to the politics of a renewed German expansion to the East.  In 1929 the Stahlhelm supported the "Peoples' Initiative" of DNVP leader Alfred Hugenberg and the Nazis to initiate a German referendum against the Young Plan on World War I reparations in order to overthrow the government of Chancellor Hermann Müller.  On April 27, 1933, Seldte had officially declared the Stahlhelm subordinate to Hitler's command.  In 1951 a Stahlhelm successor organization was re-created in Cologne, West Germany.  A year later, in 1952, even before his release from prison, Field Marshal Albert Kesselring was elected as leader federal a post he kept till his death in 1960.  Several regional associations still exist though without any political significance.

 **SA (Stormtroopers) - A permanent group of party members who would serve as the Saalschutz Abteilung (hall defense detachment) for the DAP gathered around Emil Maurice after the February 1920 incident at the Hofbräuhaus.  On August 3, 1921, Hitler redefined the group as the "Gymnastic and Sports Division" of the party, perhaps to avoid trouble with the government.  It was by now well recognized as an appropriate, even necessary, function or organ of the party.  The future SA developed by organizing and formalizing the groups of ex-soldiers and beer hall brawlers who were to protect gatherings of the Nazi Party from disruptions from Social Democrats and Communists.  By September 1921 the name Sturmabteilung was being used informally for the group.
The  Sturmabteilung, abbreviated SA (German for "Storm detachment" or "Assault detachment" or "Assault section", usually translated as "Stormtroop(er)s"), functioned as a paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party.  It played a key role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s.  SA men were often called "brownshirts" for the colour of their uniforms; this distinguished them from the Schutzstaffel (SS), who wore black and brown uniforms (similar to Benito Mussolini's blackshirts).  Brown-coloured shirts were chosen as the SA uniform because a large batch of them were cheaply available after World War I, having originally been ordered during the war for colonial troops posted to Germany's former African colonies.
The SA figuratively battled on the streets for the hearts of the German people.  They were attacked often by the jewish-led Communist thugs, but were often ordered to stand and take it with no fighting.  They had to let themselves be punched-and the only recourse was to muster up even more resolution to crowd the enemy out.  At the funeral of a Hitler Youth murdered by Marxists in 1932, rocks were thrown at the SA, especially at Dr. Goebbels.  Goebbels whispered to the SA and on down the line, “Stand still, don’t so much as blink an eye, don’t let them provoke you!”  Afterwards the Nazis marched through the reddest part of Berlin, singing the battle songs and many of the Communists joined them.
The SA was also the first Nazi paramilitary group to develop pseudo-military titles for bestowal upon its members.  The SA ranks would be adopted by several other Nazi Party groups, chief among them the SS.  The SA was very important to Adolf Hitler's rise to power, but was largely irrelevant after he took control of Germany in 1933; it was effectively superseded by the SS after the Night of the Long Knives.
After Hitler took power in 1933, the SA became increasingly eager for power and saw themselves as the replacement for the German army.  This angered the regular army (Reichswehr), who already resented the Nazis.  It also led to tension with other leaders within the party, who saw Röhm's increasingly powerful SA as a threat to their own personal ambitions.  Originally an adjunct to the SA, the Schutzstaffel (SS) was placed under the direct control of Heinrich Himmler in part to restrict the power of the SA and their leaders.
 Ernst Julius Röhm, (11/28, 1887 – 7/2, 1934) was an Imperial German army officer and later a Nazi leader.  (age ~33 in 1920) He was a co-founder of the Sturmabteilung ("Storm Battalion"; SA), the Nazi Party militia and later was the SA commander.  In 1934, he was executed on Hitler's orders as a potential rival, although this was done ostensibly as a reaction to Röhm's well-known homosexual tendencies.  (see 1934)
 Jew Emil Maurice (1/19, 1897– 2/6, 1972) was an early member of the Nazi Party.  A watchmaker, he was a close associate of Adolf Hitler with a personal friendship dating back to at least 1919.  With the founding of the Sturmabteilung in 1920, Maurice became the first Oberster SA-Führer (Supreme SA Leader).  (age ~23 in 1920) In a secret letter written on the 8/31/1935, Hitler compelled Himmler to make an exception for Maurice and his brothers, who were informally declared "Honorary Aryans" and allowed to stay in the SS.  Despite his Jewish ancestry, and his relationship with Hitler's niece, Geli Raubal, Maurice was first and foremost a loyal companion to Hitler.

**** Volksgemeinschaft or People’s Community  -There were dozens of societies and associations which had as their chief activities: camping, hiking, group retreats and bonfire celebrations replete with traditional songfests.
The National Socialist Party was primarily a young people’s party with initial political activity composed of the young soldiers of WW I.  Their women and families joined.  Christians who saw the vision of societal fairness joined.  The older generation of activists and concerned citizens became mentors and encouragers.  Of the dozens of similar parties, this Party grew larger as the excitement grew and other parties were folded into it.  Nearly the whole of Germany eventually joined either in approval or party activism.  Many themes which we in the US consider within Americanism were present.
An example of similar party:
The Artaman League was a German agrarian and völkisch movement dedicated to a Blood and soil-inspired ruralism.  Active during the inter-war period, the League became closely linked to, and eventually absorbed by, the Nazi Party.  The term Artamanen ('agriculture man') was coined by Dr. Willibald Hentschel, a believer in racial purity who had founded the Mittgart Society, in 1906.  His desire was to see Germans retreat from the decadence of the city in order to return to an idyllic rural past.  The Artamans were part of the German Youth Movement.  Under the leadership of Georg Kenstler they advocated blood and soil policies and to drive the Slavs out of Germany.  The concepts were combined in the figure of the Wehrbauer, or soldier-peasant.  They also gave classes on importance of racial purity and the Nordic race, and the corrupting influence of city living and Jews.  Heinrich Himmler was an early member and met Richard Walther Darré and future camp commandant Rudolf Höss.  The Artamans held that by communing with nature they would have kinship with nature as the ancient Germans.  Many of them became vegetarians and teetotalers, a few observed abstinence from sex.  They threw over orthodox medicine for spiritual and herbal healing.
Willibald Hentschel (11/7, 1858 -2/2, 1947) was a German agrarian and volkisch writer and political activist.  He sought to renew the Aryan race through a variety of schemes, including selective breeding and polygamy, all within a firmly rural setting.  Amongst his earliest activities was his place on the board of directors of the German Social Party, an anti-Semitic group led by Max Liebermann von Sonnenberg in the 1890s.  His 1901 book Varuna, in which he explored the origins of the Aryan race, helped to make him a popular figure.  Hentschel was close to Theodor Fritsch and with him founded the Hammer in 1903.  Fritsch announced that Varuna, which complained that Germans were becoming "Semitized" through such initiatives as democratization and rural depopulation, was the ideological basis of the new journal.  In 1904 he published the book “Mittgart” in which he outlined a scheme to send 1000 ethnically pure women and 100 men picked for their military and athletic prowess to large country estates to procreate.  Their children would then leave the estates at the age of 16 with the aim of travelling Germany and renewing racial stock.  He further argued that in time the countryside would be the only place where pure Germans would be found, with the cities’ housing the biologically unfit who would die away quickly.  Hentschel's scheme attracted criticism not only from religious leaders but also from fellow racial nationalists who were outraged by what they saw as an attack on the institution of the family.  Hentschel for his part belonged to the tendency within German nationalism that was strongly opposed to Christianity anyway.  After World War I he moderated his ideas somewhat, calling instead for a migration of ethnic Germans into the east of the country in order to displace the Poles living there.  Hentschel joined the Nazi Party in 1929.
The Program of the German Workers’ Party is a program for our time.  The leadership rejects the establishment of new aims after those set out in the Program have been achieved, for the sole purpose of making it possible for the Party to continue to exist as the result of the artificially stimulated dissatisfaction of the masses.  [Many of the more socialist  aims were later lessened or dropped.]
1. We demand the uniting of all Germans within one Greater Germany, on the basis of the right to self-determination of nations.[sounds good]
2. We demand equal rights for the German people (Volk) with respect to other nations, and the annulment of the Peace Treaty of Versailles and St. Germain. [sounds good]
3. We demand land and soil (Colonies, such as all the leading nations had) to feed our People and settle our excess population. [later dropped]
4. Only Nationals (Volksgenossen) can be Citizens of the State.  Only persons of German blood can be Nationals, regardless of religious affiliation. No Jew can therefore be a German National. [sounds good, one Volk, no dual allegiance as in current US]
5. Any person who is not a Citizen will be able to live in Germany only as a guest and must be subject to legislation for Aliens. [sounds good]
6. Only a Citizen is entitled to decide the leadership and laws of the State.  We therefore demand that only Citizens may hold public office, regardless of whether it is a national, state, or local office. [sounds good]
7. We demand that the State make it its duty to provide opportunities of employment first of all for its own Citizens.  If it is not possible to maintain the entire population of the State, then foreign nationals (non-Citizens) are to be expelled from the Reich. [sounds good]
8. Any further immigration of non-Germans is to be prevented.  We demand that all non-Germans who entered Germany after August 2, 1914, be forced to leave the Reich without delay. [sounds good]
9. All German Citizens must have equal rights and duties. [sounds good]
10. It must be the first duty of every Citizen to carry out intellectual or physical work.  Individual activity must not be harmful to the public interest and must be pursued within the framework of the community and for the general good. [sounds good]
We therefore demand:
11. The abolition of all income obtained without labor or effort. [sounds good, is quite general and non-specific]
Breaking the Servitude of Interest
12. In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the Nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the Nation.  We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits. [sounds good]
13. We demand the nationalization of all enterprises (already) converted into corporations (trusts).  [sounds good as corporations are amoral and only see profit, not allegiance]
14. We demand profit-sharing in large enterprises. [sounds good-as cooperatives have done well in the US]
15. We demand the large-scale development of old-age pension schemes.  [sounds good-as was later done in the US, but hopefully with more rationality]
16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle class; the immediate communalization of the large department stores, which are to be leased at low rates to small tradesmen.  We demand the most careful consideration for the owners of small businesses in orders placed by national, state, or community authorities.  [sounds good-sounds like Thomas Jefferson]
17. We demand land reform in accordance with our national needs and a law for expropriation without compensation of land for public purposes. Abolition of ground rent and prevention of all speculation in land.  [sounds good-in US speculation has led to numerous economic bubbles]
18. We demand ruthless battle against those who harm the common good by their activities.  Persons committing base crimes against the People, usurers, profiteers, etc., are to be punished by death without regard of religion or race.  [sounds good]
19. We demand the replacement of Roman Law, which serves a materialistic World Order, by German Law.  [sounds good]
20. In order to make higher education—and thereby entry into leading positions—available to every able and industrious German, the State must provide a thorough restructuring of our entire public educational system.  The courses of study at all educational institutions are to be adjusted to meet the requirements of practical life.  Understanding of the concept of the State must be achieved through the schools (teaching of civics) at the earliest age at which it can be grasped.  We demand the education at the public expense of specially gifted children of poor parents, without regard to the latter’s position or occupation.  [sounds good]
21. The State must raise the level of national health by means of mother-and-child care, the banning of juvenile labor, achievement of physical fitness through legislation for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and maximum support for all organizations providing physical training for young people.  [sounds good]
22. We demand the abolition of hireling troops and the creation of a national army.  [sounds good-US troops are currently aided by double their numbers in mercenaries or private contractors.]
23. We demand laws to fight against deliberate political lies and their dissemination by the press.  In order to make it possible to create a German press, we demand:
a) all editors and editorial employees of newspapers appearing in the German language must be German by race; [sounds good-no dual allegiance]
b) non-German newspapers require express permission from the State for their publication.  They may not be printed in the German language; [sounds good- as guests of the State]
c) any financial participation in a German newspaper or influence on such a paper is to be forbidden by law to non-Germans and the penalty for any breech of this law will be the closing of the newspaper in question, as well as the immediate expulsion from the Reich of the non-Germans involved.  Newspapers which violate the public interest are to be banned.  We demand laws against trends in art and literature which have a destructive effect on our national life, and the suppression of performances that offend against the above requirements.  [sounds good-stands for community shared values and against dual allegiance]
24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations, provided that they do not endanger the existence of the State or offend the concepts of decency and morality of the Germanic race.  The Party as such stands for positive Christianity, without associating itself with any particular denomination.  It fights against the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and around us, and is convinced that a permanent revival of our Nation can be achieved only from within, on the basis of:  [sounds good]
Public Interest before Private Interest
25. To carry out all the above we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the Reich: Unquestioned authority by the political central Parliament over the entire Reich and over its organizations in general.  The establishment of trade and professional organizations to enforce the Reich basic laws in the individual states.  [sounds good-nothing more than what the US has had for a hundred years]
The Party leadership promises to take an uncompromising stand, at the cost of their own lives if need be, on the enforcement of the above points. [sounds like the US’s Founding Fathers] Munich, February 24, 1920.
Modern paraphrase of National Socialism:
Dear Fellow Citizens: I'm against crime, against pornography, against prostitution, for my people and their continuance, against miscegenation and mongrelization, for an Israeli state for Israelis, for Germany for Germans, for the sanctity and furtherance of the family, for personal excellence, against permissiveness and crass materialism, against homosexuality and all such corruptions, for full employment and a thriving economy, against communism, Marx, Freud and the Big Lie, for National Socialism, Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh, against drug abuse and abortion on demand, for order, discipline and personal responsibility, for ethnic states and their full sovereignty, for universal health care and against smoking, against the sham of "Democracy" and "equality", for honoring the soldier and for a strong military, for nurturing youth with great music and drama, for the English and their magnificent empire, against religious racketeering, for one leader, one nation and one people, for advanced education for the intellectual elite, for dogs, sweets and kids, for goals and national aspirations for people, for culture creating peoples, not destroyers, against feminism and for Motherhood…so was Hitler.

 Gottfried Feder (1/27, 1883 – 9/24, 1941) was a German economist and one of the early key members of the Nazi party.  He was their economic theoretician. Initially, it was his lecture in 1919 that drew Hitler into the party.  In February 1920, together with Adolf Hitler and Anton Drexler, Feder drafted the "25 points".  He remained one of the leaders of the anti-capitalistic wing of the NSDAP, and published several papers, including "National and Social Bases of the German State" (1920).  (age ~37 in 1920) Feder briefly dominated the NSDAP's official views on financial politics, but after he became chairman of the party's economic council in 1931, his anti-capitalist views led to a great decline in financial support from Germany's major industrialists.  Feder continued to write papers, ("The Fight against High Finance", 1933) ("The Jews", 1933); in 1934, he became (Reich commissioner).  In 1939 he wrote (The New City).  This can be considered a Nazi attempt at Garden City building.  Here he proposed creating agricultural cities of 20,000 people divided into nine autonomous units and surrounded by agricultural areas. 

**** Sieg Heil! ["Hail victory]  The oral greeting Heil became popular in the pan-German movement around 1900.  The salute gesture is based on an ancient Roman custom.  On the night of January 3, 942, Hitler said of the origins of the salute:  “I made it the salute of the Party long after the Duce had adopted it. I'd read the description of the sitting of the Diet of Worms, in the course of which Luther was greeted with the German salute.  It was to show him that he was not being confronted with arms, but with peaceful intentions.  In the days of Frederick the Great, people still saluted with their hats, with pompous gestures. In the Middle Ages the serfs humbly doffed their bonnets, whilst the noblemen gave the German salute.  It was in the Ratskeller at Bremen, about the year 1921, that I first saw this style of salute.  It must be regarded as a survival of an ancient custom, which originally signified: "See, I have no weapon in my hand!"  I introduced the salute into the Party at our first meeting in Weimar.  The SS at once gave it a soldierly style.  It's from that moment that our opponents honored us with the epithet "dogs of Fascists". —Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Table Talk  Americans and students also used to pledge allegiance with the outstretched arm until the 1940’s.  The outstretched arm, like Charismatic Christians, signifies submission under God.  This is in contrast to the Communist salute of the clenched fist towards the heavens signified a resistance to God.
****Swastika (2)  In Christianity, the swastika is used as a hooked version of the Christian Cross, the symbol of Christ's victory over death.  Some Christian churches built in the Romanesque and Gothic eras are decorated with swastikas, carrying over earlier Roman designs. 
Freemasons also gave the swastika symbol importance. In medieval Northern European Runic Script, a counter-clockwise swastika denotes the letter 'G,' and could stand for the important Freemason terms God, Great Architect of the Universe, or Geometry.
When Hitler created a flag for the Nazi Party, he sought to incorporate both the swastika and "those revered colors expressive of our homage to the glorious past and which once brought so much honor to the German nation."  (Red, white, and black were the colors of the flag of the old German Empire.)  He also stated: "As National Socialists, we see our program in our flag.  In red, we see the social idea of the movement; in white, the nationalistic idea; in the swastika, the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of the idea of creative work."
The Swastika was used throughout the world, especially in the West, but also in Asia and North America.  Since WW II it has been vilified in the West, but is still in use in Asia.
American Swastikas: Good Luck Postcards:
Businesses (Just a few examples):        
 The Swedish company ASEA, now a part of Asea Brown Boveri, used the swastika in its logo from the 1890s to 1933, when it was removed from the logo.

Hitler saw the Swastika as a youth on his Parish hall.
       Lambach monastery is where Hitler first saw the Hakenkreuz, and it shows a photo of Th. Hagen's coat of arms, dated 1860, with a hooked Sonnenrad type of Hakenkreuz. That coat of arms complete with Hakenkreuz is still there today, above a well in the monastery inner courtyard.
1891 Ernest Krauss (who?) brings the swastika to the attention of a number of groups, both in Britain and Germany.
1920 5/20 A right-handed (counterclockwise) swastika makes its first public appearance as the flag of the Nazi movement at the foundation meeting of the local Starnberg group.  Hitler convinced Friedrich Krohn, who originally had proposed a left-handed design, to make the change. Krohn, however, was responsible for the color scheme of a black swastika in a white circle on a red background. (Roots)
 The Nazi flag was chosen with a black swastika set in a white circle upon a red background.  Red was chosen to represent the social side of the movement, white for the German national side; the swastika stands as a symbol for the Aryan race.  The color combination, it is interesting to note, is that of the flag of the German Empire.
 Priest Swastika (when, where?)  A 1936 Polish military parade.
   In a painting of the Norse god Thor fighting Jotner, by the Swedish artist Mårten Eskil Winge from 1872, a swastika is clearly visible in his belt (in the painting itself)
.         The Girls' Club of the Ladies Home Journal was a idea promoted around 1900 to encourage "girls" to be subscription agents to earn gifts, prizes, money and scholarships.
 1920-26 Marshall Ambrose Neilan (April 11, 1891 – October 27, 1958) was an American motion picture actor, screenwriter, film director, and producer.
 Clara Gordon Bow (7/29, 1905 – 9/27, 1965) was an actress who rose to stardom in the silent film era of the 1920s.  It was her appearance as a spunky shopgirl in the film It that brought her global fame and the nickname "The It Girl".  Bow came to personify the roaring twenties and is described as its leading sex symbol.

There were many influences in using the Swastika, all good Germanic tradition.  “The Swastika and the Nazis” by Servando González lists these connections: Krohn, Haushofer, Lambach, Hess, Freikorps/Ehrhard Brigade, Chamberlain, Rosenberg, Eckart, Runes, Jahn, Blavatsky, Karl May, Hanussen, Ostara, Thule Society.  (If not mentioned in this section, check the Index to this Thesis.)
In corollary with the swastika were that many of these were also mystical influences.  YET, the mystical is often misunderstood.  These men were delving into Germanic roots and symbolic understandings of these roots and the meanings of life.  These movements were no more mystical than the psychology of Jung or Freud, the charismatic religion of fundamentalist Christians, the history of speculating pre-historians, or the rites of Freemasony.

 Rudolf John Gorsleben (3/16, 1883 – 8/23, 1930) was a German Ariosophist, Armanist (practitioner of the Armanen runes), journal editor and playwright.  12/18, 1920 Rudolf Gorsleben delivers a speech entitled "The Aryan Man" to the Thule Society.  He formed the Edda Society and wrote the book (The Zenith of Humanity), first published in 1930.  It is known as "The Bible of Armanism".  "The healing power of medical drugs is the Ur-power of their original essence in conjunction with the power of Ur-vibrations of the human-Divine combination that is composed of body, soul and spirit."  "With the introduction of Runic knowledge the generation of our days can achieve the control of secret powers within the life of their soul and reach the Spring-Root, which is the Whole of the Runes, the All-Raune, which opens all spiritual treasures to us, if we are Children of the Sunday, Children of the Sun, Children ("Kinder") of the Ar (Eagle, Sun), announcers ("Künder") of the Ar, people knowledgeable ("Könner" in modern German) of the Ar, Ar-koner, persons knowledgeable in the Ar-Kana (Arkana = arcane wisdom) or if we strive to become all of the above.  The Runes have their own lives, they are true magical signs, from which we can draw the Spirit to Advise and the Courage to Action."
1925 11/29 Rudolf Gorsleben founds the Edda Society, an "Aryan" study group, at Dinkelsbühl, in Franconia.  Grand Master of the group is Werner von Bülow.  Treasurer is Friedrich Schaefer from Mühlhausen, whose wife, Käthe, keeps open house for other occult-völkisch groups which gather around Karl Maria Wiligut (Weisthor) in the early 1930s.  Rudolf Gorsleben was Chancellor of the Edda Society and published its periodical German Freedom, later Aryan Freedom. (Roots)  (Note: Mathilde von Kemnitz, a prolific völkisch writer, who will marry General Ludendorff in 1926, is an active member of the Edda Society.) (Mund;Roots)

  (Tagore c. 1915) (5/7, 1861 – 8/7, 1941) was a Bengali polymath who reshaped his region's literature and music.  He became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913.  In translation his poetry was viewed as spiritual and mercurial; his seemingly mesmeric personality, flowing hair, and other-worldly dress earned him a prophet-like reputation in the West.  He was highly influential in introducing the best of Indian culture to the West and vice versa, and he is generally regarded as the outstanding creative artist of modern India.  1921 4/20 Hitler receives a book from Dr. Babette Steininger, an early Nazi member, as a birthday present.  The book is an essay by Tagore, an Indian mystic and nationalist.  Steininger: "to Adolf Hitler my dear Armanen-Brother."

19th Federal recognition of women's suffrage August 18, 1920 [Men biased by Media is bad enough for an electorate, now women concerned about welfare issues help the growth of a greater National State.]
 ****The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) consists of two separate non-profit organizations: the ACLU Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization which focuses on litigation and communication efforts, and the American Civil Liberties Union, a 501(c)(4) organization which focuses on legislative lobbying.  The ACLU's stated mission is "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States."  It works through litigation, legislation, and community education.  Founded in 1920 by Crystal Eastman, Roger Baldwin and Walter Nelles, the ACLU was the successor organization to the earlier National Civil Liberties Bureau founded during World War I.  The ACLU reported over 500,000 members at the end of 2005. Lawsuits brought by the ACLU have been influential in the evolution of Constitutional law.  The ACLU provides legal assistance in cases in which it considers civil liberties to be at risk. Even when the ACLU does not provide direct legal representation, it often submits amicus curiae briefs.
 Roger Nash Baldwin (Jew?) became head of the National Civil Liberties Bureau (NCLB) in 1917.  An independent outgrowth of the American Union Against Militarism, the Bureau opposed American intervention in World War I.  [Two greatest influences on Baldwin were Jew Louis D. Brandeis and Jew Emma Goldman. He joined the Industrial Workers of the World.  In 1927, he had visited the Soviet Union and wrote a book, Liberty Under the Soviets.  He later denounced communism in his book, A New Slavery, which condemned "the inhuman communist police state tyranny".  In the 1940s, Baldwin led the campaign to purge the ACLU of Communist Party members.]  The NCLB provided legal advice and aid for conscientious objectors and those being prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917 or the Sedition Act of 1918.  In 1920, the NCLB changed its name to the American Civil Liberties Union, with Baldwin continuing as its director and Walter Nelles as chief counsel.  Jeannette Rankin, Jane Addams, Crystal Eastman, Jew Albert DeSilver, Helen Keller, along with other former members of the NCLB, all assisted Baldwin with the founding of the ACLU. Among the founding members was Jew Felix Frankfurter, who later became an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.  DeSilver and Nelles were Baldwin's closest associates.  The ACLU was formed to protect aliens threatened with deportation, along with U.S. nationals threatened with criminal charges by U.S. Attorney General Alexander Mitchell Palmer for their communist or socialist activities and agendas (see Palmer Raids).  It also opposed attacks on the rights of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and other labor unions to meet and organize. 
In 2010, most thinking people know that the American Civil Liberties Union is vehemently anti-Christian.  What they don't know is that 3 of 6 of ACLU's top national leaders are liberal Jewish activists.  Although ACLU's executive director, Anthony D. Romero, is an in-your-face Hispanic homosexual, second in command is Nadine Strossen, Jewish.  She was given the "Woman of Distinction" award from the Women's League of Conservative Judaism and the "Women who Dared" award from the National Council of Jewish Women.  A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, she is married to Eli M. Noam, professor and founding director of Columbia University's Institute for Tele-Information.  Third in command at ACLU is legal counsel Steven Shapiro.  As the legal mastermind of ACLU, he may well wield greatest power. Shapiro commands an army of 90 fulltime lawyers, maintaining an active docket of cases harassing the public expression of Christian values across America.  Geri E. Rozanski, director of affiliate support, is also a Jewish activist.  Before joining ACLU, she was director for the large field operation of the American Jewish Committee.  Executive Director Anthony Romero may largely fulfill the role of a token Latino/homosexual figurehead. Ultimately, he may be Gentile window dressing, meant to deflect public attention from the real brains behind the ACLU, Strossen and Shapiro.

March 8: South Schleswig votes to rejoin Germany by 90%.  
March 14: Central Schleswig votes for reunification with Germany.  
The Treaty of Warsaw of April 1920 was an alliance between the Second Polish Republic, represented by Józef Piłsudski, and the Ukrainian People's Republic, against Bolshevik Russia.  The treaty was signed on April 21, 1920, with a military addendum on April 24.  The alliance was signed during the Polish-Soviet War, just before the Polish Kiev Offensive.  The Peace of Riga, was signed on March 18, 1921, between Poland, Soviet Russia and Soviet Ukraine.  The treaty ended the Polish-Soviet War.  Poland gained vast Ukrainian and White Russian territories with a population of about 11 million.  This is what the Soviet Union took back in 1939 with its pact with Germany.
Christian Science Monitor: Commenting on the publication of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an editorial said: It is necessary to plunge into the thorny question as to whether the Jewish Peril, of today, is as much a delusion of its prophets as was the Yellow Peril in its day.  What is important to dwell upon is the increasing evidence of the existence of a secret conspiracy, throughout the world, for the destruction of organized government and the letting loose of evil... The human mind jeers at the theory of mental manipulation, yet prominent politicians, philosophers and soldiers are found, at critical moments, giving expression to views of an absolutely non-moral description, which are not in accordance with their behavior in ordinary life... It is here that the conspiracy of evil against humanity becomes recognizable." ("The Jewish Peril," June 19, 1920.)
"The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.  What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish  dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental a physical forces, become a reality all over the world." (The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920)
Roberto Farinacci (10/16, 1892 — 4/28, 1945) was a leading Italian Fascist politician.  Under his editorship, Regime Fascista, the official Fascist Party daily newspaper, began to expose and denounce Jewish participation in the world Communist movement.
Pilates was designed by Joseph Pilates, a German physical-culturist born in 1883.  He developed a system of exercises during the first half of the 20th century which were intended to strengthen the human mind and body.  Joseph Pilates believed that mental and physical health are inter-related.
1920? Edith Salburg. 20th c. German novelist.  Her many works contend that Jewish greed and commercialism undermine the native roots of the people.  With Nathanael Junger, she was one of the first to make a racial analysis of the Jewish issue, contending that Judaism is not merely a religion but a facade for a secret fraternity linked by blood. (Memories of a non-respect(?))
“The Great Jewish Conspiracy” by William Hard 1920 The American Jewish Book Company, William Hard (1878-1962)  During the 1920’s and 1930’s, Hard was a news broadcaster for the National Broadcasting Company.  This is a hack rebuttal for the Jews.
8/5, 1920 edition of the British magazine The New Age: "in effect, it is “as if” the same hand that controls Lenin were in control of the financial policy of this country (Britain). As our readers know, we do not accuse the Jews as a race of intending the break-up of civilisation; but the financial power, so often associated with Jews, operates so infallibly to this end that their intentions are really not in need of discussion. ’The plain fact is that, whatever the declared intentions of the financial control may be, the effect of its dictatorship is to create “despair in the middle classes” in this country exactly as a similar despair has been produced in Russia. In short, as we see it, the banks, whether knowingly or not, are allies of Bolshevism."

**German Theologians: (German Theology, as well as Sciences and Technology, was seen as the apex of Scholarship for centuries.)
Adolf Schlatter (8/16, 1852 – 5/19, 1938) was an Evangelical theologian and professor specializing in the New Testament and systematics.  In Berlin, he was the intellectual antithesis to Adolf von Harnack.  He was adamant about the manifestation of God in nature and in Jesus Christ, and this conviction led him to a criticism of the theophilosophical ideas of German idealism.  His down-to-earth interpretation of the Bible also brought Schlatter into in conflict with the contemporary school of thought in the Evangelical Church in Germany.  According to the Pulitzer Prize winning historian Saul (Jew) Friedländer in his “Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939-1945”, Schlatter belonged to a "hard core of Jew haters" who considered the Nazi anti-Semitic laws too mild.  Friedländer cites from a popular 1935 pamphlet by Schlatter, [Will the Jew be Victorious Over Us?: A Word for Christmas] that regrets the "favorable situation" of the Jews in contemporary Germany.   He criticized Nazi neo-paganism, racial myth, and the cult of the Fuehrer and he "indirectly and directly" legitimized "the oppression of Jews. 
Karl Ludwig Schmidt (1891 - 1956) was a German theologian.  He showed that the four Gospels were constructed from small literary fragments from diverse oral or written traditions, being joined by the evangelists in a geographical and chronological itinerary to give continuity of the story to target audiences.  This showed that none of the Gospels could be used as a historical source for reconstructing the footsteps of Jesus.  This contributed, together with the contributions of Wilhelm Wrede, to block the Liberal School reconstruction of the life of Jesus.  This began the end of the quest for the historical Jesus .
Martin Dibelius (9/14, 1883 – 11/11, 1947) was a German theologian and New Testament professor.  Along with Rudolf Bultmann he helped define a period in research about the historical Jesus characterized by skepticism toward the possibility of describing Jesus with historical authority.  He is well known for portraying Jesus' Sermon on the Mount as reflecting ideals that are impossible to live up to in what he considered a fallen world.
Wilhelm Bousset (9/3, 1865 – 3/8, 1920) was a German theologian and New Testament scholar.  Bousset was a prominent figure in the (History of Religions School), a group that included scholars such as Richard August Reitzenstein (1861–1931), Albert Eichhorn (1856–1926) and Hermann Gunkel (1862–1932).  His better known work involved comparative studies between the Early Christian Church and other religious beliefs, particularly Hellenistic Judaism.  Bousset demonstrated in his writings that Christian thought was profoundly influenced by neighboring cultures and belief systems.  (Kyrios Christos; A History of the Belief in Christ from the Beginnings of Christianity to Irenaeus), and (Antichrist Legend: A Chapter in Christian and Jewish Folklore)(1895). Other noted works by Bousset include:
Richard August Reitzenstein (1861-1931) was a German classical philologist and scholar of Ancient Greek religion, hermetism and Gnosticism.  He wrote Poimandres (1904), which he compared to the Shepherd of Hermas.  In collaboration with the German Egyptologist Wilhelm Spiegelberg, Richard August Reitzenstein also founded a famous collection of Greek and Egyptian papyri, purchased during an expedition in Egypt in 1898/9.  Bousset then Reitzenstein, along with Bultmann, were notable for promoting theories of pre-Christian gnosticism, and the influence of gnosticism on the New Testament.  Modern scholars now reject these theories, while acknowledging that many of the features of later Christian gnosticism can be drawn from pre-Christian Jewish and Hellenistic roots.
Albert Eichhorn (10/1, 1856-8/3, 1926) was one of the founders of the discipline of history of religions, an approach that sought to understand all religions, including Christianity and Judaism, as socio-cultural phenomena that developed in comparable ways.  His pioneering work on the role of the contemporary needs, beliefs, and culture that shaped the New Testament reports of Jesus’ Last Supper argued that this early Christian sacramental meal reflected the influence of Near Eastern “gnostic” (using the term broadly) ideas.
Hermann Gunkel (1862–1932) was a German Protestant Old Testament scholar.  He is noted for his contribution to form criticism and the study of oral tradition in biblical texts.  He was an outstanding representative of the "History of Religion School”.  Among other works were Genesis commentary (1901) and Psalm commentary (1926).  The "History of Religions School" addressed the history of traditions behind the biblical text.  In addition to Gunkel, the original group also included Albert Eichhorn, William Wrede, Wilhelm Bousset, Johannes Weiss, Ernst Troeltsch, Wilhelm Heitmüller, and Paul Wernle.  In the beginning they were primarily concerned with the origins of Christianity, but this interest eventually broadened to include the historical backgrounds of ancient Israelite and other Near Eastern religions.  His "Creation and Chaos in the Beginning and at the End of Time"(1895) compared the biblical creation/destruction myths from Genesis 1 to Revelation 12. 

1921         1921         1921         1921
  Warren Gamaliel Harding (November 2, 1865 – August 2, 1923) was the 29th President of the United States, serving from 1921 until his death from a heart attack in 1923.  A Republican from Ohio, Harding was an influential newspaper publisher. He served in the Ohio Senate (1899–1903) and later as the 28th Lieutenant Governor of Ohio (1903–1905) and as a U.S. Senator (1915–1921).  Besides a couple of affairs, it is suggested that Harding was black passing as white.  Harding refused to recognize the Jewish Communist criminal Soviet Union.
 Frederick Palmer (1/29, 1873 – 9/2, 1958) was an American journalist and writer.  Palmer's fifty years as a war correspondent began when he was sent to cover the Greco-Turkish War of 1897 for the New York World and for Collier's Weekly. He then covered the gold rush in northwestern Canada.  The Philippine–American War (1899–1902) provided an opportunity for him to cross the Pacific bound for Manila.  In 1900, Palmer went to China to cover the Boxer Rebellion (1900); and then he was sent to cover the Boer War (1899–1902) in South Africa.  Then the prospect of military conflict in Manchuria brought him back to China to cover the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905) for the New York Globe..  The New York Times sent Palmer to cover the Balkan War in 1912.  In 1914, Palmer was arrested in Mexico City while covering the Tampico Affair (1914) and the United States occupation of Veracruz for Everybody's Magazine.  General John Pershing persuaded him to take on the task of press accreditation for the American Expeditionary Force (AEF).  In this period, he was accorded the rank of Colonel.  Palmer subsequently became the first war correspondent to win the U.S. Army's Distinguished Service Medal.  Between World War I and World War II, Palmer wrote thirty-one books, including Our Greatest Battle, based on his World War I experiences.  In his books, he provided an analysis of the future impact of weapons and strategies he had seen, and soon after the end of World War I predicted that a second world war was on the horizon.  He was awarded an honorary doctorate from Princeton University in 1935.
When the American war correspondent Frederick Palmer (1873 - 1958) sat down to write his memoir “The Folly of Nations” (1921) he had seen much of the vulgarity and wastefulness of war on a number of continents and knew the institution better than most.  During the First World War, Palmer had been chosen by the King's government as the only American correspondent to report on the activities of the British Army in Europe, and in the Spring of 1917 he was recruited by the U.S. Army to serve as their press liaison officer and censor (a post which he characterized as that of a simple liar.)  The attached article from Current Opinion, 1921 is the review of his 1921 memoir in which he condemned the war:  "Passing on to speak of the moral aspects of war, Palmer asks: 'What is it to be moral? Is it moral to foul your mind with lies and hates? To plot the killing of fellow human beings? To surrender your freedom of thought to the drill master and the propagandist of war?...If so, the late war was a true promoter of morality; and let us have another, and another..."  During the Second World War, Palmer reported from both the European and Pacific Theaters.

Jakob Klatzkin, Yakov/Jakub Klaczkin (10/3 1882 – 3/26 1948) was a Jewish philosopher, publicist, publisher and a Rabbi’s son.  He rejected the notion of chosenness for the Jewish people, either religious or secular.  He argued that the only meaningful goal for Zionism was regaining the land of Israel and normalizing the conditions of Jewish existence also that assimilationist were "traitors to their Judaism".  In his 1921 German-language book (Crisis and Decision), writes “We are not hyphenated Jews; we are Jews with no qualifications or reservations.  We are simply aliens; we are a foreign people in your midst, and, we emphasize, we wish to stay that way.  There is a wide gap between you and us, so wide that no bridge can be laid across.  Your spirit is alien to us; your myths, legends, habits, customs, traditions and national heritage, your religious and national shrines [Christianity], your Sundays and holidays. . . they are all alien to us.  The history of your triumphs and defeats, your war songs and battle hymns, your heroes and their mighty deeds, your national ambitions and aspirations, they are all alien to us.  The boundaries of your lands cannot restrict our movements, and your border clashes are not of our concern.  Far over and above the frontiers and boundaries of your land stand our Jewish unity. . . . Whosoever calls the foreign [Gentile] land a fatherland is a traitor to the Jewish people. . . . A loyal Jew can never be other than a Jewish patriot.... We recognize a national unity of Diaspora Jews, no matter in which country they may reside.  Therefore, no boundaries can restrain us in pursuing our own Jewish Policy.”
Jan 31 1921 Teutonic Foes of Jews plan world league
In 1921 Andersen (see 1917) wrote (The German Saviour), in which he opposed Jewish migration as an apocalyptic decision: “Who will win, the six-cornered star or the Cross? - The question is, for now, not yet evident. The Jew goes on his way purposefully, in any case ... his deadly hatred will defeat his opponent.  When the Christian Good Friday is celebrated, it should at least not weigh in his dreams; ...otherwise there could come a whole lot of terrible Golgothas, where Jews across the whole world dance their jubilee songs on the grave of Christianity as heirs of a murdering people, singing to the Jahu they destroyed.”
Felix Adler (August 13, 1851 – April 24, 1933) was a Jewish rationalist intellectual, popular lecturer, religious leader and social reformer who founded the Ethical Culture movement and is thought to have been a main influence on modern Humanistic Judaism.  “Questions of the Day: The Revival of Anti-Semitism” by Adler 1921
"A Thousand Million Pounds" by W.E. Bleloch and A.E. O'Flaherty 1921  Asserts Jewish control over South Africa mineral and banking wealth.
March 21: Upper Silesia votes to rejoin Germany. 24 March: Polish forces invade Upper Silesia.
  March 24, 1921 Purim, the Jewish holiday of Revenge against Gentiles.  Jews throughout the world label specific enemies as Haman and Christianity in general as Haman.  This holiday celebrates vengeance.  Other episodes of revenge throughout the year could still be connected to the spirit of Purim.  The Adloyada Purim parade, along with gambling, drinking to excess and all kinds of decadence is typical. 
  Sir Paul Dukes KBE (1889–1967) was a British author and MI6 officer.  Dukes worked undercover for several years in Bolshevik Russia, and even infiltrated the Cheka, wrote an article which appeared in The New York Times on July 17, 1921: Just some of the results of Jewish Bolshevism in Russia in its first three years in power: Child vagrancy in Moscow increased from 2% to well over 30%.  Child prostitution increased by 10,000%.
Elena Varneck (1891-1976?)  an American translator and historian specializing in Russian history, wrote an article which appeared in the Review of Reviews in September 1926, in which she concentrated on vagrant children in Bolshevik Russia:  “Now, of all the misery in Russia that might be misreported, excused, or explained away, there remains that worst, that torturing fact which defies all manipulation: the existence of hordes of homeless children of all ages and both sexes who come and go incessantly across the whole country—famine and civil war, orphans, fugitives, and abandoned waifs most of whom know nothing of their parents' whereabouts. Most girls from the age of ten are prostitutes. Nearly all the girls and boys are thieves; a goodly percentage are drug addicts and have venereal diseases. They are clothed in rags, and lodge in boilers, sewers, asphalt kettles, etc. ...     Three Hundred Thousand Child Vagrants  -     Nor is this growing evil a recent one. It began after the famine of 1920, ...

March 25: Stresemann persuades Briand to force the Polish forces to leave, but area remains Polish.

****The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American nonprofit nonpartisan membership organization, publisher, and thinktank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. Founded in 1921 and headquartered New York City and D.C., CFR is considered to be the nation's 'most influential foreign-policy think tank.'  It publishes a bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs.  The earliest origin of the Council stemmed from a working fellowship of about 150 scholars, called "The Inquiry", tasked to brief President Woodrow Wilson about options for the postwar world when Germany was defeated. Through 1917–1918, this academic band included "Colonel" House and Walter Lippmann.  The team produced more than 2,000 documents detailing and analyzing the political, economic, and social facts globally that would be helpful for Wilson in the peace talks. Their reports formed the basis for the Fourteen Points, which outlined Wilson's strategy for peace after war's end.  A study found that of 502 government officials surveyed from 1945 to 1972, more than half were members of the Council. Much has been funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.  The Council has been the subject of debate, as shown in the 1969 film The Capitalist Conspiracy by G. Edward Griffin, the 2006 film by Aaron Russo, America: Freedom to Fascism and a 2007 documentary Zeitgeist, the Movie.  The John Birch Society believes that the CFR is guilty of conspiring with others to build a one world government.  Writer Carroll Quigley claims in his book Tragedy and Hope, that it secretly controlled the U.S. and UK governments through a series of Round Table Groups.  Speaking of Carroll Quigley, conservative Democrat Rep. Larry McDonald said, "He says, Sure we've been working it, sure we've been collaborating with communism, yes we're working with global accommodation, yes, we're working for world government. But the only thing I object to, is that we've kept it a secret".  A clue to themonoploistic power of the Jewish press is that even with the most influential men involved, the CFR is not discussed in the MSM (mainstream media). 
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an influential and independent, nonpartisan foreign policy membership organization founded in 1921. Through its membership, meetings, and studies, it has been called the most powerful agent of United States foreign policy outside the State Department. It publishes the respected bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs. It has an extensive website, featuring links to its think tank, The David Rockefeller Studies.
(Remember, deputies and assistants may wield more actual power and are often Zionist. There may be more Jews or Zionists than are listed here.)
List of Chairmen: (who’s a Jew?)
Russell Cornell Leffingwell 1946–53
John J. McCloy 1953–70
David Rockefeller 1970–85
Peter G. Peterson 1985–2007
Jew Carla A. Hills (co-chairman) 2007–
Jew Robert E. Rubin (co-chairman) 2007–

List of presidents: (who’s a Jew?)
John W. Davis 1921–33
George W. Wickersham 1933–36
Norman H. Davis 1936–44
Russell Cornell Leffingwell 1944–46
Allen Welsh Dulles 1946–50
Henry Merritt Wriston 1951–64
Grayson L. Kirk 1964–71
Bayless Manning 1971–77
Jew Winston Lord 1977–85
John Temple Swing 1985–86 (Pro tempore)
Jew Peter Tarnoff 1986–93
Alton Frye 1993
Jew Leslie Gelb 1993–2003
Jew Richard N. Haass 2003–

“The Jew never was a real true American. In this war the Central Powers were financed by the Jews with money from America, and this money was used to fight against our homeland.  Count Mensdorff (Austrian Ambassador in London in 1914) thought that Israel had won the war; they had made it, thrived on it, profited by it.  It was their supreme revenge on Christianity.” Rev. D.J Brouse - Pastor of Grace Episcopal Church, quoted in JEWISH WORLD, July 13, 1921.
American Jews boycott Henry Ford for his alleged antisemitism, because of his publishing of "The International Jew" and distribution of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
July 2 President Harding signs a joint resolution of Congress declaring an end to the war with Germany and Austria-Hungary.
At the Tenth Party Congress, Lenin introduces his New Economic Policy, restoring some private property, ending restrictions on private trade, and terminating forced grain requisitions.  The foundations for building Bolshevik socialism have been laid but the revolutionary period proper has come to an end.

 July 29 - Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889–April 30, 1945) becomes leader of National Socialist 'Nazi' Party.  (age ~32 in 1921)  "...As Führer, he wore his Iron Cross First Class (EK1) which was proof of front line bravery, awarded in August 1918.  He had previously won the Iron Cross Second Class in 1914.  Other medals awarded to him in the First World War were a Military Cross Third Class with Swords in September 1917, the Regimental Award for Outstanding Bravery, and the Medal for the Wounded both in May 1918, and the Service Medal, Third Class in August 1918."  Hitler is an astonishing Renaissance Man with a vast knowledge of the Arts and working technological knowledge.  He is a fine artist and even greater architect.  He is a motor mechanic with a couple of patents.  He loves Opera and classical music.  (He might even have been ¼ Jewish.  His father, Alois, is thought to have been the illegitimate offspring of a maid called Maria Schickelgruber and a 19-year-old Jewish man called Frankenberger.)
The Gang of Three vs Hitler – Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin were all drinkers and smokers and womanizers.  Roosevelt was crippled, but the media discerningly kept this quiet.  Churchill was quite often drunk and was manic-depressive.  He even had meetings while he was nude in the bathtub!  Stalin was a Sociopath.  In fitting with the German vision of Physical Fitness, Hitler did not drink, smoke or womanize.  He tried to give the impression of his devotion only to Germany.  Yet, he probably contacted syphilis while a young man (from a Jewess) which may have caused the Parkinson’s symptoms late in life.  His doctor pumped amphetamines and quack medicines (even for that time) into him, causing many to speculate that he was slowing poisoning Hitler.  (Deliberately?, was he half Jewish?)
Hitler’s Speech: An Indictment of the Jews “It’s a battle begun 120 years ago, at the moment when the Jew was granted citizen rights in the European States.  The emancipation of the Jews was the beginning of an attack on European society. For thereby full equality was given to a people that has always formed a State within the State.”  Hitler then proceeded to expose Jewry’s hegemony over Europe’s economy: “The process of industrialization meant the confluence of great masses of workmen in the cities.  As industry grew, a fourth estate was formed.  The master-stroke of the Jew was to claim the leadership of the fourth estate: he founded the Movements both of the Social Democrats and the Communists.  His policy was twofold: he had his ‘apostles’ in both political camps.”
“Anyone who is not completely blind cannot but perceive that from the very outset Bolshevism constituted a purely Jewish enterprise... Without the slightest hesitation they will kindle a similar conflagration in any country in which they can induce sufficient numbers to embrace Bolshevism and thus create a new support and rallying-point for Jewish Power.” - Alfred Rosenberg (Nov 1921).
Boris Leo Brasol (or Brazol) (3/31, 1885 – 3/19, 1963), lawyer and literary critic, was a White Russian immigrant to the United States.  His father was the notable homeopath Lev Brasol.  After the October Revolution in Russia, Brasol stayed in the US as an emigrant.  Several authors link Brasol's name with the first U. S. edition of the notorious Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which was titled The Protocols and World Revolution.  He wrote “The World at the Crossroads” in 1921.
 Albert Einstein (3/14, 1879–4/18, 1955) was best known for his theories of special relativity and general relativity.  He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics “for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.”  Einstein published more than 300 scientific and over 150 non-scientific works.  He is often regarded as the father of modern physics.  An example of Jewish connections and publicity, Einstein was not so inventive, but worked in a patents office where he had access to earlier scientists.  His theories had already been presented by others.  A Nobel prize can be nominated and lobbied by nearly anyone.  His Theory of Relativity was actually named Theory of Absolutes in the beginning, Einstein, himself, tried to explain this, but Jewish publicity had taken over.  How different the many social sciences would be if the earlier name would have stuck.  “Anti-Semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in the non-Jew by the Jewish group... The Jewish group has thrived on opposition and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world... The Jew who abandons his faith ... remains a Jew.”- quoted in COLLIER'S, November 26, 1938.  In 1954, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to philosopher Eric Gutkind while Einstein was at Princeton University.  In the letter, Einstein dismissed Judaism as "an incarnation of the most childish superstitions.” Einstein said there is  nothing "chosen" about Jews, and said Jews were no better than other peoples.  “The Bible (Old Testament) is a collection of primitive legends that are pretty childish.”  In the 1930’s, the Germans wrote  a book “100 Authorities Denounce Relativity”.  In 2011, physicists fired a beam of neutrinos 454 miles from Switzerland to Italy and they moved faster than light.  If this proves to be true, than this Relativity theory is overthrown.
Jewish versus German Science: As in the ‘soft’ science of Psychology, even the ‘hard’ sciences such as Physics are determined by cultural bias. 
“The Theory of Relativity” was used by Jewish media to relativize all morals, culminating and extending past the 1960’s.  The certainty of hard sciences began by Christian Isaac Newton was overturned.  The certainty of Right and Wrong was also overturned.

“The Jewish Problem” (The Jewish Problem: Renaissance of Anti-Semitism, 1921) by Georges Batault (1887-1963) was a Swiss French-speaking historian and philosopher.  He was a nationalist. :
 "The mode of government which is the most propitious for the full development of the class war, is the demagogic regime which is equally favorable to the two fold intrigues of Finance and Revolution. When this struggle is let loose in a violent form, the leaders of the masses are kings, but money is god: the demagogues are the masters of the passions of the mob, but the financiers are the master of the demagogues, and it is in the last resort the widely spread riches of the country, rural property, real estate, which, for as long as they last, must pay for the movement.
     “When the demagogues prosper amongst the ruins of social and political order, and overthrown traditions, gold is the only power which counts, it is the measure of everything; it can do everything and reigns without hindrance in opposition to all countries, to the detriment of the city of the nation, or of the empire which are finally ruined.
     “In doing this do not financiers work against themselves?  It may be asked: in destroying the established order do not they destroy the source of all riches? This is perhaps true in the end; but whilst states which count their years by human generations, are obliged in order to insure their existence to conceive and conduct a farsighted policy in view of a distant future, Finance which gets its living from what is present and tangible, always follows a shortsighted policy, in view of rapid results and success without troubling itself about the morrows of history." (G.  Batault, Le probleme juif)
    "From the strictly financial point of view, the most disastrous events of history, wars  or revolutions, never produce catastrophes, the manipulators of money can make profit out of  everything provided that they are well-informed beforehand...It is certain that the Jews scattered over the whole surface of the globe are particularly well placed in this respect."
    "As for the final result of the Messianic revolution it will always be the same...the nations will be converted to Judaism and will obey the law, or else they will be destroyed, and the Jews will be the masters of the world."
(The Jewish Problem) (1921): Pharisees in Temple: "We suddenly learn, not only that there were Jews in Rome in great numbers, but that they had political influence which they exercised to the profit of the popular party against that of Cicero and the Senate.  Revolutionaries by doctrine, since all messianism declares that the destruction of all existing order ... the Jews have drawn profit from all revolutionary movements in history since the fall of the Roman Empire.  At the Renaissance, a time of perpetual uprisings, they lent money to Princes and merchants, and were well-considered; again at the Reformation they took advantage of religious schisms to further their own beliefs.  From the Revolution of 1789 came the emancipation of the Jews in France, and their principal advocate was Mirabeau, largely under the influence of Moise Mendelssohn and Dohm; the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 brought further amelioration to them."
Batault also wrote “How the War Started: From British Blue Book And The French Yellow Book” (1940).

Ernest Hemingway used the phrase "the Lost Generation" in The Sun Also Rises, though Gertrude Stein is usually given credit for its original use.  The American expatriates, including Ernest Hemingway, F Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, John Dos Passos, Ezra Pound, and Sherwood Anderson generally rejected American culture and embraced Europe.  All except Stein eventually returned to the United States.  "There was no more exhilarating decade in the history of modern letters than the twenties in Paris. They were all there: Ezra Pound, Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, John Dos Passos, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Mina Loy, T. S. Eliot, Djuna Barnes, Ford Madox Ford, Katherine Mansfield, Alice B. Toklas...and with them were Robert McAlmon and Kay Boyle."
Gertrude Stein (2/3, 1874 – 7/27, 1946) was an American-Jewish writer, poet and art collector who spent most of her life in France.  Stein began to accept and define her pseudo-masculinity through the ideas of Otto Weininger's Sex and Character (1906).  Weininger, though Jewish by birth, considered Jewish men effeminate and women as incapable of selfhood and genius, except for female homosexuals who may approximate masculinity.   Stein was a life-long Republican and vocal critic of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal.  She publicly endorsed Franco during the Spanish Civil War and admired Vichy leader Maréchal Pétain, and compared him to George Washington.  Prior to World War II she made public her opinion that Adolf Hitler should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  "I say that Hitler ought to have the peace prize, because he is removing all the elements of contest and of struggle from Germany.  By driving out the Jews and the democratic and Left element, he is driving out everything that conduces to activity (ie.the radicals).  That means peace ... By suppressing Jews ... he was ending struggle in Germany"  (New York Times Magazine, May 6, 1934).  Stein in 1938 commented on Mussolini, Hitler, Roosevelt, Stalin and Trotsky: "There is too much fathering going on just now and there is no doubt about it fathers are depressing".
 Matthias Erzberger (9/20, 1875 – 8/26, 1921) was a German politician.  Prominent in the Centre Party, he spoke out against the First World War from 1917 and eventually signed the Armistice with Germany for the German Empire.  He was assassinated for this act by the Organisation Consul.  Organisation Consul was an ultra-nationalist force operating in Germany in 1921 and 1922.  It was formed by members of the Marinebrigade Ehrhardt, a Freikorps unit which disbanded after the Kapp Putsch failed to overthrow the German Weimar Republic.  It was responsible for the assassinations of the Republic's Minister of Finance, Matthias Erzberger, in August 1921 and Foreign Minister Walter Rathenau in June 1922.

Max Amann (11/24, 1891 – 3/30, 1957) was a German official, politician and journalist.  During World War I he was Adolf Hitler's sergeant.  He joined the NSDAP in October 1921, as the Party's business manager.   Perhaps Amann's most notable contribution to history was persuading Hitler to retitle his first book from Four and a Half Years (of Struggle) Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice to Mein Kampf, which he also published, and became a major source of Eher-Verlag's income.  Soon after the creation of the Nazi state, Amann was named president of the Reich Media Chamber and Reich Press Leader.  In this role, he established National Socialist control over the industry, closing down or seizing newspapers that did not fully support Hitler's regime.  Arrested by Allied troops after the war, Amann was deemed a (Prominent Guilty Party) and sentenced to ten years in a labor camp on 9/8, 1948 but was released in 1953.  Stripped of his property, pension rights and practically all of his fortune, he died in poverty on 3/30, 1957, in Munich.

Fritz Halbach   “Kamerad Levi”(1921) describes the rise of the young Communist agitator who is the son of and secretly cooperates with a wealthy Jewish banker.  Both have the same goal: world power.
Nathanael Junger (Dietrich Rumpf).  Jünger was widely known and admired as a 'Volkisch' writer who discussed such things as the welfare of the peasants and the origins of true culture in the land.  (People in Danger,1921) shows Jews as dangerous swindlers who easily dupe a kind and guileless farm family.  The two Jewish Kloster brothers - the one an Orthodox synagogue Jew, and the other a modern 'assimilationist' – use their ill-got money in the end to establish the Communist Party in Berlin.  With Eugen Duhring, Jünger was one of the first writers to analyze the Jewish question in racial terms.
“The Great Jewish Conspiracy” in Outlook Magazine by Baron S. A Korff (1921) vice governor of Finland, another rebuttal for the Jews.
  Roger Lambelin (10/13, 1857 -5/16, 1929) was a writer, journalist and militant French royalist.  After WWI , he wrote about the Judeo-masonic conspiracy, fearing that the establishment of a Jewish state at the expense of the Arabs would cause future wars.  In 1922, became director of the (Review of Historical Questions).  Some works:     Protocols of the Elders of Zion , introduction by Roger Lambelin, Grasset, 1921 (several editions 1936, 1937); The Jewish Peril: The Reign From Israel against The Anglo-Saxons (1921); The Jewish peril - Imperialism Israel, Grasset, 1924; The Jewish peril - the victories of Israel, Grasset, 1928.
12/13 The United States, Britain, Japan, and France sign the Four Power Treaty, pledging to consult one another if any of their Pacific island possessions is threatened.
The first Arabic translation of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is published in Damascus, Syria.
This note was issued in STERNBERG IN MECKLENBURG in 1921.  On the face of the note, medieval Jews are portrayed desecrating the Host.  On the note's reverse side is a copy of a woodcut showing the town in 1492.

1922         1922         1922         1922
 Pius XI #259 2/6, 1922–2/10, 1939 Signed the Lateran Treaty with Italy, establishing the Vatican City as a sovereign state.
1922 A. C. Cuza (Alexandru C. Cuza; 11/8, 1857—1947) was a Romanian politician and theorist.  He briefly managed to achieve international prominence, after organizing the ("Universal Antisemitic Alliance") in Bucharest (1895) centered on the rejection of Jews from public life.  His first attempt saw him joining forces with historian A. D. Xenopol, creating ("The League Against Alcoholism").   The League claimed that Jews were encouraging Romanian peasants to drink, in order to ensure a captive market, and even to benefit from their very ruin (by having them sign off assets in order to feed their habit).  Cuza proposed a land reform – in which he saw an end to leasehold estates, of which Jews would have taken an undeserved profit.  Cuza founded the National Christian Union in 1922 (the new Party found inspiration in Fascism and the Blackshirts, but was not paramilitary itself).  It used the swastika as its symbol and made himself known by supporting a Jewish quota in higher education (a demand which created a standoff with the government during a nationalist students' strike in 1923).  In 1922, he wrote: ”The Science of Anti-Semitism”.
 Häxan (The Witches or Witchcraft Through The Ages) is a 1922 Swedish/Danish silent horror film.  Based partly on the Malleus Maleficarum, a 15th-century German guide for inquisitors, Häxan is a study of how superstition and the misunderstanding of diseases and mental illness could lead to the hysteria of the witch-hunts.  The film was made as a documentary but contains dramatized sequences that are comparable to horror films.  With meticulous recreation of medieval scenes and the lengthy production period, the film was the most expensive Scandinavian silent film ever made.  Although it won acclaim in Denmark and Sweden, the film was banned in the United States and heavily censored in other countries for what were considered at that time graphic depictions of torture, nudity and sexual perversion.
Journalist & Zionist Dr. Samuel M. Melamed (1884 - 1938) wrote in 1922: “The concrete and powerful figure is Leon Trotsky, and next to St Paul, Leon Trotsky is the greatest Jewish figure in Jewish Diaspora history. Just as St Paul organized one of the greatest revolutions in the world's history and the Sauls paid for it, so Leon Trotsky is now organizing one of the greatest revolutions in history and the Braunsteins will have to pay for it. This is our tragedy. For the deeds and misdeeds of Leon Trotsky, the next fifty Jewish generations will suffer martyrdom and pain.

 Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr., (8/17, 1887 – 6/10, 1940) was a Jamaican publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator who was a staunch proponent of the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements, to which end he founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL).  He founded the Black Star Line, part of the Back-to-Africa movement, which promoted the return of the African Diaspora to their ancestral lands.
Garvey recognized the influence of the Ku Klux Klan, and in early 1922, met with them, “I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together.  I like honesty and fair play.  You may call me a Klansman if you will, but, potentially, every white man is a Klansman, as far as the Negro in competition with whites socially, economically and politically is concerned, and there is no use lying.”  After Garvey's entente with the Klan, a number of African-American leaders appealed to U.S. Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty to have Garvey incarcerated.  He became increasingly anti-Semitic following conviction on mail-fraud charges in 1923, when he became convinced that Jewish and Catholic jurors and Judge Julian Mack, former head of the Zionist Organization of America, had been biased in the hearing of the case because of their political objections to his meeting with the acting imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan---an avowedly anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic organization---in 1922. "When they wanted to get me," Garvey informed the African-American journalist Joel A. Rogers in 1928, "they had a Jewish judge try me, and a Jewish prosecutor.  I would have been freed but two Jews on the jury held out against me ten hours and succeeded in convicting me, whereupon the Jewish judge gave me the maximum penalty."  This bitterness continued to pervade his thinking, and tainted the positive view of Jews he upheld earlier in his career.
Garvey identified with the rise of both Hitler and Mussolini from lower-class status, and admired the power manifested in their nationalistic brand of leadership.  He praised both men in the early thirties as self-made leaders who had restored their nations' pride, and used the resurgence of Italy and Germany as an example to black people for the possible regeneration of Africa.  In 1937, "We were the first Fascists," [Garvey] said, "when we had 100,000 disciplined men, and were training children, Mussolini was still an unknown.  Mussolini copied our Fascism."
Garvey in a 1928 interview: "the Elders of Zion teach that a harm done by a Jew to a Gentile is no harm at all, and the Negro is a Gentile."
“Sooner or later the Jews will destroy Germany as they destroyed Russia.  They did not so much destroy Russia from within as from without, and Hitler is driving the Jews to a more perfect organization from without Germany.  Jewish finance is a powerful world factor.  It can destroy men, organizations and nations.  When the Jewish capitalists get together they will strike back at Germany and the fire of Communism will be lighted and Hitler and his gang will disappear as they have disappeared in Russia . . . If Hitler will not act sensibly then Germany must pay the price as Russia did.”
  March 14, 1922 Purim, the Jewish holiday of Revenge against Gentiles.  Jews throughout the world label specific enemies as Haman and Christianity in general as Haman.  This holiday celebrates vengeance.  Other episodes of revenge throughout the year could still be connected to the spirit of Purim.  The Adloyada Purim parade, along with gambling, drinking to excess and all kinds of decadence is typical. 

Wilhelm II, German Kaiser-  “A Jew cannot be a true patriot.  He is something different, like a bad insect.  He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief - even by pogroms, if necessary.  The Jews are responsible for Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too.  I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I showed to prominent Jewish bankers.” (Chicago Tribune, July 2, 1922)
1922 Max Albert Wilhelm Lenz (June 13, 1850 - April 6, 1932) was a German historian.  Alongside Hans Delbrück, Dietrich Schäfer, and Gustav Schmoller, he became one of the most important historians in Berlin.  Unlike those other three, he avoided involvement in political matters and thus had more difficulties securing his influence.  A supporter of the methodology of Leopold von Ranke, Lenz advocated complete objectivity and neutrality in the study of history.  In 1922, he regarded Germany’s situation as serfdom:  “Iron and blood has created our Reich.  Iron and blood had to decide whether we could breathe freely in the world or would have to live henceforth in servitude and misery.
 Pope Pius XI (5/31, 1857 – 2/10, 1939), born Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti, was Pope from February 6, 1922, and sovereign of Vatican City from its creation as an independent state on February 11, 1929 until his death on February 10, 1939.  He issued numerous encyclicals including Quadragesimo Anno highlighting capitalistic greed of international finance, social justice issues and Quas Primas establishing the feast of Christ the King.  He took as his papal motto "Christ's peace in Christ's kingdom".
“The real menace of our Republic is the Invisible Government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation.  At the head of this octopus is a small group of banking houses, generally referred to as the ‘International’ bankers.  This little coterie of powerful International Bankers virtually runs our government for its own selfish ends.” - John F. Hylan (NYC Mayor, March 26, 1922).
"I would willingly disenfranchise every Zionist.  I would almost be tempted to proscribe the Zionist organizations as illegal and against the national interests...I have always recognized the unpopularity, much greater than some people think of my community.  We [Jews]  have obtained a far greater share of this country's [England] goods and opportunities than we are numerically entitled to.  We reach, on the whole, maturity earlier, and therefore with people of  our own age we compete unfairly.  Many of us have been exclusive in our friendships, and intolerable in our attitude, and I can easily understand that many a non-Jew in England wants to  get rid of us." (Jewish-American Ambassador to India, Edwin Montague, “The Zionist Connection”) Edwin Samuel Montagu PC (2/6, 1879 – 11/15, 1924) was a British-Jewish Liberal politician.  He notably served as Secretary of State for India between 1917 and 1922.
Fyodor Viktorovich Vinberg (6/27, 1868 – 2/14, 1927) was a Russian military officer, publisher and journalist.   In the years before World War I, he became involved in extreme right-wing politics, joining the The Union of Archangel Michael and writing for conservative publications.  Imprisoned by the Bolsheviks for a year, he met fellow conservatives including Piotr Shabelsky-Bork who became his friend and collaborator.  In 1919 he was in Berlin, where he republished the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  In the wake of the Kapp Putsch of March 1920, Vinberg moved from Berlin to Munich.  In 1921 he published in Russian a book (The Way of the Cross) translated into German as Via Dolorosa.  There in 1922 as a leading member of the (Reconstruction Organization) he had lengthy and detailed discussions with Hitler on ideological matters.  Later that year, under suspicion for his involvement in the assassination of Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov, he moved to France, where he died in 1927.  Vinberg was a loyal Russian monarchist with an aristocratic contempt for the masses.  He was much influenced by the anti-Semitic speculations in Dostoyevsky’s Diary of a Writer.  He called for "Aryan peoples" to unite against the "Jewish plan for world domination".  For Russia he advocated a return to the strong authority of the Tsar, which he hoped to restore with German help, and that Orthodoxy should unite with Catholicism and learn from its methods in waging ideological war against the enemy, beginning by anathematizing the Masons and all of Satan's servants "at Easter Week in all the churches and all the cathedrals of our homeland".   Vinberg distinguished two kinds of anti-Semitism: the "higher", concerned with restrictive laws against the Jews, and the "lower", the brutal and homicidal behavior of the lower classes, which was terrible but essential if the Jewish menace, recently responsible for communist revolution, is finally to be laid to rest.  Vinberg does appear to have been responsible for Hitler’s conversion to the idea of worldwide Jewish-Bolshevist conspiracy.  Also many of Rosenberg’s own ideas were said to be have been lifted straight from his friend Vinberg's writings. 
Communist (Jew) takeover of Bavaria
 Joseph Hilaire Pierre René Belloc (7/27, 1870 – 7/16, 1953) was an Anglo-French writer and historian who became a naturalised British subject in 1902. He was one of the most prolific writers in England during the early twentieth century. He is most notable for his Roman Catholic faith, which had an impact on most of his writing.  Three of his best-known non-fiction works are “The Servile State” (1912), “Europe and Faith” (1920) and “The Jews” (1922). With others (G. K. Chesterton, Cecil Chesterton, Arthur Penty) Belloc had envisioned the socioeconomic system of distributism.  Hilaire Belloc –“There is already something like a Jewish monopoly in high finance…There is the same element of Jewish monopoly in the silver trade, and in the control of various other metals, notably lead, nickel, quicksilver.  What is the most disquieting of all, this tendency to monopoly is spreading like a disease.”
“Every English Government had (and has) its quota of Jews.  They had entered the diplomatic service and the House of Lords; they swarmed in the House of Commons, in the Universities, in all the Government offices save the Foreign Office (and even their representatives of the Jewish nation have recently entered); they were exceedingly powerful in the Press: they were all-powerful in the City.”  (Hilaire BelIoc – “The Jews”)
“The Jew is everywhere the organizer and leader of the revolution and that we only see him at work in Russia with greater vigor and thoroughness because the opportunity there is greater.  -“The Jews”.  "The propaganda of Communism throughout the world, in organization and direction is in the hands of Jewish agents.  As for anyone who does not know that the Bolshevist movement in Russia is Jewish, I can only say that he must be a man who is taken in by the suppression of our deplorable press." (G. K.'s Weekly, February 4, 1937)
Hilaire Belloc, in “The Jews” - “Take the particular trick of false names. It seems to us particularly odious. We think when we show our contempt for those who use this subterfuge that we are giving them no more than they deserve. It is a meanness which we associate with criminals and vagabonds; a piece of crawling and sneaking...Men whose race is universally known, will unblushingly adopt a false name as a mask, and after a year or two pretend to treat it as an insult if their original and true name be used in its place.”
 Gilbert Keith “GK” Chesterton (5/29, 1874 – 6/14, 1936) was an English writer. His prolific and diverse output included philosophy, ontology, poetry, journalism, biography, Christian apologetics, fantasy and detective fiction. Chesterton is well known for his reasoned apologetics and even some of those who disagree with him have recognized the universal appeal of such works as “Orthodoxy” and “The Everlasting Man”.  Chesterton, as a political thinker, cast aspersions on both liberalism and conservatism, saying:  The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected.]
Chesterton is often associated with his close friend, the poet and essayist Hilaire Belloc. George Bernard Shaw coined the name Chesterbelloc for their partnership, and this stuck.  Though they were very different men, they shared many beliefs; Chesterton eventually joined Belloc in his natal Catholicism, and both voiced criticisms towards capitalism and socialism.  They instead espoused a third way: distributism.  G. K.'s Weekly, which occupied much of Chesterton's energy in the last 15 years of his life, was the successor to Belloc's New Witness, taken over from Cecil Chesterton, Gilbert's brother who died in World War I.
Both Chesterton and Belloc faced accusations of anti-Semitism during their lifetimes and subsequently.  In The New Jerusalem, Chesterton made it clear that he believed that there was a "Jewish Problem" in Europe, in the sense that he believed that Jewish culture (not Jewish ethnicity) separated itself from the nationalities of Europe.  He suggested the formation of a Jewish homeland as a solution, and was later invited to Palestine by Jewish Zionists who saw him as an ally in their cause.  The Wiener Library (London's archive on anti-semitism and Holocaust history) has defended Chesterton against the charge of anti-Semitism: "he was not an enemy, and when the real testing time came along he showed what side he was on."
Chesterton faced accusations of anti-Semitism during his lifetime and subsequently.  In a work of 1917, titled “Short History of England,” Chesterton considers the year of 1290, when by royal decree, Edward I expelled Jews from England, an edict not rescinded until 1655.  In writing of the official expulsion and banishment of 1290, Chesterton writes that Edward I was “just and conscientious” a monarch never more truly representative of his people than when he expelled the Jews, “as powerful as they are unpopular.”  Chesterton writes Jews were “capitalists of their age” so that when Edward “flung the alien financiers out of the land,” he acted as “knight errant,” and “tender father of his people.”  In The New Jerusalem, Chesterton made it clear that he believed that there was a "Jewish Problem" in Europe, in the sense that he believed that Jewish culture (not Jewish ethnicity) separated itself from the nationalities of Europe.  He suggested the formation of a Jewish homeland as a solution, and was later invited to Palestine by Jewish Zionists who saw him as an ally in their cause.

****Catholic Economic Theory - The most prolific period for Catholic economic thought began in 1891 and continued until the end of the Second World War. In the second half of the 20th century the church's interest focused on the analysis of such themes as development, international aid and cooperation.
Distributism is a third-way economic philosophy formulated by such Roman Catholic thinkers as G. K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc to apply the principles of Catholic Social Teaching articulated by the Catholic Church, especially in Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum Novarum and more expansively explained by Pope Pius XI's encyclical Quadragesimo Anno.  According to distributism, the ownership of the means of production should be spread as widely as possible among the general populace, rather than being centralized under the control of the state (state socialism) or a few large businesses or wealthy private individuals (plutarchic capitalism).  A summary of distributism is found in Chesterton's statement: "Too much capitalism does not mean too many capitalists, but too few capitalists."
Essentially, distributism distinguishes itself by its distribution of property (not to be confused with redistribution of capital that would be carried out by most socialist plans of governance).  This broader distribution does not extend to all property, but only to productive property; that is, that property which produces wealth, namely, the things needed for man to survive. It includes land, tools, etc.  Distributism has often been described as a third-way of economic order opposing both socialism and capitalism.  Thomas Storck argues that "both socialism and capitalism are products of the European Enlightenment and are thus modernizing and anti-traditional forces.  In contrast, distributism seeks to subordinate economic activity to human life as a whole, to our spiritual life, our intellectual life, our family life".
April 16, 1922, Germany signed the Treaty of Rapallo with the Soviet Union, which allowed Germany to train military personnel in exchange for giving Jewish Communist Russia military technology.  Each renounced all territorial and financial claims against the other following the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and World War I.  It was registered in League of Nations Treaty Series on September 19, 1923.  A supplementary agreement signed in Berlin on November 5, 1922 extended the treaty to cover Germany's relations with Soviet republics of Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Far Eastern Republic.  The agreement was reaffirmed by the Treaty of Berlin, 1926.  Walther Rathenau, the Jewish Foreign Minister who signed the treaty, was assassinated two months later by two ultra-nationalist army officers.
 Walther Rathenau (9/29, 1867 – 6/24, 1922) was German Jewish industrialist, politician, writer, and statesman who served as Foreign Minister of Germany during the Weimar Republic.  He was assassinated on June 24, 1922, two months after the signing of the Treaty of Rapallo, 1922.  A strong German nationalist, Rathenau was a leading proponent of a policy of assimilation for German Jews: he argued that Jews should oppose both Zionism and socialism and fully integrate themselves into mainstream German society.   Rathenau was a moderate liberal in politics, and after World War I he was one of the founders of the German Democratic Party (DDP).  He rejected the tide of socialist thought which swept Germany after the shock of defeat and revolution, opposing state ownership of industry and advocating greater worker participation in the management of companies. His ideas were influential in post-war governments.  In 1921, Rathenau was appointed Minister of Reconstruction, and in 1922 he became Foreign Minister.  His insistence that Germany should fulfill its obligations under the Treaty of Versailles, while working for a revision of its terms, infuriated extreme German nationalists.  He also angered such extremists by negotiating the Treaty of Rapallo, 1922 with the Soviet Union, although the treaty implicitly recognized secret German-Soviet collaboration, begun in 1921, which provided for the rearmament of Germany, including German aircraft manufacturing, inside the Soviet union. The leaders of the (still obscure) Nazi Party and other extreme right-wing groups falsely claimed he was part of a "Jewish-Communist conspiracy", despite his being a liberal German nationalist who had bolstered the country's recent war effort.
In fact, despite his desire for economic and political co-operation between Germany and the Soviet Union, Rathenau remained skeptical of the methods of the Soviets. In his (Critique of the Triple Revolution) he noted that:     “We cannot use Russia's methods, as they only and at best prove that the economy of an agrarian nation can be leveled to the ground; Russia's thoughts are not our thoughts.  They are, as it is in the spirit of the Russian city intelligentsia, unphilosophical, and highly dialectic; they are passionate logic based on unverified suppositions.  They assume that a single good, the destruction of the capitalist class, weighs more than all other goods, and that poverty, dictatorship, terror and the fall of civilization must be accepted to secure this one good.”  "If ten million people must die to free ten million people from the bourgeoisie" is regarded as a harsh but necessary consequence. The Russian idea is compulsory happiness, in the same sense and with the same logic as the compulsory introduction of Christianity and the Inquisition.
Rathenau was assassinated in a plot led by two ultra-nationalist army officers, Erwin Kern and Hermann Fischer and aided by others.  Many in the German Youth Movement and Wandervogel celebrated Rathenau's death, which had occurred on the summer solstice and was thus interpreted as "a human sacrifice to the sun-god of ancient Germanic religion [...] when the news [of Rathenau's death] was published, young Germans gathered on hilltops to celebrate simultaneously the turning of the year and the destruction of one who symbolized the powers of darkness."  After the Nazis came to power in 1933, they declared Rathenau's assassins to be national heroes and designated June 24 as a holiday of celebration.
A strong German nationalist, Rathenau was a leading proponent of a policy of assimilation for German Jews: he argued that Jews should oppose both Zionism and socialism and fully integrate themselves into mainstream German society.  Walther Rathenau held senior posts in the Raw Materials Department of the War Ministry and became chairman of AEG upon his father's death in 1915.  Walther Rathenau played a leading role in putting Germany's economy on a war footing.  
"There in the midst of German life is an alien and isolated race of men.  Loud and self-conscious in their dress, hot-blooded and restless in their manner.   An Asiatic horde on the sandy plains of Prussia.  Forming among themselves a close corporation, rigorously shut off from the rest of the world." - Walther Rathenau
"In 1902 I left the A.E.G. in order to enter finance.  I joined the management of one of our big banks, the Berliner Handelsge-Sellschaft, and reorganized a great part of its industrial undertakings. I gained an insight into German and foreign industry, and belonged at that time to nearly a hundred different concerns. To recognize and create a demand is the secret of all sound business." - Walther Rathenau
"Three hundred men, each of whom knows all the other, govern the fate of the European continent, and they elect their successors from their entourage." - Walther Rathenau, December 24, 1912
          ****The Hitler Youth (HJ) existed from 1922 to 1945.  The HJ was the second oldest Nazi group, founded one year after its adult counterpart, the Sturmabteilung (the SA).  It was made up of the Hitlerjugend proper, for male youth ages 14–18; the younger boys' section Deutsches Jungvolk for ages 10–14; and the girls' section Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM, the League of German Girls).
The Hitler Youth (Hitler-Jugend, HJ) existed from 1922 to 1945.  It was made up of the Hitlerjugend proper, for male youth ages 14–18; the younger boys' section (German Youth) for ages 10–14; and the girls' section (BDM, the League of German Girls).  In July 1926, it was renamed (Hitler Youth, League of German Worker Youth) and, for the first time, officially became an integral part of the Sturmabteilung.  By December 1936, HJ membership stood at just over five million.  That same month, HJ membership became mandatory as a Youth Program.  It was like a Scouts after-school citizenship program.  Most youth enthusiastically joined for the camaraderie, some were coaxed into it.  It was not universally enforced.  Many units were only moderately put together.  By 1940, it had eight million members.  About 10 to 20% did not join.  During the 1936 Olympic Games, the HJ assisted foreign dignitaries and visitors as much as possible.  They too represented the "new Germany" and had to do their part to portray a good and harmonious image of the Third Reich.  After the War, the Hitler Youth was disbanded by Allied authorities as part of the denazification process.  German children born in the 1920s and 1930s became adults during the Cold War years. Since membership was compulsory after 1936, it was neither surprising nor uncommon that many senior leaders of both West and East Germany had been in the HJ.  Little effort was made to blacklist political figures who had been youth members of the HJ, since many had little choice in the matter. (see1933)

 Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, KSMOM GCTE (July 29, 1883 – April 28, 1945) was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism.  (age ~39 in 1922)  He became the Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and began using the title Il Duce by 1925.  After 1936, his official title was "His Excellency Benito Mussolini, Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire".  Mussolini also created and held the supreme military rank of First Marshal of the Empire along with King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, which gave him and the King joint supreme control over the military of Italy.  Mussolini remained in power until he was replaced in 1943; for a short period after this until his death, he was the leader of the Italian Social Republic.
Italy  - The Italian economy also fell into a deep slump following World War I.  1914's Red Week had expanded into the post-war Biennio rosso, and many were gravely worried that a Bolshevik-style communist revolution was imminent.  After several liberal governments failed to rein in these threats, and the fascists had increased their public profile by highly visible punishment expeditions to supposedly crush the socialist threat, King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy invited Benito Mussolini to form a government on October 29, 1922.  The fascists maintained an armed paramilitary wing, which they employed to fight anarchists, communists, and socialists.
Within a few years, Mussolini had consolidated dictatorial power, and Italy became a totalitarian state(less than current day US).  On January 7, 1935, he and French Foreign Minister Pierre Laval signed the Franco–Italian Agreement giving him a free hand in the Abyssinia Crisis with Ethiopia, in return for an alliance against Hitler.  There was little international protest. He then sent large troops to Eritrea and Italian Somaliland, the two colonies of Italy that bordered Ethiopia.  Britain attempted to broker peace but failed; Mussolini was bent on conquest.  Britain then declared an arms embargo on both Italy and Ethiopia. (why on Ethiopia?)Britain also cleared its warships from the Mediterranean, further allowing Italy unhindered access. Shortly after the League of Nations exonerated both parties in the Walwal incident, Italy attacked Ethiopia, resulting in the Second Italo–Abyssinian War.
About Mussolini:
Wallace Stevens (10/ 2, 1879 – 8/ 2, 1955) was a major American Modernist poet.  Stevens was politically conservative described as a Republican in the mold of Robert Taft.  He stayed pro–Fascist.  “I am pro–Mussolini, personally,” he wrote to a friend.  “The Italians,” he explained, “have as much right to take Ethiopia from the coons as the coons had to take it from the boa–constrictors.”
Isaac Frederick Marcosson (1877-1961) was an American editor.  In 1923 he wrote “Mussolini is a Latin [Teddy] Roosevelt who first acts and then inquires if it is legal.  He has been of great service to Italy at home.”
The American Legion was founded the same year as Mussolini’s start and, in its early years, drew inspiration from the Italian Fascist movement. “Do not forget,” the legion’s national commander declared that same year, “that the Fascisti are to Italy what the American Legion is to the United States.”
IN 1925, the New York Times compared Mussolini with Caesar and Napoleon and declared that in marching on Rome, his Black Shirts had “driven out the politicians as money changers were once driven from the temple”.
The 1920’s Republican administrations endorsed Mussolini and with the help of J P Morgan, they helped engineer hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of credits and loans to Italy.
President Coolidge’s ambassador to Italy, Richard Washburn Child, helped ghostwrite Mussolini’s autobiography.
Ida Tarbell went to Italy in 1926 for McCall’s magazine and wrote of Mussolini’s “admirable social experiment”.
In 1926 the American humorist Will Rogers visited Italy and interviewed Mussolini.  He told the New York Times that Mussolini was “some Wop.” “I’m pretty high on that bird.” He concluded, “Dictator form of government is the greatest form of government: that is if you have the right Dictator.”
In 1927 the Literary Digest conducted an survey.  The greatest men were Benito Mussolini—followed by Lenin, Edison, Marconi, and Orville Wright, with Henry Ford and George Bernard Shaw tying.
In 1928 the Saturday Evening Post ran an eight–part autobiography written by Mussolini himself. 
Sigmund Freud sent Mussolini a copy of a book he co–wrote with Albert Einstein, inscribed, “To Benito Mussolini, from an old man who greets in the Ruler, the Hero of Culture.”
The opera titans Giacomo Puccini and Arturo Toscanini were both pioneering Fascist acolytes of Mussolini.  Toscanini was an early member of the Milan circle of Fascists, which conferred an aura of seniority.  Toscanini ran for the Italian parliament on a Fascist ticket in 1919 and didn’t repudiate Fascism until twelve years later.
Mussolini was a particular hero to the muckrakers—those progressive liberal journalists who famously looked out for the little guy.  When Ida Tarbell, the (“red, radical”) reporter whose work helped break up Standard Oil, was sent to Italy in 1926 by McCall’s, she called him “a despot with a dimple,” praising his progressive attitude toward labor.
Lincoln Steffens, another muckraker, remembered for declaring about the Soviet Union, “I have been over into the future, and it works.”  About Mussolini: God had “formed Mussolini out of the rib of Italy.” 
Samuel McClure, the founder of McClure’s Magazine, hailed fascism as “a great step forward and the first new ideal in government since the founding of the American Republic.”
Meanwhile, almost all of Italy’s most famous and admired young intellectuals and artists were Fascists.  Giovanni Papini, was deeply involved in the intellectual movements that created Fascism.  Papini’s Life of Christ—a chronicling of his acceptance of Christianity—caused a sensation in the United States in the early 1920s.
Giuseppe Prezzolini, a frequent contributor to the New Republic who would one day become a respected professor at Columbia University, was one of Fascism’s earliest literary and ideological architects.
F. T. Marinetti, the founder of the Futurist movement—which in America was seen as an artistic companion to Cubism and Expressionism—was instrumental in making Italian Fascism the world's first successful “youth movement.”  America's education establishment was keenly interested in Italy’s “breakthroughs” under the famed “schoolmaster” Benito Mussolini, who, after all, had once been a teacher.
In 1926, Columbia University established Casa Italiana, a center for the study of Italian culture and a lecture venue for prominent Italian scholars.  It was Fascism’s “veritable home in America” and a “schoolhouse for budding Fascist ideologues,” according to John Patrick Diggins.  Mussolini himself had contributed some ornate Baroque furniture to Casa Italiana and had sent Columbia’s president, Nicholas Murray Butler, a signed photo thanking him for his “most valuable contribution” to the promotion of understanding between Fascist Italy and the United States. 
From 1925 to 1928 there were more than a hundred articles written on Mussolini in American publications and only fifteen on Stalin.  The New York Tribune asked the question: Was Mussolini Garibaldi or Caesar?
 James A. Farrell, the head of U.S. Steel, dubbed the Italian dictator “the greatest living man” in the world.
Hollywood had him appear in The Eternal City (1923), which recounts the battles between communists and Fascists for control of Italy, and cheered for fascism.
In 1933 Columbia Pictures released a “documentary” called Mussolini Speaks.  Lowell Thomas—the legendary American journalist, worked closely on the film and provided fawning commentary throughout.  Mussolini was portrayed as a heroic strongman and national savior.  When the crescendo builds before Mussolini gives a speech in Naples, Thomas declares, “This is his supreme moment.  He stands like a modern Caesar!”   Columbia took out an ad proclaiming the film a hit because “it appeals to all RED BLOODED AMERICANS” and “it might be the ANSWER TO AMERICA'S NEEDS.”
Fascism certainly had its critics in the 1920s and 1930s.  Ernest Hemingway was skeptical of Mussolini almost from the start.  Henry Miller disliked Fascism’s program but admired Mussolini’s will and strength.  Some on the so–called Old Right, like the libertarian Albert J. Nock, saw Fascism as just another kind of statism.  When the left did finally start attacking Mussolini in earnest—largely on orders from Moscow—they lumped him in essentially the same category as Franklin Roosevelt, the socialist Norman Thomas, and the progressive Robert La Follette.
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was named after three revolutionary heroes.  The name Benito—a Spanish name, as opposed to the Italian equivalent, Benedetto—was inspired by Benito Juárez, the Mexican revolutionary turned president who not only toppled the emperor Maximilian but had him executed.  The other two names were inspired by now-forgotten heroes of anarchist–socialism, Amilcare Cipriani and Andrea Costa.  Mussolini’s father, Alessandro, was a blacksmith and ardent socialist with an anarchist bent who was a member of the First International along with Marx and Engels and served on the local socialist council.
William "Will" Penn Adair Rogers (11/4, 1879 – 8/15, 1935) was an American cowboy, comedian, humorist, social commentator, vaudeville performer and actor and one of the best-known celebrities in the 1920s and 1930s.  “I have never seen a thing that he has done that wasn’t based on common sense”. -Rogers

****Italian Patriot Fascists:
Italo Balbo (June 6, 1896 –June 28, 1940) was an Italian Blackshirt leader who served as Italy's Marshal of the Air Force, Governor-General of Libya, Commander-in-Chief of Italian North Africa, and the "heir apparent" to Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.  He was one of the four principal architects of the March on Rome that brought Mussolini and the Fascists to power in 1922.  In 1926, he began the task of building the Italian Royal Air Force and took a leading role in popularizing aviation in Italy, and promoting Italian aviation to the world.  In 1933, perhaps to relieve tensions surrounding him in Italy, he was given the government of Italian Libya, where he resided for the remainder of his life.  Balbo was the only leading Fascist to oppose both anti-Jewish racial laws and Mussolini's alliance with Nazi Germany.  Early in World War II, he was killed by friendly fire when his plane was shot down over Tobruk by Italian anti-aircraft guns.
Norberto Bobbio (10/18, 1909 – 1/9, 2004) was an Italian philosopher of law and political sciences and a historian of political thought.  Bobbio was born into "...a relatively wealthy, middle-class Turin family" whose sympathies were "philo-fascist, regarding fascism as a necessary evil against the supposedly greater danger of Bolshevism".  In 1942, under the Fascist regime of Benito Mussolini and during World War II, Bobbio joined the then illegal radical liberal party Partito d'Azione ("Party of Action") and was briefly imprisoned in 1943 and 1944. He ran unsuccessfully in the 1946 Constituent Assembly of Italy elections.  With the party's failure in a post-war Italy dominated by the Christian Democrats, Bobbio left electoral politics and focused back in academia.  A strong advocate of the rule of law, the separation of powers, and the limitation of powers, he was a socialist, but opposed to what he perceived as the anti-democratic, authoritarian elements in most of Marxism.  He was a strong partisan of the "Historic Compromise" between the Italian Communist Party and the Christian Democrats, and a fierce critic of Silvio Berlusconi.
Stanley George Payne (1934 - ) is a historian of modern Spain and European Fascism.   He asserts that Nazism and Communism are closely related.  His work was censured by Franco.   He calls political correctness, i.e. a general pro-leftist bias in academia has led to an underestimation of the guilt of the Republican (Communist) side in the war.  Payne uses a list of characteristics to identify fascism, including the creation of an authoritarian state; a regulated, state-integrated economic sector; fascist symbolism; anti-liberalism; anti-communism, and anti-conservatism.  He sees elimination of the autonomy or, in some cases, complete existence of large-scale capitalism as the common aim of all fascist movements.  (?)
Emilio Gentile (born 1946 in Bojano) is an Italian historian specializing in the ideology and culture of fascism.  He considers fascism as a form of political religion. (more in 1932)
Renzo De Felice (4/8, 1929 – 5/25, 1996) was an Italian historian, who specialized in the Fascist era.  After the 1956 Soviet repression of the Hungarian Revolution, De Felice was among 101 Italian intellectuals who sharply criticized the Italian Communist Party for its backing of the Soviets.  He broke with the Communists and joined the Italian Socialist Party.  De Felice was best known for a massive seven volume biography of Benito Mussolini that was unfinished at the time of his death.  De Felice also wrote a well-regarded history of Jewish life under the Fascist government and articles on Italian Jacobinism.  In his view, there were two types of fascism, "fascism as a movement" and "fascism as a regime". De Felice saw the fascism, especially in the "movement" stage, as a revolutionary middle-class ideology that had deep roots in the Enlightenment. Fascism as a regime was seen by De Felice as nothing more than Mussolini's policy. De Felice felt that fascism should be seen as valid political ideology, not just something to be demonized and dismissed in simplistic terms. De Felice insisted that there was no connection or valid comparisons to be drawn between Italian Fascism and German National Socialism, which he saw as being a completely different political ideology. De Felice was very controversial in Italy as well as abroad for what some felt were sympathatic studies of Italian Fascism. 
Giovanni Papini (January 9, 1881 - July 8, 1956) was an Italian journalist, essayist, literary critic, poet, and novelist. He briefly flirted with Futurism.  Papini sought to create scandal by speculating that Jesus and John the Apostle had a homosexual relationship.  In 1921, Papini announced his newly-found Roman Catholicism, publishing the international bestseller essay ("Life of Christ").  In 1937, Papini proclaimed the death of philosophers and the demolition of thinking itself.   In 1937, Papini published the only volume of his History of Italian Literature, which he dedicated to Benito Mussolini: "to Il Duce, friend of poetry and of the poets".  An Antisemite, he believed in an international plot of Jews, applauding the racial discrimination laws enforced by Mussolini in 1938.  Papini was the vice president of the European Writers' League, which was founded by Joseph Goebbels in 1941/42.  Largely discredited at the end of World War II, he was defended by the Catholic political right.  According to The Spectator, NATO allegedly encouraged Papini, in 1951, to publish a fake interview with Pablo Picasso, to dramatically undercut his pro-Communist image.    One Jew character in one book, named Benrubi, explains: "As capitalists we dominate the world financial markets in a time in which the economy is everything or almost everything; as thinkers we dominate intellectual markets, causing old sacred and profane faiths to crumble and both revealed religions and secular religions to be reduced to dust."
Fascist editor Oreste Gregorio (1903 - 1976), ''[Jews in Italy] must either publicly declare themselves enemies—we mean enemies—of all anti-Fascist Hebrewism ... or renounce their Italian citizenship and residence. . . . They' must abandon any participation in the Zionist movement for a national Jewish home in Palestine ... which would tend to create in the Mediterranean another zone of expansion under British political and economic control, definitely contrary to the Italian Mediterranean spirit."
Filippo Tommaso Emilio Marinetti (12/22 1876 – 12/2 1944) was an Italian poet and editor, the initiator of the Futurist movement, the first historical avant-garde of the twentieth century. Marinetti is known best as the author of the Futurist Manifesto, which he wrote during 1908. Futurism had both anarchist and Fascist elements; Marinetti later became politically aligned with Benito Mussolini.   Futurism was an important influence upon Lewis's Vorticist philosophy.  Although during the early years of Italian Fascism modern art was tolerated and even approved, towards the end of the 1930s, right-wing Fascists introduced the concept of "degenerate art" from Germany to Italy and condemned Futurism.
Alfredo Rocco (1875-1935) was an Italian politician and jurist.  Rocco as an economist-minded politician developed the early concept of the economic and political theory of corporatism which, later adapted would become part of the ideology of the National Fascist Party.  “The revitalization of national energies, of national consciousness, of the national spirit has been proceeding at an unexpected pace since the war and since the victory.  The old Italy, heir of the old materialistic, cynical, and divisive individualism, is beginning to give way to the new Italy, which has nationally come of age and is full of historical and political purpose…” (1938)
Roberto Farinacci (10/16, 1892 — 4/28, 1945) was a leading Italian Fascist politician, and an ardent anti-Semitic proponent.  Farinacci frequently communicated with the Nazis, and became one of Mussolini’s advisors on Italy’s dealings with Germany.  For his part, Farinacci urged Mussolini to enter Italy into the war as a member of the Axis.  The Nazi hierarchy considered putting Farinacci in charge of a German-backed Italian government in Northern Italy - the Italian Social Republic - but he was passed over in favor of Mussolini when the dictator was rescued by Otto Skorzeny in September.  Farinacci: "(Baron Maurice de) Rothschild offered plenty of help to that brigand Haile Selassie. ... He finances all anti-Fascist movements and now prefers to live and amuse himself in Florence."
Alceste De Ambris (1874–1934), was an Italian syndicalist.   Although linked to the beginnings of Fascism through his attitude in 1914 and the support he gave D'Annunzio, De Ambris became a vocal opponent of Partito Nazionale Fascista and Mussolini's dictatorship.
Mario Piazzesi(1902-?)”We will make them hear our voice in Rome: we pure Fascists are not anti-Semites, those are German matters.”(1938?)
Luigi Federzoni (9/27 1878– 1/24 1967) was an Italian nationalist and later Fascist politician.  At the historic meeting of the Grand Council of Fascism held on 25 July 1943, he was among those who voted for Dino Grandi's Order of the Day which led to Mussolini’s downfall.
Sergio Panunzio (7/20, 1886-10/8, 1944) was an Italian theoretician of revolutionary syndicalism.  In the 1920s, he became a major theoretician of Italian Fascism.  Panunzio said that syndicalism is the historical development of Marxism.  He pointed to George Sorel and Francesco Severio Merlino as revising Marx to fit the times and emboldening it.  He is said to have spearheaded the revisionism that led many syndicalists through interventionism to corporativism and he ostensibly "gave Mussolini’s dictatorship a veneer of revolutionary legitimacy."
Curzio Malaparte (6/9, 1898 – 7/19, 1957), born Kurt Erich Suckert, was an Italian journalist, dramatist, short-story writer, novelist and diplomat.  His chosen surname, which he used from 1925, means "evil/wrong side" and is a play on Napoleon's family name "Bonaparte" which means, in Italian, "good side".  In 1922, he took part in Benito Mussolini's March on Rome.  His polemical war novel-essay, Viva Caporetto! (1921), criticized corrupt Rome and the Italian upper classes as the real enemy.  In Tecnica del Colpo di Stato (1931) Malaparte attacked both Adolf Hitler and Mussolini.  This led to Malaparte being stripped of his National Fascist Party membership and sent to internal exile.  He wrote Kaputt (1944) and The Skin (1949).  In The Skin, he presents triumphant American innocence against the background of the European experience of destruction and moral collapse.  The book was condemned by the Roman Catholic Church.  After the war, Malaparte became  a member of the Italian Communist Party.  In his book “Kaputt”, “It must be admitted that it is not altogether the fault of the Jews,” said Frank.  “The space in which they are herded is rather small for a population that size.  But, basically, the Jews like to live in filth.  Filth is their natural habitat.  Perhaps it is because they are all sick, and the sick, as a last resort, tend to take refuge in filth.  It is sad that they die like rats.”
Augusto Turati (4/16, 1888 — 8/27, 1955) was a Jew Italian journalist and Fascist politician.  He was however opposed to Italy's entry into World War II, as well as to the Nazi-protected Italian Social Republic; at the end of the war, he nevertheless faced trial, but was acquitted on all charges.
Mino Maccari (11/24 1898 -6/16, 1989) was a writer, painter, publisher and journalist, Italian engraver and political cartoonist.  Something about “Jewish Bankers and pedarists”.
Marco Bontempelli
Giuseppe Bottai (9/3, 1895 – 1/9, 1959) was an Italian lawyer, economist, journalist, and member of the National Fascist Party of Benito Mussolini.  Together with other 19 members of the Grand Council of Fascism, Bottai voted in favor of Dino Grandi's July 1943 move to oust Mussolini and side Italy with the Allies.  Bottai opposed any mitigation of the anti-Jew measures.  “They will hate us because we have driven them out.  They will despise us if we let them back in again.”
Ahasuerus Gravell (12/30, 1902 - 1956) was a journalist, writer and Italian politics.  Ahasuerus Gravell was a prominent fascist, and sought a permanent revolution against the old democratic Europe in the name of a new Fascist Europe.  He joined with enthusiasm  to the racist campaign of 1938, which accompanied and followed the Fascist racial laws.
Ugo Spirit (1896-1979) philosopher and corporativist theorist wrote “Corporativism as Absolute Liberalism and Absolute Socialism” in 1932. He proposed integral corporativism that called for the fusion of labor and capital in large industries to insure that first the corporations and then the workers would gradually become the proprietors of the means of production, thereby ending all class struggle.
Achille Starace (8/18, 1889 — 4/29, 1945) was a prominent leader of Fascist Italy.  In March 1936, to his men: “Britain is a rich country, Italy is a poor country, but the people of poor countries have hard muscles.  The only way to explain the action of the English is that they thought they had only to mass a war fleet in the Mediterranean and Premier Mussolini would take off his hat and bow in submission.  Instead he reared up like a thorough bred horse and sent his soldiers into Africa. Viva Il Duce!”  On Nov 10 1938 as Secretary General he suggested the unconditional expulsion of all Jews from the party, Mussolini rejected the idea.
Edmondo Rossoni (1884 – 6/8, 1965) was an Italian Fascist politician.  Rossoni made himself famous on July 25, 1943, by voting against Mussolini's leadership inside the Grand Council.
Gioacchino Volpe (2/16, 1876 -10/1 1971) was an Italian historian and politician.  In 1925, he signed the Manifesto of Fascist intellectuals.  He did say that all Italians had “the vague and disquieting perception that wherever a Jew appeared, many others would follow.”
Alfredo Cioffi, president of the Italian Court of Appeal, 1941 “Judaism, now that it has succeeded in infiltrating the richest countries in the world, the United States and England, is able to communicate its political directives to its communities in other nations to influence their regimes so as to achieve ever greater penetration into finance, into commerce, into the war industry, into agriculture, into mining, and into high State offices.”
Carlo Costamagna (9/21 1881 – 3/1 1965) was an Italian lawyer and academic noted as a theorist of corporatism.  He worked closely with Benito Mussolini and his fascist movement.  Post-war, Costamagna was involved in the formation of the Italian Social Movement and, with his combination of conservative ideals, corporatist economics and Evola inspired mysticism became one of the leading exponents of the Italian version of the Conservative Revolutionary movement.  Costamagna was an anti-Semite.
Paolo Nobile & Aristide Raimondi.  They were co-editors of Rivista di Milano, a Mussolini-era daily newspaper that devoted much attention to alleged Jewish involvement in communism and conspiratorial Freemasonry.
Telesio Interlandi (10/20 1894 -1/15 1965) was an Italian journalist and propagandist.  He was one of the leading advocates of anti-Semitism in Fascist Italy.  Under his editorship, (The Defense of the Race) became the leading newspaper of the Mussolini era in the struggle against communism and capitalism - both of which Interlandi repeatedly identified as Jewish-controlled.
Tullio Cianetti (8/20, 1899 -4/8, 1976) was an Italian fascist politician who was well known for his work with the syndicates.  As head of the Confederation of Industrial Workers' syndicates and Vice-President of the Institute of Social Assurance, Cianetti concluded a deal with Robert Ley in 1937 to allow Italian workers to go to Nazi Germany for employment.  Such was the regard with which he was held by the leaders of the German Labour Front that the main Volkswagen factory even had a leisure complex called Cianetti Hall in his honor.  He reached his zenith in April 1943 when he became Minister of Corporations.  However Cianetti voted in favor of Dino Grandi's motion to remove Mussolini, after Grandi had told him that all he was doing was arranging for the king to share the burden of government with Mussolini.  Cianetti wrote to Il Duce to apologize immediately afterwards.  Cianetti was one of those fascists tried along with Galeazzo Ciano in the Verona trial of 8–10 January 1944, although of all the defendants he was the only one spared execution, sentenced instead to thirty years imprisonment.  The letter of apology he had written to Mussolini saved him from the death penalty.  Following the liberation he escaped imprisonment and went into exile in Mozambique.
The Italian Fascists used Roman numerals to denote the number of years since the March on Rome in 1922. Therefore, 1934, for example, was XII E.F. (era fascista). This era was abolished with the fall of fascism in Italy on July 25, 1943, but restored in the northern part of the country during the Italian Social Republic.

****Totalitarianism   The origin of this word was created as a positive word from Mussolini - “The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value.  Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State--a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values--interprets, develops, and potentiates the whole life of a people.”  Since the Allies won, this word has a derogatory meaning, but is another example of ‘missing the forest for the trees’.  Germany and Italy had much individual freedom, unlike Communist nations.  During the War, Britain and the US worked up total(itarian) economies.  Currently, what is more totalitarian than the Homeland Security, Electronic Snooping and lack of Privacy or even dismissing a functional Bill of Rights as 2010 America?
****Das Deutschlandlied "The Song of Germany"; has been used wholly or partially as the national anthem of Germany since 1922.  The music was written by Joseph Haydn in 1797 as an anthem for the birthday of the Austrian Emperor Francis II of the Holy Roman Empire.  In 1841, the German linguist and poet August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben wrote the lyrics of "Das Lied der Deutschen" to Haydn's melody, lyrics that were considered revolutionary at the time.  The Deutschlandlied's real popularity began with World War I, when it was sung on the battlefield by young soldiers from every Gau of the Reich who were thrown together against a common foe.  The line "Germany, Germany above all" meant that the most important goal of the Vormärz revolutionaries should be a unified Germany. [Not as allied propaganda said.]
Germany, Germany above all, Above all in the world, When, for protection and defense, it always takes a brotherly stand together. From the Meuse to the Memel, From the Adige to the Belt,  |: Germany, Germany above everything,   Above everything in the world. :|
Second stanza - German women, German loyalty, German wine and German song Shall retain in the world Their old beautiful chime And inspire us to noble deeds During all of our life.  |: German women, German loyalty,   German wine and German song! :|
Third stanza- Unity and justice and freedom For the German fatherland! For these let us all strive Brotherly with heart and hand! Unity and justice and freedom Are the pledge of fortune;  |: Flourish in this fortune's blessing,   Flourish, German fatherland. :|
Today only the third stanza is considered the national anthem.  Banned after 1945 by the victors, the Deutschlandlied is again the German national anthem, but only the third stanza is used.  The first stanza is absolutely verboten, since it refers to the traditional ethnographic boundaries of Germany ("from the Maas [in Belgium] to the Memel [between the present day Kaliningrad area of Russia and Lithuania], from the Etsch [on the Austro-Italian border] to the Belt [in Denmark]").  Likewise, the propagandistic mistranslation of the words "über alles" has now become accepted "truth", thus precluding their use.  The meaning was originally that Germany was a nation, not a lot of provinces.

Rene Groos (1898- ..?) French Jew writer, editor and journalist.  (age ~24 in 1922)  He was one of those Charles Maurras called the "well-born Jews," that is to say, long established in France or who have served in the army.  Groos publishes “A Survey on the Jewish Problem” (1923).   “The two Internationales of Finance and Revolution work with ardor; they are the two fronts of the Jewish Internationale... There is a Jewish Conspiracy against all Nations, but first of all against France, and the principle of order which she represents in the world.  This conspiracy occupies almost everywhere the avenues of power; in France it is at present the actual reigning power.  For observe that there all intelligent men see the danger: all those who think French thoughts, those who have any care for the future of France are getting ready for the struggle.  The only people who appear not to know it are the very people who have no excuse for not knowing it - the men in the government.  I not only say it was the duty of these men to see the plot which is being woven against France, I say these men were in the best position for seeing it.  They alone, however, showed no reaction against this double assault of Jewish Revolution and Jewish Finance.  They have been domesticated by the latter.  They have bowed before the former.  Am I wrong in speaking of a Jewish reign?  If it is less apparent than in Russia and Bolshevik Hungary it is none the less real.  And it is against the interest of France that it exercises its rule over it.  Whoever observes and thinks, sees the peril.  At the same time we see, parallel with it, and consequent upon the progress of the universal Jewish conspiracy a recrudescence of anti-Semitism...  The Universal Jewish Conspiracy must be disrupted or France will perish as did Russia.  The evidence presses on all minds. Even political passion is not strong enough to mask it.  The life of France is at stake.  We must take sides either for France or against her.” - Rene Groos - in Le Nouveau Mercure, June, 1922.
Jews were at the bottom of the world's every ill. -Kaiser Wilhelm (Chicago Tribune, July 3, 1922).
Jean-Adolphe Alhaiza (5/22, 1839 -7/2, 1922), is a French essayist, a disciple of Charles Fourier and the Ecole member.  He was the principal author of the Renovation from 1894 to 1922 and was known for his hostility to Freemasonry.  After Fourier, he continued the campaign against espionage and economic crimes; and he was convinced that these were mainly Jews such as Dreyfus on the one hand and Rothschild on the other.  An "eternal plunderer," he wrote, the Jew rots everything he touches.  It was against this "mortal plague" that he pledged the Fourierists to fight: "The only chance of success lies in a universal uprising against the Jewish race, the universal despoiler, corrupter and disintegrator of nations. . ."

 Count Richard Nikolaus Eijiro von Coudenhove-Kalergi (Tokyo, 11/16, 1894 - Schruns, Vorarlberg, 7/27, 1972) was an Austrian politician, geopolitician, and philosopher.  (age ~28 in 1922) In 1922 he co-founded the Pan-European Union (PEU) with Archduke Otto von Habsburg, as "the only way of guarding against an eventual world hegemony by Russia".  BUT in 1925,  he wrote: "The man of the future will be of mixed race.  Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice.  The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."  "Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process.  No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe.  Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit.  This happened at the moment when Europe’s feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation."
Coudenhove-Kalergi in his autobiography: "At the beginning of 1924, we received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild; one of his friends, Max Warburg from Hamburg, had read my book and wanted to get to know us.  To my great surprise, Warburg spontaneously offered us 60,000 gold marks, to tide the movement over for its first three years .... Max Warburg, who was one of the most distinguished and wisest men that I have ever come into contact with, had a principle of financing these movements.  He remained sincerely interested in Pan-Europe for his entire life.  Max Warburg arranged his 1925 trip to the United States to introduce me to Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch."
Finance theorist Ludwig von Mises (supported by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation) also participated in Coudenhove-Kalergi's Pan-European Movement.  Later von Mises disciples Arthur Burns and Milton Friedman spread von Mises ideas through a network of secret 'conservative' think tanks, led by the Mont Pelerin Society (1947). 
Update:  April 18 2008 - European Union honors racist philosopher Coudenhove-Kalergi, architect of the EU dictatorship
Coudenhove Kalergi was not Jewish himself.  On his father’s side he was of mixed European descent (Flemish. Chech Hungarian Greek) with lots of nobility.  His mother was a Japanese from an aristocratic family.  He married the 13 year older Jewess Ida Roland [born Ida Klausner] a popular actress with whom he has two sons.  Ida Roland died in 1951.  In 1952 he married Alexandra Gräfin von Tiele, born Bally.  In 1969 he married the Austrian Jewess Melanie Benatzky Hoffmann.
Count R. N. Courdenhove-Kalergi is seen by many as the father of the modern European Union.  It was him who suggested Beethoven’s hymn as the EU's national anthem, and was very active in connection with the design of the EU logo which contains 12 stars which symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel.  The logo was finalized by the Jew Paul M.G. Lévi.  Otto von Habsburg was Coudenhove-Kalergi's successor as president of the Pan European Union.  He is a honorary professor of the University of Jerusalem, and recipient of the 'International Humanitarian Award', of the 'Anti Defamation-League' (ADL) of the Jewish B’nai B’rith Masonery Lodge.  Coudenhove-Kalergi's father was a close friend of Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism.

 Georges Eugène Sorel (11/2 1847– 8/29 1922) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism.  His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered.
“Truth About The Jews: Told By A Gentile” (1922) by Walter Hurt, Ralcy Husted Bell.  This book was written as a Judeophile apologetic.  It even endorses the Revolutionary Jews of Russia!  Yet: "Racial prejudice rises only when different races come into direct economic conflict.  His (the Jew's) economic ethics are not those of the Gentile.  The Jew being an Oriental, his mental processes are unlike those of the Occidental. He exists in a mental ghetto. Even as the characters of the Hebrew language read backward, so do Jews think reversely."  Hurt goes on to say: "Modern Finance is chiefly the creation of the Jews.  They found that the sceptre of power was fashioned of gold.  Possession of much of this metal made an enslaved people masters of their masters."
1922 Thomas Edward Watson (9/ 5, 1856 – 9/ 26, 1922), generally known as Tom Watson, was an American politician from Georgia.  In the 1890s Watson championed poor farmers as a leader of the Populist Party, articulating an agrarian political viewpoint while attacking business, bankers, railroads, Democratic President Grover Cleveland, and the Democratic Party. He was the nominee for vice president with William Jennings Bryan in 1896 on the Populist ticket (but there was a different vice presidential nominee on Bryan's Democratic ticket).  After 1900 he was best known for his writing that attacked blacks, Jews and Catholics.  Two years prior to his death, he was elected to the United States Senate.  This great Populist reformer came to believe that the Gentile world was plunging hellward and that the Jew and his allies had subtly deflected the drive for real liberation from capital and the exploitative worldview.  He spoke out against Leo Frank.  New York writer Charles P. Sweeny wrote in The Nation in August 1921: “At Watson's door, for instance, can be chiefly laid the responsibility for the orgy of anti-Semitism that culminated in the ghastly lynching of Leo Frank, of whose complete innocence of the murder charged to him there is not the slightest doubt. In his long campaign of journalistic frightfulness against Frank and against all Jews at the time, Watson convinced Southerners by the thousands that the Jewish faith condoned and encouraged atrocious crimes against the children of Christians. As a result of Watson's carnival of falsehood against Frank, which led to Frank's legal, and later to his actual, lynching, the belief became widespread in Georgia that one of the Hebraic rituals is the drawing of the blood of children and the drinking of it by adults.”
 James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2/2 1882 – 1/13 1941) was an Irish novelist and poet, considered to be one of the most influential writers in the modernist avant-garde of the early 20th century.  Joyce is best known for Ulysses (1922).  Other major works are the short-story collection Dubliners (1914), and the novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and Finnegans Wake (1939).   He attended Jesuit schools and T.S. Eliot saw between the lines of Joyce’s work the outlook of a Catholic.   Ulysses chronicles the passage of Leopold Bloom through Dublin during an ordinary day.  The title alludes to Odysseus (Latinised into Ulysses), the hero of Homer's Odyssey, and establishes a parallels between characters and events in Homer's poem and Joyce's novel.  It is a philo-Jew novel.  Why does his father John Stanislaus Joyce have a Slavic middle name and James’ brother is named Stanilaus?  St. Stanilaus was used for Polish Catholic emigrant churches.  Look at his nose, James Joyce was a crypto Jew.
 Lt Col Thomas Edward “T E” Lawrence (8/16, 1888 – 5/19, 1935) was a British officer renowned for his liaison role during the Arab Revolt against Ottoman Turkish rule of 1916–18.  The variety of his activities, and his ability to describe them vividly, earned him fame as Lawrence of Arabia, a title which was used for the 1962 film.  In January 1914, before the outbreak of World War I, Lawrence was co-opted by the British military to undertake a military survey of the Negev Desert while doing archaeological research.  Lawrence's public image was due in part to American journalist Lowell Thomas' reportage of the revolt as well as to Lawrence's autobiographical account, Seven Pillars of Wisdom (1922).  On 9/7, 1917 he wrote to Sykes, asking both about Zionist aims and about the future of the Sykes-Picot Agreement.  He sent this letter to Clayton, with the comment: 'Some of it is really thirst for information, and other is only a wish to stick pins into him . . . One must have the Jewish section cleared up: and I fancy we may (if we win) clear up the French section ourselves.' (see 1935)
“Seven Pillars of Wisdom” is the autobiographical account of the experiences of British soldier T. E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia"), while serving as a liaison officer with rebel forces during the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Turks of 1916 to 1918.  The title comes from the Book of Proverbs, 9:1: "Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars" (KJV).  Prior to the First World War, Lawrence had begun work on a scholarly book about seven great cities of the Middle East:  Cairo, Smyrna, Constantinople, Beyrout, Aleppo, Damascus and Medina.
Palestinian Jews:  Jews in Palestine prior to the establishment of the State of Israel are more commonly referred to as "Yishuv" (Jewish Community).  A distinction is to be drawn between the "Old Yishuv," that is, the pre-existing Jews in the land of Israel, and the "New Yishuv," that is, the newly-arrived Jewish immigrants after the First Aliyah in 1881.  The Arabs considered the Jewish families prior to 1881 as compatriots.  After the modern State of Israel was born in 1948, native Jews in Palestine became citizens of Israel, and the term "Palestinian Jews" largely fell into disuse.
Under the rule of the Ottoman Empire in the mid-16th century, there were no more than 10,000 Jews in Palestine, making up only 5% of the population.  By the mid-19th century, Turkish sources recorded that 80% of the 600,000-strong population was identified as Muslim, 10% as Christian Arab and 5-7% as Jewish.  In Palestine in the 19th century, Jewish pilgrims and European Christian colonial projects attracted large numbers of Ashkenazi immigrants from Eastern Europe and Sephardic groups from Bulgaria, Turkey and North Africa.  The Middle-eastern and Mediterranean Jews are discriminated against by the more dominant Askenazi Jews which now compose over 80% of Israel’s population.
The Red Swastika Society founded in China in 1922, a syncretic religious group aspire to unify Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, currently runs schools in Hong Kong Singapore.  It is to signify the society's aspiration with philanthropy and moral education.  Generally, its mission was a broad based effort of philanthropy and moral education. It ran poorhouses and soup kitchens, as well as modern hospitals and other relief works. It had an explicit internationalist focus, extending relief efforts to Tokyo after earthquakes and also in response to natural disasters in the Soviet Union.  In addition, it had offices in Paris, London, and Tokyo and professors of Esperanto within its membership. It is still in existence.  The swastika is also used in maps to denote a temple. The Japanese government uses it to denote Buddhist temples on maps.
 Truman Smith ( -1970) was the first American diplomat to interview Hitler.  Smith arrived in Munich on November 15, 1922.  Summarizing the views of Robert Murphy, the acting U.S. consul, Smith wrote: "Hitler thoroughly understands the Bavarian psychology.  Whether he is big enough to take the lead in a German national movement is another question; probably not."  General Friedrich Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein, the artillery commander of the German army's 7th Division, told Smith he hadn't met Hitler but had the impression that the man was "an oratorical genius."  He added that "Hitler was not as radical as his speeches made him out," and that he was anti-Semitic in "a healthy sense" since he wanted to keep Jews out of government positions.  Barring some mistake, Kress von Kressenstein told Smith, Hitler's movement had "a great future before it."  Friedrich Trefz, chief editor of the newspaper Münchner Neueste Nachrichten (Munich Latest News), agreed.  He told Smith that Hitler was a "marvelous speaker.  None better."  Trefz said that he'd gone to a National Socialist meeting and sat between a general and a Communist; both had attended out of curiosity, and afterward both signed up as party members.  Trefz's conclusion: "The National Socialists present no immediate danger to the government.  The ground is fertile, however, and the party will grow."  On November 21, Smith met Hitler at the party headquarters and was startled by Hitler's quarters, which reminded him of a dreary back room of a New York tenement house.  "A marvelous demagogue," he wrote. "I have rarely listened to such a logical and fanatical man. His power over the mob must be immense."  Hitler's message was unequivocal: "Parliament and parliamentarianism must go.  No one can govern with it in Germany today.  Only a dictatorship can bring Germany to its feet."
In a report he filed after returning to Berlin, Smith added this assessment: “The question whether Hitler's National Socialists can play a role in Germany equivalent to the role of the Fascisti in Italy can still not be answered with any degree of certainty. In the limited area of Bavaria, south of the Danube, Hitler's success cannot be gainsaid…. It is believed that not only in Munich but in all Germany, there is a fertile field even among the factory workers for a national movement…. It seems hardly probable, furthermore, that with the results already achieved, there will be any lack of money for the propagation of the idea of a national dictatorship. These facts, coupled with the magnetism and oratorical ability of the National Socialist leader, speak for a rapid and consistent development of the German "Fascisti."”
In 1935, Smith and his wife were immediately struck by how the capital had changed since the early 1920s.  Berlin "was the same yet not the same," Kay wrote in her memoirs.  "The streets, the buildings were all as I had known them.  But now no more shabby fronts and broken fences.  All was clean, freshly painted…. The crowds well dressed, the people looking well nourished, energetic."  Like Lindbergh, Smith was accused by some of being a Nazi dupe.

**US Education:
Harvard University Charged with Antisemitism (Life Magazine, 1922) Abbott Lawrence Lowell (1856 – 1943) enjoyed a long tenure as the president of Harvard University (1909 – 1933).  He stated that Jewish enrollment to the university should be confined to an admissions quota that should not exceed the 15-percent mark. (This sounds reasonable for a population which is only 2-3%.  Today, with no quotas and Jews called white and with their connections, it is possibly higher than all other white combined.)   
Harvard Talks About Jews (Literary Digest, 1922)  Lowell worried that living on campus with a significant number of Jews would poison the social experience of the members of the Protestant elite.
Columbia University and NYU Charged with Antisemitism (The Nation, 1921)  The editors believed that the admission tests had been rewritten in such a way as to produce predictably lower scores among Jewish applicants: "...Columbia authorities have not denied that in the two years following application of the new tests the percentage of Jews admitted fell from 40 to 22." (Again for a population of only 2-3%)
Jews Barred from Fraternities at Yale (Literary Digest, 1929)
 Edmund Dene Morel, originally Georges Eduard Pierre Achille Morel de Ville (7/10, 1873 – 11/12, 1924), was a British journalist, author and socialist politician.  In collaboration with Roger Casement, the Congo Reform Association and others, Morel, in newspapers such as his West African Mail, led a campaign against slavery in the Congo Free State.  He played a significant role in the British pacifist movement during the First World War, participating in the foundation and becoming secretary of the Union of Democratic Control, at which point he broke with the Liberal Party.  After the war he joined the Independent Labour Party.  During the Agadir Crisis of 1911, Morel was entirely in sympathy with Germany and opposed to the bellicosity of the United Kingdom and France, as well as their secret diplomacy.  As the tension grew in the run-up to World War I, Morel was again sympathetic to Germany, disinclined to stand by Belgium under German pressure, and opposed to the United Kingdom and France getting involved in war.  Morel was severely critical of the Treaty of Versailles, warning that it would lead to another war.  He did not give up his career as a journalist, becoming director of the magazine Foreign Affairs.  Foreign Affairs became a significant voice of the English left about foreign politics at the time. Morel was particularly critical of the use of African troops amongst the French forces during the occupation of the Rhineland.  In the 1922 general election, he won the second seat, defeating Winston Churchill.  Morel regarded Churchill as a warmonger and took pride in having defeated him: "I look upon Churchill as such a personal force for evil that I would take up the fight against him with a whole heart."

1923         1923         1923         1923
1/9, 1923 The mass expulsion of "alien" Jews from Lithuania has recommenced.

****Turkey’s Expulsion of Greeks - The 1923 population exchange between Christian Greece and crypto-Jew Turkey was based upon religious identity, and involved the Greek Orthodox citizens of Turkey and the Muslim citizens of Greece.   The "Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations" was signed at Lausanne, Switzerland, on the 30th January 1923, by the governments of Greece and Turkey.  It involved approximately 2 million people, most of whom were forcibly made refugees and de jure denaturalized from their homelands.  The agreement therefore merely ratified what had already been perpetrated on the Greek population.  Of the 1,300,000 Greeks involved in the exchange, only approximately 150,000 were resettled in an orderly fashion.  The majority fled hastily with the retreating Greek Army following Greece's defeat in the Greco-Turkish War, whilst others fled, amid scenes of indescribable panic, from the shores of Smyrna.   These included exchanges and expulsion of about 500,000 Turks from Greece and about 1,500,000 Greeks from Asia Minor, Anatolia and Eastern Thrace to Greece.
The Turks and other Muslims of Western Thrace were exempted from this transfer as well as the Greeks of Istanbul and the Aegean Islands of Imbros (Gökçeada) and Tenedos (Bozcaada).  Due to punitive measures carried out by the Republic of Turkey, such as the 1932 parliamentary law which barred Greek citizens in Turkey from a series of 30 trades and professions from tailor and carpenter to medicine, law, and real estate,  the Greek population of Istanbul began to decline, as evidenced by demographic statistics.  Furthermore, violent incidents as the Istanbul Pogrom (1955) directed against the ethnic Greek community greatly accelerated emigration of Greeks, reducing the 200,000-strong Greek minority in 1924 to just over 2,500 in 2006.  By contrast the Turkish community of Greece has increased in size to over 100,000 since the signing of the Lausanne Treaty, while Greece is also host to tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants.
In 1923, contrary to League on Nations rules, the French and the Belgium’s armies invaded the Ruhr – Germany’s most important industrial zone. Within Europe, France was seen as a senior League member – like Britain – and the League allowed both France and Belgium to break their own rules introduced by the League.

1923 Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life is the largest Jewish campus organization in the world.  Campus Hillel engage Jewish students in religious, cultural, artistic, and community-service activities.  In 2012, Hillel is represented at more than 550 colleges and communities throughout the world.  The organization is named for Hillel the Elder.  It was founded in 1923 at the University of Illinois, and came under the sponsorship of B'nai Brith, until the 1990s.
 Khalil Gibran (1/6, 1883 – 4/10, 1931) was a Lebanese-American artist, poet, and writer.  He wrote “The Prophet” (1923), an early example of inspirational fiction including a series of philosophical essays written in poetic English prose.  The book became extremely popular in the 1960s counterculture.  Gibran is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind Shakespeare and Lao-Tzu.  Gibran preached tolerance for all, including the Jews.  However he remained a devout Christian, writing many books about Christianity over his lifetime, including a highly acclaimed account of the life of Jesus Christ.
Social-Democrat Friedrich Ebert, in 1923, under the rules laid down by the Weimar constitution succeeded in having the government give him full powers.  This is all that Hitler did in 1933.
“The Good Soldier Schweik” (1921-3) by Jaroslav Hašek, (4/30, 1883-1/3, 1923), Czech writer best known for his satirical novel.  Drafted into the Austro-Hungarian army, Hašek was captured on the Russian front during World War I and was made a prisoner of war.  While in Russia he became a member of the Czechoslovak Legion but later joined the Bolsheviks, for whom he wrote communist propaganda.  The Good Soldier Schweik reflects the pacifist, antimilitary sentiments of post-World War I Europe.  Naive, instinctively honest, invariably incompetent, and guileless, Schweik is forever colliding with the clumsy, dehumanized military bureaucracy.  His naïveté serves as a contrast to the self-importance and conniving natures of his superior officers and is the main vehicle for Hašek’s mockery of authority.
  March 2, 1923 Purim, the Jewish holiday of Revenge against Gentiles.  Jews throughout the world label specific enemies as Haman and Christianity in general as Haman.  This holiday celebrates vengeance.  Other episodes of revenge throughout the year could still be connected to the spirit of Purim.  The Adloyada Purim parade, along with gambling, drinking to excess and all kinds of decadence is typical. 

 **** "The Third Reich" is a 1923 book by German author Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, the ideology of which heavily informed the Nazi party. The book formulated an "ideal" of national empowerment, which resounded throughout a Germany desperate to rebound from the Treaty of Versailles: Das Dritte Reich was Germany's Third Rome.  For Moeller van den Bruck, Germany's great misfortune lies in the political system created by the Weimar Republic, one of competitive parties and liberal ideologies.  An admirer of Mussolini, he looks for a strong leader.
His Reich is not so much state in the sense that term is usually understood: it is the ideal condition, the only way in which the scattered German people can achieve a common purpose and destiny. But he does not look for the limited state, the Second Reich fashioned by Bismarck was an imperfect empire.  It did not include Austria which survived on from "our First Empire", side by side with "our Second Empire".  Our Second Empire was a Little-German Empire which we must consider only as a stepping stone on our path to a Greater German Empire."
The weak Weimar Republic, he argues, will have to be replaced by a new revolution, a revolution from the right. He looks also for a new political movement that will embrace both socialism and nationalism, a unique form of German Fascism. He takes all of his philosophical cues from the work of Nietzsche "who stands at the opposite pole of thought from Marx." The one contemporary politician he admires above all others is Benito Mussolini.
The temptation is to see this difficult little book as an advocate for what was to come; but this gap between the ideal vision and the historical truth is virtually unbridgeable. On the eve of publication Moeller van den Bruck inserted a preface, in which he wrote that "The Third Reich is a philosophical idea not for this but for the next world.  Germany might perish because of the Third Reich dream."  He believes Germany needs an Übermensch (Superman) in the fashion described by Nietzsche, but that Superman is not Adolf Hitler.
Soon after the collapse of the Munich Putsch he wrote: "There are many things that can be said against Hitler, and I have sometimes said them. But one thing you have to give him credit for: he is a fanatic for Germany. But he is wrecked by his proletarian primitive ways.  He does not know how to give an intellectual basis to his Nazi party.  Hitler is all passion, but lacks sense or proportion. A heroic tenor, not a hero." Hitler, in other words, was not Mussolini. These were the last words he ever wrote before his suicide in 1925.
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck (4/23, 1876 – 5/30, 1925) was a German cultural historian and writer, best known for his controversial book Das Dritte Reich (1923). He also published the first full German translation of Dostoyevsky.  His eight-volume cultural history Die Deutschen, unsere Menschengeschichte ("The Germans, our People's History") appeared in 1905.
His essay "Der Preußische Stil" ("The Prussian Style"), in which he celebrated the essence of Prussia as "the will to the state", appeared in 1916, marking his embrace of nationalism. It showed him as an opponent of parliamentary democracy and liberalism, and exerted a strong influence on the Jungkonservativen ("young conservative movement").  After a nervous breakdown, he committed suicide in Berlin on May 30, 1925.
Moeller van den Bruck was the joint founder of the "June Club" (Juniklub), which sought to influence young conservatives in the fight against the Treaty of Versailles.  Later, it was renamed "Deutscher Herrenklub" (German Gentlemen's Club): it became very powerful, helping Franz von Papen to become Reichskanzler in 1932.
In his book Das Recht der jungen Völker ("The Right Of Young Nations"), in which he presents the interests of Germany, Russia, and the United States and develops an expressly anti-Western and anti-imperialist philosophy of the state (Staatstheorie), Moeller van den Bruck attempts primarily to bridge the gap between nationalism and concepts of social justice.  He had a major influence on the Jungkonservativen in their opposition to the Treaty of Versailles.  He may have also supplied the Nazis with some of the concepts underpinning their movement, though upon meeting Hitler in 1922 he rejected him for his "proletarian primitiveness".  The Nazis nevertheless made use of his ideas where they could, including appropriating the title of his 1923 book Das Dritte Reich (meaning "The Third Reich") as a political slogan.
Moeller spoke of the Trader versus Hero nations.  Britain is a Trader nation, Germany and Russia are Hero nations.
Van den Bruck, looking back at German history, distinguishs two separate periods, and identified them with the ages of Joachim of Fiore: the Holy Roman Empire (beginning with Charlemagne in AD 800) -- (the "First Reich"), --The Age of the Father and the German Empire -- under the Hohenzollern dynasty (1871–1918) (the "Second Reich") -- The Age of the Son.  After the interval of the Weimar Republic (1918–1933), during which constitutionalism, parliamentarism and even pacifism ruled, these were then to be followed by: the "Third Reich" -- The Age of the Holy Ghost.  The phrase was adopted by the Nazis to describe the state they wanted, however the Nazi authorities banned the informal use of "Third Reich" throughout the German press in the summer of 1939, instructing it to use more official terms such as "German Reich", "Greater German Reich", and "National Socialist Germany" exclusively.  During the early part of the Third Reich many Germans also referred to Hitler as being the German Messiah (common human term throughout history).  In a speech held on November 27, 1937, Hitler commented on his plans to have major parts of Berlin torn down and rebuilt: “[...] to build a millennial city adequate [in splendor] to a thousand year old people with a thousand year old historical and cultural past, for its never-ending [glorious] future [...]”

Albert Leo Schlageter (8/12, 1894 – 5/26, 1923) was a member of the German Freikorps.  His activities sabotaging French occupying troops after World War I led to his arrest and eventual execution by French forces.  His death created an image of martyrdom around him, which was cultivated by German nationalist groups, in particular the Nazi Party.  During the Third Reich, he was widely commemorated as a national hero.  On May 8, 1923, Schlageter had written to his parents: "from 1914 until today I have sacrificed my whole strength to work for my German homeland, from love and pure loyalty.  Where it was suffering, it drew me, in order to help… I was no gang leader, but in quiet labor I sought to help my fatherland.  I did not commit any common crime or murder."   Almost immediately after Schlageter's death, Rudolf Höss assassinated his alleged betrayer, Walther Kadow.  He was assisted by Martin Bormann. Höss was sentenced to ten years but only served four; Bormann received a one-year sentence.  After the war, the main Schlageter memorial was destroyed by occupying Allied forces as part of the denazification process.

****1923 Frankfurt School (of Cultural Marxism)
  Georg Bernhard Lukács von Szegedin (György Lukács, wealthy Jew)(4/13, 1885 – 6/4, 1971) was a Hungarian philosopher, æsthetician, literary historan, critic, and Marxist.  He was the founder of Western Marxism, the interpretive tradition that departed from the Marxist ideologic orthodoxy of the USSR; as such, he developed the theory of reification, and contributed to Marxist theory with developments of the class consciousness theory by Karl Marx.  In 1919, he was the Hungarian Minister of Culture of the government of the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic (March–August 1919).  After the Hungarian Soviet Republic was defeated, Lukács fled from Hungary to Vienna.  In 1922, he chaired a meeting of Communist-oriented sociologists and intellectuals.  This meeting founded the Institute for Social Research.  Over the next decade, the Institute worked out what was to become the Comintern's most successful psychological warfare operation against the capitalist West.  He was arrested but was saved from extradition thanks to the efforts of a group of writers which included Thomas and Heinrich Mann.  In 1930, while residing in Vienna, Lukács was summoned to Moscow. Lukács survived the purges of the "Great Terror," which claimed as much as 80% of the Hungarian Jew emigrés to the Soviet Union.  After the war Lukács was involved in the establishment of the new Hungarian government as a member of the Hungarian Communist Party.  In 1956 Lukács became a minister of the brief communist revolutionary government led by Imre Nagy which opposed the Soviet Union.  Following the defeat of the Revolution, Lukács was deported to Romania with the rest of Nagy's government but unlike Nagy, he survived the purges of 1956.  He returned to Budapest in 1957.  Lukács publicly abandoned his positions of 1956 and engaged in self-criticism.  Having abandoned his earlier positions, Lukács was to remain loyal to the Communist Party until his death in 1971.  Lukács became more publicly critical of the Soviet Union and Hungarian Communist Party in his last years following the uprisings in France and Czechoslovakia in 1968.
Lukacs identified that any political movement capable of bringing Bolshevism to the West would have to be, in his words, "demonic"; it would have to "possess the religious power which is capable of filling the entire soul; a power that characterized primitive Christianity."  However, Lukacs suggested, such a "messianic" political movement could only succeed when the individual believes that his or her actions are determined by "not a personal destiny, but the destiny of the community" in a world "that has been abandoned by God."  Bolshevism worked in Russia because that nation was dominated by a peculiar gnostic form of Christianity typified by the writings of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. "The model for the new man is Alyosha Karamazov," said Lukacs, referring to the Dostoyevsky character who willingly gave over his personal identity to a holy man, and thus ceased to be "unique, pure, and therefore abstract."  What differentiated the West from Russia, Lukacs identified, was a Christian cultural matrix which emphasized exactly the uniqueness and sacredness of the individual.  Georg Lukács, asked rhetorically, “Who will save us from Western civilization?”  saying the best way to do this was to create “a culture of pessimism” and “a world that has been abandoned by God.”
The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the Christian legacy through an "abolition of culture"; and, second, to determine new cultural forms which would increase the alienation of the population, thus creating a "new barbarism.
 Felix Weil (2/8, 1898– 9/18, 1975) was a Marxist and the original financial provider for the Institute for Social Research.  He was born in Argentina and was the son of the wealthy German-born Jewish merchant Hermann Weil.  The topic of his university thesis was "Socialization: an Attempt at a Conceptual Foundation, with a Critique of the Plans for Socialization".  In 1923 he financed the First Marxist Work Week which was attended by figures such as Georg Lukács, Karl Korsch, Richard Sorge, Friedrich Pollock, and Karl August Wittfogel.  Based on the success of this event he went on, along with his friend Friedrich Pollock, to found the Institute for Social Research in 1924.
The Institute for Social Research is a research organization for sociology and continental philosophy, best known as the institutional home of the Frankfurt School and critical theory.  The Institute was founded in Frankfurt am Main in 1923, where it was (and as of 2005[update] once again is) affiliated with the University of Frankfurt am Main.  It was founded by Felix Weil, a student of the Marxian philosopher Karl Korsch, with an endowment provided by Weil's wealthy father.  Its first director, Kurt Albert Gerlach, died before making his mark, and was swiftly followed by Carl Grünberg, a Marxist historian who gathered together fellow "orthodox" Marxists at the Institute, including his former pupil Henryk Grossman. Grünberg was followed by co-founder Friedrich Pollock.  Following a non-fatal heart attack, Grünberg was succeeded in 1930 by Max Horkheimer. Horkheimer rapidly became the guiding spirit of the Frankfurt School, a group of thinkers that was born under his directorship at the Institut. Horkheimer edited the group's (Journal for Social Research) and wrote essays defining a critical theory of society.
The growing influence of the Nazis led the founders to decide in September 1930 to prepare to move the Institute out of Germany, by establishing a branch in Geneva and moving the funds to the Netherlands.  In 1933, after the rise of Hitler, the Institute left Germany for Geneva and then in 1934 moved to New York City.  In New York it became affiliated with Columbia University, and its journal was renamed Studies in Philosophy and Social Science.  It was here that much of the important work of the Frankfurt School thinkers began to emerge.  The Institute re-opened in Frankfurt in the 1951 under the direction of Pollock.
The Frankfurt School refers to a school of neo-Marxist interdisciplinary social theory. It was a Jewish Communist School!  It has led to a Disintegration of Western Values.  Its two main emphases are Deconstruction and Political Correctness.  Deconstruction is a term in contemporary philosophy, literary criticism, and the social sciences, denoting a process by which the texts and languages of Western philosophy (in particular) appear to shift and complicate in meaning when read in light of the assumptions and absences they reveal within themselves. [Disintegration of Absolutes in Language and Meaning.]  Political correctness is a term used to describe language, ideas, policies, or behavior seen as seeking to minimize offense to racial, cultural, or other identity groups.  Conversely, the term politically incorrect is used to refer to language or ideas that may cause offense or that are unconstrained by orthodoxy.  [This led to the disintegration of a Christian Cultural Milieu.]
These Jews and other Communists wanted to create a culture of pessimism.  They wanted to create a godless world and drive people to despair.  They wanted to corrupt society’s values and make life impossible.  They wanted to create hell on earth, so that they could be the false Messiah.
Notable theorists:
Max Horkheimer (2/14, 1895 – 7/7, 1973) was a Jewish philosopher-sociologist, famous for his work in critical theory.  His most important works include The Eclipse of Reason (1947) and, in collaboration with Theodor Adorno, “The Dialectic of Enlightenment” (1947). 
Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno (11/11, 1903 – 8/6, 1969) was a Jewish-born international sociologist, philosopher, and musicologist.  Theodor (or "Teddie") was born to the wealthy wine merchant Oscar Alexander Wiesengrund (1870–1941, of Jewish descent, converted to Protestantism (?)  Adorno, set out to destroy Western music, assuring the world that atonal music was a good thing because it was discordant and ugly.
Herbert Marcuse Herbert Marcuse (7/19, 1898 – 7/29, 1979) was a Jewish philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist.  Celebrated as the "Father of the New Left", his best known works are “Eros and Civilization”, “One-Dimensional Man and The Aesthetic Dimension”. 
Friedrich Pollock (5/22, 1894 – 1970) was a Jewish social scientist and philosopher.
Erich Seligmann Fromm (3/23, 1900 – 3/18, 1980) was a Jewish social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist.
Otto Kirchheimer (11/11, 1905– 11/22, 1965) was a Jewish jurist and political scientist.
Leo Löwenthal (11/3, 1900 – 1/21, 1993) was a Jewish sociologist.  Born to assimilated Jews (his father was a physician).
Oskar Negt (8/1, 1934-  ) is a philosopher and social theorist in the tradition of critical theory as a student of Theodor Adorno.
Franz Leopold Neumann (5/23, 1900 – 9/2, 1954) was a Jewish left-wing political activist and labor lawyer, who became a political scientist in exile and is best-known for his theoretical analyses of National Socialism.  Neumann is considered to be among the founders of modern political science in the Federal Republic of Germany.
"Second generation" Frankfurt School theorists include:
Jürgen Habermas (6/18, 1929-  ) is a German sociologist and philosopher in the tradition of critical theory and pragmatism.  Marxist
Alfred Schmidt (5/19, 1931 -  ) is a German philosopher.
Albrecht Wellmer (7/9, 1933 - ) is a prominent German philosopher at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Axel Honneth is director of the Institut für Sozialforschung (Institute for Social Research) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
People who were temporarily associated with the Institute for Social Research and Frankfurt School theorists include:
Walter Bendix Schönflies Benjamin (7/15, 1892 – 9/27, 1940) was a Jewish philosopher, sociologist, literary critic, translator and essayist.  Benjamin, believed that the purpose of art was to make people as miserable as possible, for pessimism was an essential preliminary to world revolution.  “To organize pessimism, means nothing other than to expel the moral metaphor from politics.”  Benjamin succeeded only too well in making himself miserable.  He committed suicide.
Siegfried Kracauer (2/8, 1889 – 11/26, 1966) was a Jewish writer, journalist, sociologist, cultural critic, and film theorist.
Karl August Wittfogel (1896 - 1988) was a German-American historian and sinologist. He was a Marxist and an active Communist Party member, but after the Second World War an equally fierce Anticommunist.
Alfred Sohn-Rethel (1/4, 1899 – 4/6, 1990) was a Jewish Marxist economist and philosopher especially interested in epistemology. He also wrote about the relationship of German industry with National Socialism.  His father was a painter too. His mother came from the Oppenheim family and had influential relations with big business.
Willi Münzenberg (8/14, 1889– June 1940) was a communist political activist.  He was the first head of the Young Communist International in 1919-20.  He was a leading propagandist for the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) during the Weimar Era, but later grew disenchanted with Communism due to Joseph Stalin's Great Purge of the 1930s.  Condemned by Stalin, Münzenberg left the KPD and in Paris became a leader of the German emigre anti-fascism and anti-Stalinist community. Arrested and imprisoned by the Daladier government in France, he escaped prison camp only to be found dead a few months later in a forest near the commune of Saint-Marcellin, France.  He wanted to destroy Western civilization.  To accomplish this, he said, the Frankfurters would have to “organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink.  Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat”.
The Frankfurt School's original 1930's survey work, including the "authoritarian personality," was based on psychoanalytic categories developed by Erich Fromm.  Fromm derived these categories from the theories of J.J. Bachofen (see 1861), who claimed that human civilization was originally "matriarchal."  This primoridial period of "gynocratic democracy" and dominance of the (Great Mother) cult, said Bachofen, was submerged by the development of rational, authoritarian "patriarchism," including monotheistic religion.  Later, Fromm utilized this theory to claim that support for the nuclear family was evidence of authoritarian tendencies.  The Frankfurt School also devised the "authoritarian personality" profile as a weapon to be used against its political enemies and is still used in courts to accuse of thought crimes rather than actual crimes.
In 1970, Fromm surveyed how far things had developed.  He listed seven "social-psychological changes" which indicated the advance of matriarchism over patriarchism: 1.The failure of the patriarchal-authoritarian system to fulfill its function," including the prevention of pollution, 2.Democratic revolutions" which operate on the basis of "manipulated consent", 3."The women's revolution;" 4."Children's and adolescents' revolution," based on the work of Benjamin Spock and others, allowing children new, and more-adequate ways to express rebellion; 5.The rise of the radical youth movement, which fully embraces Bachofen, in its emphasis on group sex, loose family structure, and unisex clothing and behaviors; 6.The increasing use of Bachofen by professionals to correct Freud's overly-sexual analysis of the mother-son relationship—this would make Freudianism less threatening and more palatable to the general population; 7.”The vision of the consumer paradise.... the nursing characteristics of the Great Mother.

**Communist Hippies of the 1920’s:
The counterculture of the 1960's, began in Ascona, Switzerland from about 1910 to 1935.  Originally a resort area for members of Helena Blavatsky's Theosophy cult, the little Swiss village became the haven for every occult and leftist sect of the original New Age movement.  Ascona was filled with health food shops, occult book stores and "Mr. Naturals" who would walk about in long hair, beads, sandals, and robes in order to "get back to nature."  The dominant influence in the area came from Dr. Otto Gross, a student of Freud and friend of Carl Jung, who had been part of Max Weber's circle when Frankfurt School founder Lukacs was also a member.  Gross is said to have adopted Babylon as his civilization, in opposition to that of Christian Europe.
Gross's solution was to recreate the cult of Astarte in order to start a sexual revolution and destroy the bourgeois, patriarchal family.  Among the members of his cult were: Frieda and D.H. Lawrence; Franz Kafka; Franz Werfel, the novelist who later came to Hollywood and wrote The Song of Bernadette; philosopher Martin Buber; Alma Mahler, the wife of composer Gustave Mahler, and later the liaison of Walter Gropius, Oskar Kokoschka, and Franz Werfel; among others.  The Ordo Templis Orientalis (OTO), the occult fraternity set up by Satanist Aleister Crowley, had its only female lodge at Ascona.  It is sobering to realize the number of intellectuals now worshipped as cultural heroes who were influenced by the New Age madness in Ascona—including almost all the authors who enjoyed a major revival in America in the 1960's and 1970's.  The place and its philosophy figures highly in the works of not only Lawrence, Kafka and Werfel, but also Nobel Prize winners Gerhardt Hauptmann and Hermann Hesse, H.G. Wells, Max Brod, Stefan George, and the poets Rainer Maria Rilke and Gustav Landauer.  In 1935 Ascona became the headquarters for Carl Jung's annual Eranos Conference to popularize gnosticism.  Ascona was also the place of creation for most of what we now call modern dance.  Isadora Duncan was a frequent visitor.  
There were also Nationalist Hippies in this Swiss village.  In many ways the Christian and pagan Gentile Romantics came to be close to nature and some were initiated into the Jewish Communist scene.
Otto Hans Adolf Gross (3/17, 1877–2/13, 1920) was an Austrian psychoanalyst.  A maverick early disciple of Sigmund Freud, he later became an anarchist and joined the utopian Ascona community.  A champion of an early form of anti-psychiatry and sexual liberation, he also developed an anarchist form of depth psychology.  He adopted a modified form of the proto-feminist and neo-pagan theories of Johann Jakob Bachofen (see 1851), with which he attempted to return civilization back to a postulated 'golden age' of non-hierarchy.  Gross was subsequently ostracized from the larger psychoanalytic movement, and was not included in histories of the psychoanalytic and psychiatric establishments.  He died in poverty.  Greatly influenced by the philosophy of Max Stirner and Friedrich Nietzsche and the political theories of Peter Kropotkin, he in turn influenced D. H. Lawrence (through Gross' affair with Frieda von Richthofen), Franz Kafka and other artists, including the founders of Berlin Dada.  His influence on psychology was more limited.  Carl Jung claimed his entire worldview changed when he attempted to analyze Gross and partially had the tables turned on him.  As a Bohemian drug user from early youth, as well as an advocate of free love, he is sometimes credited as a founding grandfather of 20th Century Counterculture.
7/24 Turkey signs the Treaty of Lausanne, recognizing the independence of the Arab Kingdom of Hejaz, the French mandate over Syria, and British mandates over Palestine and Mesopotamia.
Gregor Schwartz-Bostunitsch becomes a member of Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy movement.
Trotsky, in a series of essays labeled as "The New Course," bitterly criticizes the growing bureaucracy of the party and argues for greater centralized planning.  Much of his hostility is directed against Stalin, whom he is said to loathe.  In response, Stalin states his own position as "socialism in one country," the antithesis of Trotsky's advocacy of a world revolution,(our modern day neo-conservativism, exporting democracy).  (Note:"Socialism in one country" and Hitler's National Socialism shared many common characteristics.)

**Jewish Denigration of the Arts:
 Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain, photographed in 1917 by Alfred Steiglitz, an early 20th-century Jewish photographer and promoter of modern art. “It does not take much stretching of the imagination,” gushes Calvin Tomkins, art critic of the New Yorker, “to see in the urinal’s gently flowing curves the veiled head of a classic Renaissance Madonna or a seated Buddha.”  In 2004, this inspired pissoire was voted Most Influential Work of the 20th century by 500 “art experts”.  Jews are visually handicapped. Trained in Talmudic dialectics, they are marvelous with words. They have a verbal IQ of 130 (one test). Their IQ for patterns and pictures, however, was dismally low: only 75.  They are also materialistic, contemptible of Christianity and socially devoid of striving for Aesthetic Ideals and Spiritual Values.  Christian Jew Israel Shamir says “No art without Christ”.  (By “Christ” he means much more than the historical Jesus.  He means the Logos, or Christ Principle, the rule of law in a divinely ordered universe.) “For Jews, their group interest lies in undermining visual art, for they can’t compete with it. Even deeper group interest is to undermine Christianity, their main enemy.”  Shamir visited the greatest museums of the world and saw literal trash –junked cars, condoms on a bed, pig cadavers - masquerading as art.  In Copenhagen, at the church of St Nicholas was artwork of genitalia.
Dada was an art movement of the European avant-garde which began in Zurich, Switzerland in 1916.  To quote Dona Budd's The Language of Art Knowledge, “Dada was born out of negative reaction to the horrors of World War I. This international movement was begun by a group of artists and poets associated with the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich.  Dada rejected reason and logic, prizing nonsense, irrationality and intuition.  The origin of the name Dada is unclear.  The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature, poetry, art manifestoes, art theory, theatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti-war politics through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works.  In addition to being anti-war, Dada was also anti-bourgeois and had political affinities with the radical left.  Dada activities included public gatherings, demonstrations, and publication of art/literary journals; passionate coverage of art, politics, and culture were topics often discussed in a variety of media.  I t was in Zurich that the Rumanian Jewish nihilist Tristan Tzara promulgated Dada as an antinational literary and artistic movement.  Every production of Dadaists was to be deliberately outrageous and unsettling.   According to Hans Richter, Dada was not art, it was "anti-art."  Everything for which art stood, Dada represented the opposite.  Where art was concerned with traditional aesthetics, Dada ignored aesthetics.  If art was to appeal to sensibilities, Dada was intended to offend.  By WWII, many of the European (Jews) Dadaists had emigrated to the US.  The Nazis considered Dada as "Degenerate art".  The movement became less active as post-WW II optimism led to new movements in art and literature.

Jewish Monopoly of Art: What ethnic group owns most of the art galleries? Who are the museum curators? Who are the art historians? Who are the art critics? Who publish the magazines in which art is reviewed? Who determines what is good art and what is rubbish? Who are the dealers and big collectors? Who run the auction houses? Who set up the art competitions and raise the prize money? Who appoint the judges? Who are the judges?
As far back as 1930, dealer Pierre Loeb said that four art dealers out of five are Jewish, as are four out of five art collectors.  Wilhelm Unde added art critics to this list.”  In 1973, it was estimated that 80 per cent of the 2500 core “art market personnel” — dealers, curators, gallery owners, collectors, critics, consultants and patrons of the arts — were Jewish.   In 1982, Jew Gerald Krefetz said “Today, Jews enjoy every phase of the art world.  In some circles, the wheelers and dealers are referred to as the Jewish mafia.” Jews are .2% of the world’s population, 2% of Americans, but 800 out of 1000 of the world’s wealthiest art collectors are Jewish.
The successful contemporary artist needs to be a person devoid of moral scruples.  Confidence trickster, hustler, prostitute, pimp, he needs to mix with the right crowd and know whom to cultivate.  “The artist who would be known,” wrote the great folklorist Joseph Campbell, “has to go to cocktail parties to win commissions, and those who win them are not in their studios but at parties, meeting the right people and appearing in the right places.”  Campbell was later accused of anti-Semitism, but Jewish artist Julian Schnabel backs up Campbell’s claim.  “Much time is spent nurturing liaisons with creatures of the art world,” he notes.  “There is no time for friendship.  Later, there is no capacity for it.”  If you wish to succeed as a modern artist, be prepared to lie and cheat, to be a confidence trickster and sexual exhibitionist, to flatter your Jewish patrons and churn out Holocaust paintings to please them, to sing the praises of Israel and vilify the Palestinians, to knock Islam and the Qur’an and show contempt for Christianity.  Unless you are Jewish, you must lose all allegiance to your people, your religion, or your traditional culture.
Jewish Denigration of Aryan Beauty: Hollywood and modern culture is trying to change modern culture and succeeding.  The Khazarian looks different than the Aryan, but because of emotional inferiorities, the Jew is jealous of the blond, blue-eyed, taller Aryan Gentile.  This Thesis is not racist and the author desires that everyone would be comfortable in striving for their own perfection.  Life is not equal, but we can all better ourselves.  The Jew, though constantly agitates against the Aryan on a physical level.  The Shkisa (abomination), the blond beauty, is the dumb Bimbo.  The Aryan, simply for being white is called a Racist and is lobbied against through ‘affirmative action’ and increased immigration. 

Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas (10/22, 1870 – 3/20, 1945), nicknamed "Bosie", was a British author, poet and translator, and publisher.  In the most noted case, brought by Winston Churchill in 1923, Douglas was found guilty of libeling Churchill and was sentenced to six months in prison.  Douglas had claimed that Churchill had been part of a Jewish conspiracy to kill Lord Kitchener, the British Secretary of State for War.  He published The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1919.
 August 2 - John Calvin Coolidge, Jr. (July 4, 1872 – January 5, 1933) was the 30th President of the United States (1923–1929).  Coolidge refused to recognize the Jewish Communist criminal Soviet Union.  He retained a strong interest in the Greek and Latin Classics and he favored legislation aimed at restriction of the numbers of Jewish and Italian immigrants, while refusing immigration to the Japanese entirely.  On May 3, 1925, he helped dedicate the cornerstone of the Washington, D.C. Jewish Community Center.  "The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country."
Edward Morgan Forster OM, CH (1/1 1879 – 6/7 1970) was an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist.  He is known best for his ironic and well-plotted novels examining class difference and hypocrisy in early 20th-century British society.  After returning from India, he completed his last novel, “A Passage to India” (1924).  He remarked that Jews in ancient Egypt "speculated in theology and grain," echoing Mark Twain’s comments upon Joseph. (Pharos and Pharillon,1923)
The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or the Wobblies) is an international union. At its peak in 1923, the organization claimed some 100,000 members in good standing, and could marshal the support of perhaps 300,000 workers. Its membership declined dramatically after a 1924 split brought on by internal conflict.  The IWW was founded in Chicago in June 1905 at a convention of two hundred socialists, anarchists, and radical trade unionists from all over the United States (mainly the Western Federation of Miners) who were opposed to the policies of the American Federation of Labor (AFL).  The IWW's first organizers included William D. ("Big Bill") Haywood, Daniel De Leon, Eugene V. Debs, Thomas J Hagerty, Lucy Parsons, "Mother" Mary Harris Jones, Frank Bohn, William Trautmann, Vincent Saint John, Ralph Chaplin, and many others.  It was discovered that the IWW was receiving it’s directions straight from Moscow.
   Feminine Fascism: Women in Britain's Fascist Movement, 1923-45 (6/14, 2003) by Julie V. Gottlieb The first fascist political organization in Britain, called the fascisti, then changed its name to the British Fascists, was founded in 1923, by Rotha Lintorn-Orman.  Until then the most prominent political movement for women had been the Suffragettes.  In 1914, Norah Elam, an influential Suffragette shared a cell with Emmeline Pankhurst, another leader.  Norah Elam was imprisoned again during World War II, this time with Diana Mosley, wife of the fascist leader.  The British Union of Fascists had 50,000 members at one point.
   Rotha Lintorn-Orman (1895-1935) was a pioneer British Fascist.  She served in World War I as a member of the Women's Reserve Ambulance and was decorated for her contribution at the Great Thessaloniki Fire of 1917.  She also served with the Scottish Women's Hospital Corps.  In these early years she developed a strong sense of British nationalism, and became a staunch monarchist and imperialist.  She continued her work in the field of military medicine after the war, becoming head of the Red Cross Motor School to train drivers in the battlefield.  Following her war service, she placed an advert in the right-wing journal The Patriot seeking anti-communists.  This led to the foundation of the British Fascisti in 1923 as a response to the growing strength of the Labour Party, a source of great anxiety for the virulently anti-Communist Lintorn-Orman. 

 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881–11/10, 1938) was a Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, writer, and founder of the Republic of Turkey as well as its first president.  Atatürk became known as an extremely capable military officer during World War I.  Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, he led the Turkish national movement in the Turkish War of Independence. Having established a provisional government in Ankara, he defeated the forces sent by the Allies. His successful military campaigns led to the liberation of the country and to the establishment of modern Turkey. During his presidency, Atatürk embarked upon a program of political, economic, and cultural reforms.  Ataturk and many of the Young Turks were crypto-Jews.

****More Young Hitler:
1906 Hitler and August Kubizek visit St. Georgen on the River Gusen, the site of an ancient German battle. Hitler tells Kubizek that much could be learned from the "spirits" residing in the ancient soil and in the mortar between the cracks of the ruined buildings. At exactly this same time, both Lanz and List were telling their students in Vienna this same story. (Kubizek)  1915 February Hitler writes a letter to his lawyer and friend, Ernst Hepp about his recent war experiences. (The Hepp Letter) Ernst Hepp (5/16, 1878 -6/3, 1968) was a German jurist and botanist. 
1918 10/13 Hitler is blinded in a gas attack near Werwick and is taken to an army hospital at Pasewalk near Berlin.  After several weeks, his eyesight slowly returns. 11/9.  The Second Reich collapses.  11/9 Upon hearing this news, Hitler suffers a relapse and his blindness suddenly returns. He then claims to experience a supernatural vision, and recovers, he says, only after vowing to God that he will dedicate his life to politics. (Toland)(ie“I have a dream.”)  1919 9/16 Hitler's first known, political writing on the "Jewish Problem," a letter addressed to Adolf Gemlich (identity unknown) shows that Hitler's belief in a worldwide Jewish-Marxist conspiracy was already well developed.  The letter was written at the behest of Karl Mayr to Gemlich, a German army soldier as a response to Gemlich's question on the army's position on the Jewish Question. 
1921 7/11 Hitler threatens to resign from the Nazi party if he is not given dictatorial powers.  Hitler becomes the uncontested leader of the German Nazi party.  1921 9/14 Hitler physically attacks Otto Ballerstedt and is later sentenced to a month in jail.  Otto Ballerstedt (4/1, 1887 -6/30, 1934 working at the Dachau camp was a German engineer, writer and politician.  Ballerstedt was a political rival to Hitler in the early days.  1921 November All capital stock in the "Munchener Beobachter" ("Volkischer Beobachter") newspaper is transferred to Adolf Hitler. (Sebottendorf; Roots)  1921 11/29 Hitler writes a letter to an unidentified doctor, like the Hepp letter. (This may have been Dr. Walter Riehl, Austrian leader of the German National Socialist Workers Party (DNSAP).   1923 September Ludendorff announces his support of Adolf Hitler before 100,000 people at Nuremberg.  1923 9/25 Hitler addresses a meeting of the heads of all the right-wing military formations and private armies in Munich.  After a two and a half hour speech he is able to convince them that they would be more effective if they placed themselves under his over-all command. (Payne)
1923 9/30 Hitler visits the Wagner family and Houston Stewart Chamberlain at Wagner's home in Bayreuth.  When he returned to Munich, he found a letter from Chamberlain metaphorically praising him as a Messiah and comparing Chamberlain himself with John the Baptist.  "At one blow you have transformed the state of my soul," Chamberlain wrote.  "That Germany in her hour of need has produced a Hitler testifies to its vitality.  Now at last I am able to sleep peacefully and I shall have no need to wake up again.  God protect you!" (Olden)
1924 Hitler reads the second edition of the textbook, (The Principles of Human Heredity and Race-hygiene), written by E. Baur, E. Fischer, and F. Lenz, while imprisoned in Landsberg, and subsequently incorporates racial ideas into his own book, Mein Kampf. (Science).
1923 Nov 8/9 - **The Beer Hall Putsch** was a failed attempt at revolution when Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler, Generalquartiermeister Erich Ludendorff, and other heads of the Kampfbund unsuccessfully tried to seize power in Munich, Bavaria and Germany.  Putsch is the German word for a military coup d'état. The Feldherrnhalle ("Field Marshals' Hall") was finished in 1844 and was a symbol of the honours of the Bavarian Army.  The Feldherrnhalle was the scene of a confrontation between the Bavarian State Police and an illegally organized march by the followers of Adolf Hitler.  When ordered to stop the marchers continued; the State Police felt threatened and opened fire.  Four policemen and sixteen marchers were killed and a number were wounded, including Hermann Göring.  As a result, Hitler was arrested and sentenced to a prison term. Hitler, Hess, Goring and Ludendorff strode resolutely into the volley.
11/8 The Munich Putsch -- Hitler, with the backing of General Ludendorff, attempts to take over the Bavarian government by force of arms.  Hitler claims that his main purpose is to squash a plot by Bavarian separatist to secede from Germany.  11/9 At midday, Hitler and Ludendorff at the head of a large body of men are caught in a bottleneck as they march toward the center of town.  The police open up with volleys of rifle fire and sixteen Nazis are killed.  Hitler quickly flees the city and Ludendorff is arrested. The putsch collapses and those killed become Nazi martyrs.  The flag they carry that day later becomes known as the "blood flag," and takes on a "sacred" and mystical symbolism.  This is a day Hitler will never forget. (This was commemorated throughout his time in office.)
11/11 Hitler is arrested and charged with treason.  About midnight he is taken to Landsberg prison, where Count Anton Arco-Vally, the assassin of Kurt Eisner, Is awakened and moved to another cell.  His comfortable quarters are then given to Hitler. (Payne)  1924 2/26 The trial of Hitler, Ludendorff and a number of other participants in the Munich Putsch begins in Munich.  4/1 Hitler is sentenced to five years in military prison at Landsberg Fortress. General Ludendorff is found not guilty and retires to his home in the country.  6/24 Dr. Karl Haushofer visits Hess and Hitler in Landsberg prison. Prison records show that between June 24 and November 12 he visited them eight times, always on Wednesdays and staying the whole morning and afternoon. (Missing Years)
11/8 Hitler, Lt. Colonel Hermann Kriebel, Dr. Christian Weber, Rudolf Hess and other putschers in Landsberg prison celebrate the first anniverary of the Munich putsch, with the prison band supplying the music. At exactly 8:34 PM, they comemorated the "historic moment" the trucks arrived carrying the Hitler Shocktroops. (Missing Years)  1924 11/9 At 1 PM, Hitler and his comrades in Landsberg salute their sixteen fallen friends who were shot down and killed in Munich the year before. (Missing Years)  12/20 Hitler is released from Landsberg prison after serving less than nine months of his five-year sentence.

The Case of Philippe Daudet (1909-1923 Paris) the son of Leon Daudet of French Action took place in November 1923.  After running away, Philippe Daudet supposedly committed suicide at the age of 14 years.  His death caused great controversy launched by his father against the anarchists, the police and the Republican government (Third Republic).  Some points of the case remain unclear.   Léon Daudet (11/16 1867 – 6/30 1942) was a French journalist, writer, an active monarchist, and a member of the Académie Goncourt. Together with Charles Maurras (who remained a lifelong friend), he co-founded (1907) and was an editor of the nationalist, integralist periodical Action Française.  (killed by Jews?)
Ongoing tabloid journalism shows the Jewish penchant for lying.  12/6 1923 the Jewish World of London announced that “Adolf Hitler has been incarcerated in a lunatic asylum, having been found hopelessly insane.” 
Austin Frederic Harrison (1873–1928) was a British journalist and editor, best known for his editorship of The English Review from 1909 until 1923.   Typical of his writings on the Jewish question are his English Review essays, "Which God? Or, The World Battle of the Jews" (vol. 29), and "Russia and Europe" (vol. 39).
 Clare Sheridan (born as Clare Consuelo Frewen; also known as Clare Consuelo Sheridan) (9/9, 1885 – 5/31, 1970), was an English sculptress and writer who is known primarily for creating busts for famous sitters, and writing diaries recounting her worldly travels.  Her mother was Jewish (Jerome).  She was a cousin of Sir Winston Churchill, with whom she had enjoyed an amicable relationship, but her support for the October Revolution caused them to break ranks politically in the 1920s.  While visiting America, Sheridan had a love affair with Charlie Chaplin.  She enjoyed travelling around the world, and among her circle of friends were Princess Margaret of Sweden, Lord and Lady Mountbatten, Lady Diana Cooper, Vita Sackville-West and Vivien Leigh.  She used her enormous personality on the likes of Trotsky, Chaplin, Kemal Attaturk and Mussolini. After the war she converted to Roman Catholicism.  She was a Jew and friend of Trotsky.  She was a cousin of Sir Winston Churchill, with whom she had enjoyed an amicable relationship, but her support for the October Revolution caused them to break ranks politically in the 1920s.  "The Communists are Jews, and Russia is being entirely administered by them.  They are in every government office, bureau and newspaper. They are driving out the Russians and are responsible for the anti-Semitic feeling which is increasing." (NY World, December 15, 1923)
 German caricaturist Totila, whose satiric works were printed in the 1920s in the German periodicals "Simplizissimus" and "Jugend". [Germany, 1923].
 Hermann Julius Oberth (6/25, 1894 – 12/28, 1989) was an Austro-Hungarian-born German physicist and engineer.  He is considered one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics.  In 1923 Physicist Hermann Oberth publishes “The Rocket into Planetary Space”, which inspires many young Germans, including Werner von Braun, with the idea of space travel.  Oberth in 1941 worked on German rocketry projects, including the V-2 rocket weapon, and in about September 1943, he was awarded the (War Merit Cross 1st Class, with Swords) for his "outstanding, courageous behavior ... during the attack" on Peenemünde by Operation Hydra, part of Operation Crossbow.  In 1953, Oberth published the book (Men in Space), in which he described his ideas for space-based reflecting telescopes, space stations, electric-powered spaceships, and space suits.  During the 1950s and 1960s, Oberth offered his opinions regarding unidentified flying objects (UFOs).  He was a supporter of the extraterrestrial hypothesis for the origin of the UFOs that were seen at the Earth.  Hermann Oberth is memorialized by the Hermann Oberth Space Travel Museum in Feucht, Germany.  The Oberth effect, in which a rocket engine when traveling at high speed generates more useful energy than one at traveling at low speed, is named after him.  There is also a crater on the Moon and an asteroid named after him.  The science-fiction movie Star Trek III: The Search for Spock mentions the Oberth-class of starships hypothetically to be in his honor.  Later on, this same class of starships is mentioned in several episodes of the American TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Dec 1923 Miss Anne Gray of Brooklyn, New York, returned to the United States having spent the two previous years working for the Near East Relief Orphanage in the Soviet Union.  She had the following to say: "I returned home through northern Russia, and found conditions in Moscow and Petrograd very bad indeed. There are a few Russians with real brains left alive in the country whom the Jews who control Russia are starving to death. They do not wish the intelligent Russians to survive or to leave the country. Russians no longer control their own country: the Jewish Bolsheviki control it. Conditions grow steadily worse. The railroad from Tbilisi to Petrograd is lined with the ruins of the factories which were busy under the Czar; the freight cars and ruined engines rot beside the rails. The peasants are as ignorant as ever; and the intelligent class is being broken and starved, while the aristocrats have been murdered. No real Russians are to be found among the present dictators."

1924         1924         1924         1924

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