Friday, June 17, 2011

1918 - 1920

(My original has many pictures and illustrations.  Please excuse this installment until I am able to complete it.)

1918         1918         1918         1918
Newton Diehl Baker, Jr. (12/3, 1871 – 12/25, 1937) was a Democrat who served as the 37th mayor of Cleveland, Ohio from 1912 to 1915 and as U.S. Secretary of War from 1916 to 1921.  He said on 2/14, 1918, that Jews were more apt to malinger when being medically examined for military service than the native born. George von Lengerke Meyer (6/24, 1858 – 3/9, 1918) was a businessman and politician who served in the Massachusetts House, as US ambassador to Italy and Russia, as US Postmaster General from 1907 to 1909 during the administration of President Theodore Roosevelt and US Secretary of the Navy from 1909 to 1913 during the administration of President William Howard Taft.  Meyer wrote to US Secretary of State Elihu Root on 12/30, 1905 advising: “The Jews have undoubtedly to a large extent furnished the brains and energy in the revolution throughout Russia.

****The Fourteen Points was a speech delivered by President Woodrow Wilson to Congress on January 8, 1918.  The address was intended to assure the country that the Great War was being fought for a moral cause and for postwar peace in Europe.  People in Europe generally welcomed Wilson's intervention, but his Allied colleagues (Georges Clemenceau, David Lloyd George and Vittorio Emanuele Orlando) were skeptical of the applicability of Wilsonian idealism.  The speech was delivered 10 months before the Armistice with Germany and became the basis for the terms of the German surrender, as negotiated at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.  The Treaty of Versailles had little to do with the Fourteen Points and so was never ratified by the U.S. Senate.
The U.S. joined the Allies in fighting the Central Powers on April 6, 1917.  The Fourteen Points in the speech were based on the research of the Inquiry, a team of about 150 advisors led by foreign-policy advisor Edward M. House into the topics likely to arise in the anticipated peace conference.  Wilson's speech on January 8, 1918, took many of the principles of progressivism that had produced domestic reform in the U.S. and translated them into foreign policy (free trade, open agreements, democracy and self-determination).  The speech also responded to Vladimir Lenin's Decree on Peace of October 1917, which proposed an immediate withdrawal of Russia from the war, calling for a just and democratic peace that was not compromised by territorial annexations, and led to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on March 3, 1918.
Fourteen Points Speech:
1-Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.
2-Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants.
3-The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance.
4-Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.
5-A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a strict observance of the principle that in determining all such questions of sovereignty the interests of the populations concerned must have equal weight with the equitable claims of the government whose title is to be determined.
6-The evacuation of all Russian territory and such a settlement of all questions affecting Russia as will secure the best and freest cooperation of the other nations of the world in obtaining for her an unhampered and unembarrassed opportunity for the independent determination of her own political development and national policy and assure her of a sincere welcome into the society of free nations under institutions of her own choosing; and, more than a welcome, assistance also of every kind that she may need and may herself desire. The treatment accorded Russia by her sister nations in the months to come will be the acid test of their good will, of their comprehension of her needs as distinguished from their own interests, and of their intelligent and unselfish sympathy.
7-Belgium, the whole world will agree, must be evacuated and restored, without any attempt to limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common with all other free nations. No other single act will serve as this will serve to restore confidence among the nations in the laws which they have themselves set and determined for the government of their relations with one another. Without this healing act the whole structure and validity of international law is forever impaired.
8-All French territory should be freed and the invaded portions restored, and the wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the peace of the world for nearly fifty years, should be righted, in order that peace may once more be made secure in the interest of all.
9-A readjustment of the frontiers of Italy should be effected along clearly recognizable lines of nationality.
10-The peoples of Austria-Hungary, whose place among the nations we wish to see safeguarded and assured, should be accorded the freest opportunity to autonomous development.
11-Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be evacuated; occupied territories restored; Serbia accorded free and secure access to the sea; and the relations of the several Balkan states to one another determined by friendly counsel along historically established lines of allegiance and nationality; and international guarantees of the political and economic independence and territorial integrity of the several Balkan states should be entered into.
12-The Turkish portion of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure sovereignty, but the other nationalities which are now under Turkish rule should be assured an undoubted security of life and an absolutely unmolested opportunity of autonomous development, and the Dardanelles should be permanently opened as a free passage to the ships and commerce of all nations under international guarantees.
13-An independent Polish state should be erected which should include the territories inhabited by indisputably Polish populations, which should be assured a free and secure access to the sea, and whose political and economic independence and territorial integrity should be guaranteed by international covenant.
14-A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike.
The speech was widely disseminated as an instrument of propaganda to encourage the Allies to victory.  Copies were also dropped behind German lines, to encourage the Central Powers to surrender in the expectation of a just settlement.  Indeed, a note sent to Wilson by Prince Maximilian of Baden, the German imperial chancellor, in October 1918 requested an immediate armistice and peace negotiations on the basis of the Fourteen Points.****The American Jewish Congress describes itself as an association of Jewish Americans organized to defend Jewish interests at home and abroad through public policy advocacy, using diplomacy, legislation, and the courts.  It is not the American Jewish Committee.  The two organizations are often referred to as the AJCongress or the AJCommittee.  The Congress suspended its activities and laid off much of its staff on July 13, 2010.  It had run out of operating funds due to losses in the Madoff scandal.  In 1918, leaders within the American Jewish community, consisting of Jewish, Zionist, and immigrant community organizations, convened the first American Jewish Congress (AJCongress) in Philadelphia's historic Independence Hall.  Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, and others joined to lay the groundwork for a national democratic organization of Jewish leaders.  In addition to its stated goals of equal rights for all, it was founded to broaden Jewish leadership and to present a unified American Jewish position at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.  It became effective as a pressure group in 1928 under the leadership of Rabbi Wise, who remained the president and chief spokesperson of the AJCongress until his death in 1949.
When Adolf Hitler was named chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, Wise organized a mass protest rally at Madison Square Garden, in New York City.  He did this despite strong opposition by the German government, the U.S. State Department, and conservative Jewish organizations such as AJCommittee and B'nai B'rith.  The American Jewish Congress continued to organize protest rallies throughout the 1930s and 1940s.  In August 1933 the American Jewish Congress led a general boycott of German goods. 
The American Jewish Congress was pro-Zionist in its platform.  Its leadership overlapped with that of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA of 1897).  As a result, the two organizations agreed to concentrate on different tasks during the war.  The American Jewish Congress dedicated itself to rescuing European Jews, while the ZOA worked to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.  This arrangement continued after the war, although its significance decreased after the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. During World War I, the swastika was used as the emblem of the British National War Savings Committee  A Christmas greeting card (with swastika) issued to German POWs in the UK in 1918.  "From captivity to the homeland in faithful cordial Christmas greeting."
The Fylfot (Swastika) in British Churches and Cathedrals:

Hermann Stehr (2/16, 1864 -9/11, 1940) was a German writer and in 1926 a founding member of the Prussian Academy of Poets, focused on Blood-and-Soil ideology.  He was a signatory to the merger of the Office of the President and Chancellor and wrote a justification for the killing of Roehm.  Stehr was celebrated as a "herald of the German soul" and praised for his "folkish earthiness".   He was considered an Escapist, in contrast to the writers in exile, these authors chose to remain in the country and lived in seclusion, where they mostly fantastic or surreal devoted subjects. This was a retreat into romantic areas, a mystification of nature, with blood and soil -identified issues.  They used literary jargon of authenticity.  Stehr focused on Northern European folklore.  "The Heiligenhof" (1918) Oswald Arnold Gottfried Spengler (5/29, 1880– 5/8, 1936) was a German historian and philosopher whose interests also included mathematics, science, and art.  He is best known for his book “The Decline of the West” (Der Untergang des Abendlandes) in which he puts forth a cyclical theory of the rise and decline of civilizations.  After Decline was published in 1918, Spengler produced his Prussianism and Socialism in 1920, in which he argued for an organic version of socialism and authoritarianism.  He wrote extensively throughout World War I and the interwar period, and supported German hegemony in Europe. The National Socialists held Spengler as an intellectual precursor but he was ostracized after 1933 for his pessimism about Germany and Europe's future, his refusal to support Nazi ideas of racial superiority, and his critical work the Hour of Decision.  Spengler held that history follows definite laws of growth and decay that are observable in the careers of all cultures.  Tracing the unfolding of these laws in his own era, he predicted that Western culture, already well into its twilight, would experience further decline as a future of rationalism, mass manipulation, and material expression succeeded the profound art, religion, and philosophy of the past.  In later nationalistic political tracts Spengler contended that Germany, with its Prussian authoritarian tradition, could dominate this future.

(2) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk:
February 9, 1918, the Central Powers signed an exclusive protectorate treaty with the Ukrainian People's Republic recognizing the sovereignty of the republic.  Although not formally annexing the territory of the former Russian Empire, Germany and Austria-Hungary secured a food supply support in return for the military protection.
On March 3, 1918, Bolshevik Russia signed with the Ludendorff-Hindenburg government an agreement which added to the German Empire 56 million new inhabitants and much of Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Romania and the Ukraine.  It lasted 6 months.  When Germany took over this territory, the Jewish shetls called them liberators.  Germany wanted to secure World Jewry for Germany.  The Ludendorff-Hindenburg government endorsed Palestine for the Jews.  World Jewry had already decided to accept Great Britain’s Balfour Agreement.  In 1941 several of these shetls welcomed the Germans again.  Under its terms, Russia recognizes the independence of the Ukraine, Finland, and Georgia; gives up control of Poland, the Baltic states, and a portion of Belorussia; and cedes Kars, Ardahan, and Batumi to Turkey.  The treaty will be nullifieded by the defeat of Germany in November 1918.  (Note: Trotsky unsuccessfully opposed the treaty, as annexationist, but retains Lenin's confidence.)
1918 An influenza pandemic begins and kills more than 21 million people, worldwide, during the next 2 years.  This also led to the War’s conclusion starting on March 18. Eugene Victor Debs (Jew?)(11/5, 1855 – 10/20, 1926) was an union leader, one of the founding members of the International Labor Union and the Wobblies, and the candidate of the Socialist Party of America for President in 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920, the last time from his prison cell.  Noted for his oratory, it was a speech denouncing American participation in World War I that led to his second arrest in 1918.  He was convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917 and sentenced to a term of 10 years.  President Warren G. Harding commuted his sentence in December 1921.  Debs died in 1926 not long after being admitted to a sanatorium.   On June 16, 1918 in Canton, Ohio, he gave an Anti-War Speech. Nicholas II (5/18, 1868 – 7/17, 1918) was the last Emperor of Russia, Grand Duke of Finland, and titular King of Poland. His official title was Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias and he is currently regarded as Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer by the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Nicholas II ruled from 1894 until his abdication on 3/15, 1917.  Nicholas II, his wife, his son, his four daughters, the family's medical doctor, the Tsar's valet, the Empress' lady-in-waiting and the family's cook were all killed in the same room by the Bolsheviks on the night of 7/16-17, 1918.   On the window sill of the Czarina's room is found a swasika believed to have been carved by the Cazrina herself. Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin (1/22, 1869 – 12/29, 1916) was a Russian mystic who is perceived as having influenced the latter days of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, his wife the Tsaritsa Alexandra.  Britain had joined Russia to fight against Germany, and The Times suggested Rasputin was assassinated because he was pro–German – “one of the pivots of the Germanophil forces”.  He had dangerous potential to change the direction of World War I through his intimacy with the Russian Emperor and Empress. [Perhaps his debauchery has been exaggerated.] Rin Tin Tin (1920s -1950s) was the name given to several related German Shepherd dogs featured in fictional stories on film, radio and television.  The first of the line (c. 9/10, 1918 – 8/10, 1932) was a shell-shocked pup found by American serviceman Lee Duncan in a bombed-out dog kennel in Lorraine, France, less than two months before the end of World War I.  He was named for a puppet called Rin tin tin that French children gave to the American soldiers for good luck.  The dog returned at war's end with Duncan to his home in Los Angeles, California.  He was a dark sable color and had very dark eyes.  Hitler enjoyed Rin Tin Tin as many others did.  Blondi (1941 — 4/29, 1945) was Adolf Hitler's German Shepherd dog, given to him as a gift in 1941 by Martin Bormann.  Blondi stayed with Hitler even after his move into the Führerbunker located underneath the garden of the Reich Chancellery on January 16, 1945.  Max Emil Friedrich von Stephanitz (12/30, 1864 – 4/22, 1936) was a German dog breeder who is credited with having developed the German Shepherd Dog breed in 1899 and set guidelines for the breed standard.  This athletic and intelligent breed was used by German police and adopted be police forces and military everywhere.  The breed exploded in popularity with Rin Tin Tin (c.9/10, 1918 – 8/10, 1932), the dog adopted from a WWI battlefield that went on to star in twenty-three Hollywood films.  In 1918, American kids, witches, and swastikas were cute. Erich Friedrich Wilhelm Ludendorff (sometimes given incorrectly as von Ludendorff) (4/9, 1865 – 12/20, 1937) was a German Army officer, victor of Liège, and, with Paul von Hindenburg, one of the victors of the battle of Tannenberg.  From August 1916 his appointment as Generalquartiermeister made him joint head (with von Hindenburg) of Germany's war effort.  From this point on he ran Germany's war effort in World War I until his resignation in October 1918.  “The Freemasons are the henchmen of the Jews.”  “The majority of the English do not realize that, having done their duty by the inner Jewish circle, they have now to disappear as a world power.” Alvin Cullum York (12/13, 1887 – 9/2, 1964) was one of the most decorated American soldiers in World War I.   He received the Medal of Honor for leading an attack on a German machine gun nest, taking 32 machine guns, killing 28 German soldiers and capturing 132 others. This action occurred during the U.S.-led portion of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in France, which was part of a broader Allied offensive masterminded by Marshal Ferdinand Foch to breach the Hindenburg line and ultimately force the opposing German forces to capitulate. Red Baron (Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen) (5/2, 1892 – 4/21, 1918), was a German fighter pilot with the Imperial German Army Air Service during World War I.  He is considered the ace-of-aces of that war, being officially credited with 80 air combat victories, more than any other pilot.
Germany did not have any destruction on its territory and would have won easily if the United States had not joined this European War.
The Ottoman Turks were weakened in the Middle Eastern War by the British time-honored tradition of Drug War.  The British dropped packages of Hashish on the Turkish troops.
Marshal Pétain (4/24, 1856 – 7/23, 1951) was a French general who reached the distinction of Marshal of France.  Because of his outstanding military leadership in World War I, particularly during the Battle of Verdun, he was viewed as a hero in France. 
Ferdinand Foch (10/2, 1851 – 3/20, 1929) was a French soldier, military theorist, and First World War hero credited with possessing "the most original and subtle mind in the French army".  He became the "Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies" in 1918.  Foch said "This is not Peace. It is an Armistice for twenty years."
Joseph Jacques Césaire Joffre (1/12, 1852 – 1/3, 1931) was a French general most known for regrouping the retreating allied armies to defeat the Germans at the strategically decisive First Battle of the Marne in 1914.
Georges Benjamin Clemenceau (9/28, 1841 – 11/24, 1929) was a French journalist and statesman.  He served as the Prime Minister of France from 1906 to 1909, and again from 1917 to 1920.  He was one of the major voices designing the Treaty of Versailles at the Paris Peace Conference in the aftermath of the war.  Nicknamed "Le Tigre" (The Tiger) he took a very harsh line against defeated Germany.
The War’s End:
The Allied attack on the Hindenburg Line, begun on September 26, included U.S. soldiers.  The still-green American troops suffered problems coping with supply trains for large units on a difficult landscape. The French Commander had wanted to use the American troops as cannon fodder.  General Pershing would not allow this.  Germany was forced out of Belgium.  When Bulgaria signed a separate armistice on September 29, the Allies gained control of Serbia and Greece.  On October 30, the Ottoman Empire capitulated.  News of Germany's impending military defeat spread throughout the German armed forces.  The threat of mutiny was rife.  Many, refusing to be part of a naval offensive which they believed to be suicidal, rebelled and were arrested.  Ludendorff took the blame; the Kaiser dismissed him on October 26.  The collapse of the Balkans meant that Germany was about to lose its main supplies of oil and food.  Its reserves had been used up, even as U.S. troops kept arriving at the rate of 10,000 per day.  Having suffered over 6 million casualties, Germany moved towards peace.  Wilson demanded the abdication of the Kaiser. There was no resistance when the Social Democrat (nearly communist) Philipp Scheidemann on November 9, declared Germany to be a republic.  Imperial Germany was dead; a new Germany had been born: the Weimar Republic.
On October 24, the Italians recovered territory which marked the end of the Austro-Hungarian Army as an effective fighting force.  The offensive also triggered the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  During the last week of October, declarations of independence were made in Budapest, Prague, and Zagreb.  On November 3, Austria–Hungary sent a flag of truce to ask for an Armistice.  Austria and Hungary signed separate armistices following the overthrow of the Habsburg Monarchy.  On November 9 Chancellor Prince Max von Baden turns over the German government to Frederich Ebert, who shortly thereafter officially proclaims the new German socialist republic.  On November 11, Germany signed an armistice. 
In November 1918 the Allies had ample supplies of men and materiel to invade Germany.  Yet at the time of the armistice, no Allied force had crossed the German frontier; the Western Front was still almost 900 mi (1,400 km) from Berlin; and the Kaiser's armies had retreated from the battlefield in good order.  These factors enabled Hindenburg and other senior German leaders to spread the story that their armies had not really been defeated.  This resulted in the stab-in-the-back legend, which attributed Germany's defeat not to its inability to continue fighting (even though up to a million soldiers were suffering from the 1918 flu pandemic and unfit to fight), but to the public's failure to respond to its "patriotic calling" and the supposed intentional sabotage of the war effort, particularly by Jews, Socialists, and Bolsheviks.
Altogether the German armies had occupied almost the whole territory of Belgium and a good portion of France.  German armies had conquered Brussels, Warsaw, Belgrade, and Bucharest.  Russia and Rumania had been forced to sign peace treaties.  A formal state of war between the two sides persisted for another seven months, until the signing of the Treaty of Versailles with Germany on 28 June 28, 1919. 
Nov 11, 1918 - World War One ends with German defeat.

**** World War I transformed Western Society from Sovereign Kings “for the people” to Democracy, “in the name of the people”—that began with the French Revolution.  Four Christian Monarchies were annihilated: The Habsburgs of Austria; The Romanovs of Russia; The Hohenzollerns of Germany; and south of Europe, the Kingdom of Greece.  Democracy can easily be manipulated by the Media which is predominately Jewish and by campaign funding through Jewish money. 
Veteran’s Day -World War I – known at the time as “The Great War” - officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France.  However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.”  It was originally called Armistice Day until after WW II.  Since this War was instigated by Jews towards the massacre of the Christian nations of Europe, is it to celebrate the end of Christendom?
"Israel won the war [WW I]; we made it; we thrived on it; we profited from it.  It was our supreme revenge on Christianity." (The Jewish Ambassador from Austria to London, Count Mensdorf, 1918).
"It may seem amazing to some readers, but it is not the less a fact that a considerable  number of delegates [to the Peace Conference at Versailles] believed that the real influences  behind the AngloSaxon people were Jews...The formula into which this policy was thrown by  the members of the conference, whose countries it affected, and who regarded it as fatal to the  peace of Eastern Europe ends thus: Henceforth the world will be governed by the AngloSaxon  peoples, who, in turn, are swayed by their Jewish elements." (Dr. E.J. Dillion, The Inside Story  of the Peace Conference) Emile Joseph Dillon (Dublin, 3/21, 1854 – 6/9, 1933, Barcelona, Spain) was an author, journalist and linguist.  He was Russian correspondent of The Daily Telegraph from 1887 to 1914 and, for a short time, was professor of Sanskrit, Classical Armenian, and Comparative Philology at the University of Kharkiv.  He also reported the Dreyfus trial of 1899, the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, and the Versailles peace conference in 1919.  When working as a journalist, Dillon would occasionally disguise himself in order to be able to observe the action from closer quarters, as was the case when he was sent by The Daily Telegraph to report on the Turkish massacres of Armenians in 1894-1895.
"How then was it that this Government [American], several years after the war was over, found itself owing in London and Wall Street several hundred million dollars to men who never fought a battle, who never made a uniform, never furnished a pound of bread, who never did an honest day's work in all their lives?...The facts is, that billions owned by the sweat, tears and blood of American laborers have been poured into the coffers of these men for absolutely nothing.  This 'sacred war debt' was only a gigantic scheme of fraud, concocted by European capitalists and enacted into American laws by the aid of American Congressmen, who were their paid hirelings or their ignorant dupes.  That this crime has remained uncovered is due to the power of prejudice which seldom permits the victim to see clearly or reason correctly: 'The money power prolongs its reign by working on prejudices. 'Lincoln said." (Mary E. Hobard, The Secrets of the Rothschilds)
Lucien Wolf (1857 in London – 1930) was an English Jewish journalist, historian, and advocate of Jewish rights.  Wolf's father was a Bohemian Jew who came to England as a political refugee after the 1848 revolution.  From 1890 to 1909, he was foreign editor of the Daily Graphic, writing under the pseudonym Diplomaticus.  From 1895 to 1905 he wrote under the same pseudonym for the Fortnightly Review.  As indicated by his pseudonym, Wolf's writings dealt primarily foreign affairs and diplomacy and he became a respected expert in these fields.  The outbreak of the anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia in 1881 sparked his interest Jewish affairs.  He became a sharp critic of the Czarist regime and attempted to draw attention to the plight of Russian Jews.  In 1912, Wolf wrote a supplement named Darkest Russia to the Jewish Chronicle.  With the outbreak of World War I, Wolf's preference for the more liberal German government to the Russian practically ended his career in journalism, as the British were allied with Russia against Germany.  In 1893, Wolf was one of the founders and the first president of the Jewish Historical Society of England.
Wolf was opposed to political Zionism, although he was one of the first people to formally propose the British government incorporated an aspiration for a Jewish home in Palestine into its war aims during the First World War.  He later came to favor a model of national cultural autonomy, similar to that proposed by the Jewish Bund, for Jewish communities in Eastern and Central Europe.  Wolf was part of the Anglo-Jewish delegation to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. He wrote Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question, 1919; The Myth of the Jewish Menace in World Affairs,  1920. Nahum Goldmann (7/10, 1895–8/29, 1982) was a leading Zionist and the founder and longtime president of the World Jewish Congress.   “The Jews are divided into two categories, those who admit that they belong to a race distinguished by a history thousands of years old, and those who don't.  The latter are open to the charge of dishonesty.  It is true that the participation of Jews in subversive movements and in the overthrow of the German government in November 1918, was extraordinarily strong.  This to be regretted because as a consequence of these activities, the Jewish people lost forces which could have been useful in its own folkish affairs.” (J. Agus, The Meaning of Jewish History)  Dr. Goldmann's admission of Jewish involvement in the 1918 German revolution is one of the few corroborations by a high Jewish leader that his people had such a close connection with this Communist upheaval.
German Soviet Revolution:
The German Revolution lasted from November 1918 until the formal establishment of the Weimar Republic on August 11, 1919, when the Weimar Constitution was adopted.  The revolutionaries, inspired by communist ideas and Jewish led, failed to hand power to the Jewish soviets as the Bolsheviks had in Russia, because the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) leadership refused to work with those who supported the Bolsheviks.  The political fragmentation among the left wing was a significant factor in the failure of the left to seize power.  At the European congresses of the second Socialist International, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) had always agreed to resolutions asking for combined action of Socialists in case of a war.  Following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, the SPD — like other socialist parties in Europe — organized anti-war demonstrations during the July Crisis.  After Rosa Luxemburg, representing the left wing of the party, had called for disobedience and rejection of the war, the SPD was nearly eliminated, but supported the War.
After the outbreak of the Russian February Revolution in 1917, the first organized strikes erupted in German armament factories in March and April that year with about 300,000 participating workers.  By November 7, the revolution had seized all large coastal cities as well as Hanover, Brunswick, Frankfurt and Munich.  In Munich a "Workers' and Soldiers' Council" forced the last King of Bavaria, Ludwig III, to abdicate.  
From its very beginning the republic was afflicted with the stigma of the military defeat.  A large part of the bourgeoisie and the old elites from big industry, landowners, military, judiciary and administration never accepted the democratic republic, but intended to get rid of the new type of state at the first opportunity.  On the left the actions of the SPD Leadership during the revolution drove many of its former adherents to the Communists.  The contained revolution gave birth to a "democracy without democrats".
On November 8, 1918, the proclamation of a Soviet Republic in Bavaria was aired in Strasbourg, the capital city of Alsace-Lorraine.  The same day, Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated and Philipp Scheidemann declared Germany a republic in a speech from the Reichstag.  After eleven days of independence, Alsace-Lorraine was occupied by and incorporated into France.  The French Government immediately started a Francization campaign that included the forced deportation of all Germans who had settled in the area after 1870 . For that purpose, the population was divided in four categories, A to D. German-language Alsatian newspapers were also suppressed.
In the German Marxist Revolutions of 1918, Jews were the directors and strategists; the Soviet Republic of Munich was led by Liebknecht, Luxembourg and Eisner; the German Cabinet was dominated by Haase and Landsberg, assisted by Kautski, Alzech, Kohn and Hertzfeld, with Schiffer and Bernstein in charge of Finance, and Preuss and Freund occupying the Secretariat of the Interior. In Prussia, the Ministry of Justice was all Jews, headed by Rosenfeld; the Interior and Finance Ministries were held respectively by Hirsch and Simm. In Saxony, the leading lights of the Government were Lipinski and Schwartz; in Wurttemberg, Talheimer and Heimann; in Hesse, Fulda.  Kurt Eisner boasted that he and ten other Jews had made the revolution; Lowenberg, Rosenfeld, Wollheim, Rothschild, Arnold, Kranold, Rosenhek, Birenbaum, Reis and Kaiser. The chiefs of Police of Berlin, Frankfort, Munich and Essen, and the heads of most of the Soldiers' and Workmen's Councils were Jews.
"My work in those years was essentially of a propagandist nature. I was too young and unknown to play a part in the leading circles of Germany, let alone of world Zionism, which was controlled from Berlin." - Nahum Goldmann, My Life as a German Jew (Ashkenazi = German Jew)
In 1918, while working at the Jewish division of the German Foreign Ministry, Nahum Goldmann attempted to enlist Kaiser Wilhelm's support for the Zionist ideal. In 1922 Nahum Goldmann founded the Eschkol-Publikations-Gesellschaft (Eschkol Publication Society), and was involved in publishing a Zionist periodical. In 1929 Nahum Goldmann started the Encyclopædia Judaica and published twelve volumes (ten in German and two in Hebrew).
"The German revolution is the achievement of the Jews; the Liberal Democratic parties have a great number of Jews as their leaders, and the Jews play a predominant role in the high government offices." - The Jewish Tribune, July 5, 1920
Reds assassinated Count von Mirbach, first German Ambassador to Soviet Russia, in 1918.
Revolutionary period (1918–1919): On November 9, 1918, Chancellor Max von Baden handed over his office to Friedrich Ebert. Ebert continued to serve as Head of Government during the three months between the end of the German Empire in November 1918 and the first gathering of the National Assembly in February 1919, but did not use the title of Chancellor.  During that time, Ebert also served as Chairman of the Council of the People's Delegates, until December 29, 1918 together with the Independent Social Democrat Hugo Haase.

Abdication: Wilhelm was at the Imperial Army headquarters in Spa, Belgium, when the uprisings in Berlin and other centres took him by surprise in late 1918. Mutiny among the ranks of the imperial navy, profoundly shocked him.  Wilhelm's abdication both as German Emperor and King of Prussia was abruptly announced by the Chancellor, Prince Max of Baden, on November 9, 1918.  Prince Max himself was forced to resign later the same day, when it became clear that only Friedrich Ebert, leader of the SPD (Socialist Party) could effectively exert control.  Wilhelm consented to the abdication only after being informed him that the army would not fight for Wilhelm's throne.  Hindenburg, himself a lifelong royalist, was obliged, to advise the Emperor to give up the crown.  The Kaiser had been not only the head of state, but also the head of the Protestant Church, upholding the traditional Protestant virtues and preserving the family as basic to social life.

Henry Brooks Adams (2/16, 1838 – 3/27, 1918; normally called Henry Adams) was a journalist, historian, academic and novelist.  Adams had a great deal of antipathy for Jews and Judaism, blaming them for his own feelings of alienation from modern American capitalism.  He believed that Jews controlled politics, the financial world, and the newspapers.  "With communism I would exist tolerably well... but in a society of Jews and brokers, a world made up of maniacs wild for gold, I have no place."  "We are in the hands of the Jews," Adams lamented. "They can do what they please with our values." He advised against investment except in the form of gold locked in a safe deposit box. "There you have no risk but the burglar. In any other form you have the burglar, the Jew, the Czar, the socialist, and, above all, the total irremediable, radical rottenness of our whole social, industrial, financial and political system.": "I detest [the Jews], and everything connected with them, and I live only and solely with the hope of seeing their demise, with all their accursed Judaism. I want to see all the lenders at interest taken out and executed." In his letters, 'The whole rotten carcass is rotten with Jew worms'.  HENRY ADAMS (Descendant of President John Adams), in a letter to John Hay, October 1895 "The Jewish question is really the most serious of our problems." “The Jew atmosphere isolates me”.  Adams's anonymous novel, Democracy, with its power-mad millionaire, Hartbeest Schneidekoupon, "descended from all the kings of Israel and... prouder than Solomon in his glory."

**** The Great Jewish Masque: “This is the end towards which the activities of all who participate in the Masque, whether Jews or their dupes, are directed. And, in modern times, the “six points” of the star formed by the interlaced triangles, have been made to symbolize, among many other ideas, the principal means whereby this end is to be reached.
“These “six points” may be outlined, roughly, as follows: First . . . . Religious: to undermine and discredit all Gentile, and especially all Christian creeds; and to introduce, encourage, and propagate crazy cults, unhealthy mysticism, pseudo-science, and sham philosophies.
“Second . . . . Ethical: to introduce and propagate debasing codes and practices (including “the illicit drug trade,” “the illicit liquor trade,“ and “the white-slave traffic”) ; to corrupt morals, weaken the marriage-bond, destroy family-life, and abolish inheritance (and even heritable names) among all other peoples, especially among the Northern races.
“Third . . . . Aesthetic: to introduce and foster the cult of the ugly and the aberrant, and whatever is decadent, debasing, and degenerate in Art, Literature, Music, and the Theatre, etc.
“Fourth . . . . Sociological: to break up large estates, and abolish aristocracy; to set up plutocracy and a “money standard”; to encourage vulgar display, extravagance, and corruption, to provoke the proletariat to envy, discontent, incendiarism, “sabotage,” and to foment “class-warfare.”
“Fifth . . . . Industrial and Financial: to bring about “unemployment” and want, to lower ideals of craftsmanship and abolish pride in handicraft, to encourage greed for “profit,” and the standardization of the cheap and shoddy; to bring about “Centralization,” and the formation of Trusts and Cartels; to abolish private ownership and to establish “State monopolies,” “Reserve Banks,” and a “World Bank,” . . . . with the control of gold in the hands of the International Directors.
“Sixth . . . . Political: to secure control of the Press, Broadcasting, Cinema, Stage, and all means of publicity; to secure the presence of “agents” on all Gentile councils, committees, etc., and in confidential posts (such as “private secretary” to highly-placed persons), to maintain an effective espionage upon all Gentile activities; to start and keep alive dissensions in all Gentile institutions, and thus break up all other political groups in their component parts, and set these at enmity with each other; to discourage, decry, and extirpate Patriotism and Pride of Race; and, in the name of “Progress” and “Evolution,” and under pretence of promoting “Universal Peace” and “Human Brotherhood,” to set up “Internationalism” as an ideal, thus undermining national unity and weakening government; to bring about “Disarmament” and the establishment of an “International Police Force,” controlled by a “ ‘League of Nations”. . . thus preparing the way for those who, unobstrusively, will gain control of the “League of Nations” and the “International Bank,” and through these, rule the world.” From The Great Jewish Masque or The Ass in the Lion’s Skin published by Arnold S. Leese c1918.
“Democracy or Shylockracy: A Brief for Men and Women Who Labour and Who Sacrifice to Make the World Safe for Democracy, Only to Find Themselves Enslaved by Capitalism and Their Earnings Controlled by Monopolists” (London: C. F. Roworth, 1918) by Harold Sherwood Spencer was an American-born British anti-homosexual and antisemitic activist during and after World War I.  Spencer argued that Jews were an innately nomadic people "baked by the sun in the dry burning climate of the great deserts of North Africa, Arabia and Asia Minor...The desert crept into their hearts, and so at all times they were filled with the spirit of the sandy wastes".
1918 American poet Ezra Pound becomes acquainted with British Major C.H. Douglas while in London and later becomes obsessed with his economic theories.  Douglas believes the quest for foreign markets puts nations on a collision course and therefore wars are inevitable.  The primary villains, he said, are international bankers, many of whom are Jews.

1919         1919         1919         1919
1919 International Bill of Rights by the American Jewish Committee, advocating repeal of all anti-Semitic laws.
Ludwig Müller von Hausen (1851 -8/17, 1926) was a German anti-Semitic journalist and publisher.  Under the pseudonym Gottfried zur Beek, he published a German translation of Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1919.  There were 22 editions up to 1938.  Beek includes this widely distribute Jewish postcard which Ulrich Fleischhauer reproduces in his 1935 book (“The Genuine Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” 1935) an illustration of a Rabbi holding in his right hand a rooster bearing Tsar Nicholas’ head complete with crown.  The Rabbi holds a book (Talmud) in his left hand, from which he reads. The Hebrew figure caption reads: “This is my detachment, this is my exchange, this is my atonement sacrifice”.  This is the Kapparot (see 1935) sacrificial ritual, in which the Jews placed a blood curse upon Tsar Nicholas II.
In 1919 the American Jewish Committee, international Jews, sent a questionnaire to prominent Americans to test their sentiments toward Jews to classify them as either philo- or anti-Semitic.  This was in the form of a document they titled: The Jewish Bill Of Rights.   According to the writer, Edgar Rice Burroughs, one of the ‘rights’ called for the adoption of Yiddish as an official language beside English.  Burroughs questioned this and other ‘rights’ thereby marking himself as an anti-Semite in the eyes of the AJC and Jewry.  (Anybody have a copy?) Edgar Rice Burroughs (9/1, 1875 – 3/19, 1950) was an author, best known for his creation of the jungle hero Tarzan and the heroic Mars adventurer John Carter, although he produced works in many genres.  “His Under The Red Flag” of 1919 let the Reds know where he stood politically.  Also in 1919 he was felt out by the American Jewish Committee for his stance on Semitism.  He failed this test by taking an insubordinate stance.  So from 1919 to 1924 he seems to have been under attack from the Left.
"Zionism and the World Peace," Century Magazine 92 (Jan. 1919)
Prior to World War II the majority of Jews were non-Zionist, and a large number were openly hostile to Zionism.  As Nahum Goldmann wrote, "When Zionism first appeared on the world scene most Jews opposed it and scoffed at it.  Herzl was only supported by a small minority."  It was not until the lies of the ‘Holocaust’ were broadcast that the great bulk of the Jewish community came to support Zionism.
1919 January 18 The peace conference at Versailles (the Paris Peace Conference) officially opens, attended by 70 delegates, representing 27 victorious Allied powers and concludes on June 28.  Neither Germany nor the new Russian Soviet republic are represented. The principal participants are the leaders of the four great powers: Woodrow Wilson of the United States, Georges Clemenceau of France, David Lloyd George of Britain, and Vittorio Orlando of Italy.   (Note: Germany is prepared to negotiate on the basis of Wilson's Fourteen Points, but since its representatives are not allowed to attend the conference, it matters little.  The Germans are at the mercy of the armistice which will be renewed each month for the next six months.  The blockade (including foodstuffs) remains in place during that time and conditions deteriorate severely in Germany.) (Schlesinger I) 1919  The Steuben Society of America, founded in 1919, is an educational, fraternal, and patriotic organization of American citizens of German background.  In appealing to newly made citizens, as well as to descendants of immigrants from Germany, Switzerland, Austria and other German-speaking areas of Europe, the founders called “Duty, Justice, Charity, and Tolerance” the four pillars on which the Society is built.  In its early decades, the Society focused strongly on guarding the liberties of its members and assisting new immigrants in applying for American citizenship through various educational activities.  Parallel to these endeavors, Units and Councils of the Society recognized meritorious achievements of students in American history and in German language with awards and scholarships.  Because the organization had chosen as its patron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, a hero of the Revolutionary War George Washington’s Adjutant General, the Steuben Society also recognized the importance of teaching military discipline.  In 1927, the Steuben Society republished “the German Element in the United States” by Professor Albert Bernhard Faust.  In addition, the Society printed and distributed pamphlets highlighting individual achievements of great German-Americans.
The Irish War of Independence was a guerrilla war mounted by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) against the British government and its forces in Ireland.  It began in January 1919, following the Irish Republic's declaration of independence. Both sides agreed to a truce in July 1921, however, six northern counties would remain within the United Kingdom as Northern Ireland.  Bloody Sunday was a day of violence in Dublin on 11/21 1920, during the Irish War of Independence. In total, 31 people were killed – fourteen British, fourteen Irish civilians and three republican prisoners – this included twelve British agents/informers and two Auxiliaries.  Later that afternoon, British forces opened fire on the crowd at a Gaelic football match in Croke Park, killing fourteen Irish civilians.  That evening, three IRA prisoners in Dublin Castle were beaten and killed by their British captors, allegedly while trying to escape.
Artur Dinter (6/27, 1876– 5/21, 1948) was a German writer and Nazi politician.  The novel (Sin against the Blood) deals with Jew-Aryan intermarriage, contending that, however little Jewish blood is infused into a marriage, the children will always turn out Jewish.  The mother, who has had relations with a Jew, would commit suicide on seeing her baby, which looks "typically Jewish," even in the cradle.  Also: Light rays from the Talmud (1919)
The Polish–Soviet War (Feb 1919 – March 1921) was an armed conflict that pitted Soviet Russia and Soviet Ukraine against the Second Polish Republic and the Ukrainian People's Republic over the control of an area equivalent to today's Ukraine and parts of modern-day Belarus.  At some points the war also threatened Poland's existence as an independent state.
Poland's Chief of State, Józef Piłsudski, felt the time was right to expand Polish borders as far east as feasible, to be followed by a Polish-led Intermarum federation of East-Central-European states as a bulwark against the re-emergence of German and Russian imperialisms.  Lenin, meanwhile, saw Poland as the bridge the Red Army had to cross to assist other communist movements and bring about other European revolutions.  By 1919, Polish forces had taken control of much of Western Ukraine, emerging victorious from the Polish–Ukrainian War. […] In the wake of the Polish advance eastward, the Soviets sued for peace and the war ended with a ceasefire in October 1920.   The Peace of Riga treaty, was signed on 3/18, 1921, dividing the disputed territories between Poland and Soviet Russia.  Much of the territory ceded to Poland in the Treaty of Riga became part of the Soviet Union after WW II, when Poland's eastern borders were redefined by the Allies in close accordance with the British-drawn Curzon Line of 1920. 1919-1924 Camps for Russian prisoners in Poland detained personnel of the Imperial Russian Army, and Russian civilians, captured by Germany during WW I and left on Polish territory after the end of the war; and Soviet military personnel captured during the Polish-Soviet War, the vast majority of them captured as a result of the battles of 1920.  Due to epidemics raging at the time, made worse by the very bad sanitary conditions in which the prisoners were held, largely due to overcrowding, between 16,000 to 20,000 Soviet soldiers held in the Polish POW camps died, out of the total of 80,000 to 85,000 prisoners.  There are rumors in the West that politicians and historians in Russia have tried to use these deaths to explain the motives for the Katyn massacre of Polish prisoners by the Soviet NKVD in 1940.   Until the source documents were published in Moscow in 2004, some Russian historians had estimated the number of prisoners and the death toll to be much higher, estimating that the death toll was between 40,000 to over 100,000.
A similar number of Polish POWs - about 20,000 out of about 51,000 - died in Soviet and Lithuanian camps.  After 1922 the Polish and Russian prisoners were also exchanged among two sides.
1919 2/22 U.S. Ambassador Jew William C. Bullit and the radical journalist (Jew?) Lincoln Steffens, leave Paris for a meeting in Russia with the Bolsheviks.
The German National Assembly of Weimar, the first republican parliament, solemnly voted for the Anschluss with Austria on February 21, 1919. But the terms of Versailles prevented the union of the two German nations in the heart of Europe.

March 1919, U.S. Congressman Jew Julius Kahn presented an antiZionist petition to President Woodrow Wilson as he was departing for the Paris peace conference.  The petition was signed by 31 prominent American Jews, including Henry Morgenthau, Sr., former ambassador to Turkey; Simon W. Rosendale, fomer attorney general of New York; Mayor L. H. Kampner of Galveston, Texas; E. M. Baker of Cleveland, president of the Stock Exchange; R. H. Macy’s Jesse I. Straus; New York Times publisher Adolph S. Ochs; and Judge M. C. Sloss of San Francisco.  Part of the petition read: “[We] protest against the political segregation of the Jews and the reestablishment in Palestine of a distinctively Jewish State as utterly opposed to the principles of democracy which it is the avowed purpose of the World’s Peace Conference to establish.  Whether the Jews be regarded as a “race” or as a “religion,” it is contrary to the democratic principles for which the world war was waged to found a nation on either or both of these bases. 
General Ludendorff: “I have advised His Majesty to bring those groups into government whom we have in the main to thank for the fact that we are in this mess…Let them conclude the peace that has to be negotiated.  Let them eat the broth they have prepared for us.”
“There is still dispute amongst historians as to whether there was a genuine revolution in November, 1918.  In view of the fact that there was so little real change…it is more accurate to talk of a revolution that ran away with the sand, rather than the genuine article.  The republic that emerged contained at once too much and too little of the old Germany: powerful institutional centres of the old ruling class remained intact and were not subject to democratic control while many Germans saw the Republic as originating in a revolution and therefore illegitimate.”- M. Hughes

Weimar Republic
The Kaiser was forced to abdicate in November 1918 and the government was taken over by the SPD (Social Democrats).  The Jewish leader Friedrich Ebert was subsequently installed as the first president of the new Republic.  Friedrich Ebert (2/4 1871 – 2/28 1925), a German politician (Social Democratic Party of Germany / SPD), was the first President of Germany in the Weimar Republic.  In office 2/11, 1919 – 2/28, 1925.
Weimar Republic (1919–1933):  Philipp Scheidemann (1865-1939) 2/13 1919-6/20 1919;   Gustav Bauer (1870-1944) 6/21 1919-3/26 1920;     Hermann Müller (1st term) (1876-1931) 3/27 1920-6/8 1920;   Constantin Fehrenbach (1852-1926) 6/25 1920-5/4 1921;   Joseph Wirth (1879-1956) 5/10 1921-11/14 1922;   Wilhelm Cuno (1876-1933) 11/22 1922-8/12 1923;   Gustav Stresemann (1878-1929) 8/13 1923-11/30 1923;   Wilhelm Marx (1st term) (1863-1946) 11/30 1923-1/15 1925;   Hans Luther (1879-1962) 1/15 1925-5/12 1926;    Wilhelm Marx (2nd term) (1863-1946) 5/17 1926-6/12 1928;   Hermann Müller (2nd term) (1876-1931) 6/28 1928-3/27 1930;   Heinrich Brüning (1885-1970) 3/30 1930-5/30 1932;   Franz von Papen (1879-1969) 6/1 1932-11/17 1932;   Kurt von Schleicher (1882-1934) 12/3 1932-1/28 1933.
Presidents of the German Reich (1919-1945): 1  Friedrich Ebert (1871–1925) 2/11 1919-2/28 1925;   –Hans Luther (acting)(1879–1962) 2/28 1925-3/12 1925 Non-partisan;   –Walter Simons (acting)(1861–1937) 3/12 1925-5/12 1925 Non-partisan
2  General Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg (1847-1934) May 12, 1925 -August 2, 1934
3  Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) (Head of state and government as Führer und Reichskanzler) August 2, 1934 -April 30, 1945
4  Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz (1891–1980)  April 30, 1945 -May 23, 1945 NSDAP
The President: elected every 7 years, appoints/dismisses Chancellor, could dissolve the Reichstag, commanded the army.  Article 48 – allowed for rule by emergency decree.  The Chancellor: had to have the confidence of the Reichstag; was responsible for policy; appointed by the President.  The Reichstag: voted for every 4 years; universal suffrage over 20; deputies elected using proportional representation.
Walther Rathenau (see 1922) was a German Jew industrialist, politician, writer, and statesman who served as Foreign Minister of Germany during the Weimar Republic. 
File:Anton Graf von Arco auf Valley.png Anton Arco-Valley (Anton von Padua Alfred Emil Hubert Georg Graf von Arco auf Valley) (2/5, 1897 – 6/29, 1945),  German political activist, is best remembered as the assassin of Kurt Eisner, the first republican (communist) premier of Bavaria, on February 21, 1919.  His father Maximilian was a businessman and estate owner, whose elder sister had married Lord Acton.  Anton's mother, Emily Freiin von Oppenheim, was from the rich, Jewish, Oppenheim bankers family.  As an angry and disillusioned German nationalist and an aristocrat, a monarchist and a proclaimed anti-Semite despite his Jewish descent, he detested Eisner, the Jewish leader of the Bavarian socialists and Premier of Bavaria.  "Eisner is a Bolshevist, a Jew; he isn't German, he doesn't feel German, he subverts all patriotic thoughts and feelings.  He is a traitor to this land."
The killing of Eisner made him a champion to many Bavarians.  Students at the University publicly proclaimed him a hero.  His action triggered bloody reprisals by communists and anarchists in Munich in which a number of people were killed, including Prince Gustav of Thurn and Taxis. Fighting broke out and the short-lived Bavarian Socialist Republic was established.  Arco-Valley inspired the young Joseph Goebbels, who was in Munich at the time.  "Eisner's death," as Hitler saw it and would later write, "only hastened developments and led finally to the Soviet dictatorship, or to put it more correctly, to a passing rule of Jews, as had been the original aim of the instigators of the whole revolution".  Arco-Valley was tried in January 1920.  He was sentenced to death, but a conservative judge eventually reduced this to five years in prison.  The State Prosecutor said of him, "If the whole German youth were imbued with such a glowing enthusiasm we could face the future with confidence."  He served his sentence at Stadelheim prison in cell 70, and in 1924 he was evicted from his cell to make way for Adolf Hitler.  He was released in 1925, and was on probation until 1927, when he was pardoned.  In June, 1945 he was killed in a traffic accident in Salzburg. 

"After World War I, Germany fell into the hands of the German international bankers.  Those bankers bought her and they now own her, lock, stock, and barrel.  They have purchased her industries, they have mortgages on her soil, they control her production, they control all her public utilites.  The international German bankers have subsidized the present government of Germany and they have also supplied every dollar of the money Adolf Hitler has used in his lavish campaign to build up a threat to the government of Bruening.  When Bruening fails to obey the orders of the German international bankers, Hitler is brought forth to scare the Germans into submission.  Through the Federal Reserve Board over $30 billion of American money has been pumped into Germany.  You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in Germany, modernistic dwellings, her great planetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories.  All this was done on our money.  All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board.  The Federal Reserve Board has pumped so many billions into Germany that they dare not name the total." - Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking & Currency Committee
Gustav Stresemann (Jew?)(5/10, 1878 – 10/3, 1929) was a German liberal politician and statesman who served as Chancellor and Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic.  He was co-laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1926. Stresemann was born in Berlin.  He came from middle class origins, as the son of a Berlin innkeeper and beer distributor (Jew occupations). In 1903 he married Käthe Kleefeld (7/15, 1885 - 1970 NYC), daughter of a wealthy Jewish Berlin businessman.**** Jewish influence on Weimar - Sir Arthur Bryant, a respected historian of the 1920s, wrote that although Jews comprised only 1% of the German population, in 1924 in the Reichstag they constituted a 25% of the Social Democrats.  Jews controlled 57% of the metal trade, 22% of grain, and 39% of textiles.  More than 50% of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce were Jewish, as were a spectacular 1,200 of the 1,474 members of the German Stock Exchange.  Of the 29 legitimate theaters in Berlin, 23 had Jewish directors.  Authorship was almost a Jewish monopoly.  In 1931, of 144 film scripts worked, 119 were written by Jews and 77 produced by them.   Bryant also wrote that in 1929 Germany, in law and medicine, Jews were vastly over represented.  In Berlin in 1931, 42% of the city's doctors and 48% of its lawyers were Jews.  The Jews in Weimar Germany used their propaganda levers to ridicule German ideals and culture. They even slandered the memory of the fallen German soldiers of that terrible war, World War One.  During the horror days of the great inflation, Jews by and large remained wealthy people and prospered at the losses of the masses.  They took expensive vacations while ordinary Germans starved.  The Weimar Republic was also known for its decadence from 1919 to 1926 especially.  In Berlin, hotels made vast fortunes letting rooms by the hour.  There were hundreds of cabarets and pleasure resorts, mostly owned by Jews.  Throngs of child prostitutes were outside the doors of the great Berlin hotels and restaurants. 
Kurt Tucholsky (1/9, 1890 – 12/21, 1935) was a German-Jewish journalist, satirist and writer.  He moved to Paris in 1924 and then to Sweden in 1930.  Tucholsky was one of the most important journalists of the Weimar Republic and his mocking of Christianity and the German power structure was very well known.  German media and entertainment were heavily influenced by Jews, which they used their extensive influence in the theater, the arts, in film, publishing and in the press to flood the public with constant jabs at the dominant culture and with sex reform messages. “Christian and Jewish heroes have fought together and rest together in foreign earth.  ~Jewish mothers weep too.  The hate of the dead must stop.”  by (Association of Jewish Front-line Soldiers)  (Full-blooded Jews had much higher rate of malingering.  Nearly 150,000 soldiers of (some) Jewish descent later fought for Hitler.)

Jewish Political/ Financial Scandals:
The Barmat Scandal in 1924 and 1925 in Weimar Republic implicated the Social Democratic Party of Germany in Germany in charges of corruption, war profiteering, fraud, bribery, and financial misdeeds.  The Barmat brothers were Jewish.  The scandal showed that wealthy Jewish families, in quasi-criminal operations found fertile ground in the Republic and easily exploited the Social Democrats to do their bidding.  Barmat was a Jewish wholesale merchant with "less than perfect character."  He bought foodstuffs in Holland to export into Germany (which had suffered badly during and after the war from lack of food) after the end of the war.  He made a large amount of money in this endeavor and was engaged in war profiteering.  Various Prussian State Bank officials were arrested on December 30, 1924.  The Barmat brothers were arrested early in the morning of the next day, New Year's Eve 1924.  Preliminary investigation suggested that several prominent Social Democrats had received bribes, kickbacks or other financial favors in exchange for their support of Government contracts with the Barmats.  The Jew Julius Barmat defrauded the state of 39 million gold marks, and was sentenced to 11 months in prison.  His six months of pre-trial custody counted toward that.  The government pardoned him for the remaining 5 months.
The Jew Iwan Kutisker Scandal, an Eastern Jewish crook and black marketer, spoke only broken German.  Kutisker defrauded Germany of 14 million marks.  He was helped by Social Democratic party hacks.  In 1920, 5 billion gold marks of military property disappeared into the hands of black marketers.
Gustav Boss (1873-1946) was the first Oberburgermeister of Greater Berlin and was until 1929.  With uncommon skill he bridged Berlin s sectional and partisan differences, centralizing most of the city s municipal functions.  But his accomplishments were erased in 1929 through involvement in the Sklarek Scandal. Owners of a Berlin clothing factory, the Jew Sklarek brothers contracted for the city's uniform needs.  Investigators proved that city officials, including Boss, had received bribes from the Sklareks.  After a tedious inquiry by Prussia’s Interior Ministry, he was fined three thousand marks in October 1930.  Moreover, having resigned in disgrace, he lost a well-earned pension, and Berlin lost an astute mayor.  Briefly arrested in 1933 by the Nazis, Boss settled in Bavaria.  Although Gestapo files erroneously labeled him a Marxist/Communist, he lived out his life in peaceful solitude. (Contrary to propaganda, the Nazis had quite a bit of laxity.)
****The Conservative Revolutionary movement was a German national conservative movement, prominent in the years following the First World War.  This school of thought advocated a "new" conservatism and nationalism that was specifically German, or Prussian in particular.  Like other conservative movements in the same period, they sought to put a stop to the rising tide of communism, partially they advocated their own brand of "conservative socialism".   They based their ideas on organic rather than materialistic thinking, on quality instead of quantity, and on Volksgemeinschaft ("folk-community") rather than class conflict and ochlocracy. These writers produced a profusion of radical nationalistic literature that consisted of war diaries, combat fictional works, political journalism, manifestos, and philosophical treatises outlining their ideas for the transformation of German cultural and political life.  Outraged by liberalism and egalitarianism, and rejecting the commercial culture of industrial and urban civilization, they advocated the destruction of the liberal order, by revolutionary means if necessary, in order to make way for the establishment of a new order, founded on conservative principles.  The movement had a wide influence among many of Germany’s most gifted youth, universities, and middle classes.  The term "Conservative Revolution" predates the First World War, but the writer Hugo von Hofmannsthal and the political theorist Edgar Julius Jung were instrumental in making this term an established concept of the Weimar period.  Jung who became inspired by fascism promoted a fascist version of Conservative Revolution from the 1920s to the 1930s, which like fascism: spoke of nations as being singular organic entities; attacked individualism while promoting militarism and war; promoted "total mobilization" of human and industrial resources; and promoting the productive power of modernity, similar to the futurism espoused by Italian Fascism.
“It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginnings guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type, who have been in the United States and there absorbed every one of the worst phases of our civilization without having the least understanding of what we really mean by liberty.” -Captain Montgomery Schuyler - American Expeditionary Forces, Siberia, in a military intelligence report dated March 1, 1919, to Lt. Col. Bar-rows in Vladivostok. ****Prohibition, also known as The Noble Experiment, is the period from 1919 to 1933, during which the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol for consumption were banned nationally as mandated in the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.  Before Prohibition, alcohol consumption was terribly misused, especially in lower income families, per capita use was 4 times the amount then after Prohibition.  It was an education for the nation. 
****Biased Proof of German Aggression:  The following quotes were from the Journal of International Relations in 1919.  Many of these quotes were either taken out of context, written by inconsequential academics or misinterpreted.  For example, expansion usually means economic expansion into new territories.
In 1905, Prof. Joseph Ludwig Reimer, in “A Pan-German Germany”, said: “It is precisely our craving for expansion that drives us into the paths of conquest, and in view of which all chatter about peace and humanity can and must remain nothing but chatter.”
Prof. Ernst Hasse in 1905 in “The Colonization of the German Folk Territory” said: “All the policy, internal and external, of the empire ought to be subordinated to this governing idea – the Germanization of all the ‘remains of foreign populations within the empire and the procuring for the German people of new territories proportionate to its strength and its needs of expansion.”
Baron v. Vietinghoff-Scheel, at a meeting of the Pan-German League in Erfurt, 9/12 said: “Our frontiers are too narrow.  We must become land hungry, must acquire new regions for settlement; otherwise we will be a sinking people, a stranded race.  True love for our people and its children commands us to think of their future, however much they may accuse us of quarrelsomeness and lust of war.”
Paul de Lagarde, in 1913, in his German writings said: “We must create a Central Europe which will guarantee the peace of the entire continent from the moment when it shall have driven the Russians from the Black Sea and the Slavs from the south, and shall have conquered large tracts to the east of our frontiers for German colonization.”
Klaus Wagner in his “War” in 1906: “Every great people needs new territory.  It must expand over foreign soil; it  must expel the foreigners by the power of the sword.”
1906 Ernst Hasse in “World Politics, Imperialism, and Colonial Politics”: “ The territory open to future German expansion must extend from the North Sea and the Baltic to the Persian Gulf, absorbing the Netherlands and Luxembourg, Switzerland, the whole basin of the Danube, the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor.”
Amicus Patriae, Armenien und Kreta, eine Lebensfrage fur Deutschland, 1896: “In this nineteenth century, when Germany has become the first power in the world, are we incapable of doing what our ancestors did?  Germany must lay her mighty grasp upon Asia Minor.  The Turk has lost his rights, not only from the moral but also from the strictly legal point of view.  At the Congress of Berlin in 1878 he gave undertakings, not one of which he has kept.  His claims are nullified.”
F List, Sammtliche Schriften 1850: “The right and left banks of the Danube from Presburg to its mouth, the northern provinces of Turkey, and the west coast of the Black Sea – do they not offer large tracts of land, naturally fertile and as yet unexploited, to the German emigrants?”
Friedrich Naumann Asia 1899: “All weakening of German national energy by pacifist associations or analogous activities reinforces the formidably increasing power of those who rule today from Cape to Cairo, from Ceylon to the Polar Sea.  No truce with England.  Let our policy be a national policy.  This must be the mainspring of our action in the Eastern question.  This is the fundamental reason which necessitates our political indifference to the suffering of Christians in the Turkish Empire, painful as these must be to our private feelings.  The truth here, as elsewhere, is that we must find out which is the greatest and morally the most important task.  When the choice has been made there must be no tergiversation.  William II has made his choice; he is the friend of the Padisha, because he believes in a greater Germany.” **** League of Nations founded April 28, 1919.  The League of Nations (LON) was an intergovernmental organization founded as a result of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919–1920, and the precursor to the United Nations.  At its greatest extent from 9/28, 1934 to 2/23, 1935, it had 58 members.  The League is endorsed by the Versailles Treaty by Jews from every Allied nation.  “The League of Nations is a Jewish conception.” Israel Zangwill (Jewish Guardian, June 11, 1920).  “The League of Nations is a Jewish idea.  We created it after a fight of twenty-five years.”  Nahum Sokolow (Carlsbad Zionist Congress speech, August 27, 1922).
****The League of Nations was founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference.  At its greatest extent from 9/28, 1934 to 2/23, 1935, it had 58 members.  The League's primary goals, as stated in its Covenant, included preventing war through collective security, disarmament, and settling international disputes through negotiation and arbitration.  Other goals in this and related treaties included labor conditions, just treatment of native inhabitants, trafficking in persons and drugs, arms trade, global health, prisoners of war, and protection of minorities in Europe.  Sanctions could hurt the League members, so they were reluctant to comply with them.  The United Nations replaced it after the end of the war and inherited a number of agencies and organizations founded by the League.
The concept of a peaceful community of nations had been outlined as far back as 1795, when Immanuel Kant’s Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch outlined the idea of a league of nations that would control conflict and promote peace between states.  International co-operation to promote collective security originated in the Concert of Europe that developed after the Napoleonic Wars.  This period also saw the development of international law with the first Geneva conventions establishing laws about humanitarian relief during war and the international Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 governing rules of war and the peaceful settlement of international disputes.
President Woodrow Wilson and his advisor Colonel Edward M. House enthusiastically promoted the idea of the League as a means of avoiding any repetition of the bloodshed seen in World War I, and the creation of the League was a centerpiece of Wilson's Fourteen Points for Peace.  Wilson's final plans for the League were strongly influenced by the (British) South African Prime Minister, Jan Christiaan Smuts.  In 1918 Smuts had published a treatise entitled The League of Nations: A Practical Suggestion.  According to F.S. Crafford's biography on Smuts, Wilson adopted "both the ideas and the style" of Smuts.
The Paris Peace Conference, convened to build a lasting peace after World War I, approved the proposal to create the League of Nations on 1/25 1919 and on 6/28 1919, 44 states signed the Covenant.  Despite Wilson's efforts to establish and promote the League, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in October 1919, the US did not join the League. The League held its first council meeting in Paris on 1/16 1920, six days after the Versailles Treaty came into force.  The official languages of the League of Nations were French, English and Spanish (from 1920).  The League considered adopting Esperanto as their working language and actively encouraging its use but neither option was ever adopted.
The League of Nations was like many treaties, bolstered in its support, by money given to the smaller nations to join.  Money is usually given as gifts or as loans.  These loans became debts with interest which further bound the smaller nations even further to the larger nations.****Minority (Jew) Rights:
“The dawn of 1919 found Paris literally flooded with Jews from all over the world.  From Palestine, Russia, Canada, the United States, the Ukraine, Poland, Roumania, Galacia, Transylvania, Bukovina, Italy, Czechoslovakia, England, Yugoslavia, Greece; from West, South, East and North—orthodox Jews, Socialist Jews, rich and poor Jews, financiers and revolutionaries—they poured into the French capitol.  Whatever their status in the lands that harbored them, they remained merely the sons of the Covenant; one people; one nation!  Each felt that he was playing a historic role in the destiny of Israel.  Not one of them was concerned with “making the world safe for democracy.”  They shared a single thought and purpose—the capture of Palestine and a world government to make the world over for Jewish domination.
“The work of World Jewry at the Peace Conference is no where better indicated than in the provisions imposed on Poland by the Versailles Treaty. A ruthless conqueror could not have been more severe.  The Polish representatives signed the Minority Treaty June 28, 1919, thereby committing Poland to divided sovereignty and a “superior” and privileged class of citizenry.  The Treaty, pursuant to successful Jewish pressure, was guaranteed by the League of Nations. Among other things “minorities” were to be admitted to Polish nationality and citizenship “in the fullest sense”; guaranteed the right to use their own language; to maintain their own institutions; to receive primary instruction in their own language and, where the minority population was considerable, to receive “an equitable share in the enjoyment and application of public funds.” “Racial, religious or linguistic minorities” is the official Versailles verbiage, but it means what the Comite des Delegations Juives intended it to mean—Jews.
“Poland, by the provisions of the Treaty, was prohibited from holding elections on Saturdays. The Jewish Sabbath was established by law.  “Jews shall not be compelled to perform any act which constitutes a violation of their Sabbath, nor shall they be placed under any disability by reason of their refusal to attend courts of law or to perform any legal business on their Sabbath . . . Poland declares her intention to refrain from ordering or permitting elections, whether general or local, to be held on a Saturday, nor will registration for electoral or other purposes be compelled to be performed on a Saturday . . . Education communities of Poland will, subject to the general control of the state, provide for the distribution of the proportional share of the public funds allocated to Jewish schools in accordance with Article 9.”
“Czechoslovakia followed Poland. Her representatives signed the “minorities” treaty on September 10, 1919; Jugoslavia (September 10th); Roumania (December 9th) and Greece (August 10, 1920).  The Treaty of St. Germain (Austria) September 10, 1919; the Treaty of Neuilly (Bulgaria) November 7, 1919, and the Treaty of Lausanne (Turkey) July 24, 1923, contained the minorities provisions.  Albania and the Baltic States were ultimately forced into line . Fifteen nations in all were compelled to swallow the indigestible and unassimilable elements within their populations, thus assuring a regurgitation that no international power might hope to control.
“On September 13, 1934, Poland’s Foreign Minister, Josef Beck, announced to the Fifteenth Assembly of the League of Nations that Poland would henceforth refuse to abide by the provisions on “minority rights” imposed on Poland by the Versailles Treaty, until the adoption of a “general and uniform system” for all nations.  Pending the adoption of such a system, the Minister declared, “My Government is compelled to refuse, as from today, all cooperation with the international organizations in the matter of supervision of the application by Poland of the system of minority protection.  I need hardly say that the decision of the Polish Government is in no sense directed against the interests of the minorities.  Those interests are and will remain protected by the fundamental laws of Poland, which secure to minorities of language, race and religion free development and equality of treatment.”
“In 1938, Poland adopted a law providing that persons who had been abroad for a period of five years would forfeit Polish citizenship and be forbidden to return to Poland.  Roumania, in its attempt to throw off the shackles of Versailles, declared that Roumanian Jews were not entitled to a special status over other citizens.  A Royal decree issued January 22, 1938 ordered the revision of the special citizenship status of all Jews in the country.  In May, 1938, the Hungarian government proposed to limit the number of Jewish employees in all branches of economy to twenty percent of the population.    O’Grady 1959

League of Nations Mandate: At the end of the World War I, the Allied Powers were confronted with the question of the disposal of the former German colonies in Africa and in the Pacific and of the several non-Turkish provinces of the Ottoman Empire.  The territories were governed by Mandatory Powers, such as the United Kingdom in the case of the Mandate of Palestine and the Union of South Africa in the case of South-West Africa, until the territories were deemed capable of self-government.  There were fourteen mandate territories divided up among the six Mandatory Powers of the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, New Zealand, Australia and Japan, with the exception of the Kingdom of Iraq, which joined the League on 3 October 1932.  In addition to the Mandates, the League itself governed the Territory of the Saar Basin for 15 years, before it was returned to Germany following a plebiscite, and the free city of Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland) from 11/15 1920 to 9/1 1939.
The League was involved in the following territorial disputes with mixed results: 1) Upper Silesia –While the population voted to join Germany, the League gave to Poland the majority of the region's mineral resources and much of its industry.   2) Albania - the League decided that the frontiers of Albania should be the same as they had been in 1913 with three minor changes that favoured Yugoslavia.   3) Mussolini sent a warship to shell the Greek island of Corfu and Italian forces occupied Corfu on 31 August 1923.  Mussolini was able to leave Corfu in triumph.   4) Åland is a collection of around 6,500 islands midway between Sweden and Finland. The islanders wanted to become part of Weden, but were given to Finland.   5) The Republic of Hatay was a transitional political entity that formally existed from September 7, 1938 to June 29, 1939 between Syria and Turkey.   6) The port city of Memel, with a predominantly German population was ceded to Lithuania.   7) The League resolved a dispute between the Kingdom of Iraq and the Republic of Turkey over the control of the former Ottoman province of Mosul in 1926.   8) Poland and Lithuania both regained their independence but there was disagreement about the frontiers and the city Vilnius.   9) There were several border conflicts between Colombia and Peru.   10)  When the referendum was held in 1935, 90.3% of votes supported Saar becoming part of Germany.   11)  Among its successes were its attempts to combat the international trade in opium and sexual slavery, and its work to alleviate the plight of refugees.   12) It helped a border dispute between Greece and Bulgaria in October 1925.   13) In Liberia, there were accusations of forced labor on the massive American-owned Firestone rubber plantation and American accusations of slave trading.   14) In 1931 Manchuria, officials were confronted with Chinese assertions that the Japanese had invaded unlawfully, while the Japanese claimed they were acting to keep peace in the area. The League decided on China’s behalf and Japan left the League.   15) The League failed to prevent the 1932 war between Bolivia and Paraguay over the arid Gran Chaco region of South America.    16) In October 1935, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini sent 400,000 troops to invade Abyssinia (Ethiopia).  The Marshall in charge ordered bombing, the use of chemical weapons like mustard gas, and the poisoning of water supplies, against targets which included undefended villages and medical facilities.  The modern Italian Army defeated the poorly armed Abyssinians, and captured Addis Ababa in May 1936, forcing Emperor Haile Selassie to flee.  The League sanctions were lifted on 4 July 1936, but by that point Italy had already gained control of the urban areas of Abyssinia.   17) On 17 July 1936, the Spanish Army launched a coup d'état, leading to a prolonged armed conflict between Spanish Republicans (the leftist government of Spain) and the Nationalists (conservative, anti-communist rebels who included most officers of the Spanish Army.   18) Japan began a full scale invasion of China on 7 July 1937.
 General weaknesses - The origins of the League as an organization created by the Allied Powers as part of the peace settlement to end the First World War led to it being viewed as a "League of Victors".  It also tied the League to the Treaty of Versailles, so that when the Treaty became discredited and unpopular, this reflected on the League of Nations.  The League's supposed neutrality tended to manifest itself as indecision. The US was not a member.  The League had accepted Germany as a member in 1926, deeming it a "peace-loving country", but Adolf Hitler pulled Germany out when he came to power in 1933.  At the 1943 Tehran Conference, the Allied Powers agreed to create a new body to replace the League: the United Nations.  Many League bodies, such as the International Labour Organization, continued to function and eventually became affiliated with the UN.  The structure of the United Nations was intended to make it more effective than the League.

The final meeting of the League of Nations was held on April 12, 1946 in Geneva.  Decisions of the UN Security Council are binding on all members of the UN; however, unanimous decisions are not required, unlike the League Council.  Permanent members of the UN Security Council are also given a shield to protect their vital interests, which has prevented the UN acting decisively in many cases.  Similarly, the UN does not have its own standing armed forces, but the UN has been more successful than the League in calling for its members to contribute to armed interventions, such as during the Korean War and the peacekeeping mission in the former Yugoslavia.  The UN has in some cases been forced to rely on economic sanctions.****More Jewish Globalism: “The Zionists carried out their part and helped bring America into the war. The Balfour Declaration was not merely a voluntary gesture on the part of the Allies, but it was a contract between the British Government and the Jewish people.”  H.M.V. Temperley “History of the Peace Conference in Paris” V.1920.
“The fact that it was Jewish help that brought the U.S.A. into the War on the side of the Allies has rankled ever since in Germany - especially Nazi minds - and has contributed in no small measure to the prominence which anti-Semitism occupies in the Nazi program.”  Samuel Landman, well-known English Zionist. In “Great Britain, the Jews and Palestine”, 1936
 “We Jews are going to bring war on Germany.”  David A. Brown - President of the American Hebrew in 1934.  “We have been at war with Hitler from the first day that he gained power.”  Jewish Chronicle - May 8, 1942.  “The Yishuv was at war with Hitler long before Great Britain and America.” Moishe Shertok - in a speech at British Zionist Conference in 1943, reported in the Jewish Chronicle, January 22, 1943.  “The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism.” Jewish Sentinel - October 8, 1942.
“The United Nations Ideal is a Jewish Ideal.” David Ben-Gurion - In TIME August 16, 1948. “The United Nations is Zionism. It is the super government mentioned many times in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, promulgated between 1897 and 1905.” Harry Klein (Zionism Rules the World).
“In the eighteenth century, French commerce was entirely in their hands. The Jews of Southern France practiced all the outward forms of Catholicism; their births, marriages, and deaths were entered on the registers of the church, and they received the sacraments of baptism, marriage, and extreme unction. Some even took orders and became priests.” Prof. Werner Sombart – “Jews and Modern Capitalism”.
“At last the Jewish people is master of France.” “Le Droit De La Race Superieure” by Isaac Blumchen (Urbain Gohier)
“If the gold is the first power in this world, the second is the press. But what can the second be without the first? Since we cannot realize all that has been already said and planned without the help of the press, therefore our people must direct all the daily newspapers in each country.  The President will do exactly what I tell him to do.”  Kalixt de Vodsky – “La Russie Juive”
Following the World War, Bernard M. Baruch appeared before a select Congressional Committee and testified to the fact that he virtually had complete control of the resources of the American nation during the war, saying: ‘I probably had more power than perhaps any other man did in the war.’ - U.S. CongRecord – 6/27, 1934.
“The Roosevelt Administration has selected more Jews to fill influential positions than any previous administration...  One of the key Roosevelt advisors is Bernard M. Baruch, a power in the Wilson Administration.  In the absence of Secretary of State Hull and the President from Washington, Mr. Baruch is regarded as “unofficial President.”  Jewish Examiner of Brooklyn, 10/20, 1933.
“The Jews of America, because of their numbers, interests, and ability, constitute a real political force.  They have not usurped this power; it belongs to them by right!  They are going to exercise it as they see fit. What are you going to do about it?”  NY “The Day”, 4/6, 1936.
“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it.  The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”  James Paul Warburg in speech before the U.S. Senate, 2/17, 1950.
“The complete, definite and triumphal return of the Jews will come after the collapse of Gog (Russia).  We may expect considerable changes from the coming world war which is suspended over the nations of Europe.”  Hanu and Aldersmith – “British Israel Truth” (1906).
“There will come into being a new and complete organization of all the peoples of the earth.  The maps of the earth in use today, will be worthless in the Regnum (Messianic)...  On the basis of the light which emanates from the Sacred Scriptures we can look forward to Jerusalem being the capital of the world...  The Jews will obtain the dominion over all the earth.” Russel - Jewish author, from various German sources.
“It is madness and profanation to think that there exists anywhere in the whole world anybody who will prevent us from carrying out our ideal.” - after a tour of Palestine.  Alfred Moritz Mond, 1st Baron Melchett PC, FRS (10/23 1868–12/27 1930), known as Sir Alfred Mond, Bt, between 1910 and 1928, was a British industrialist, financier and politician. In his later life he became an active Zionist Jew.
“The Jew appears now to be the true monarch of the world.  Empires like Russia, Germany, Austria, France, are ruled by Jews; the Jews are the leaders of the peoples.  Soon the other countries and nations will follow and Jews will see their Red Flag flying over the world.”  Grand Public Coadjutor of Jerusalem in “Zionism Rules the World”
“We Jews have spoiled the blood of all the races of Europe.  Taken as a whole, everything today is Jewdified.  Our ideas animate everything. Our spirit reigns over the world.  We are the Lords; all that is might today is child, of our spirit.  Let the Goyim hate us: Let them drive us out Let our enemies laugh at our physical weakness: We cannot be driven out any more.  We have eaten ourselves into the peoples. We have vitiated the races of the Europeans.  We have tarnished and broken their power; we have made everything of theirs foul, rotten, decomposed, decayed.” -(Dr. Kurt Munzer “The Way to Zion”) Kurt Munzer (1879-1944) was a German Jew writer.  Muenzer claimed a "gilded childhood as the son of Moritz Mayer gen Muenzer, an Orthodox Jewish merchant, and Clara Löwysohn born, daughter of Rabbi Abraham Löwysohn to which he had a particularly strong bond.
 “Without having been absorbed, today the Hebrew spirit dominates where at first it was hardly endured.  We no longer need to close ourselves up in the medieval Ghetto, since we have for some time possessed the dominion which was promised to us.  Without us no potentate in the world can undertake anything, for we control the gold market.  No word contrary to our taste is published because we control the press.  No idea which displeases us penetrates the Intellectual world, because we dominate the theatre. The Hebrew spirit has conquered the world.”  Jew Maritz Cohn in “Weisen Von Zion”.
“Jews have muzzled the non-Jew press to the extent that American newspapers abstain from saying that any person unfavorably referred to is a Jew.”  Bernard J. Brown - Chicago Attorney.
“The chief danger in all these secret societies of today, as of yesterday, is that they are ruled and influenced by an invisible hierarchy, which cannot be more closely defined than as composed of Cabalistic Jews.  The visible societies train and orient, physically, mentally and astrally, instruments or mediums to be used at will by this hidden centre.”  Inquire Within - Light - Bearers of Darkness, page 159
“In Russia in 1929 every Mason who was not Jewish was killed along with his family.  (Carefully peruse The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.) - Alexey Jefimow (Who are the Rulers of Russia?”).
 “The House of Rothschild with a few co-religionists conspire to own the world.” Mary E. Hobart in “the Secret of the Rothschilds”
“Baron Edouard A. Rothschild V is today the Uncrowned Ruler of the World.  He controls the 300 men of the Hidden Hand, $ 300,000,000,000, and 90% of the World's press.  Most of the ‘statesmen’ are his obedient valets!  Now the Rothschilds are the Dictators and Assassins of the world.” Major-General, Count Cherep-Splridovich
“England is no longer controlled by Britons.  We are under an invisible Jewish dictatorship - a dictatorship that can be felt in every sphere of life.” - Nesta Webster – in “Germany and England”.
 “What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews?” W. Hughes - Premier of Australia  1899?

****Why did Germans cooperate with the Soviets?
Official diplomatic relations between Bolshevik Moscow and Berlin began before the end of the world war with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk of March 3, 1918 and lapsed with Germany's defeat.  In 1921, mixed German-Soviet companies were set up for the industrial development of Soviet Russia. The German military supported a return to the former close relations, as they existed up to 1894, in the belief that Germany and Russia together would be able to recover the territories they had lost to Poland.  On April 16, 1922, the Treaty of Rapallo was signed by German (communist-lite) ‘Social Democrats’ and Soviet representatives.  Germany and Russia renounced all reparation claims and all financial claims against each other; furthermore, Germany promised financial aid to Russia, and mutual trade relations were established.  Britain also strove for relations, but with their demands on Western credits, the Soviets chose to align themselves with Germany.  In the years 1923-1933, there was extensive Soviet-German military cooperation.  This included the training of German pilots in Russia (the cadres of Hitler's later Luftwaffe); experiments in tank and gas warfare; the use of paratroops; the building of submarines and aircraft prototypes.  This cooperation allowed the Germans to circumvent Part V of the Versailles Treaty, which prohibited German development and use of offensive weapons.  For their part, the Soviets benefited from access to German military technology.
However, this cooperation did not mean that Soviet leaders would pass up an opportunity to foment revolution in Germany.  German foreign policy in the period 1923-1929 was shaped by Gustav Stresemann (1878-1929), who was foreign minister at that time.  His aim was for Germany to balance between East and West, i.e., between Soviet Russia and the Western powers. However, he leaned more toward the latter, for he was particularly anxious to achieve security in the West so as to give Germany a free hand to regain the territories lost in the east to Poland, also to effect a union with Austria.  Therefore, on October 16, 1925, he signed the Locarno Treaties with France, Britain, Belgium, Italy, Poland and Czechoslovakia.  In these treaties Britain and Italy guaranteed the frontiers of France and Belgium with Germany in the west - but not Germany's frontiers with Poland and Czechoslovakia in the east.  With those two countries, Germany signed only treaties of arbitration - which, at German insistence, excluded territorial disputes.  Furthermore, Germany entered the League of Nations in 1926, with a permanent seat on the Council.
Soviet Foreign Commissar Georgii V.Chicherin (1872-1936, Foreign Commissar 1918-1930) tried very hard to prevent Stresemann from signing the Locarno Treaties.  He feared -- quite wrongly as it turned out -- that these treaties would bring Germany into a British-dominated Europe, and he saw Britain as the most dangerous enemy of Soviet Russia.  Like Lenin, he also viewed the League of Nations as an organization of anti-Soviet states that could launch a crusade against the Soviet Union. 
German-Soviet relations were strengthened by the Treaty of Berlin signed in September 1926.  Each country agreed to observe neutrality if the other was attacked by a third power; also, neither would support economic measures used against the other.  This treaty was due to Stresemann's policy of balancing between the Western powers and Moscow.  He also continued secret Soviet-German military cooperation, which did not prevent him from accepting the Nobel Peace Prize for the Locarno Treaties, along with Austen Chamberlain of Great Britain and Aristide Briand of France.

Captain Montgomery Schyler, American Expeditionary Forces, Siberia, in a military intelligence report dated March 1, 1919, to Lt. Col. Barrows in Vladivostok : "It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States but the Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type, who have been in the United States and there absorbed every one of the worst phases of our civilization without having the least understanding of what we really mean by liberty."
M. Oudendyk, the Netherlands' Minister to Petrograd on 9/6, 1918, to the British Government, published in the unexpurgated edition of A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia, April, 1919  "...I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue before the World, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless, as above stated, Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole World, as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things." "Bolshevism - I say it without exaggeration - is the end of civilization. I have known Russia intimately for twenty years, and never have the working classes of Russia suffered as they are doing at the present moment. I have never seen or dreamt of the possibility of such corruption, tyranny and the absence all semblance of freedom, as there is in Russia at the present moment." - M. Oudendyk
June 19 W Hughes, Premier of Australia “The Montefiores have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not pay them a heavy tribute.  They are the real owners of the antipodean continent.  What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews.”
Gabriele D'Annunzio or d'Annunzio (3/12, 1863 – 3/1, 1938) was an Italian poet, journalist, novelist, dramatist, and daredevil.  His role in politics is controversial due to his influence on the Italian Fascist movement and his status as the alleged forerunner of Benito Mussolini. ****March 23 Mussolini declares original Principles of Fascism.  A modern summary is that it is a political ideology that seeks to combine radical and authoritarian nationalism with a corporatist economic system.  Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state (with dissension and discussion).  Fascism opposes class conflict, blames capitalism and liberal democracies for its creation and communists for exploiting the concept. Fascism fashioned itself as the "complete opposite of Marxian socialism" by rejecting the economic and material conception of history, the fundamental belief of fascism being that human beings are motivated by glory and heroism rather than economic motives, in contrast to the worldview of capitalism and socialism. In the economic sphere, many fascist leaders have claimed to support a "Third Way" in economic policy, which they believed superior to both the rampant individualism of unrestrained capitalism and the severe control of state socialism.  This was to be achieved by establishing significant government control over business and labor (Italian fascist leader Mussolini called his nation's system "the corporate state").  No common and concise definition exists for fascism and historians and political scientists disagree on what should be in any such definition.  Totalitarianism is from a quote of Mussolini as he spoke of the Total State.   He meant one in Unity.  [Modern US is as much totalitarian as any nation.]
Fasces ("bundle") are a bundle of white birch rods, tied together with a red strip of leather or material, sometimes with an axe blade emerging from the center, which is an image that traditionally symbolizes summary power and jurisdiction, and/or "strength through unity”.  Other Roman symbols of power, such as the wolf and the eagle were also displayed during Fascist marches.

****Political Philosophies similar to Fascism (Synarchism, Syndicalism, La Cagoule Assn.)
Synarchism is a term which generally refers to a conservative political philosophy focused on solving economic, political, and social problems that are perceived to be precipitating anarchy. Viewing society as an organic unity, synarchists aim to a create a synarchy – a harmonious society where a corporatist government defends social differentiation and hierarchy by encouraging collaboration between social classes in order to transcend conflict between social and economic groups. Its critics and opponents argue that synarchism is particularly associated with anti-anarchism, anti-communism, cooptation, elitism, fascism, technocratism, and even occultism.
Syndicalism is a type of economic system proposed as a replacement for capitalism and state socialism which uses federations of collectivized trade unions or industrial unions. It is a form of economic corporatism that advocates interest aggregation of multiple non-competitive categorized units to negotiate and manage an economy.  For adherents, labor unions are the potential means of both overcoming economic aristocracy and running society fairly in the interest of the majority, through union democracy. Industry in a syndicalist system would be run through co-operative confederations and mutual aid. Local syndicates would communicate with other syndicates through the Bourse du Travail (labor exchange) which would manage and transfer commodities.
National syndicalism is a nationalist variant of syndicalism typically associated with the labor movement in Italy which would later become a basis of Benito Mussolini’s National Fascist Party.  Unlike anarcho-syndicalists, trade unionists, and Marxist elements of the Italian labor movement, the national syndicalists supported Italy’s involvement in World War I. They also rejected the internationalism of the anarchists and Marxists in favor of militarism and nationalism.  National syndicalists imagined that the liberal democratic political system would be destroyed in a massive general strike, at which point the nation’s economy would be transformed into a corporatist model based on class collaboration, contrasted with Marxist class struggle. (see the Nazi model of Volksgemeinschaft). But national syndicalists also publicly declared their opposition to bourgeoisie-class rule and instead supported a strong "proletarian nation" which would rid itself of class-based society and convert it to a national society. National syndicalists typically opposed communism, capitalism, liberalism, forms of socialist-oriented syndicalism and any other internationalist movement which was deemed to be threatening the strength and/or unity of the nation.  Some famous advocates of National Syndicalism are the Italian Alceste De Ambris, British Union of Fascists leader Sir Oswald Mosley, and Italian Fascist Party member Sergio Panunzio.
Fascist Leaders: None of Europe's leading Fascist leaders, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini or General Franco, smoked.  The German Leader was a committed anti-tobacco activist.  Being an ascetic, Hitler says: 'I like to have my enemies smoke as much as possible, but I do not like to have my friends smoke.' But their allied tormentors all smoked and did so and very heavily.  Nor did the Fascist leaders drink alcohol.  Hitler never drank anything stronger than his private near- beer at 1.5% alcohol content.  Yet Franklin D. Roosevelt was an exceptionally heavy drinker, favoring Manhattan and Martini cocktails.  Stalin was never far from a bottle and often drunk, but not while working like the sot Winston Churchill.
Hans-Adolf Erdmann Helmuth von Moltke Ludwig Waldemar (11/29, 1884 -3/22, 1943 in Madrid ) was landowner in Silesia, was the German ambassador in Poland in the Weimar Republic and the era of National Socialism.  As Ambassador to Poland, Hans-Adolf von Moltke, showed foreign journalists archival material from Warsaw as "proof" of Poland's responsibility for the war.
François de La Rocque (10/6, 1885– 4/28, 1946) was leader of the French league named the Croix de Feu from 1930–1936, before forming the more moderate Parti Social Français (1936–1940), seen as a precursor of Gaullism.  In 1930, he quickly transformed the veterans' league, creating a paramilitary organization and formed a youth organization, the Sons and Daughters of the Croix de Feu and the (National Volunteers).  Due to the crisis, La Rocque added to the nationalist ideology a social program of defense of the national economy against foreign concurrency, protection of the French manpower, decreased taxes, struggle against speculation and criticisms of the state's influence on the economy.  All in all, this was a vague program, and La Rocque stopped short of giving it a clearly anti-republican and fascist aspect as some National Volunteers demanded him.  The PSF was the first French right-wing mass party (600 000 to 800 000 members between 1936 and 1940), and as such a precursor of Gaullism. He was neither antisemitic, nor fascist.
La Rocque accepted the "principle of Collaboration", upheld by Marshal Philippe Pétain, in December 1940. However, at the same time, he was attacked by sectors of the far right who claimed he had founded his newspaper with funds from a "Jewish consortium".  His attitude remained ambiguous, as he wrote an article in Le Petit Journal of October 5, 1940, concerning "The Jewish Question in Metropole and North Africa".  La Rocque approved the repeal of the Crémieux decrees which had given French citizenship to Jews in Algeria, but he didn't follow the Vichy regime in its racist radicalization, and condemned the ultra-collaborationist (French Legion of Volunteers Against Bolshevism, LVF).  La Rocque changed orientation in September 1942, declaring that "Collaboration was incompatible with Occupation" and entered into contact with the Réseau Alibi tied to the British Intelligence service.
The Parti Social Français (PSF) of François de La Rocque was the first major conservative party in France (1936–1940).  He advocated: a presidential regime to end the instability of the parliamentary regime;  an economic system founded upon "organized professions" (corporatism);  a social legislation inspired by Social Christianism.   Historians now consider that he paved the way to the French Christian democratic parties: the post-war Popular Republican Movement (MRP) and Gaullist Rally for France.
Hubert Beuve-Mery, (1/5, 1902 – 8/6, 1989), is a French journalist, founder of the daily Le Monde.  He joined the fascist movement of Georges Valois in the year of 1925.  On the eve of the Normandy landings in 1944, Beuve-Mery wrote: "Americans are a real danger for France (...) The Americans can stop a necessary revolution, and (their) materialism is not (for us)".
1919 April 4 The Jewish Chronicle in London states, "The conceptions of Bolshevism are in harmony in most points with the ideas of Judaism." (Soon afterward, Victor Marsden the London Morning Post's reporter in Russia wrote that 477 of the leading 545 Bolshevik officials were Jews.
1919 June 21 The German High Seas Fleet, interned by the Allies at Scapa Flow, the British naval base in the Orkney Islands, stages a dramatic protest.  German sailors scuttle all 50 of their warships in the harbor.
1919 June 28 The new German chancellor, Gustav Bauer, sends another delegation to Versailles.  After informing the Allies that Germany is accepting the treaty now, only because of the need to alleviate the hardships on its people caused by the "inhuman" blockade, the Germans sign.
(Note: If Germany had refused to sign, Allied Commander-in-Chief Marshal Foch had instructions to occupy all of Germany.  Article 23 of the treaty, the so-called "War Guilt Clause," was the suggestion of John Foster Dulles, later Secretary of State under President Dwight Eisenhower.) ****June 28 -  Signing of the Treaty of Versailles.  Legal counsel to US & Germany were Warburg brothers.  France receives the Ruhr, Germany loses its colonies.  The Habsburg Empire is divided up.  Serbia swallows Croatia, Slovenia, and Montenegro.  Romania receives part of Hungary.   Poland is re-created as a republic and enlarged.  Czechoslovakia is created.  Italy receives South Tyrol (which Hitler later does not ask for.)
“Wilson's best friend was Bernard Baruch, who, heading another batch of 117 Jews, accompanied Wilson on his trip to the ‘peace’ conference at Versailles.” Alfred Rosenberg (Nov 1921).
“Mr. Wilson brought to Paris 117 Jews and 39 Gentiles (mostly valets).” Count Cherep-Spiridovich in “The Secret World Government”
“The Jews who surrounded Lloyd George, Wilson and Clemanceau are to be blamed for having created a ‘Jewish Peace.’” M. G. Batault in “Le Probleme Juif”
The Stab in the Back:
The motif is from the legend of Siegfried.

****Comte de Saint-Aulaire, “Geneva Versus Peace”:  A number of Jewish revolutionaries who had been expelled from Hungary were there after the Armistice.  They wore American uniforms.  Their reports to Wilson inspired the policy of the Supreme Council in Central Europe.  I have retained in my memory the conversation of one of these augurs whose table neighbor I was at one of those international dinners which are the best school but the most dangerous reef for diplomacy.  He had become a director of a great New York bank, one of those which were financing the bolshevist revolution.  He was not, however, “fixed to the ground like a strong box,” as Louis Philippe said of Casimir Perier.  On the contrary, he had intelligence in his specialty and a readiness to make any effort to reach higher regions.  Like a good Oriental his speech was couched in imagery to which his active mind gave an intellectual development.  A fellow guest had asked him how it was possible for high finance to protect bolshevism, a system hostile to that movable property whose existence is necessary for the banking industry, and also those riches which are represented by land and buildings, not less a necessity for banking. Our friend who was then at the head of a mission for feeding those who were without bread, swigged of a big glass of Tokay, paused for a moment, taking a long pull at his enormous cigar which had cost five golden francs and then said:  “Those who are astonished at our alliance with the Soviets forget that the nation of Israel is the most nationalist of all peoples, for it is the most ancient, the most united and the most exclusive.  They forget that its nationalism is the most heroic because it has resisted the most terrible persecutions.  They forget that it is also the purest nationalism, since it is the most spiritual; it has existed through the centuries in spite of all obstacles without any territory to give it strength.  Like the Papacy, it is oecumenical and spiritual.  But its eyes are turned towards the future rather than the past and its kingdom is of this world.”  “That is why it is the salt of the earth, yet it is, as they say on the boulevards, le plus dessale of nationalisms, which means that the world decants it and despoils it.”
“As a few of the guests received the last statement with an irrepressible smile, the sage of Sion replied with this comment: “When I say 'despoils,' I mean that the wine of our nationalism is the most drinkable in the world; it has the finest bouquet, and the nations of the world absorb it with the greatest ease, with delight and without headache in the morning.  But, to return to the subject of salt, do you know the saying of the men who salt cod fish?  I picked it up on the fishing grounds of Newfoundland.  Here it is 'Too much salt corrodes meat, too little lets it rot.'  The precept can with justice be applied both to the human mind and to the peoples of the earth.  We, Jews, apply it wisely as it should be applied, salt being the emblem of wisdom.  We mingle it discreetly with the bread that men consume.  We administer it in corrosive doses only in exceptional cases, when it is necessary to get rid of the debris of an immoral past, as in the case of Czarist Russia.  That gives you partial explanation why bolshevism finds favor in our eyes; it is an admirable salting tub in which to corrode and destroy and not to preserve.  But beyond and above this particular instance we are in communion with Marxism in its purest form in the International, in other words with our religion it is the weapon of our nationalism, in turn defensive and offensive, buckler and sword.  You will say that Marxism is the very antithesis of capitalism which is equally sacred to us.  It is precisely for this reason that they are direct opposites to one another, that they put into our hands the two poles of this planet and allow us to be its axis.  These two contraries, like bolshevism and ourselves, find their identity in the International. These opposites which are at the antipodes to one another in society and in their doctrines meet again in the identity of their purpose and end, the remaking of the world from above by the control of riches, and from below by revolution. For centuries Israel has been segregated from Christianity, thrust into the ghetto to exhibit to the faithful what is called the evidence of the ancient law, in a humiliation which they declare to be a punishment for the crime of slaying God.  And this fate saved us and, through us, will save humanity. In this way we preserved our genius and our divine mission.  Today it is we who are the true faithful.  Our mission consists in promulgating the new law and in creating a God, that is to say in purifying the idea of God and realizing it when the time shall come.  We shall purify that idea by identifying it with the notion of Israel, which has become its own Messiah.  The advent of it will be facilitated by the final triumph of Israel.  In these ideas we find our New Testament in which we reconcile kings and prophets, as David the prophet-king and the king-prophet united them in his own person. We are kings that the prophecies may be fulfilled, and we are prophets that we may not cease to be kings.”
“Then the “king-prophet” drank another glass of Tokay.  A skeptic raised this objection: “Don't you risk being martyrs of this Messiah whose prophets and apostles you are?  For though your nationalism may be despoiled, it also sometimes despoils other nations.  If you despise riches you do not disdain them altogether, as a means not of enjoyment but power.  How is it possible for the triumph of the Universal Revolution, the destroyer and denier of capitalism, to prepare the triumph of Israel which is the sacred ark of this same capitalism?”
”I am not ignorant of the fact that Jeroboam spread the cult of the Golden Calf from Dan to Bethel, and Revolution is, in our days, the chief priestess of this cult and the most diligent provider of its tabernacles.  If the Golden Calf is still standing, its most comfortable pedestal is undoubtedly the tomb of empires.  In the first place revolution is never anything but the displacement of privileges which arise from wealth.  It is not the creation of riches, nor even their exploitation which feeds the Golden Calf, it is above all else the mobilization of wealth, the soul of speculation, which feeds it.  The more frequently wealth changes hands, the more of it remains in our hands.  We are the brokers who receive commissions on all exchanges, or, if you prefer the expression, we are toll-gatherers who control the crossways of the world and collect a tax on all movements of that wealth which is 'anonymous and vagabond,' whether such movements are from country to country, or are the oscillations of market prices.  To the calm and monotonous song of prosperity we are the passionate voices, raised in turn, of a rise and fall in market values. There is nothing like a revolution to excite them, unless it is a war which is also a revolution.  Then again revolution enfeebles nations and puts them in a condition in which they can least resist foreign enterprises.  The health of our Golden Calf calls for the sickness of certain nations, those which are incapable of developing themselves by their own efforts.  On the contrary, we are in close association with the great modern states such as France, England, the United States, Italy, etc., who are represented at this table.  They have entertained us with generous hospitality and with them we are collaborating for the progress of civilization.  On the other hand, let us take, for example, Turkey before the war, 'the sick old man of Europe,' as the diplomats used to say.  This 'sick man' was necessary to our health for he showered upon us concessions of all kinds: banks, mines, ports, railways, etc.  The whole economic life of Turkey was entrusted to us.  We looked after him so well, that he died of the treatment, at least as far as Turkey in Europe was concerned.  Looking at things from the vulgar point of view of the accumulation of wealth for the purpose of, accomplishing our mission, we wanted another 'sick man.'  That need would by itself have been a sufficient reason, beyond all higher considerations, for inoculating pre-war Russia with bolshevism.  Russia is now the sick man of post-war times, much more nutritive to us than the Ottoman Empire and much less able to defend itself.  Russia is our new feast. It will soon be a corpse and our only trouble will be to carve it up.”
“At the other end of the table sat a co-religionist. He was the enfant terrible of the synagogue and had waited for the psychological moment to get in his word. He cried out: ‘They take us for birds of prey, we are rather carrion birds.’
“Well, yes, if you insist,” replied the apologist for the new faith, ‘but please add that we are carrion birds for the good of humanity, for its moral health, just as in countries where sanitation and hygiene are in a rudimentary condition there are other carrion birds for the physical health of the public.  Add also that our essential dynamism makes use of the forces of destruction and the forces of creation, but uses the first to nourish the second.  What indeed were countries like pre-war Turkey, pre-war Russia and even pre-war Hungary with its feudal regime and its latifundia.  They were paralyzed limbs which spoilt all movements of the world.  They were rather clots of blood in the circulation of Europe which might bring about its death by obliterating its vital blood vessels.  By dissolving them we restore them to the current of blood circulating through the whole body. If, in the course of operation, a few drops of this liquefied blood are scattered, why should we disturb ourselves?  It is a paltry price for an immense benefit.  One of our countrymen has said that we, as a people, are an organized majority.  Another has said that we are revolutionaries because we are conservers of ourselves. In the management of the new world we give proof of our organization both for revolution and for conservation. Our organization for revolution is evidenced by destructive bolshevism and for construction by the League of Nations which is also our work. Bolshevism is the accelerator and the League is the brake on the mechanism of which we supply both the motive force and the guiding power. What is the end?  It is already determined by our mission.  It is formed of elements scattered throughout the whole world, but cast in the flame of our faith in ourselves; We are a League of Nations which contains the elements of all others. It is this fact which qualifies us to unite the nations around us. We are accused of being the agent which dissolves them.  It is only at points which are impervious to that synthesis of national elements, of which ours is both the example and the means, that we act as a dissolvent.  We do not break the surface except to awaken in the depths below the affinities which do not yet recognize each other.  We are not the greatest common divisor of the nations except to become their greatest common federator.  Israel is the microcosm and the germ of the City of the Future.” - Comte de Saint-Aulaire – “Geneva Versus Peace”, pages 78-84. (Unfortunately M. de Saint-Aulaire does not name the Jewish Sage.)

****The war was ended by several treaties, most notably the Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28, 1919, though the Allied powers had an armistice with Germany in place since November 11, 1918.  One of the most striking results of the war was a large redrawing of the map of Europe.  All of the Central Powers lost territory, and many new nations were created.  The German Empire lost its colonial possessions and was saddled with accepting blame for the war, as well as paying punitive reparations for it.  The Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires were completely dissolved. Austria-Hungary was carved up into several successor states including Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia.  Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia were composed of several nationalities.  The Ottoman Empire disintegrated, and much of its non-Anatolian territory was awarded as protectorates of various Allied powers, while the remaining Turkish core was reorganized as the Republic of Turkey.  The Russian Empire, which had withdrawn from the war in 1917, lost much of its western frontier as the newly independent nations of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland were carved from it.  After the war, the League of Nations was created as an international organization designed to avoid future wars by giving nations a means of solving their differences diplomatically. 
The following land (with German population) was taken away from Germany: Alsace-Lorraine (given to France); Eupen and Malmedy (given to Belgium); Northern Schleswig (given to Denmark); Hultschin (given to Czechoslovakia); West Prussia, Posen and Upper Silesia (given to Poland); The Saar, Danzig and Memel were put under the control of the League of Nations and the people of these regions would be allowed to vote to stay in Germany or not in a future referendum.; The League of Nations also took control of Germany's overseas colonies.; Germany had to return to Russia land taken in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Some of this land was made into new states: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. An enlarged Poland also received some of this land.At the Peace Conference in 1919 the Micronesia islands were entrusted to Japan as a mandate from the League of Nations.  Japan was considered an honorary Aryan nation from the Western nations and was asked to keep order in Asia.
World War II is generally viewed as having its roots in the aftermath of the First World War.  In that war, the German Empire under Kaiser Wilhelm II had been defeated along with its allies, chiefly by a combination of the United Kingdom, United States, and France.  The victors directly blamed Germany for the war; it was Germany that effectively started the war with an attack on France through Belgium.  France had in 1871 suffered a defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, and demanded revenge for its financial devastation during the First World War (and its humiliation in the earlier war), which ensured that the various peace treaties, specifically the Treaty of Versailles imposed tough financial war reparations and restrictions on Germany in the Aftermath of World War I.  The British naval blockade of Germany was not lifted until the treaty was signed at the end of June 1919.
"The principal end, which is Jewish world-domination, is not yet reached.  But it will be reached and it is already closer than masses of the so-called Christian States imagine.  Russian Czarism, the German Empire and militarism are overthrown, all peoples are being pushed towards ruin.  This is the moment in which the true domination of Jewry has its beginning."  (Judas Schuldbuch, The Wise Men of Zion) - Wilhelm Meister's Judas Schuldbuch (1919)(??)
John Maynard Keynes was an economic advisor at the Paris Peace Conference.  He resigned over the Versailles Treaty and wrote “The Economic Consequences of the Peace” in 1920 placing the blame for Europe’s mess on Britain and political France.  “But Europe is solid with herself.  France, Germany, Italy, Austria and Holland, Russia and Roumania and Poland, throb together, and their structure and civilization are essentially one.”
George William Norris (7/11, 1861 – 9/2, 1944) was a U.S. Representative from Nebraska from 1903-1913, US Senator from 1913-1943, and a leader of progressive and liberal causes in Congress.  Norris supported some of Wilson's programs but became a firm isolationist, fearing that bankers were manipulating the country into war.  In the face of enormous pressure from the media and the administration, Norris was one of only six senators to vote against the declaration of war on Germany in 1917.  Looking at the war in Europe he said, "Many instances of cruelty and inhumanity can be found on both sides".  Norris believed that the government wanted to take part in this war only because the wealthy had already aided British financially in the war.  He told Congress that the only people who would benefit from the war were "munition manufacturers, stockbrokers, and bond dealers" and added that "war brings no prosperity to the great mass of common and patriotic citizens.... War brings prosperity to the stock gambler on Wall Street–to those who are already in possession of more wealth than can be realized or enjoyed." “We are going into war on the command of gold.”  He joined the "irreconcilables" who vehemently opposed and defeated the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations in 1919.
An angry bloc of 12-18 "Irreconcilables", mostly Republicans but also representatives of the Irish and German Democrats, fiercely opposed the Treaty.  Among the American public as a whole, the Irish Catholics and the German Americans were intensely opposed to the Treaty, saying it favored the British.  After Wilson's successor Warren G. Harding continued opposition to the League of Nations, Congress passed the Knox–Porter Resolution bringing a formal end to hostilities between the U.S. and the Central Powers.  It was signed into law by Harding on July 21, 1921.  Race Riots: [There needs to be more here… Perhaps both whites and blacks were at fault, but there would never have been a employment migration without the Jewish caused War.]
With the manpower mobilization of World War I and immigration from Europe cut off, the industrial cities of the North and Midwest experienced severe labor shortages.  Northern manufacturers recruited throughout the South and an exodus ensued.  By 1919, an estimated 500,000 African Americans had emigrated from the South to the industrial cities of the North and Midwest in the first wave of the Great Migration, which continued until 1940.  They were also migrating to escape the lynchings, Jim Crow laws, lack of protected franchise and poor economy of the rural South, where the boll weevil was devastating cotton crops.  African-American workers filled new positions in expanding industries, such as the railroads, as well as many jobs formerly held by whites.  In some cities, they were hired as strikebreakers, especially during the strikes of 1917.  This increased resentment among working class of many ethnic whites, immigrants or first-generation Americans.  Following the war, rapid demobilization of the military without a plan for absorbing veterans into the job market, and the removal of price controls, led to unemployment and inflation that increased competition for jobs.
The U.S. armed forces remained segregated through World War I.  Still, many African Americans eagerly volunteered to join the Allied cause following America's entry into the war.  By the time of the armistice with Germany on November 1918, over 350,000 African Americans had served with the American Expeditionary Force on the Western Front.
In a private conversation in March 1919, President Wilson said that "the American Negro returning from abroad would be our greatest medium in conveying bolshevism to America."
W. E. B. Du Bois, an official of the NAACP and editor of its monthly magazine, saw an opportunity: "By the God of Heaven, we are cowards and jackasses if now that the war is over, we do not marshal every ounce of our brain and brawn to fight a sterner, longer, more unbending battle against the forces of hell in our own land."  In May, following the first serious racial incidents, he published his essay "Returning Soldiers": “We return from the slavery of uniform which the world's madness demanded us to don to the freedom of civil garb.  We stand again to look America squarely in the face and call a spade a spade.  We sing: This country of ours, despite all its better souls have done and dreamed, is yet a shameful land....  We return.  We return from fighting.  We return fighting.”
Red Summer describes the race riots that occurred in more than three dozen cities in the United States during the summer and early autumn of 1919.  In most instances, whites attacked African Americans.  In some cases groups of blacks fought back.  The riots followed postwar social tensions related to the demobilization of veterans of World War I, both black and white, and competition for jobs among ethnic whites and blacks. playing with money ****German Hyperinflation
In order to pay the large costs of World War I, Germany suspended the convertibility of its currency into gold when that war broke out.  The result was that the exchange rate of the Mark against the US dollar fell steadily throughout the war.  The Treaty of Versailles, however, accelerated the decline in the value of the Mark.  It is sometimes argued that Germany had to inflate its currency to pay the war reparations required under the Treaty of Versailles, but this is misleading, because the Reparations Commission required payment to be in gold marks or in foreign currency, not in the rapidly depreciating paper mark.  The cost of living index was 41 in June 1922 and 685 in December, an increase of more than 16 times.
When the new currency, the Rentenmark, replaced the worthless Reichsbank marks on November 16, 1923 and 12 zeros were cut from prices, prices in the new currency remained relatively stable.  Although the inflation ended with the introduction of the Rentenmark and the Weimar Republic continued for a decade afterwards, the inflation raised doubts about the competence of liberal institutions, especially amongst a middle class who had held cash savings and bonds.  It also produced resentment of bankers and speculators, whom the government and press blamed for the inflation.   Many of them were Jews, and some Germans called the hyperinflated Weimar banknotes Jew Confetti. Jews from Poland and Galicia flooded Germany to buy up almost everything. The German hyperinflation illustrated the redistribution that inflation causes in a dramatic way.  It eliminated the value of all life insurance policies and all savings left in banks. By 1924 the inflation had radically redistributed the wealth of Germany.  The segment of society that was hit the hardest seems to have been the middle class.  The poor had little wealth to lose while the rich were often able to get their wealth into forms not adversely affected by inflation. Wealth held in foreign bank accounts, gold and precious metals, and land maintained value.
Winners: those who had debt, those who had access to cheap credit, owners of foreign exchange.  Losers: people with savings, especially pensioners and the lower middle class – workers, whose wage increases did not keep pace with price hikes.

**Criticism of Modern Evangelical Christianity:  Between the Scofield Bible and its dual salvation plan, one for the gentiles and another for the Jews, and the spiritual disillusionment of postmillennialism after the Great War (WW I), the positive Christian movements of muscular Christianity, Postmillenialism, the Social Gospel, Christian socialism in the Anglo nations all began to decline.  Germany in its dire straits and with a stronger cultural history of intellectualism and continuity and less destructive and opposing Jewish influences kept the Christian faith and strove to adopt it for the full German community.  Fighting both Jewish International and monopolistic Capitalism and Atheistic Communism, Germany strove for true Christian welfare. ****Bauhaus ("House of Building" or "Building School") a school in Germany that combined crafts and the fine arts, and was famous for the approach to design that it publicized and taught. It operated from 1919 to 1933.  The Bauhaus school was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar. In spite of its name, and the fact that its founder was an architect, the Bauhaus did not have an architecture department during the first years of its existence.  Nonetheless it was founded with the idea of creating a 'total' work of art in which all arts, including architecture would eventually be brought together.  The Bauhaus style became one of the most influential currents in Modernist architecture and modern design.  The Bauhaus had a profound influence upon subsequent developments in art, architecture, graphic design, interior design, industrial design, and typography.  (This school is responsible for the Big Box stores of today, eliminating regional cultural styles and creating plainness.)
The Jewish architecture of the Bauhaus movement is renamed the International Style by Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson who identified three principles: the expression of volume rather than mass, the emphasis on balance rather than preconceived symmetry, and the expulsion of applied ornament.  The stark, unornamented appearance of the International style met with contemporaneous criticism and is still criticized today by many.  Especially in larger and more public buildings, the style is commonly subject to disparagement as ugly, inhuman, sterile, and elitist.  Such criticism gained momentum in the latter half of the 20th Century, from academics such as Hugo Kükelhaus to best-selling American author Tom Wolfe's “From Bauhaus to Our House”, and contributed to the rise of such counter-movements as postmodernism. 
Jew Walter Adolph Georg Gropius (May 18, 1883 – July 5, 1969) was a German architect (supported by the Jewish composer Arnold Schoenberg, Jewish writer Franz Werfel, and Jewish mathematician Albert Einstein) and founder of the Bauhaus School who, along with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (Jew?)and Le Corbusier (Jew?), is widely regarded as one of the pioneering masters of modern architecture.
It was not only in Germany that the association of Jews with Communism was made: all over the world Jews became associated with radical political movements, sometimes justifiably so, other times not.  Nonetheless, the presence of so many Jews in the creation of the Soviet Union played a massive role in justifying anti-Jewish sentiment in Europe prior to, and with, the rise of Adolf Hitler.   Directly after the First World War, there were another three specifically Jewish Communist revolutions in Europe itself:
• the German Jew, Kurt Eisner, led a short lived communist revolution in Munich, Bavaria from November 1918 to February 1919 (at the same time that Adolf Hitler was an unknown soldier in that city - the effect of being a first hand witness to a Jewish and Communist-led revolution helped to cement Hitler's anti-Communist and anti-Jewish feelings);
• the short lived Sparticus uprising in Berlin (September 1918 to January 1919) led by the German Jews, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg; and
• the short lived Communist tyranny in Hungary led by the Jew, Bela Kun (Cohen), from March to August 1919.  After this tyranny, the Hungarians committed a small pogram against the Jews.
These incidents all helped to identify Jews with Communism in the public mind: in this light it becomes perfectly explicable why the Nazi Party was able to win support on an anti-Communist and open anti-Jewish platform.
Allies block German ports.
1919 – May 30 About 150 distinguished scholars, called “The Inquiry” that prepared Woodrow Wilson for the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, the Council on Foreign Relations has filled a unique and sometimes controversial place in America's history.  Both the Council and its British counterpart, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), formerly known as Chatham House in London, were born.  Although the original intent was for the two organizations to be affiliated, they became independent bodies, yet retained close informal ties.
The Cipher Bureau otherwise known as The Black Chamber was the US’ first peacetime cryptanalytic organization, and a forerunner of the National Security Agency.  It was founded in May 1919.  The only prior codes and cypher organizations maintained by the US government had been some intermittent, and always abandoned, attempts by Armed Forces branches prior to World War I.   In 1929, the State Department withdrew its share of the funding, the Army declined to bear the entire load, and the Black Chamber closed down the Cipher Bureau.  In his much later memoirs, then new Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson said that: "Gentlemen do not read each other's mail."  His views on the worth of cryptanalysis had changed by the time he became Secretary of War during World War II, before and during which he, and the entire US command structure, relied heavily on decrypted enemy communications.

****The Blockade of Germany was a naval blockade conducted during World War I by the British Royal Navy from 1914 onwards, in an effort to restrict the maritime supply of raw materials and foodstuffs to Germany and its allies, and is considered one of the key elements in the eventual victory of the Allied Powers.  The blockade continued even after the Armistice of 11 November 1918, in order to force Germany to sign the controversial Treaty of Versailles in June 1919. 
Propaganda for War The Campaign Against American Neutrality, 1914-1917 by H.C. Peterson (Author): U of Oklahoma Press (1939) and Opponents of War I9I7-I9I8 (1952 posthumously).  By 1918, approximately 763,000 Germans had died of malnutrition and sickness resulting from the blockade.” [I’ve also seen 2 million.]
Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty, wrote: “We did everything in our power to starve the women and children of Germany.”****Six Million – Jewish owned Western media claimed before WWI that Russia, then Poland was on the verge of annihilating 6 million Jews.   Immediately after WWI, Western media claimed Europeans were killing 6 million Jews.   Neither of these claims stick, but after the Allied Show Trial of Nuremburg of WWII, it stuck against the hapless Germans.  World Jewry tried for 2 generations to gain Western sympathy for the formation of the Zionist state of Israel.
Max Nordau at the Zionist Congress of 1911, said, "How dare the smooth talkers, the clever official blabbers, open their mouths and boast of progress. . . . Here they hold jubilant peace conferences in which they talk against war. . . . But the same righteous Governments, who are so nobly, industriously active to establish the eternal peace, are preparing, by their own confession, complete annihilation for six million people, and there is nobody, except the doomed themselves, to raise his voice in protest although this is a worse crime than any war . . .".
In the American Hebrew, October 31 1919, “The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!” By Jew Martin H. Glynn (Former Governor of the State of N.Y.) – “From across the sea six million men and women call to us for help, and eight hundred thousand little children cry for bread.   These children, these men and women are our fellow-members of the human family, with the same claim on life as we, the same susceptibility to the winter's cold, the same propensity to death before the fangs of hunger.  Within them reside the illimitable possibilities for the advancement of the human race as naturally would reside in six million human beings. We may not be their keepers but we ought to be their helpers.   In the face of death, in the throes of starvation there is no place for mental distinctions of creed, no place for physical differentiations of race.  In this catastrophe, when six million human beings are being whirled toward the grave by a cruel and relentless fate, only the most idealistic promptings of human nature should sway the heart and move the hand.   Six million men and women are dying from lack of the necessaries of life, ….”  He is not speaking of the actual starving of the Germans, but of European Jews.
Some Jewish Millionaires who mentioned the 6 million Jews in peril: Nathan Straus in 1919; Felix M. Warburg in 1914, 1919 and 1936; Herbert H. Lehman in 1931; William M. Lewis in 1938; David M. Bressier in 1926, needed another $6,000,000; Morris Rothenberg in 1939; Paul Baerwald in 1939.

Banker Felix Warburg, reported in 1919, "Jews were the worst sufferers in the War." (Apparently the millions of young men killed on the Western Front didn't count.) According to Warburg, death was stalking 6 million souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth.
The N.Y. Times dutifully weighed in with articles and editorials stressing that 5 million Jews were on the brink of extinction.
Dorothy Schiff, who later owned the NY Post, appealed for funds to help the destitute Jews of Eastern Europe.  In 1922, Ukraine was added to the mix.  One million Jews there, it was alleged, had been killed in pogroms. (No mention was made of the millions of non-Jewish Ukrainians then dying in the 1921-22 famine caused by Bolshevik expropriation of the farmers' grain.)
1926 massive fund raising drive which saw half a million people rally in New York, with 150,000 Christian leaders urging their flocks to contribute.  In the seven years since Warburg first raised the alarm, no evidence of excessive Jewish mortality had ever been presented.  Nevertheless the same old figure of 5 million was dragged out. Less than 20% of the $70 or $80 million raised had actually been spent to relieve hunger.  Most of the money had gone into such "constructive undertakings" as setting up cooperative banks and agricultural settlements.  When a Jewish investigator charged that some 40% had actually been used for currency speculation, Warburg slapped him down by saying such problems "had been corrected.

A Plebiscite in 1919 within Austria showed that the People wanted to join Germany by 89%.
W. Hughes, Premier of Australia, Saturday Evening Post, June 19, 1919 "The Montefiores have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real owners of the antipodean continent. What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews?"
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – 11/24, 1931) was a prominent English classical homeopath.  He was also, arguably, the most important anti-Semite in Great Britain.  He led The Britons, an anti-Semitic organization.  The Britons was an anti-Semitic and anti-immigration organization founded in July 1919 by Henry Hamilton Beamish.  The organization published pamphlets and propaganda under the imprint names of the Judaic Publishing Co. and subsequently the Britons Publishing Society.  He developed an antisemitic viewpoint when he spent time in South Africa and felt that all the industries there were controlled by Jews:  Alcohol, tobacco, dynamite, newspapers, theatres & gold and diamonds.  The group claimed that its only aim was to get rid of all the Jews in Britain by forcing them to emigrate to Palestine.
Woodrow Wilson - “On September 25, 1919, while on a national speaking tour, Wilson fell ill in Wichita and was forced to cancel the rest of his trip. His personal physician, Dr Cary Grayson, informed executive aides that, ‘The President has suffered a complete nervous breakdown.’  Until the end of Wilson’s second term in 1921, his wife, Edith Bolling Galt, ran the affairs of the Executive Office, a role denied to Wilson’s vice president, Thomas Marshall.  “The Jewish Question in Poland” (1919) by Franciszek Bujak (8/16, 1875 – 3/21, 1953) was a Polish economic and social historian.

1919 The Core Curriculum was originally developed as the main curriculum used by Columbia University's Columbia College. It began with "Contemporary Civilization," about the origins of western civilization.  It became the framework for many similar educational models throughout the United States.  John Erskine (10/5, 1879 – 6/2, 1951) was an educator and author.  Requirements: Western literature, Western philosophy and social theory, Western art, Western music, University Writing, Foreign Language, "scientific habits of mind", Physical Education.  Common defenses of the curriculum: The Core is really about learning how to think, not about accepting the ideas presented.  Western culture is still heavily influenced by the philosophy and literature included in the Core.  It helps students to understand the foundation of western culture. (1896 Lubbock’s 100 Books, 1909 The Harvard Classics, 1919 The Core Curriculum, 1952 The Great Books) Ottokar Kernstock, (7/25, 1848 -11/5, 1928) was an Austrian poet, priest and Augustinian Canon.  In 1920, he created the text of the official Austrian national anthem used from 1930 to 1938.   In 1923 he wrote the "Swastika Song" for the local branch of the German National Socialist Workers' Party (DNSAP).  The song spoke of the Christ which hovered over the swastika.
****Eastern Jew Emigration to Weimar Germany:
Photo: historical view of Mommsenstrasse (black-and-white)   When the great multiethnic empires collapsed after WWI, Jews got caught between the fronts of the new nation-states. Knowing of Jewish intrigue and involvement with Communism, during the Russian Civil War, the Gentile civilians carried out around 1,500 (Jew numbers?) pogroms at 1,300 sites on the territory of the present-day Ukraine.  Hundreds of thousands of Jews fled the cities and villages of both the Russian Empire and the Habsburg Monarchy, taking circuitous routes to Berlin.  The German capital had been a place of refuge since the pogroms of 1881/82 in the Russian Empire that followed the (Jew) murder of Tsar Alexander II.  The First World War and the Russian Revolution only intensified this migration.  The migrants came mainly from the Russian Empire, but also from Rumania and the eastern provinces of Prussia and the Habsburg Empire (Posen and Silesia; Galicia, Bukovina, Hungary, and Bohemia).  They were part of German-Jewish as well as historic Russian Berlin, yet maintained their particular cultures, languages and mentalities.  Their living conditions and experiences of suffering and foreignness separated the refugees from German society.  Nevertheless, Western and Eastern European influences did intersect and interact, above all in the (communist) labor movement circles and among the artistic, theatrical, and literary avant-garde to Western detriment.  Jewish artists and intellectuals from Eastern Europe were a constitutive segment of the cultural life of the Weimar Republic.  (They brought their antichristian ethos to Germany and destroyed the Christian fabric of life.)
****As the Jews emigrated to Western and Central Europe, they brought their Anti-Christian ethos, their Communist ideas, their anti-Gentile business practices, and their welfare drain (unfounded with their hidden wealth) onto the forced host nations.  There was no good-will and the host nation citizens rebelled.  Governments began to limit Jewish rights and expel these alien populations.  These Jewish emigrations and host nation’s reactions had happened often through history, especially since 1880.
1919 9/10 Representatives of the now tiny republic of Austria sign the Treaty of Saint-Germain, just outside Paris.  The once great Habsburg empire had completely disintegrated in October and November 1918.  Austria recognizes the independence of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Hungary; it also recognizes the award of Galicia to Poland, and of the Trentino, South Tyrol, Trieste, and Istria to Italy.  Austria is forbidden to unite with Germany, as many in both countries had envisioned.
1919 10/10 The Allied Supreme Council, which had imposed a blockade on Soviet Russia, tells neutral countries how to bring economic pressure on "Bolshevik" Russia and to ensure strict observance of such a policy. British and French ships continue "to alter the course" of all ships heading for Soviet ports and citizens of Entente countries are not only forbidden to visit Russia, but even to communicate by letter, telegram or radiogram. (Polyakov)
1919 Polish armed forces capture much of Lithuania and the Ukraine.  Polish leader Jozef Pilsudski aims to establish a Polish-Lithuanian-Belorussian federation allied with an independent Ukraine.  It will soon lead to the Polish-Soviet War of April-October 1920. Emma Goldman (6/27, 1869 – 5/14, 1940) was an anarchist known for her political activism, writing, and speeches.  She played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in North America and Europe.  Goldman emigrated to the U.S. in 1885 and became a writer and a renowned lecturer on anarchist philosophy, women's rights, and social issues.  She and anarchist writer Alexander Berkman, her lover and lifelong friend, planned to assassinate industrialist and financier Henry Clay Frick as an act of propaganda of the deed.  Although Frick survived the attempt on his life, Berkman was sentenced to twenty-two years in prison.  Goldman was imprisoned several times in the years that followed, for "inciting to riot" and illegally distributing information about birth control.  In 1906, Goldman founded the anarchist journal Mother Earth which existed from 1907-1917.  In 1919 she was deported to the Soviet Union.  In 1923, she wrote a book about her experiences, My Disillusionment in Russia.  While living in England, Canada, and France, she wrote an autobiography called Living My Life.  After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, she traveled to Spain to support the anarchist revolution there.  After decades of obscurity, Goldman's iconic status was revived in the 1970s, when feminist and anarchist scholars rekindled popular interest in her life. The American Legion is a social and mutual-aid veterans' organization including members of the US armed forces.  The organization was founded in 1919.  The group has nearly 3 million members in over 14,000 Posts worldwide.  Its primary political activity is lobbying on behalf of the interests of veterans and service members, including support for veterans’ benefits such as pensions and the Veterans Affairs hospital system.
Third Aliyah to Israel (1919–1923) 40,000 Jews, mainly from the Russian Empire arrived in the wake of World War I and the British mandate of Palestine. Many of these were pioneers, known as halutzim, trained in agriculture and capable of establishing self-sustaining economies.
Felix the cat.svg Felix the Cat is a cartoon character created in 1919.  His black body, white eyes, and giant grin, coupled with the surrealism of the situations in which his cartoons place him, combine to make Felix one of the most recognized cartoon characters in film history.  Felix was the first character from animation to attain a level of popularity sufficient to draw movie audiences.;;;.jpg  Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrkova-Williams (11/13, 1869– 1/12, 1962; Ariadna Borman during the first marriage) was a liberal politician, journalist, writer and feminist in Russia during the revolutionary period until 1920 who organized anti-Bolshevik resistance in Southern Russia.  Afterwards she lived as a writer in Britain (1920-1951) and the United States (1951-1962).  After emigrating to Britain in 1918, she published From Liberty to Brest-Litovsk: The First Year of the Russian Revolution, in which she commented: “Besides obvious foreigners, Bolshevism recruited many adherents from among émigrés, who had spent many years abroad. Some of them had never been to Russia before. They especially numbered a great many Jews. They spoke Russian badly. The nation over which they had seized power was a stranger to them, and besides, they behaved as invaders in a conquered country. Throughout the Revolution generally and Bolshevism in particular the Jews occupied a very influential position. This phenomenon is both curious and complex. But the fact remains that such was the case in the primarily elected Soviet (the famous trio—Lieber, Dahn, Gotz), and all the more so in the second one.  In the Tsarist Government the Jews were excluded from all posts. Schools or Government service were closed to them. In the Soviet Republic all the committees and commissaries were filled with Jews. They often changed their Jewish name for a Russian one—Trotsky-Bronstein, Kamenev-Rozenfeld, Zinoviev-Apfelbaum, Steklov-Nakhamkes, and so on. But such a masquerade deceived no one, while the very pseudonyms of the commissaries only emphasised the international or rather the alien character of Bolshevist rule. This Jewish predominance among Soviet authorities caused the despair of those Russian Jews who, despite the cruel injustice of the Tsarist régime, looked upon Russia as their motherland, who lived the common life of the Russian intelligentsia and refused in common with them all collaboration with the Bolsheviks. Knute Nelson, also known as Knud Evanger (2/2, 1843 – 4/28, 1923) was a Norwegian-American attorney and politician active in both Wisconsin and Minnesota. A Republican, he served in state and national positions: he was elected to the Wisconsin and Minnesota legislatures, was elected to the U.S. House and the US Senate from Minnesota for 28 years, and he served as the 12th Governor of Minnesota.         Nelson, on 8/14, 1908, at the Luther League of America's eight annual convention in Chicago.: "Severed by two vast oceans from the other great powers of the world, with our hundred millions of people and our almost limitless resources, we have no occasion to fear any attack or invasion from abroad. The enemy that will attack us and the danger that will threaten us, against which we most constantly be on our guard, will come from within; will come when we are untrue and unfaithful to our great trust and duty; will come when we cease to pass good laws and when we cease to enforce the laws without fear or favor against the rich and poor, the high and the low; will come when we grant immunity to transgressors and law violators; will come when we allow the mammon of pelf and unrighteousness to rule and dominate; will come when we stifle or permit to be stifled the conscience of the masses of the nation." Senator Nelson went on to say that only the schools and the churches can save the U.S. from the enemy within.        In 1919, Nelson was part of the U.S. Subcommittee on "Bolshevik Propaganda", which learned that the Bolshevik leaders were predominately Jews from NYCe.

1920         1920         1920         1920

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