(My original has many pictures and illustrations. Please excuse this installment until I am
able to complete it.)
1953 1953 1953 1953

1953 Hans Ulrich
Rudel (see 1982) at the time a leading member of the German Reich Party,
publishes the war diary (“Nevertheless”,
translated into English as Stuka Pilot) in which he expresses skepticism towards the concentration camp atrocity stories
and denounces what he perceives as Allied hypocrisy: “They refuse to believe me
when I tell them that I have never even seen a concentration camp. I add that if excesses have been committed
they are regrettable and reprehensible, and the real culprits should be punished.
I point out that such cruelties have
been perpetrated not only by our people, but by all peoples in every age. I remind them of the Boer War. Therefore these excesses must be judged by the
same criterion. I cannot imagine that the mounds of corpses depicted in the
photographs were taken in concentration camps. I tell them that we have seen such sights, not
on film, but in fact, after the air attacks on Dresden and Hamburg and other
cities when Allied four-engined bombers deluged them indiscriminately with
phosphorus and high explosive bombs and countless women and children were
Liberal Catholics
shrank from Communism with the same sense of horror as the conservatives. The editors of Commonweal, for example, wrote
in 1953 that they were "deeply concerned with genuine measures to fight
Communism – moral, economic, military, and psychological." Thomas Merton, the convert, Trappist monk, and
hero of the liberal Catholics, preached an unbending anti-Communist message, as
did the great Jesuit theologian of the era, John Courtney Murray. Communism, wrote Murray, "came out of
the East as a conscious apostasy from the West" and "assumed the task
at which Jacobinism failed – that of putting an end to the history of the
West." Like his fellow Catholic
intellectuals, Murray had no doubt that he was involved in a war for the
survival of Western civilization and Christianity.

****March 1953 Stalin’s Death - Despite his willingness to support Israel
early on, Stalin perceived Jews as a potential "fifth column" in
light of a pro-Western Israel in the Middle East. Stalin became increasingly afraid of pro-Israeli
feeling among Soviet Jews. His fears
intensified as a result of Golda Meir's arrival in Moscow in the autumn of 1948
as the first Israeli ambassador to the USSR.
On her visit to a Moscow synagogue on Yom Kippur (13 October), thousands
of people lined the streets, many of them shouting ‘Am Yisroel chai’ ('The
people of Israel live!') — a traditional affirmation of national renewal to
Jews throughout the world but to Stalin a dangerous sign of 'bourgeois Jewish
nationalism' that subverted the authority of the Soviet state. The revival of Jewish cultural expression
during the war had fostered a general sense of boldness among the Jewish
masses. Many Jews remained oblivious to
the brewing campaign against 'rootless cosmopolitans'. On the surface, Jewish culture seemed to be
supported by the state: public efforts had been made to sustain the Yiddish
theater and papers and the Soviet Union recognized the establishment of a
Jewish state in Palestine. To most
Moscow Jews, the state of Soviet Jewry had never been better.
The "Doctors' plot" was a plot outlined by Stalin
and Soviet officials in 1952 and 1953 whereby several doctors (over half of
whom were Jewish) allegedly attempted to kill Soviet officials. Thereafter, Stalin announced that "Every
Jewish nationalist is the agent of the American intelligence service. Jewish nationalists think that their nation
was saved by the United States (there you can become rich, bourgeois,
etc.). They think they're indebted to
the Americans. Among doctors, there are
many Jewish nationalists." To
mobilize the Soviet people for his campaign, Stalin ordered TASS and Pravda to
issue stories along with Stalin's alleged uncovering of a "Doctors
Plot" to assassinate top Soviet leaders including Stalin.

On the early morning hours of March 1, 1953, after an
all-night dinner and a movie Stalin arrived at his residence with interior
minister Beria and future premiers Malenkov, Bulganin and Khrushchev where he
retired to his bedroom to sleep. At
dawn, Stalin did not emerge from his room, having probably suffered a stroke
that paralyzed the right side of his body.
It has been suggested that Stalin was assassinated. The political memoirs of Vyacheslav Molotov,
published in 1993, claimed that Beria had boasted to Molotov that he poisoned
Stalin: "I took him out."
Khrushchev wrote in his memoirs that Beria had, immediately after the
stroke, gone about "spewing hatred against [Stalin] and mocking him",
and then, when Stalin showed signs of consciousness, dropped to his knees and
kissed his hand. When Stalin fell unconscious again, Beria immediately stood
and spat. In 2003, a joint group of
Russian and American historians announced their view that Stalin ingested
warfarin, a powerful rat poison that inhibits coagulation of the blood and
which predisposes the victim to hemorrhagic stroke (cerebral hemorrhage). Since it is flavorless, warfarin is a plausible
weapon of murder. His demise arrived at
a convenient time for Beria and others, who feared being swept away in yet
another purge. It is believed that Stalin felt Beria's power was too great and
threatened his own. On 26 June 1953,
Beria was arrested. Most likely, Khrushchev had prepared the ambush.
So murderous Jew Stalin was
killed by murderous Jew Beria who was killed by murderous Jew Khruschev.
March 1953 Bloody Lavrenty Beria
freed a million political prisoners and improved the conditions in the
Gulag. Why? To position himself for Leadership.
Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov (1/8, 1902 – 1/14, 1988) was a
close collaborator of Joseph Stalin.
After Stalin's death, he became Premier of the Soviet Union (1953–1955)
and was in 1953 briefly considered the most powerful Soviet politician before
being overshadowed by Nikita Khrushchev.
He was a Jew married to the Jewess Pearlmutter.

Rulers of the Soviet Union:
Georgy Malenkov 3/5
1953-2/8 1955
Nikita Khrushchev
3/27 1955-10/14 1964
Leonid Brezhnev 10/14
1964-11/10 1982
Yuri Andropov 11/12
1982-2/9 1984
Konstantin Chernenko
2/13 1984-3/10 1985
Mikhail Gorbachev 3/11 1985-12/25 1991
Arthur Kenneth (AK)
Chesterton, MC (1896 — 8/16, 1973)
was a British
politician, journalist and solider, instrumental in founding a number
of patriotic organizations in Britain, primarily in opposition to the break-up
of the British Empire, and later adopting a broader opposition to demographic
genocide. He was a cousin of the famous
British author, G. K. Chesterton.
Between 1936-7 he lived in Germany.
After returning to Britain he was appointed as editor of the Blackshirt
. This position provided an output for
his increasing awareness to the war-lobby and the Jewish nature of it. Chesterton went on to co-found the National
Front in 1967. He founded Candour, a
British nationalist magazine in 1953 and edited by him until his death in
1973. It was a favorite of JRR Tolkien.

1953 Jewish spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are
executed for giving nuclear bomb secrets to Russia.
"When a Jew in America or South Africa speaks of 'our
Government' to his fellow Jews, he usually means the Government of Israel,
while the Jewish public in various countries
view Israeli ambassadors as their own representatives." (Israel
Government Yearbook, 1953-54)
1953 US overthrows elected government of Iran. The 1953 Iranian coup d’état deposed the
democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed
Mosaddeq. The United States' Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) overthrew the government of the popular Prime
Minister Mosaddeq at the request of, and with support from the British
government. In what the CIA called
Operation Ajax, the U.S. enabled Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to become an
authoritarian monarch, who went on to rule Iran for 26 years until he was
overthrown in 1979.

Lilienthal first came to prominence in the early 1950s as a
Jewish critic of Zionism and Israel.
When Reader's Digest hosted a debate on the Zionist movement, his
article "Israel's Flag is Not Mine" warned against charges of dual
loyalty that American Jews might receive as a result of Zionism. The first of Dr. Lilienthal's books on
Zionism and the Palestinian question was What
Price Israel? (1953). Other
publications by Alfred Lilienthal include There Goes the Middle East (1957), The Other Side of the Coin (1965), The Zionist Connection: What Price Peace?
(1978) and The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace? (1982).

Prime Ministers under
Elizabeth II (1952–Present): Sir
Anthony Eden (1897–1977) (served 4/7 1955-1/10 1957); Harold Macmillan (1894–1986) (served 1/10
1957-10/19 1963); Sir Alec Douglas-Home
(1903–1995) (served 10/19 1963-10/16 1964);
Harold Wilson (1916–1995) (served 10/16 1964-6/19 1970); Edward Heath (1916–2005) (served 6/19
1970-3/4 1974); Harold Wilson
(1916–1995) (served 3/4 1974-4/5 1976);
James Callaghan (1912–2005) (served 4/5 1976-5/4 1979); Margaret
Thatcher (1925– ) (served 5/4 1979-11/28 1990); John
Major (1943– ) (served 11/28 1990-5/2 1997); Tony
Blair (1953– ) (served 5/2 1997-6/27 2007); Gordon
Brown (1951– ) (served 6/27 2007-5/11 2010); David
Cameron (1966– ) (served 5/11 2010-)
1953 Gerald
Roberts Reitlinger (1900 - 1978) was
a scholar of the economics of art and of history, particularly the Holocaust. He wrote two works on the Holocaust, The Final
Solution (1953) and The SS: Alibi of a Nation (1956)

"Mrs. Van Hyning, I am surprised at your surprise. You are a student of history and you know
that both the Borgias and the Mediciis are Jewish families of Italy. Surely you know that there have been Popes
from both of these houses. Perhaps it will
surprise you to know that we have had 20 Jewish Popes, and when you have
sufficient time, which may coincide with my free time, I can show you these
names and dates. You will learn from these
that: The crimes committed in the name of the Catholic Church were under Jewish
Popes. The leader of the inquisition was
one, de Torquemada, a Jew." (Woman's Voice, 11/25, 1953)

Russell was a prominent anti-war activist; he championed
free trade and anti-imperialism and went to prison for his pacifism during
World War I. Later, he campaigned
against Adolf Hitler, then criticized Stalinist totalitarianism, attacked the
America's involvement in the Vietnam War, and was an outspoken proponent of
nuclear disarmament. A prolific
commentator on religion, Russell—along with others such as Karl Marx, Sigmund
Freud, and Friedrich Nietzsche—advanced a "new school of thought"
that Greg Epstein calls "antagonistic atheism", which was "the
view that religion was a thing of the past and ought to be brought hastily
toward a point of declining influence".
In 1950 Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "in
recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions
humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought." Russell began his published work in 1896 with
“German Social Democracy”, a study in politics that was an early indication of
a lifelong interest in political and social theory. In 1896 he taught at the London School of
Economics. He was a member of the
Coefficients dining club of social reformers set up in 1902 by the Fabian
campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb.
Russell opposed rearmament against Nazi Germany, but in 1940 changed his
mind. He wrote “A History of Western
Philosophy”. In 1927, he wrote "Why I Am Not A Christian”.
"When the conspirators get ready to take over the
United States they will use fluoridated water and vaccines to change people's
attitudes and loyalties and make them docile, apathetic, unconcerned and
groggy. According to their own writings
and the means they have already confessedly employed, the conspirators have
deliberately planned and developed methods to mentally deteriorate, morally
debase, and completely enslave the masses.
They will prepare vaccines containing drugs that will completely change
people. Secret Communist plans for conquering America were adopted in 1914 and
published in 1953. These plans called
for compulsory vaccination with vaccines containing change agent drugs. They also plan on using disease germs,
fluoridation and vaccinations to weaken the people and reduce the
population." (Impact of Science on
Society, by Bertrand Russell)
Ralph Waldo Ellison
(3/1, 1914 – 4/16, 1994) was a black bisexual novelist, literary critic,
scholar and writer. He was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Ellison is best known for his novel “Invisible Man” (addresses many of the
social and intellectual issues facing African-Americans), which won the National
Book Award in 1953. In his boyhood, he
shared in anti-Semitism, nicknaming his brother “Jewbaby” because of his nearly
white skin, blue eyes and only slightly kinky red hair. Then Jews promoted him.
1953 The League for
the Liberation of the Peoples of the USSR also known as the Paris Bloc was
an émigré front of six anti-Soviet political groups – Belarusian, Ukrainian,
Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani and North Caucasian – established in Paris in
1953. It published its own quarterly
Problems of the Peoples of the USSR (Munich; 1958–1966). Remember, atheistic Communism was inspired,
led and funded by Jews. Anti Communist
easily becomes anti Jew with this understanding.

The Naumann Circle:
Wilhelm Meinberg
(3/1, 1898 -2/8 1973) was a German politician (NSDAP, DRP) and earlier
SS-group leader (1941). After WWI, he
was a member of the German People's Protection and Trutzbund, the German
National People's Party and in 1923 founded a steel helmet group. He joined the SA in 1929 and in 1930 the
(NSDAP). After the war he was imprisoned
for 22 months. According to British
intelligence, he was in the Werner Naumann
circle to infiltrate the FDP. In
1953, he was elected Chairman of the German Reich Party and remained until
Eugen Dollmann
(8/8, 1900 -5/17, 1985) in 1939 was appointed German Ambassador to the Holy
See. In 1946, Dollmann returned to Rome,
was detected in a movie theater by James Jesus Angleton of the CIA and taken to
Bern to see Allen Welsh Dulles. In 1952,
Dollmann was expelled on the grounds to have had a homosexual relationship (?)
back to Italy. Padre Parini helped him
transfer to Spain, where he was employed by Otto Skorzeny in Donostia in the
arms trade.
Werner Naumann
(6/16, 1909 – 10/25, 1982) was State Secretary in Joseph Goebbels' Ministry
of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.
He was appointed head of the Propaganda Ministry by Führer Adolf Hitler
in his political testament after Dr. Goebbels was promoted to Reichskanzler.
Naumann was present in the Führerbunker in Berlin in late April 1945. On May 1, 1945, he broke out of the
Führerbunker with Martin Bormann, Hans Baur, Ludwig Stumpfegger and Artur
Axmann and others. From that group, only
Naumann and Axmann escaped the Soviet Army encirclement of Berlin and made it
to western Germany. Then Naumann fled to
Argentina. In Argentina, Naumann became
one of the editors of the neo-Nazi magazine "Der Weg" published by
the Dürer Verlag, which entered circulation amongst the German community in
June 1947. This attracted the interest
of Israeli agents, who identified Naumann and made his presence known, and he
decided to return to South Germany. He
was in hiding there until 1949, when he started an apprenticeship as a
bricklayer which he passed with excellent grades. Naumann was arrested by the British Army on
January 16, 1953 and accused of being the leader of a Neo-Nazi group that
attempted to infiltrate West German political parties; he was released after
seven months in custody.
Colonel Anwar
El-Sadat’s 1953 “Letter to Hitler”.
When, in September, 1953 several news agency reports were circulated
claiming that Hitler was still alive, the Cairo weekly Al Musawwar, posed this
question to a number of Egyptian personalities, including Sadat: “If you wished
to send Hitler a personal letter, what would you write to him?” In response,
Sadat wrote the following, published September 18, 1953: “My dear Hitler, I
congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Even if you appear to have been defeated, in reality you are the
victor. You succeeded in creating
dissensions between Churchill, the old man, and his allies, the Sons of
Satan. Germany will win because her
existence is necessary to preserve the world balance. Germany will be reborn in spite of the
Western and Eastern powers. There will
be no peace unless Germany once again becomes what she was. The West, as well as the East, will pay for
her rehabilitation—whether they like it or not. Both sides will invest a great
deal of money and effort in Germany in order to have her on their side, which
is of great benefit to Germany. So much
for the present and the future. As for
the past, I think you made mistakes, like too many battlefronts and the
shortsightedness of Ribbentrop vis-a vis the experienced British
diplomacy. But your trust in your
country and people will atone for those blunders. We will not be surprised if you appear again
in Germany or if a new Hitler rises up in your wake.”
1953 The
American Mercury was an American magazine published from 1924 to 1981. It was founded as the brainchild of H. L.
Mencken and drama critic George Jean Nathan. The last 25 years of its existence
were spent in decline and controversy.
In about 1953, Russell Maguire began to publish anti-semitic articles. Maguire sold the Mercury to the Defenders of
the Christian Faith, Inc. (DCF), owned by Reverend Winrod in 1961. The DCF sold it to the Legion for the
Survival of Freedom of Jason Matthews in 1963, and the LSF cut a deal in June
1966 with the Washington Observer, that telegraphed a merger with Western
Destiny. Western Destiny was a Liberty
Lobby publication owned by Willis Carto and Roger Pearson. Pearson headed the World Anti-Communist
League. The new American Mercury was
created in 2010 by a group of volunteer writers and editors, among whom are
some who collectively worked with the contributors and management of the print
Mercury for over 40 years. The
publishers refer to themselves as the "Jefferson-Mencken Group."

To be recognized as
"Righteous", a person has to fulfill several criteria: only a Jewish
party can put a nomination forward; helping a family member or Jewish person
convert to Christianity is not a criterion for recognition (held against); the
assistance has to be repeated and/or substantial; and the assistance has to be
given without any financial gain expected in return (although covering normal
expenses such as rent or food is acceptable).
Recipients who choose
to live in the state of Israel are entitled to a pension equal to the average national
wage and free health care, as well as assistance with housing and nursing
care. As of 1/1, 2012, 24,356 men and
women from 45 countries have been recognized as Righteous among the Nations,
representing over 10,000 authenticated rescue stories. Yad Vashem's policy is to pursue the program
for as long as petitions for this title are received and are supported by solid
evidence that meets the criteria. At
least 130 righteous gentiles have settled in Israel.
Heinz Neumeyer is
a German
amateur historian. He specializes in the history of Pomerania and
Prussia. He is associated with the
League of Expellees. He claimed that
Poland was more responsible than Nazi Germany for starting World War II. Works: West Prussia at the time of the
"Polish sovereignty" (1454-1772), 1953; West Prussia History, 1955; The
Stuhm Circle, West Prussia, 1958; Gdansk History, 1961; West Prussia, 1963; Bibliography
of the history of the Church of Danzig and West Prussia, 1967; Church life West
Prussia, 1971; Ecclesiastical History of Danzig and West Prussia in Protestant
perspective, 1971; West Prussia: History and Fate, 1993.

1954 1954 1954 1954

1954 Harold Keith
Thompson (1922- ) is a New York City-based corporate
executive and a figure within American far right circles. Thompson is a graduate of Yale
University. Thompson began his political
career before America's entry into World War II when he campaigned against
involvement as a member of the German American Bund and the America First
Committee. In this role, he came to the
attention of Nazi Germany and was appointed as a Special Agent of the
Sicherheitsdienst (SD) Overseas Intelligence Unit on July 27, 1941. He would soon befriend Otto Skorzeny and
worked alongside him in setting up ODESSA.
He wrote “Doenitz at Nuremberg, a Reappraisal: War Crimes and the
Military Professional” with Henry Strutz (1976)
Thompson became a close ally of Otto Ernst Remer and in 1951
when he registered with the US Dept of Justice as the American representative
for the Socialist Reich Party, a position he held until the group was banned in
1952. Around the same time, he also became
involved with the National Renaissance Party.
His political involvement brought him into contact with Francis Parker
Yockey while both men were campaigning for Remer's release from prison during
the 1950s. Thompson and Yockey remained
close allies until the latter's death in 1960.
Thompson definitely stated his position by writing an article entitled
'I Am an American Fascist' for Exposé magazine in 1954. In the article he praised the Third Reich and
Adolf Hitler and condemned the Nuremberg Trials as 'vicious and vilely
dishonorable'. As a result of this, he
became linked to the International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology
and Eugenics and published a number of pamphlets on their behalf. Seeking to expand international contacts, Thompson
visited Cairo in an attempt to forge links with the Nasser regime. More concrete links were established with
Mohammad Amin al-Husayni and Johann von Leers as part of a wider policy of
building up contact with the Islamic world.
Independently wealthy, he has contributed to the campaigns of such right
wing figures in the GOP as Jesse Helms, Oliver North and Pat Buchanan. His monetary contributions to the party were
such that he was awarded membership of their Presidential Legion of Merit as a
result. Thompson's involvement in
writing dated back to his early post-war years, whilst he also worked as a
publisher and literary agent (where his clients have included Fulgencio
Batista, Carol II of Romania and Hans-Ulrich Rudel). Alongside this he has since became a writer
for Journal of Historical Review, his articles including Grand Admiral Karl
Doenitz: Last President of a United Germany.
A subsequent book Dönitz at Nuremberg: A Re-Appraisal was also edited by
Thompson. Thompson was in fact offered a
position on the board of policy of the Liberty Lobby, although he turned it
down stating that he only wanted to take one loyalty oath in his life (to
Hitler when he joined the SD).

Operation WASHTUB was a CIA-organized covert operation to
plant a phony Soviet arms cache in Nicaragua to demonstrate Guatemalan ties to
Moscow. It was part of the effort to
overthrow the President of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán (Jew) in 1954. On February 19, 1954, the CIA planted a cache
of Soviet-made arms on the Nicaraguan coast to be "discovered" weeks
later by fishermen in the pay of Nicaraguan president Anastasio Somoza García.
1954 Hague Convention: Protection of cultural work of

****May 29-31 The original Bilderberg conference
was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg, near Arnhem in The Netherlands. The group meets annually at hotels or resorts
throughout the world—for two consecutive years in Europe followed by a year in
the United States or Canada. The
Bilderberg Group is an annual, unofficial, invitation-only conference of around
130 guests, most of whom are people of global influence in the fields of
politics, banking, business, the military and media. Each conference is closed
to the public. The original conference
was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg, near Arnhem in The Netherlands, from May
29-31, 1954. Because of its secrecy and
refusal to issue news releases, the group is frequently accused of political
conspiracies. Critics include the John
Birch Society, Canadian writer Daniel Estulin, British writer David Icke,
American writer Jim Tucker, politician Jesse Ventura and radio host Alex Jones.
The Bilderberg Group was the topic of a
2009 episode of the TruTV series Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. No reporters are invited in and while
confidential minutes of meetings are taken, names are not noted... In the void created by such aloofness, an
extraordinary conspiracy theory has grown up around the group that alleges the
fate of the world is largely decided by Bilderberg. A clue to the monoploistic power of the
Jewish press is that even with the most influential men involved, the
Bilderberg Group is not discussed in the MSM (mainstream media).
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times,
Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our
meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty
years… …. “It would have been
impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to
the lights of publicity during those years.
But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a
world government. The supranational
sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to
the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”– David
Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany.
Prince Bernhard of
Lippe-Biesterfeld (6/29, 1911 – 12/1, 2004), later Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, was prince consort of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and father
of six children, including the current monarch Queen Beatrix. During World War II the German-born prince
was part of the London based Allied war planning councils and an active RAF
wing commander flying both fighter and bomber planes into combat. Bernhard helped found the World Wildlife
Fund, becoming its first president in 1961.
In 1954, he was a co-founder of the international Bilderberg Group,
which has met annually since then to discuss corporate globalization and other
issues concerning Europe and North America.
He was forced to step down from both groups after being involved in the
Lockheed Bribery Scandal. After World
War I, Bernhard's family lost their German principality and the revenue that
had accompanied it, but the family was still wealthy. While at university, Bernhard joined the Nazi
Party and the Sturmabteilung, which he left in 1934 when he graduated. The Prince later denied that he belonged to
SA. Various members of his family and
acquaintances were aligned with the Nazis prior to and during the war. The Prince’s brother, Prince Aschwin, was an
officer in the German army. Scandal
rocked the Royal Family in 1976 when it was revealed that Prince Bernhard had
accepted a US$1.1 million bribe from U.S. aircraft manufacturer Lockheed
Corporation to influence the Dutch government's purchase of fighter
aircraft. At the time he had served on
more than 300 corporate boards and committees worldwide and had been praised in
the Netherlands for his efforts to promote the economic well-being of the
country. The Dutch and international
press headlined the stories for months, providing proof of Prince Bernhard's
Reiter SS membership and details of his numerous extramarital affairs.
Even though these have been secretive meetings, because of
revisionists and journalists, there is more information on the Internet. There is now an official website which lists
its past meetings as well as the topics which have been discussed.
1954 Netherlands. 1955 France.
1955 W Germany. 1956
Denmark. 1957 Georgia US. 1957 Italy.
1958 England. 1959 Turkey. 1960 Switzerland. 1961 Canada.
1962 Sweden. 1963 France. 1964 Virginia US. 1965 Italy.
1966 W Germany. 1967
England. 1968 Canada. 1969 Denmark.
1970 Switzerland. 1971 Vermont
US. 1972 Belgium. 1973 Sweden.
1974 France. 1975 Turkey. 1976-no conference 1977 England. 1978 New Jersey US. 1979 Austria.
1980 W Germany. 1981 Switzerland. 1982 Norway.
1983 Canada. 1984 Sweden. 1985 NY, US.
1986 Scotland. 1987 Italy. 1988 Austria.
1989 Spain. 1990 NY, US. 1991 Germany. 1992 France. 1993 Greece.
1994 Finland. 1995
Switzerland. 1996 Canada. 1997 Georgia
US. 1998 Scotland. 1999 Portugal. 2000 Belgium.
2001 Sweden. 2002 Virginia
US. 2003 France. 2004 Italy.
2005 Germany. 2006 Canada. 2007 Turkey.
2008 Virginia US. 2009 Greece.
2010 Spain. 2011 Switzerland. 2012 Virginia
1954 US invades Guatemala -The 1954 Guatemalan
coup d'état was a covert operation organized by the United States Central
Intelligence Agency to overthrow Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, the
democratically-elected President of Guatemala.
Lavon affair-
Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a
United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs
as the culprits. The ruse would have
worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians
to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up
of an Israeli spy ring.
US Policies in the Middle East
In the 1950s, the US had an opportunity to side with the
nationalists, but in the end, nationalists in the Third World were seen as wild
cards who couldn’t be counted on to join the global alliance against the USSR.
By the end of the 1950s, rather than allying itself with the secular forces of
progress in the Middle East and the Arab world, the US found itself in league
with Saudi Arabia’s Islamist legions.
In the 1970s, at the height of the Cold War and the struggle
for control of the Middle East, the US either supported or acquiesced in the
rapid growth of the Islamic right in countries from Egypt to Afghanistan. In Egypt, Anwar Sadat brought the Muslim
Brotherhood back to Egypt. In Syria, the
US, Israel, and Jordan supported the Muslim Brotherhood in a civil war against
Syria. Israel quietly backed the Muslim
Brotherhood in the West Bank and Gaza, leading to the establishment of Hamas to
oppose the PLO.
Still another major mistake was the fantasy that Islam would
penetrate the USSR and unravel the Soviet Union in Asia. It led to America’s support for the jihadists in Afghanistan. America’s alliance with the Afghan Islamists
long predated the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and had its roots in
CIA activity in Afghanistan in the 1960s and in the early and mid-1970s. The Afghan jihad spawned civil war in
Afghanistan in the late 1980s, gave rise to the Taliban, and got Osama bin
Laden started on building Al Qaeda.
The Society of the
Muslim Brothers is a Sunni transnational movement and the largest political
opposition organization in many Arab states.
The world's oldest and largest Islamic political group, it was founded
in 1928, in Egypt by the schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna. The Brotherhood's stated goal is to instill
the Qur'an and Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ... ordering the
life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state".
The 1953 Iranian coup
d'état, on August 19, 1953, was the overthrow of the democratically elected
government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. The intelligence agencies of the UK and the
US supported and financed the coup. It launched 25 years under Mohammad-Rezā
Shāh Pahlavi, who relied heavily on U.S.-trained secret police SAVAK and
U.S.-supplied weapons to hold on to power until he was overthrown in February
1979. "For many Iranians, the coup
demonstrated duplicity by the United States, which presented itself as a
defender of freedom but did not hesitate to use underhanded methods to overthrow
a democratically elected government to suit its own economic and strategic
interests", the Agence France-Presse reported. In 1951 with near unanimous support of Iran's
parliament, Mosaddegh nationalized the British-owned Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
1954-1970: CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President
Nasser. In 1954, Egyptian President
Gamal Abddul Nasser’s nationalist policies in Egypt come to be viewed as
completely unacceptable by Britain and the US. MI6 and the CIA jointly hatch
plans for his assassination. Gamal Abdel Nasser (15 January 1918 – 28 September
1970) was the second President of Egypt from 1956 until his death. Along with
Muhammad Naguib, the first President, he led the Egyptian Revolution of 1952
which overthrew the monarchy of Egypt and Sudan, and heralded a new period of
modernization, and socialist reform in Egypt together with a profound
advancement of pan-Arab nationalism, including a short-lived union with Syria.
Anneliese von
Ribbentrop, (1/12 1896-10/5 1973) issued her husband’s diary in 1954 under
the title “Between London and Moscow”. In 1958 she published the book “Conspiracy against Peace”. Both denied the fault of the government of
Adolf Hitler.
May-June 1954. Ludwig
Paulin publishes the article (The Lie of the 238,000. What happened in Camp
Dachau?) in Der Weg, Vol. 8, No. 5-6, pp. 349-358. Paulin disputes the existence of a gas chamber
at the camp and also argues that the Dachau cremation ovens did not have the
capacity to incinerate the (at this time) alleged 238,000 victims.
July 1954. Guido
Heimann publishes the article (The Lie of the Six Million) in Der Weg, Vol.
8, No. 7, pp. 479-487.
Aug 1954. The pseudonym Warwick
Hester publishes the article (On the streets of truth) in Der Weg, Vol. 8,
No. 8, pp. 572-578. According to Udo Walendy, who re-published the article in
1990, the real name of its author was Stephen
F. Pinter (possibly 1888-1985), an American lawyer who had been involved in
the Dachau trial. The author begins by
noting that none of the accused at Nuremberg had known about the alleged
extermination of Jews, and that the eyewitness testimonies presented were full
of mendacious statements. He also points
out that no physical evidence for the so-called “gas vans” had been presented
before the court, in spite of the claim that hundreds of thousands had been
killed inside those vehicles. Pinter
writes that he visited all the former camps in the western zone of occupation,
but did not find any credible traces of gas chambers. He spoke with fourteen
(unnamed) Jewish Majdanek witnesses, who reportedly between four eyes admitted
to him that they had not observed any mass gassings. Pinter further spoke with
some former (likewise unnamed) SS officers in Barcelona, Kairo and Rio de
Janeiro and asked them about the alleged extermination. Five of them told him
that it had happened, but that two rather than six million had been killed. At
further inquiry, it turned out that four of them based their opinions on
hearsay. One claimed to have heard from Eichmann shortly before the end of the
war that two million Jews had been killed by “special commandos”. The fifth SS
man, who lived in Kairo, claimed to have partaken in a mass execution of 30,000
Jews at Crimea, but other sources maintained that the man had never been
stationed there.

Sept 1954. Eva Peron
Basil’s article (The lie of the six millions) is published in Der Weg, Vol.
8, No. 9, pp. 604-605.
1954. The book The Swindle of the Six Million is published
privately in New York. Its author, Heinrich
Malz, was a former Berlin police official who had worked under Ernst
Kaltenbrunner and Werner Naumann. Heinrich Malz (11/26, 1910- ?) was a SS Lieutenant Colonel. After the war, he founded in 1949,
"Prisoners Aid Committee for Church"(?). Also founded in 1951 in the nursing assistance,
an association of journalistic, legal and material support for fugitive,
arrested and convicted Nazi criminals, he, along with Princess Elisabeth Helene
von Isenberg, Bishop Theophil Wurm, William Spengler, among others, the
founding Director. The German federal
government officials, he was appointed Managing Director. Malz was the author of The Jewish War Against
the German People.

Andreas Fritz Hillgruber (1/18, 1925 –
5/8, 1989) was a Jew German Holocaust Intentionalist Court Historian. Hillgruber was influential as a military and
diplomatic historian. As a student,
Hillgruber was a leading protégée of the medievalist Percy Ernst Schramm, who regarded World War II as a normal war that
regrettably the Nazis were not as skilled at waging as they should have
been. Much of Hillgruber's early work
reflected Schramm's influence. In the
early 1950s Hillgruber still saw WW II as a conventional war, but by 1965 in
(Hitler's Strategy), he was arguing that the war was for Hitler a vicious,
ideological war in which no mercy was to be given to one's enemies.

Hillgruber's writings on the Soviet Union show certain constancies
as well as changes over the years. He always argued that the Soviet Union was a
brutal, expansionary, totalitarian power, in many ways similar to Nazi Germany.
But, on the other hand, he argued that
Moscow's foreign policy was conducted in a way that was rational and realistic,
while the foreign policy of Berlin during the Nazi era was completely
irrational and unrealistic. The turning point in Hillgruber's attitude came in
1953-1954. Together with Hans-Günther Seraphim, Hillgruber had
argued that Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union in
1941, had been a "preventive war", forced on Hitler to prevent an
imminent Soviet attack on Germany. He
repudiated these views. In the 1970s and
1980s Hillgruber often attacked historians such as David Irving and Viktor Suvorov for putting forward the same arguments
as he had done in 1954. Along the same
lines, he criticized the American neo-Nazi historian David Hoggan, who argued that the British had provoked World War II
in 1939.
Hillgruber's area of expertise was German history from 1871
to 1945, especially its political, diplomatic and military aspects. He argued for understanding this period as one
of continuities. Hillgruber argued that
these assumptions about the Soviet Union shared by the entire military elite
allowed Hitler to push through a "war of annihilation" against the
Soviet Union with the assistance of "several military leaders", even
through it was quite clear to the military that such a war would violate all
standards of civilized warfare and would be waged in the most inhumane fashion
possible. Hillgruber saw Operation
Barbarossa as the third stage of Hitler's stufenplan (stage-by-stage plan) for
world conquest. In the 1970s, Hillgruber
and Hildebrand made a case for the traditional ("primacy of foreign
politics") over domestic policies approach to diplomatic history. In 1971, Hillgruber was a leading critic of
the Quadripartite Agreement on the status of Berlin accusing the West German
government and the three western powers with rights in Berlin, namely the
United States, Great Britain and France of granting approval to what he saw as
the illegal Soviet occupation of eastern Germany and the equally illegitimate
East German regime while at the same time accepted the partition of Berlin as
As a right-wing historian, Hillgruber often felt
uncomfortable with the increasing left-wing influence in German academia from
the late 1960s onwards. In his 1974
textbook, (German History 1945-1972), Hillgruber complained that radicals
influenced by "the forces of doctrinaire Marxism-Leninism", and
leaning towards East Germany, were having too much influence in West German
higher education. A self-proclaimed
conservative and nationalist, Hillgruber never denied nor downplayed the crimes
committed in Germany's name and in no way can he be considered a Holocaust
denier; but he argued that Germany as a great power had the potential to do
much good for Europe. Hillgruber was an
Intentionist on the origins of the Holocaust debate, arguing that Adolf Hitler
was the driving force behind the Holocaust.
Hillgruber was one of the protagonists in the Historians'
Dispute of 1986-87. Hillgruber felt that
the Holocaust was a horrific tragedy, but just one of many that occurred in the
20th century. In a 1986 interview,
Hillgruber stated there was no moral difference between the Soviet regime and
the Nazi regime, and that the Holocaust was not unique.
Hillgruber claimed during the war that there were four versions
of what Central Europe should look after the war. These were: 1)Hitler's vision
of a greater Germany ruling over all of Europe from the English Channel to the
Urals with all of the European Jewish population exterminated and 30 million
Slavs expelled from Eastern Europe to make way for German colonization.; 2)The
conservative German vision associated with the July 20 plotters, who envisioned
the destruction of the Versailles system and a greater Germany ruling over all
of Central and Eastern Europe.; 3)The Anglo-American vision which called for a
greater Poland up to the Oder-Neisse Line at Germany's expense, and an alliance
of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Austria to keep the peace.; 4)And
finally Stalin's vision which envisioned for the Soviet Union to expand at the
expense of its neighbors and the establishment of Communist regimes in all of the
countries of Eastern Europe. (Then there was Hitler’s true vision of economic
cooperation and diminished Jew influence.)
His defenders have argued that his work shows that World War II is more
morally complex than it is usually presented, and that he was merely
highlighting a little known chapter of history. More importantly however, Hillgruber's
historical method of "comparing" was considered by many to be
"equating". This is the same
criticism Ernst Nolte had faced, during the Historians' Debate.
Books: (Hitler, King Carol and Marshal Antonesu: the
German-Romanian Relationship, 1938–1944), 1954.; (Hitler's Strategy: Politics
and War Leadership, 1940–1941) 1965.; Germany And The Two World Wars 1981.; (Continuity
and Discontinuity in German Foreign Policy from Bismarck to Hitler), 1969.; (Bismarck's
Foreign Policy), 1972.; (German History, 1945-1972: The "German
Question" in World Politics), 1974.; (German Great-and Global-Power Policy
during the 19th and 20th Centuries), 1977.; (Otto von Bismarck: Founder of the
European Great Power, the German Reich), 1978.; (Europe in World Politics
during the Postwar Period, (1945–63)), 1979.; (Soviet Foreign Policy in World
War Two), 1979.; (The Failed Great Power: A Sketch of the German Reich,
1871–1945), 1980.; (Calculation Between Power And Ideology The Hitler-Stalin Pact:
Parallels to Today?), 1980.; (The Second World War, 1939-1945: War Aims and
Strategy of the Great Powers), 1982.; (The Burden of the Nation: Five
Contributions about Germany and the Germans), 1984.; (Two Kinds of Ruin: The
Fall of the German Reich and the End of European Jewry), 1986.; (The
Destruction of Europe: Contributions on the Epoch of World Wars, 1914 to 1945),
Edward N. Peterson
(8/27, 1925 – 2005) was an American historian. His specialty was German history, particularly
the WWII period and the German Democratic Republic, a field in which he wrote a
number of books. (1954) Hjalmar Schacht,
For and Against Hitler; (1969) The Limits of Hitler's Power; (1978) The
American Occupation of Germany: Retreat to Victory; (1990) The Many Faces of
Defeat, the German People's Experience in 1945; (1995) An Analytical History of
World War II, Volume 1 | Volume 2; (1998) Russian Command, German Resistance; (2002)
The Secret Police and the Revolution: The Fall of the German Democratic
Republic; . (2004) The Limits of Secret Police Power: The Magdeburger Stasi,

1955 1955 1955 1955

In 1955, Gamal Nasser
wrote “Egypt’s Liberation: The Philosophy of the Revolution”

National Review
begun by Buckley to frame modern conservatism, isolating and ignoring many
influential individuals and movements.

“Lost Victories: The
War Memoirs of Hitler's Most Brilliant General” (1955, 8/22, 2004) by Field
Marshal Erich von Manstein, Anthony G. Powell, B. H. Liddell Hart, Martin
Blumenson. "Generals don't make the best memoirists, mainly because they
embellish while writing for posterity; the higher the rank, the worse the tome.
Dismissive of oft-cited ‘turning
points,’ such as the German defeat at Stalingrad, von Manstein contends that
the war was never winnable for Germany because of the leader prosecuting it.” Then why did Manstein say he wasn’t given
Goering’s Luftwaffe at Stalingrad which he needed. They had plenty of unused capacity sitting
idle in the West. And that It was also
his plan that conquered France in a stunning victory.
The Allied occupation of
Austria lasted from 1945 to 1955. In 1943 the
Allied powers agreed in the Declaration of Moscow that it would be regarded as
the first victim of Nazi aggression, and treated as a liberated and independent
country after the war. In the immediate
aftermath of the war, Austria, like Germany, was divided into four occupation
zones and jointly occupied by the United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom
and France. Vienna, like Berlin, was
similarly subdivided and the central district administered jointly by the
Allied Control Council. Whereas Germany
was formally divided into East and West Germany in 1949, Austria remained under
joint occupation until 1955; its status became a controversial subject in the
Cold War until the warming of relations known as the Khrushchev Thaw. After Austrian promises of perpetual
neutrality, Austria was accorded full independence on 5/12, 1955 and the last
occupation troops left the country on 10/25 the same year.

6/1-3, 1955 The Messina
Conference was the conference of the Foreign Ministers of the six Member
States of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The countries were (Netherlands), (Italy),
(Luxembourg), (France), (Germany), and (Belgium). This would lead to the Treaties of Rome in
1957 and the formation of the European Economic Community and Euratom in 1958.

1955 – “Brother
Andrew”, Andrew van der Bijl (5/11 1928, Netherlands- ), is a Christian missionary famous for his exploits
smuggling Bibles to communist countries in the height of the Cold War, a feat
that has earned him the nickname "God's smuggler", also the name of
his book published in 1966.
Henry Coston
(1910 - 2001) was a French journalist, collaborationist and conspiracy theorist. He was pardoned in 1952 for illness and
served only five years. He began writing
again, mainly against free-masonry while he kept on denouncing the influence of
Jews in French life. Until the 1990s he
was contributing to different far-right newspapers. He wrote “The
Financiers Rule the World" in 1955.


Dear Abby is the
name of the advice column founded in 1956 by Pauline Phillips under the pen
name Abigail Van Buren and carried on today by her daughter, Jeanne Phillips,
who now owns the legal rights to the pen name.
Pauline Phillips (7/4, 1918- ) is
an advice columnist and radio show host.
By 2002, when Phillips suffered from the onset of Alzheimer’s disease,
her daughter Jeanne had assumed all the writing responsibilities of Dear
Abby. She is the twin sister of the late
Eppie Lederer, professionally known as Ann Landers. Pauline Esther Friedman and her identical
twin sister, Esther Pauline Friedman were born in Sioux City, Iowa to Russian Jewish immigrants. Jeanne Phillips (1942- ) is a advice columnist who writes the advice
column Dear Abby. Jeanne Phillips' Dear
Abby is syndicated in about 1,400 newspapers in the U.S. with a combined
circulation of more than 110 million. Dear
Abby's website receives about 10,000 letters per week, seeking advice on a
large variety of personal matters.
1997 Carolyn Hax (12/5,
1966- )is a writer and advice columnist
for the Washington Post. The column is syndicated in more than 200 newspapers.
It originally provided advice targeted at people under 30, but has in recent
years broadened its age range, and features cartoons by Hax's ex-husband, Nick
Galifianakis. In 2003, Hax divorced her
first husband, cartoonist Nick Galifianakis, and married childhood friend Ken
Ackerman – while pregnant with twins.
Vietnam War occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 11/1, 1955
-4/30, 1975. The North Vietnamese
government and Viet Cong viewed the conflict as a colonial war, fought
initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam,
which it regarded as a U.S. puppet state. American military advisors arrived in what was
then French Indochina beginning in 1950. American involvement peaked in 1968. After this, U.S. ground forces were gradually
withdrawn as part of a policy known as Vietnamization. Estimates of the number of Vietnamese soldiers
and civilians killed vary between one - three million. Some 200,000–300,000 Cambodians,
20,000–200,000 Laotians, and 58,220 U.S. service members also died. More than 3 million Americans served, some
1.5 million of whom actually saw combat.
One of the most controversial aspects was the widespread use
of chemical defoliants between 1961 and 1971. They were used to defoliate large parts of the
countryside. These chemicals continue to
change the landscape, cause diseases and birth defects, and poison the food
chain. Corporations like Dow Chemical
Company and Monsanto were given the task of developing herbicides for this
purpose. The defoliants, which were
distributed in drums marked with color-coded bands, included the "Rainbow
Herbicides"—Agent Pink, Agent Green, Agent Purple, Agent Blue, Agent
White, and, most famously, Agent Orange,
which included dioxin as a by-product of its manufacture. In 1961 and 1962, the Kennedy administration
authorized the use of chemicals to destroy rice crops. Between 1961 and 1967, the U.S. Air Force
sprayed 20 over 6 million acres of crops and trees, affecting an estimated 13%
of South Vietnam's land. In 1965, 42% of
all herbicide was sprayed over food crops. As of 2006, the Vietnamese government
estimates that there are over 4,000,000 victims of dioxin poisoning in

Frank Cleary Hanighen
(1899 – 1/10, 1964) was a journalist.
He worked as a foreign correspondent in Europe for The New York Post and
others. In 1944, he was a founding
editor of Human Events. He was involved
in America First Committee, favoring isolationism during World War II. He wrote Merchants
of Death: a study of the international armament industry (1934); The Secret War: The War for Oil (1934) The
fascinating story of Standard Oil and Royal Dutch Shell, The wars, the military
coups, the never ending intrigues throughout the world from Iran and Iraq to
Venezuela and Mexico and the role of the British, US, Russian and French
governments and their Intelligence Services.; Santa Anna, the Napoleon of the
West (1934); Nothing But Danger (about Spanish Civil War)(1939, editor) As a conservative, he was against the war
in Vietnam.

Bonner Frank Fellers
(1896–1973), was a U.S. Army officer who served during WW II as military attaché and
psychological warfare director. He was a
considered a protégé of General Douglas MacArthur. Fellers' messages were sent by radio,
encrypted in the "Black Code" of the U.S. State Department. The details of this code were stolen from the
U.S. Embassy in Italy by Italian spies in September
1941; it was also broken by German cryptanalysts, who read "Black
Code" messages. They were a
treasure trove of valuable information to the Axis. Information from Fellers' messages alerted the
Axis to British convoy operations in the Mediterranean Sea, including efforts
to resupply the garrison of Malta. Information
about the numbers and condition of British forces was provided to General
Rommel, the famed German commander in Africa. He could thus plan his operations with
reliable knowledge of what the opposing forces were. Rommel was so pleased with the intercepts that
he referred to Fellers as "my bonnie fellow". Fellers was later condemned for this
information leak. But he had been
ordered to use the State Department code over his objections, and had been
ordered by Marshall to report in great detail. Neither
MacArthuror Marshall found fault with Fellers. Eisenhower disliked Fellers. While assigned to the OSS in Washington, he
was, recalled a colleague, 'the most violent Anglophobe I have encountered.' He retired from the Army and worked for the
Republican National Committee. In the
early 1950s Fellers was actively involved in promoting Robert Taft as a
Presidential candidate. After Taft's
defeat to Eisenhower in the 1952 Republican convention, Fellers became a member
of the John Birch Society. Fellers also
became actively involved in promoting Barry Goldwater for the Presidency. As a
conservative, he was against the war in Vietnam.

War Memoirs of
Charles de Gaulle V.1 The Call to Honor 1955 319p, V.2 Unity 1959 378p, V.3 Salvation 1960 346p. This massive memoir does not mention ‘gas

Dietrich Bracher (3/13, 1922- ) is a
German Holocaust
Intentionalist Court Historian of the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany.
During WW II, he served in the Wehrmacht
and was captured by the Americans while serving in Tunisia in 1943 and held as
a POW in Kansas. Bracher has often
expressed appreciation for the "reeducation" he received during his
time as a POW. He sees democracy as a
frail institution and has argued that only a concerned citizenry can guarantee
it. This theme began with Bracher's
first book in 1948, which concerned the downfall of the Roman Republic and the
rise of Augustus. His 1955 book (The Disintegration of the Weimar Republic)
is his best known book, in which he ascribed the collapse of German democracy
not to the Sonderweg ("special path") but to human action that
followed conscious choice. In that book,
Bracher rejected not only the Sonderweg thesis, but also the Marxist theory of
National Socialism as the result of a capitalist "conspiracy", the
theory that the Treaty of Versailles caused the collapse of the Weimar
Republic, and the view that the Nazi dicatorship was simply the work of
"fate". “It was not with Himmler, Bormann, and
Heydrich, also not with the National Socialist Party, but with Hitler that the
German people identified itself enthusiastically.”

1956 1956 1956 1956

"The Jewish theory that the
GOYIM envy the superior ability of the Jews is not borne out by the facts. Most GOYIM, in fact, deny that the Jew is
superior, and point in evidence to his failure to take the first prizes: he has
to be content with the seconds. No
Jewish composer has ever come within miles of Bach, Beethoven and Brahms; no
Jew has ever challenged the top-flight painters of the world, and no Jewish
scientist has equaled Newton, Darwin, Pasteur or Mendel. In the latter bracket such apparent exception
as Ehrlich, Freud and Einstein are only apparent. Ehrlich, in fact, contributed less to
biochemical fact than to biochemical theory, and most of his theory was
dubious. Freud was nine-tenths quack,
and there is sound reason for believing that even Einstein will not hold up: in
the long run his curved space may be classed with the psychosomatic bumps of
Gall and Spurzheim. But whether this
inferiority of the Jew is real or only a delusion, it must be manifest that it
is generally accepted. The GOY does not,
in fact, believe that the Jew is better than the non-Jew; the most he will
admit is that the Jew is smarter at achieving worldly success. But this he ascribes to sharp practices, not
to superior ability." (Minority Report: H. L. Mencken's Notebooks)
In 1918, Mencken gave a positive
introduction to Nietzsche’s ‘The Antichrist”.
Most Christians gave a knee-jerk reaction to Nietzsche’s critique, but
Mencken boils it down to the “mob being the most ruthless of tyrants” and
relating this to organized Christianity.
The mob or pure democracy does not allow for freedom of contradiction
and the truth of the mob wins versus real Truth. Note the Holocaust story. It is the weak mob versus the strong man.
During the course of the war he was
censored by the Sunpapers, but wrote articles for the Atlantic. In the "The Mailed Fist and Its
Prophet," he celebrated Nietzsche as the inspiration for the new Germany,
which was "contemptuous of weakness”.
Germany, as he admired it, was a "hard" nation with no
patience for politics because it was governed by the superior men of its
"superbly efficient ruling caste." He also wrote about General Erich
Ludendorff as Germany's "national messiah." Mencken treasured the Kaiser, but he thought
Ludendorff was worth "40 Kaisers," and was the man to lead German
Kultur in its total war against Anglo-Saxon civilization.
“They warned that giving the vote
to incompetent, despairing and envious people would breed demagogues to rouse
and rally them, and that the whole democratic process would thus be converted
into organized pillage and rapine.
Mencken said, “The men the American people admire most extravagantly
are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try
to tell them the truth.”
“The case against the Jews is long and damning; it would
justify ten thousand times as many pogroms as now go on in the world. Mencken's “A New Dictionary of Quotations”
(Knopf, 1942) was the man's "most public display of bias against the
Jews." Mencken's sin there was to
include several pages of quotations on Jewry.
In “Did H.L. Mencken Hate the
Jews?" (reprinted in the journal Menckeniana, Spring 1980), Robert Kanigel
relays a few Mencken jottings from the pivotal year of 1939: March 29: Their
unhappy situation in the world is thus primarily due to their complete lack of
tact. April 26: (T)hey may be described plausibly as the chronic enemies of any
government they live under .... June 2: No non-Jew really believes that the
Jews are superior save only in anti-social ways. He believes that their success
in the world, such as it is, is their willingness to undertake projects from
which Aryans shrink, and to resort to devices that all save the worst moiety of
Aryans are averse to. September 28: [T] hey don't use power wisely when they
have it. They are extraordinarily dictatorial. This has been demonstrated over
and over again in the United States.

****U.S. phonetic
military alphabet 1941–1956 - Able;
Baker; Charlie; Dog; Easy; Fox; George; How; Item; Jig; King; Love; Mike; Nan;
Oboe; Peter; Queen; Roger; Sugar; Tare; Uncle; Victor; William; X-ray; Yoke;
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
alphabet was adopted in 1956. - A Alpha; B Bravo; C Charlie; D Delta; E Echo; F
Foxtrot; Golf; H Hotel; I India; J Juliet; K Kilo; L Lima; M Mike; N November;
O Oscar; P Papa; Q Quebec; R Romeo; S Sierra; T Tango; U Uniform; V Victor; W
Whiskey; X X-ray; Y Yankee; Z Zulu
Poland, 1956 A
number of political prisoners were set free.
At the same time, a bad harvest led to unrest. Railway workers led a protest of people
calling for ‘Cheap Bread’ and ‘Higher Wages’.
When the police shot some of the marchers, there was a riot. Government officials were killed. Mr Gomulka, (who had been in prison) took
power. Khrushchev sent Russian troops
into Poland to put down the rebels. But
he left Gomulka in power – Gomulka continued the process of destalinisation,
but he kept Poland loyal to Russia and the Warsaw Pact.
Czechoslovakia - May Day of 1956 students held demonstrations
demanding freedom of speech and access to the Western press. The President of Czechoslovakia, Novotny,
suppressed the movement and reinforced a hard-line Stalinist regime.
In Sep 8, 1956 of the 38 newly appointed German generals, 31
were members of the old General Staff under Hitler.

Hungary - Hungarians
were poor, yet much of the food and industrial goods they produced was sent to
Russia. The Hungarians were patriotic
and hated Russian (Jew) control – which included censorship, the secret police
and Russian control of education. The
Communist Party had banned religion, and put the leader of the Catholic Church
in prison.

“As a result of the revolt in Hungary in October of 1956, more than 75,000 Christians were shipped to
Siberia. Another 40,000 are still
rotting in Red Hungarian prison camps. Five
thousand were sent to Red China to swell the slave-labor battalions working
Chinese mines. The first “Hungarian
refugees” to reach the United States turned out to be communist Jews. During the Hungarian revolt Soviet Russia sent
in an army backed by thousands of tanks. This was “communist aggressions” — but
Eisenhower was not moved to intervene. The
Jews were safe! Communist Yugoslavia is
on the Washington pay-roll (American tax-payer’s payroll) for billions of
dollars. Communist Poland has received $513,678,000 from the people of the
United States since 1945. With one hand
Washington passes out billions to bolster tottering Communist regimes; with the
other it rushes to any part of the world to save the Jews, using “communist
aggression” as an excuse.” O’Grady 1959
Suez Canal Crisis:
The second Arab-Israeli War broke out on October 29, 1956 and lasted until
November 4. After Egypt had taken
control of the Suez Canal and blockaded the Straits of Tiran, Israel, with British and French
support, invaded and captured Sinai
and the Gaza Strip, from which it withdrew under heavy US pressure after the
entry of a United Nations force. America
encouraged Britain during the Suez Crisis and then withdrew its support. It
accelerated the run on the pound by selling its sterling assets. It even pressured Venezuela not to provide
Britain with oil during the crisis.

Charles Wright Mills (8/28, 1916– 3/20, 1962) was a sociologist. Mills was concerned with the responsibilities
of intellectuals in post-World War II society, and advocated public, political
engagement over uninterested observation.
“The Power Elite” is a book written in 1956 and calls attention to the
interwoven interests of the leaders of the military, corporate, and political
elements of society and suggests that the ordinary citizen is a relatively
powerless subject of manipulation by those entities.

Winning countries
have been (why Israel?): 1956 Switzerland, 1957 Netherlands, 1958 France,
1959 Netherlands, 1960 France, 1961 Luxembourg, 1962 France, 1963 Denmark, 1964
Italy, 1965 Luxembourg, 1966 Austria, 1967 United Kingdom, 1968 Spain, 1969
Spain United Kingdom Netherlands France, 1970 Ireland, 1971 Monaco, 1972
Luxembourg, 1973 Luxembourg, 1974 Sweden, 1975 Netherlands, 1976 United
Kingdom, 1977 France, 1978 Israel, 1979 Israel, 1980 Ireland, 1981 United
Kingdom, 1982 West Germany, 1983 Luxembourg, 1984 Sweden, 1985 Norway, 1986
Belgium, 1987 Ireland, 1988 Switzerland, 1989 Yugoslavia, 1990 Italy, 1991
Sweden, 1992 Ireland, 1993 Ireland, 1994 Ireland, 1995 Norway, 1996 Ireland,
1997 United Kingdom, 1998 Israel, 1999 Sweden, 2000 Denmark, 2001 Estonia, 2002
Latvia, 2003 Turkey, 2004 Ukraine, 2005 Greece, 2006 Finland, 2007 Serbia, 2008
Russia, 2009 Norway, 2010 Germany, 2011 Azerbaijan , 2012 Sweden

****Ritual murder in 1955?
Dec 1956 The Jewish community in Chicago, one of the wealthiest in the world,
has always exercised an extremely powerful degree of influence. Between October of 1955 and December of 1956,
a total of five White children, three young boys including two brothers and a
friend and two teenaged sisters, were abducted and murdered in a manner which
was suggestive of Jewish ritual sacrifice
The boys, aged 14, 13, and 11 respectively, and the girls aged 12 and 15
were found nude, and yet none had been sexually assaulted. The corpses showed that they had been tied or
restrained. All the victims had been
tortured with mostly small, shallow cuts and puncture wounds, none sufficient
to cause death of itself. All the childrens' bodies were "drained of
blood". The two female victims had been tormented by repeated puncture
wounds on the upper torso, thighs and buttocks, suggesting a sadistic sexual
element in the killers' motivations, but the two youngest male victims, the
Schuesslers, had been transfixed through the hands, wrists, and feet by larger
weapons similar to nails or a carpenter's awl, inflicting wounds very similar
to the so-called stigmata, the wounds of Christ. The eyes and mouths of the boys had also been
mutilated in a manner never publicly released.
The Cook County Sheriff of the time was a Jew named Joseph
Lohman, and he immediately placed Mr. Schuessler under arrest on suspicion of
killing his own children. A Jewish
deputy named Horowitz was sent to the Schuessler home with a party of men;
having ransacked the house looking for "evidence," Horowitz then
placed Mrs. Eleanor Schuessler and her family under virtual house arrest,
forbidding them to leave the house or speak with anyone on the phone lest they
"spread rumors about the Jews." Anton Schuessler, Sr. took a lie detector test
which completely cleared him, as well as proving that he had an ironclad alibi
for the murders. Instead of releasing him, the authorities committed Schuessler
to a private mental institution in Des Plaines, Illinois operated by a Dr. Leon
Steinfeld. Mr. Schuessler was rushed
right into electroshock treatment, where he died the same afternoon he arrived
at the "sanitarium." In 1955,
and even in Chicago, there were still a few honest public officials left, one
of them being the Cook County Coroner, a crusty old Irishman named Dr. Thomas
McCarron who was also a qualified psychiatrist. McCarron knew Dr. Steinfeld of
old. During World War Two, Steinfeld had been prosecuted for giving Jewish boys
facing the draft callup various legal and illegal drugs which would give them
heart fibrillations, fill their lungs with liquid to simulate tuberculosis,
give them noxious skin conditions, etc. so they could avoid military service. Steinfeld allegedly collected $2000 per head
for each yiddishe mama's little bubbeleh he spared from having to go face the
Nazis' cold steel and hot lead. [As an
aside, what do you want to bet every one of these draft-dodging kikes now has
some old Swastika banner he bought from a real vet hanging on his wall, along with
a caseful of phony medals?] Several nights later, to emphasize the serious nature
of the warning, a small bomb blew the front door off McCarron's house.
There may have been one final
murder connected with this ghastly case. British
author Arnold Leese was provided with massive amounts of news clippings and
information, including a transcript of the inquest, by his correspondents in
Chicago, and he was at work on a definitive account of the Schuessler case as
one of the best documented incidents of Jewish ritual murder in modern times
when he suddenly died in the spring of 1956. None of the Schuessler papers,
which he had been working on and which he showed to a number of friends and
visitors, were found anywhere in his possession when his effects were
inventoried after his death. The last loose end was tied up.
Italian foreign policy
under Mussolini by Luigi Villari
(1956). Villari served the Duce in his
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and shows a Mussolini who was deeply concerned
about world peace and internal stability without surrendering his long-held
convictions that the Nation must provide Social Justice for all. The Duce labored unsuccessfully for the
revision of the peace treaties of Versailles and St. Germain, noting their
inherent unfairness to the vanquished states of Germany, Austria and Hungary. He proposed a Four Power Pact with Great
Britain, France, Germany and Italy in 1932 which would have put peace on a firm
foundation but was rejected by the predatory and selfish democracies of Britain
and France. The former, after devouring
nearly all points of the earth in an oppressive empire would attempt to deny
Italy the sole possession of Ethiopia and sanction the Duce and his country for
occupying it in the 1930s. The selfish
democracies then seemed surprised that the Duce reached a rapprochement with
the new government of Adolf Hitler in Berlin. This book details Mussolini's peace-making
role at Munich and his last-minute effort to avert World War in August and
September of 1939. Had he not intervened
as he did in 1940 on the side of the Axis Powers his regime would likely have
emerged intact from World War II as that of his neighbor, Francisco Franco,
did. This book shows the world the debt
it owes to Benito Mussolini for stopping Stalinist aggression in Spain in
1936-39. Villari readily acknowledges
the mistakes the Italian dictator made but notes that they were much less
damaging than the ones made by British imperialists, French leftists and U.S.
warmongers like FDR whose war for democracy spread Communism over one third of
the world. Luigi Villari (1876 – 1959) An Italian historian, traveler and
diplomat. Author of number of books including Russia under the Great Shadow;
Italian Foreign Policy under Mussolini; The Liberation of Italy, 1943-1947;

Tōgō was adamantly against war with the US and the other
western powers, which he felt was unwinnable, and together with Mamoru
Shigemitsu, made unsuccessful last-ditch efforts to arrange for direct
face-to-face negotiations between Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe and US
President Franklin Roosevelt in an attempt to stave off conflict. In October 1941, Tōgō became Foreign Minister
in the Tōjō administration. Once war was
decided, it was Tōgō’s signature on the declaration of war, as he disliked
pressing the responsibility of the failure of diplomacy on others. With the start of World War II, Tōgō worked
quickly to conclude an alliance between Japan and the Kingdom of Thailand in
late 1941.
He announced on 1/21, 1942 that the Japanese government shall uphold
the Geneva Convention even though it did not sign it. On 9/1, 1942, he resigned his post as Foreign
Minister. On 11/4, 1948, Tōgō was sentenced
to 20 years imprisonment and died in prison.
A volume of his memoirs was published posthumously under the title
"The Cause of Japan", which was edited by his former defense counsel
Ben Bruce Blakeney. Tōgō was of ethnic
Korean descent, whose ancestor was abducted to Japan during the Japanese
invasions of Korea (1592–1598). The Cause of Japan (1956)
Hajo Holborn (5/18, 1902 – 6/20, 1969) was
a German-American
(Jew?) Holocaust Court Historian of modern German history. His wife was a Jewess. He had been dismissed in 1933. Prior to his emigration, Holborn was
commissioned by the government to compose a history of the constitution of the
Weimar Republic, resulting in the work "The Weimar Republic and the Birth
of the German Democratic Party: The Hajo Holborn Papers, 1849-1956." Other
works by Holborn include the History of Modern Germany series, spanning three
volumes and covering a four-century period culminating in the capitulation of
Hitler's regime in 1945.

Léon Poliakov (11/25, 1910– 12/8, 1997)
was a French
Russian-Jew Holocaust Court Historian who wrote extensively on the
Holocaust and anti-Semitism. Poliakov
was the first scholar to critically assess the disposition of Pope Pius XII
toward various issues connected to the Holocaust. Poliakov wrote "The Vatican and the
'Jewish Question' (1950) in the Jewish journal Commentary. Harvest of Hate: The
Nazi Program for the Destruction of Jews in Europe 1956; The History of
Anti-Semitism: From the Time of Christ to the Court Jews (1955); The History of
Anti-Semitism: From Mohammed to the Marranos (1961); The History of
Anti-Semitism: From Voltaire to Wagner (1968); The History of Anti-Semitism: Suicidal
Europe. 1870-1933 (1977); The Aryan Myth: A History of Racist and Nationalistic
Ideas In Europe (1996); Jews Under the Italian Occupation (1983). In a 1956 article later appended to some
reprinted editions of Harvest of Hate, accuses fellow Holocaust historian
Gerald Reitlinger of minimizing the number of Jewish victims: "Finally, it
should be noted that a British researcher, Gerald Reitlinger, in his work The
Final Solution (London, 1953), questions the total of 6 million. He asserts that many of the figures were deliberately inflated for
psychological reasons—both by the Nazis, who were motivated by an urge to boast
of their crimes, and by the Jews, who were influenced by the pessimism typical
of victims. He therefore strongly
questions some of the figures given by the Nazis. By systematically re-examining the figures
given for each country, adopting the lowest figure in each case by way of
hypothesis, he arrives at a total between a minimum of 4,200,000 and a maximum
of 4,600,000. His heaviest corrections are in the figures for Eastern Poland
and the Soviet Union proper. In the case of these two regions, estimates are
complicated by population movements during and after the war, and by the total
absence of reliable statistical data on the present Jewish population there. "In our opinion, one who devotes time
and effort to making such corrections solely on the basis of psychological
considerations must be motivated by similar considerations himself. In Reitlinger's case this could be explained
by the typical British penchant for understatement. No doubt there always will
be some uncertainty about the exact total of victims claimed by the racist
madness. However, the estimated data available are sufficiently abundant and
reliable for us to be able accept, as the most probable number, the 'classic'
total of 6 million." (Reitlinger’s number will also be proven to be
vastly inflated.)

1957 1957 1957 1957
**Up to 1957, the Russians
continued to murder German ex-soldiers.
They would go to East German villages and ask for ex-soldiers to
register at the City Hall. With honor,
these men would innocently comply and then be murdered.

Lyndon Johnson wrote a letter to Sec of State Dulles on
behalf of Israel and published it in the NYT 1/20, 1957.
German-French unity,
basis for European peace by Hermann Lutz (1957)

Samuel Ornitz
(11/15, 1890 – 3/10, 1957) was a screenwriter and novelist who was one of the
"Hollywood Ten" who were blacklisted by the Hollywood movie studio
bosses during the era of McCarthyism. He
seems to have bitterly hated the gauche, newly-rich Jews of New York in the
early decades of the century. He coined
a word for them: “the Allrightniks. Haunch, Paunch and Jowl his principal work
of the genre; Ornitz later became heavily involved in Marxist activities in

Von Mises in his text “Socialism”
in 1947 declared, “Today the Islamic and Jewish religions are dead”, then he
goes on to state that Christianity has nothing useful to offer this world. In “Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the
Total State and Total War” (1944) by Ludwig von Mises- he states a theory of Polylogism.
Polylogism: A polylogist
ascribes different forms of logic to different groups, which may include groups
based on race, gender, class, or time period.
The Germans had suggested this, in example the difference between German
and Jewish physics. The fact is, that
with their anti-Gentile bias, racial superiority and steeped in Talmudic logic,
the Jews are different!
1957 The Pugwash
Conferences on Science and World Affairs was founded to work toward
reducing the danger of armed conflict and to seek solutions to global security
threats. It was founded by Jew Joseph Rotblat and Bertrand Russell in Pugwash,
Nova Scotia, Canada, following the release of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto in
1955. Rotblat and the Pugwash Conference
won jointly the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995 for their efforts on nuclear
disarmament. During the Cold War, it was
claimed that the Pugwash Conference became a front conference for the Soviet
Union, whose agents often managed to weaken Pugwash critique of USSR and
instead concentrate on blaming the United States and the West. In 1980, the House Permanent Select Committee
on Intelligence received a report that the Pugwash Conference was used by
Soviet delegates to promote Soviet propaganda.
Secretaries General: Joseph Rotblat 1957 -1973; Bernard Feld 1973-1978;
Martin Kaplan 1978-1989; Francesco Calogero 1989-1997; George Rathjens
1997-2002; Paolo Cotta-Ramusino 2002- .

Jack Kerouac was born in Massachusetts to French-Canadian
parents. Kerouac joined the United
States Merchant Marine in 1942, and in 1943 joined the United States Navy, but
he only served eight days of active duty before arriving on the sick list. Like many French Canadians Kerouac felt that
the U.S. should not be at war with Germany.
Vichy France was an ally of Nazi Germany, and many French Canadians in
Quebec were pro-Germany. Both Kerouac's
father Leo and his mother Gabrielle were anti-Semites and pro-German; in fact,
when Jack had a nervous breakdown and was put in the psycho ward after
undergoing Navy training, Leo said that he was proud of his son, that he
wouldn't fight a war concocted by Communists and Jews. In his later years, Kerouac spoke more about
Jewish influence. “The real enemy is the
Communist, the Jew.”
The Beats in general were a large influence on members of
the new counterculture, for example, in the case of Bob Dylan who became a
close friend of Allen Ginsberg. Ginsberg
as early as 1960 became close friends with 60's icon Timothy Leary and helped
him in distributing LSD to influential people (including Robert Lowell) in
order to demystify drug paranoia. After
1963 Ginsberg connected with Ken Kesey's group who was doing LSD testing. Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters, which included
several members of the Grateful Dead.
When the Merry Pranksters attempted to recruit Kerouac, Kerouac angrily
rejected their invitation and accused them of attempting to destroy the
American culture he celebrated. In
addition to the "Human Be-In," Ginsberg was also present at another
important event in Hippie culture: the protest at the 1968 Democratic
Convention, and was friends with Abbie Hoffman and other members of the
"Chicago Seven".
The Chicago Seven (also Conspiracy Seven, originally Eight)
were seven defendants—Jew Abbie Hoffman, Jew Jerry Rubin, veteran leftist David
Dellinger, Tom Hayden, Jew Rennie Davis, John Froines, and Jew Lee
Weiner—charged with conspiracy, inciting to riot, and other charges related to
protests that took place in Chicago, Illinois on the occasion of the 1968
Democratic National Convention. Black
Panther Bobby Seale, the eighth man charged, had his trial severed during the
proceedings, lowering the number from eight to seven. [Though neither Tom Hayden nor most of the
earliest New Left founders claimed Jewish ancestry, the movement grew to
include a disproportionate number of Jews, including Mark Rudd, Jerry Rubin,
and Abby Hoffman. Scholars estimate that
Jews constituted between one-third and one-half of the New Left activists on
college campuses across the country.] [By the late 1960s, Jewish New Leftists
clashed with their non-Jewish counterparts.
The rise of the Black Power movement alienated Jewish civil rights
workers while the anti-Cold War ethos of the New Left turned against the Jewish
State, deemed an "imperialist aggressor" after its decisive 1967
victory in the Six-Day War. While some Jewish
New Leftists remained active in secular political causes, others translated the
tactics and strategies of direct-action protests to Jewish causes.]

1957 “Ultimate World Order” (as pictured in
The Jewish Utopia) by Major Robert H.
Williams of Counter Intelligence
exposes the authentic and complete plan of the Zionists for world domination as
presented in the book "The Jewish Utopia" written in 1930s by Jewish
Rabbi dr. Michael Higger. It pictures
the ultimate "new social order" which the Zionists hope to establish
after they have used Communism, democracy and a third world war to gain their
ends. He projected that the master
strategists would precipitate a Third World War between the Zionist State of
Israel – backed by America and the West – and the Arab-Moslem World, supposedly
backed by the Soviets, the real objective, however, was to destroy the
industrial and military capacity of the West and Communism. The author regards Communism as merely a
temporary tool of Jewish ambition and predicts that a Jewish World Super State
would be built on the ruins created by such a "war of the
worlds". He concludes: "Unless
the American people recapture their government and smash the Zionist machine,
the insane elements within that machine may wipe out Mankind".

"The White
Negro: Superficial Reflections on the Hipster" is a 9,000 word essay
(1957) by Norman Mailer that recorded a number of young white people in the
1920s, 1930s and 1940s who liked jazz and swing music so much that they adopted
black culture as their own. The
so-called white negroes adopted black clothing styles, black jive language, and
black music. They mainly associated with
black people, distancing themselves from white society. One of the early
figures in the white negro phenomenon was jazz musician Mezz Mezzrow, an
American Jew born in 1899 who had declared himself a "voluntary
negro" by the 1920s. This movement
influenced the hipsters of the 1940s and the beats of the 1950s.
In the essay, Mailer christens the hipster as a
psychopath. Disillusioned by the
systematic violence of the two world wars, the hipster nihilistically seeks
meaning in his life through immediate gratification, especially in the realm of
sex. In the rejection of the conformism
wrought by industrial society, the hipster valorizes individual acts of
violence as infinitely preferable to systematic violence. Mailer draws a distinction, however, between
the psychopath, who is able to discharge his frustration with society's
stagnant prejudices in spontaneous acts of violent rebellion, and the
psychotic, who is not. The psychotic is
legally insane; the psychopath is not.
Although the essay considers a subcultural phenomenon, it represents a
localized synthesis of Marx and Freud, and thus presages the New Left movement
and the birth of the counterculture in the United States. Probably the most prominent academic exponent
of the New Left in the US was Herbert Marcuse.

The Saar Protectorate
was a post-World War II protectorate (1947–56) partitioned from defeated Nazi
Germany; it was administered by the French Fourth Republic. It rejoined West Germany in 1957.
“A Racial Program for
the Twentieth Century” is a hoax (according to Wikipedia) promoted by
Eustace Mullins. Allegedly written in
1912 by Israel Cohen, a British Jewish Communist, the text first gained public
notoriety on June 7, 1957, during a debate on the Civil Rights Act of 1957,
when Rep. Thomas Abernethy of Mississippi read a reputed quotation from it into
the Congressional Record: “We must realize that our party's most powerful
weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark
races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them
to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle
victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will
endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the
Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in
the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this
prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a
process which will deliver America to our cause.”
Abernethy had found the quotation in a March letter to the
editor of the Washington Star; he claimed it as proof that the civil rights
movement was a foreign Communist plot. However, the Washington Star soon
apologized for having printed the quotation without verifying its authenticity
and, on 2/18, 1958, published an article entitled "Story of a Phony
Quotation--A Futile Effort to Pin It Down--'A Racial Program for the 20th
Century' Seems to Exist Only in Somebody's Imagination", which traced the
quotation to Mullins, who claimed to have found it in a Zionist publication in
the Library of Congress.” On 8/30 of that year, Rep. Abraham J. Multer of New
York read the Star article into the Congressional Record and raised several
other points challenging the quotation's authenticity. These included the
nonexistence of a British Communist party in 1912 (it was founded in only
1920), the nonexistence of a British Communist author named Israel Cohen, and
the failure of a book entitled A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century to
appear either in the Library of Congress or in the British Museum Catalogue of
Printed Books. (Again, Mullins, but did
he fake this or find it and then the source is taken from the Library?)
Yet the Jew Myron
Fagan substantiates the quote!
Also the book, A
Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912 written by Israel Cohen was on
Scribd.com. for a short time before being taken down.

Hans Oehler (12/18,
1888 – 1/7, 1967) was a Swiss journalist and a sympathizer of Nazism. He was one of the founders of the
Schweizerische Monatshefte für Politik und Kultur (SM) in 1921. This very quickly became the mouthpiece for
the Popular League for the Independence of Switzerland, a group he had
participated around the same time which opposed the League of Nations. He briefly met Adolf Hitler when Hitler
visited Switzerland in 1923 and became an sympathizer of both Fascist Italy and
Othmar Spann. Oehler was tried for
treason by a federal court in 1957 and sentenced to two years in prison. Upon his release Oehler became a leading
member of the Volkspartei der Schweiz and headed up the Swiss branch of Nation
Europa, an international neo-Nazi journal. He also adopted the pseudonym Hans Rudolf to
translate works into German, notably Nuremberg ou la Terre Promise of Maurice
Bardèche, as well as writing for the far right journal Turmwart. Oehler continued his political activity up
until his death at Dielsdorf.
Bauman (11/19, 1925- ) is a Polish Jew Holocaust
Functionalist Court Historian. Since
1971, he has resided in England after being driven out of Poland by an
anti-Semitic campaign, engineered by the Communist government he had previously
supported. Professor of sociology at the
University of Leeds (and since 1990 emeritus professor), Bauman has become best
known for his analyses of the links between modernity and the Holocaust, and of
postmodern consumerism. Bauman was a committed communist during and
after WW II. Initially, Bauman remained close to orthodox Marxist doctrine, but
influenced by Antonio Gramsci and Georg Simmel, he became increasingly critical
of Poland's communist government. Bauman criticized Zionism and Israel, saying
Israel was not interested in peace and that it was "taking advantage of
the Holocaust to legitimize unconscionable acts." He compared the Israeli West Bank barrier to
the walls of the Warsaw Ghetto where hundreds of thousands of Jews died in the
Holocaust. Bauman's published work
extends to 57 books and well over a
hundred articles. Most of these address
a number of common themes, among which are globalization, modernity and
postmodernity, consumerism, and morality.
Drawing upon Hannah Arendt and Theodor Adorno's books on totalitarianism
and the Enlightenment, Bauman developed the argument that the Holocaust should
not simply be considered to be an event in Jewish history, nor a regression to
pre-modern barbarism. Rather, he argued,
the Holocaust should be seen as deeply connected to modernity and its
order-making efforts. 1957: [Questions
of Democratic Centralism in Lenin's Works]. 1959: [British Socialism: Sources,
Philosophy, Political Doctrine].

1958 1958 1958 1958
In 1958, in spite of Intensive
Denazification, 42% of Germans still regarded Adolf Hitler as “the greatest
statesman of all times”.

“The Jew participates in revolutions not because the Jew
cares for the positive side of radical philosophy, not because he desires to be
a partaker in Gentile nationalism or Gentile democracy, but because no existing
Gentile system of government is ever anything but distasteful to him.” - Lord Eustace Percy [Eustace Sutherland Campbell Percy, 1st Baron Percy of
Newcastle PC (3/21, 1887 – 4/3, 1958), styled Lord Eustace Percy between 1899
and 1953, was a British diplomat,
Conservative politician and public servant.]
Hilaire du Berrier (1905 – 10/12, 2002) was a pioneer pilot,
barnstormer, and spy. He was born in
1905 in Flasher, North Dakota and worked as a commercial artist in Chicago,
Illinois in 1925, before he joined a flying circus. He had an uncle who was appointed to a
position in Paris, and joined him there. In France he took the name
"Hilaire", instead of his birth name "Hal". In Paris, he learned that Haile Selassie was
hiring mercenary pilots to fight against the Italian occupation. In 1936 du Berrier was in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia, as a prisoner of war, but escaped. In 1936-1937 he joined the Spanish
Civil War on the side of the Loyalists, but was arrested as a spy for the
Fascists. He worked for OSS during World
War II. He worked as a journalist in
Vietnam, and wrote a strongly anti-communist article about the situation in
Vietnam for publication in American Mercury in 1958.
1958 US Intervention
in Lebanon -In July 1958, Lebanon was threatened by a civil war between
Maronite Christians (allied with Israel) and Muslims.

Don Bell (Clarence
Alton Beliel) was an American radio broadcaster best known for
his radio work broadcasting from the Philippines in the years leading up to
World War II. “The modern cult called
Judaism (more properly called Pharisaism) has two esoteric movements within the
movement. One is Talmudism; the other is
Cabalism; the former is anti-Christ while the other is pro-Lucifer (a fine
distinction but an important one.) - Don Bell - DON BELL REPORTS, ‘Secrets of the Synagogue of Satan’ May
2, 1958. Over 40 years of Don Bell

“Under Two Flags”
written by Jew Heinz Weichardt of
his liberal freedoms under the Reich.
Holidays: In the early days of Congress, when it was more difficult to
travel long distances home, sessions lasted only from December to early
spring—so the Jewish High Holidays were de facto days off. Members often met on religious holidays that
fell within the session, including Christmas Day. (Religious services for members
and their staffs were sometimes held inside the Capitol building.) Congress typically recessed for Easter, but
on some occasions, such as during World War II, the holiday break was delayed
or canceled. It wasn't until 1958 that
members began traveling home on the weekends and a yearlong session
evolved. Since then, the party leaders
have regularly scheduled days off for Christian and Jewish holidays, although
there is no official law that requires them.
(Jews are only 2% of the population.)

12/27 1958 DeGaulle announces the change from basing the
exchange rate on the US dollar to gold.

11/20, 1958. A letter written by Stephen F. Pinter (1888-1985) is published in the weekly Deutsche
Wochenschrift. In his letter, Pinter questions the veracity of a recent
Associated Press report stating that the ashes of 3000 Russian, French,
Yugoslav and Polish victims of the concentration camp Flossenbürg had been
given a reburial. Pinter states that, according on his own investigations as a
judicial magistrate following the end of the war, the total number of
Flossenbürg victims amounted to no more than 300 people.
1958. The article " Demythologizing of the 6 million
figure " (no author given) is published in (German High School Teacher
Newspaper) (predecessor of Germany in History and Context), Vol. 6, No. 2, p.
Edward R. Fields
(1932- )
In 1952, Fields joined J.B. Stoner's Christian Anti-Jewish Party. Fields' breakthrough into the national
extremist scene began in 1958 when he founded the National States Rights Party
(NSRP) and began to publish The Thunderbolt (now The Truth At Last), the
NSRP's newsletter. At its height, in the
late 1960s, the publication's paid circulation reached 15,000. Factional trouble beset the NSRP in the
spring of 1983 when Stoner was convicted, following a protracted investigation,
for conspiring to bomb civil rights leader Fred Shuttlesworth's Birmingham
church in 1958. Stoner went on to serve
three and one-half years of a 10-year sentence. Without his old ally, Fields
quickly lost control of the organization.
He was accused by rivals of "personal immorality" and
diversion of NSRP funds into his Klan group.
In August 1983, the NSRP's executive committee expelled him. Throughout the 1990s, Fields remained one of
the busiest networkers on the far right.
In 1993, Fields founded a new organization, the America First Party,
which he currently heads. The party,
though with far less support, essentially reformulated the defunct NSRP: its
goal was to create a white Christian America, free of immigrants, feminists,
Jews, blacks, gays and liberals. In
recent years, however, the party has been quiescent. Affiliations: National Alliance (since 2003),
Council of Conservative Citizens. Previously affiliated with: The Columbians;
The Anti-Jewish Party; National States Rights Party; New Order; Knights of the
KKK; America First Party. Works: Jews
Behind Race Mixing (pamphlet); The Jew Comes to America (introduction); Was
There Really a Holocaust? (pamphlet); What World Famous Men Said about the Jews
(pamphlet); The Jewish Origins of Communism (booklet)
1959 1959 1959 1959

6/14, 1959. A letter written by Stephen F. Pinter is published in Our Sunday Visitor, p. 15 under
the heading "German Atrocities". In it, Pinter writes that "there were no
gas chambers in any of the concentration camps in Germany", and that while
he and other judicial officials had been told about "a gas chamber at
Auschwitz", the Soviets had not allowed them to investigate that claim. Pinter also disputes the six-million figure,
suggesting that the actual number of Jewish victims was less than one million.
(or even severely less)
7/1, 1959. Professor Austin
J. App writes a letter entitled "The Inflated Figure of
6,000,000" addressed to the Philadelphia newspaper The Inquirer, in which
he states the six-million figure to be a product of Soviet propaganda and
completely unproven. It is unknown whether this letter was published.
The International
Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics (IAAEE) was a
prominent group in the promotion of eugenics and segregation, and the first
publisher of Mankind Quarterly. IAAEE was founded in 1959 and has
headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland. A.
James Gregor was a founding director of the IAAEE. Other members included Senator Jesse Helms and
the oil billionaires H. L. Hunt, Herbert and Nelson Bunker Hunt. The IAAEE's main benefactor was Colonel
Wickliffe Draper. In the 1960s, Stanley
Porteus served on the Executive Committee of the IAAEE. Henry E. Garrett, professor emeritus of
psychology from Columbia U, was president of the IAAEE and one of the editors
of Mankind Quarterly. Other key figures
included Robert E. Kuttner and Donald A. Swan. The
five founders of IAAEE: R. Ruggles Gates - England (1882–1962); Nicholas
Lahovary - Hungary (1883–1963); Heinrich Quiring - Germany (1885–1964); Charles
C. Tansill - USA (1890–1964); Corrado Gini - Italy (1884–1965). The
Executive Committee of IAAEE consisted of the following representatives in the
mid-1960s: 1) Prof. Garret Daams, Kent State.; 2) Prof. Henry E. Garrett,
Columbia U.; 3) Prof. Robert Gayre, U of Saugor, India.; 4) Prof. Luigi Gedda,
Rome, Italy; 5) Prof. Wesley C. George, U of North Carolina,.; 6) Prof. William
C. Hoy, U of South Carolina.; 7) Prof. Robert Kuttner, Creighton U.; 8) Prof.
Frank C. J. McGurk, Alabama State.; 9) Prof. Clarence P. Oliver, U of Texas.; 10)
Prof. Robert Osborne, U of Georgia.; 11) Prof. K. Otto Reche, University of
Vienna.; 12) Helmut Reuning, NIPR, South Africa.; 13) Prof. Ernest van den
Haag, NYU.; 14) Prof. Armando Vivante, Bueno Aires.; 15) Prof. J. D. L. Hofmeyr,
U of South Africa.; 16) Prof. C. D. Darlington, Oxford U.

“The Talmud is to this day the
circulating heart’s blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs or ceremonies we
observe –whether we are orthodox, conservative, reform or merely spasmodic
sentimentalists – we follow the Talmud.
It is our common law.” (11/11,
1959, NY Herald Tribune, “The Talmud”, by Herman
Wouk) (born May 27, 1915) is a
bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-winning Jewish American author with a number of
notable novels to his credit, including The Caine Mutiny, The Winds of War, and
War and Remembrance.
“The Beasts of the
Apocalypse” by Olivia Marie O'Grady (1959)(republished 2001) About the Jews
within Communism and Zionism. “World War
III will probably be fought to make the Arab world safe for the Jews, and to
make the Arab countries satellites of Israel.”

1959 “The Diary of
Anne Frank” is a film based on the play, which was based on the diary of
Anne Frank. Among others, starring: Shelley Winters, Ed Wynn. The film won three Academy Awards.

Wartime Origins of
the East-West Dilemma Over Germany (1959) by John L. Snell (1923-1972) was an author and professor of German
history at Tulane University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the
University of North Carolina.
George N. Crocker
(7/31, 1906– 2/20, 1970) was a US Army officer, author, lawyer and
businessman. During WW II, Crocker was
an officer in the largest and longest Army court-martial resulting from the
Fort Lawton Riot. Crocker was the author
of Roosevelt's Road to Russia
(1959). Ignored by the New
York/Washington establishment it garnered favorable reviews in the National Review,
Modern Age, The Chicago Tribune and The Boston Herald. In it, Crocker made claims that Roosevelt
invariably backed Stalin and went to great lengths to hide this from the
American public.
Wolfgang Justin Mommsen (11/5, 1930 – 8/11,
2004) was a German Holocaust Court Historian. He was the twin brother of Hans Mommsen. Mommsen championed a Sonderweg ("special
path") interpretation of German history. Echoing the views of Hans-Ulrich Wehler and
Fritz Fischer, he argued that 19th century Germany was only partially
modernized. Economic modernization was
not accompanied by political modernization. Much of Mommsen's comparative studies of
British and German history concern why, in his view, the British had both a
political and economic modernization while the Germans had only the latter. An Anglophile, Mommsen very much enjoyed
teaching and living in Britain. In
Mommsen's view, the foreign policy of the Second Reich was driven by domestic
concerns as the German elite sought distractions abroad to hold off demands for
democracy at home. For Mommsen, the
major responsibility for the outbreak of the First World War rests on Germany's
shoulders. Furthermore, the November
Revolution of 1918 did not go far enough and allowed the pre-1918 elite to
continue to dominate German life, thus leading inevitably to the Third Reich. Mommsen has written books condemning
appeasement. In the (historians'
dispute), Mommsen took the position that the Holocaust was a uniquely evil
event that should not be compared to Stalinist terror in the Soviet Union. In 1998, several younger German historians
criticized Mommsen for not denouncing the Nazi past of his mentors while a university
student in the 1950s. Some works: Max
Weber and German Politics, 1890-1920, 1959.; Theories of imperialism, 1977.; The Emergence of the Welfare State in Britain
and Germany, 1850-1950 co-edited with Wolfgang Mock, 1981.; The Fascist
Challenge and the Policy of Appeasement, co-edited with Lothar Kettenacker,

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